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Herbology, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Antiviral Herbs, Antimicrobial Herbs


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#1 KBAnthis

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Posted 13 May 2021 - 03:58 AM

Do you have a protocol incase you come in contact with someone who has a viral /bacterial infection? Recently a close relative tested positive for COVID-19 and now I may have been infected. I had been keeping
1.Nigella Sativa - Whole Seed
,which I grind in a spice grinder, at home just incase. I also have in medicine cabinet these three products/herbs,
2. Cecropia Strigosa (Whole Herb) 250-500mg capsules,
3. Uncarine Max - Uncarine Tomentosa (Uncarine 4% Total Oxindole Bark Extract) 250-500 mg capsules, 
4. Quinine Max - Cinchona Officinalis / Conchona Calisaya (Whole Bark) 500 mg capsule.
I also have at home
5. Desmodium Adscnedens or Desmodium Molliculum - Powdered Herb
Which I take in smoothies to help dilatate bronchial tubes as I used to be a smoker, but managed to quit 5 years ago. It has helped with breathing and it may have antiviral properties. 
After getting news I was around someone who tested positive for COVID-19, I have since added
6. Star Anise - Illicium verum,
and also
7. Anise - Pimpinella anisum
I ordered a refill on 2. and 3. and also going to try this new product
Otoba Bark - Otoba Parvifolia (500 mg capsules) 
I have read online people treating Lyme with 2. and 8. 

1.Nigella Sativa , 6. Star Anise, 7. Anise are half-teaspoon doses throughout the day. 5. Desmodium, I have been adding a tablespoon to smoothies. I also include Moringa, and triphala powder in my daily smoothie. 

Do you have antimicrobial herbs you keep around for these times? Or future events? Let me know what you think and what you are currently doing. 

#2 KBAnthis

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Posted 13 May 2021 - 02:00 PM

Here are some spelling errors corrected, I am not sure how I missed them but here are the common spellings
Quinine Max - Cinchona Officinalis / Cinchona Calisaya (Whole Bark) 500 mg capsule.
Desmodium Adscendens 

#3 Gal220

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Posted 13 May 2021 - 02:09 PM

Here is a list - https://www.thailand.../covid-19-herbs

We should know more about these, sad times, more money in vaccines.


Cusa tea has a honey suckle anti-viral packet you just mix in water, can order online



Artemisia inhibits replication like this




Liquorice root, there are pill extracts.



Cats claw(vine extract) is easy to come by



Personally I think h202 nebulizing is the best though


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#4 pamojja

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Posted 14 May 2021 - 10:26 AM

Personally I do nothing, than the comprehensive supplementation I did anyway already before.

Here a very comprehensive write-up by an Ayurvedic practitioner about all kinds of different herbs and remedies: https://dogwoodbotan...icine-covid-19/

#5 Gal220

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Posted 14 May 2021 - 01:37 PM

Personally I do nothing, than the comprehensive supplementation I did anyway already before.

Here a very comprehensive write-up by an Ayurvedic practitioner about all kinds of different herbs and remedies: https://dogwoodbotan...icine-covid-19/


If you had symptoms though, what would you do?   I purchased the cusa tea and licorice.  Already had cats claw for memory.


Be nice to know which is best.

#6 Gal220

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Posted 15 May 2021 - 05:56 PM

Bromelain is another extract not mentioned on the thailand page  . 

Bromelain is sold with quercetin(helps zinc) which is also recommended for covid, so nice combination.(I-Mask protocol)



Caution on licorice


It is not recommended to consume licorice for more than 4 weeks at a time!  

Too much glycyrrhizic acid can lead to low levels of potassium in the body (hypokalemia) which causes muscle weakness.
It can also elevate blood pressure, swelling, and heartbeat irregularity. Note that children as young as 10 years old have been hospitalized because of hypertension after ingesting too much licorice.

Wish they would have given more dosage info on this warning.


Mushroom extracts improve immunity, increase natural killer cell activity 3x.


Edited by Gal220, 15 May 2021 - 06:00 PM.

#7 pamojja

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Posted 17 May 2021 - 03:53 PM

If you had symptoms though, what would you do?

Had symptoms last February/March. Since I personally don't worry about such a relatively benign virus, but couldn't get any testing, more for diagnostic purposes tried to titrate to vitamin C bowel tolerance http://doctoryoursel.../titration.html - since viral infections increase vitamin C bowel tolerance up to 200 g/d.
Failed badly, always after dinner my efforts slacked and reached 70 g/d at the most without coming even close to bowel-tolerance, so could have been just any cold.
But with the loss of any appetite with real illness I probably would succeed in that case. Also now would immetiately nebulize hydrogen peroxide.

Caution on licorice
Wish they would have given more dosage info on this warning.

Usually above 100 mg/d glycyrrhizic acid content is the unhealthy limit. Which is a lot of licorice.

Edited by pamojja, 17 May 2021 - 03:55 PM.

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