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Join Us for the Ending Age-Related Diseases Conference!

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#1 Steve H

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Posted 28 June 2021 - 07:57 PM

August 19-22 sees the arrival of the annual Ending Age-Related Diseases conference, where we will discuss progress in the development of diagnostics for aging along with drugs and therapies for healthy life extension.

The conference will be virtual this year due to the current global pandemic, which means you can join us from the comfort of your favourite chair at home. Every year, we bring you an amazing selection of the best speakers from the rejuvenation biotechnology and life extension industry, and this year is no exception.

We will hear talks by Eric Verdin (The Buck Institute for Research on Aging), Aubrey de Grey (SENS Research Foundation), Joao Pedro de Magalhaes (University of Liverpool), Irina Conboy (UC Berkeley), Jacob Kimmel (Calico), Michael Snyder (Stanford University School of Medicine), Lorna Harries (Senisca), Steve Horvath (UCLA), and many other aging researchers.

Eric Verdin, Ph.D. Buck Institute for Research on Aging - President and Chief Executive Officer



Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D. SENS Research Foundation - CSO



João Pedro de Magalhães, Ph.D. University of Liverpool



Irina Conboy, Ph.D. UC Berkeley Research - Assistant Professor of Bioengineering



Jacob C. Kimmel, Ph.D. Calico Labs, LLC - Computational Fellow, Data Science



Michael Snyder, Ph.D. Stanford University



Lorna Harries, Ph.D. Senisca - CSO



Steve Horvath, Ph.D. David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA




We are adding more speakers as they are confirmed, so keep an eye on the speakers page to find out what other exciting guests will be joining us.

Four days and lots to enjoy

This year, the conference is taking a more relaxed pace over four days, and ticket holders can enjoy the following benefits:

  • You will hear the latest industry news and developments from top researchers and biotech companies.
  • You can enjoy interviews, panel discussions and debates between thought leaders to cover additional topics, such as the role of cryptocurrency in funding longevity research, how to de-risk investment in a rejuvenation biotech company, and the philosophy of life extension.
  • You will be able to explore virtual presentation booths from participating companies and watch on-demand talks.

Early bird ticket prices end June 30th, so you only have a limited time to secure a great discount off the usual price. You can get your tickets below or from Eventbrite.

<script src="https://www.eventbri...s.js"></script>

To thank you for your kind support, we are offering Lifespan Heroes a 20% discount off your ticket. Please contact Denise to get your special code to unlock the Hero ticket.

Still thinking about it? Here are some great reasons you should attend:

If you are a researcher
EARD2021 offers you the opportunity to learn about what is going on in other labs working in the rejuvenation biotechnology space and to discuss promising directions and potential blind spots with your peers. Q&A sections, breakout rooms, instant messages, forums and 1-1 video calls will allow you to network and exchange ideas with other researchers – in the comfort of your room. If you wish to participate with a talk but the main program is full, you are welcome to participate in the Lifespan Factory – an area of the event site filled with on-demand talks that you can watch at your own pace. Let us know if you are interested!



If you are a longevity supporter
Get the latest life extension and rejuvenation information directly from the researchers, sometimes even before it is published! If you want to know the latest news about longevity research directly from the labs, then don’t miss the opportunity to join us at this action-packed event. You will hear about the latest innovations happening in the lab right now and learn more about the rejuvenation therapies being developed that could help you to enjoy healthy longevity. On top of that, being among like-minded people and exchanging insights is refreshing!



If you are an investor
EARD2021 will feature the leading researchers and biotech companies working on rejuvenation and longevity, and thanks to the networking features offered by our virtual platform, scouting will be a breeze. This year, we are dedicating an entire day to discussing investment issues, so you can consider new approaches to risk management and new ways to collaborate with other investors on biotech projects that have the potential to change the world. If you wish to participate in a talk but the main program is full, you are welcome to participate in the Lifespan Factory – a section of on-demand talks that the conference participants are able to watch at their own pace. Let us know if you are interested!



If you lead a biotech company
EARD2021 is a great space to discuss your company and the rejuvenation therapy that you are developing or already marketing. If you have new research data to present, you are welcome to apply as a speaker. Apart from that, we offer a range of sponsorship opportunities. At our conference, you can find both new partners and new customers. We’ll do our best to make your company more visible to the longevity community during and after the event.



If you are a medical services provider
With so many treatments against age-related diseases in human clinical trials, and aging diagnostic tools in development, it is important to keep yourself informed about new opportunities for your patients. Make sure your healthcare institution possesses an up-to-date vision on preventative approaches to age-related diseases.



As you can see, there are many great reasons to attend our conference this year, and we look forward to seeing you there!

The post Join Us for the Ending Age-Related Diseases Conference! first appeared on Lifespan.io.



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#2 caliban

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Posted 30 June 2021 - 06:25 PM

in partnership with LEAF, we are pleased to offer the following conference discounts:


- LongeCity forum users: use promo code "Longecity1" for a 10% discount   

- LongeCity (Immortality Institute) full  Members: send a PM to >>Mind for a $200 discount  



Edited by caliban, 30 June 2021 - 07:04 PM.

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