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Overthinking and social anxiety

cerbrolysin selank nootropics anxiety

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#1 DefinitelyMaybe

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Posted 27 August 2021 - 11:21 AM

Hi guys, first time posting here,


I initially typed out a long account of my life experiences with nootropics/traditional medications, but it was so long no one would realistically read it! 


So, in short - 38 year old male, fit & health conscious.  My main issue is and always has been with social anxiety alongside over thinking, and varying levels of depression.


I am currently taking Cerebrolysin, I like it, it's not the answer to everything but it gives me a subtle feeling of mental calmness - I tend not to overthink as much, slight improvement in mood and verbal fluency, but social anxiety is still lurking.  It seems cere isn't something to use long term, so long term effects remain to be seen.


Only other supplements I currently use are Zinc & Magnesium before bed.


I'm very motivated to try and address my complaints by experimenting with different compounds, which I know will be quite costly financially and may come with certain risks.  I would like to hear anyones thoughts on the following;


Selank - I have tried this before with some very subtle improvement - it was in generic form however, so unsure of its purity



Forskolin & artichoke extract


Picamilon (not daily, due to tolerance issues maybe only before a social occasion)

Stresam (Etoxifene)





My thinking is to try each one, a month at a time and log my experiences day by day.  Obviously if any give negative side effects I will discontinue immediately.


Does anyone have anything to say about any of the above?  Are there any that may be ok to use in conjunction with another?  I get the feeling that Selank may be ok to use alongside others to enhance its effect.  


I know it may seem a bit excessive to want to experiment with so many different things, but I plan to do so sensibly, one at a time.  I've reached a point in life where I just want to address this before I'm too old to appreciate it, regardless of financial cost.


Any input greatly appreciated  :)


P.S Incase anyone suggests SSRI's and/or talking therapy - I've pretty much tried all SSRI's available on the NHS, and I see a therapist once a week.  I've pretty much given up on anything the NHS can offer.



#2 gamesguru

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Posted 29 August 2021 - 06:36 PM

Hi there, how bad is your anxiety, how frequent out of the situations you encounter?


There's different theories here... hormonal, neurotransmitter imbalances, oxidative stress, plasticity-based, and behavioral.


Haven't completely cured mine but i've found a variety of things useful, most relevant perhaps are the following:


Magnesium        (GABA, Serotonin, Dopamine)

Tryptophan       (Serotonin)

Ashwagandha      (GABA and cortisol)

Decaf tea        (theanine ~10-20 mg per cup)

Flax + curcumin  (boosts brain DHA)

CBD              (GABA, Dopamine)


There's other things you could try (NAC & inositol, Saffron, ALCAR & grapefruit), but they're either not as effective in my experience or things you've already tried pharmacological relatives of.


Just getting exposure is important too, and not putting too much pressure on yourself. We're all human, we're inevitably going to come up short, feel disappointment and unworthiness at points in our lives. The important thing is to cope, don't let it overwhelm you.  Keep your head up for those situations you're prepared to do better in next time

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#3 RYAN474

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Posted 05 September 2021 - 04:46 PM

I can relate to the overthinking and social anxiety. 7 years ago, I learned Transcendental Meditation and it has been more impactful than any drug or supplement.  www.tm.org.  An alternative would be emily fletcher's stress less, accomplish more book- which I believe is similar. I'm a fan of TM because they teach you one on one, overcome your challenges/issues, and I think people end up being more consistent because of this. 

There are dozens of other things I could probably list if I had more time right now. Lately (past 2 years), getting more sleep and better sleep has been helpful (daily resistance training, frequent sauna, and ipamorelin peptide injection nightly all help with this, among dozens of other things).  Feel free to message me if interested in chatting. 




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