When you have an population like India you are bound to have more older people. India likes to claim they have a lot of really old people because it fits in their religious narrative. But I think a big reason for his age might be because of living a relaxed life (too much in the sun, bad or not bad depending on who?) style and a combination of fasting and going to that toxic river makes your immune system stronger. I think he might have lived as long regardless of his life style to some extent, he's not living the healthiest life possible and I wonder could he have lived longer and looked & felt even better. Doing things that are bad for your health, a negative, is beneficial when combined with a positive like eating healthy and exercising both work together.
According to the Hindu tradition, when you touch the feet of an elder person, you are in turn blessed with knowledge, intellect, strength and fame
Edited by kurdishfella, 25 July 2021 - 06:07 PM.