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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


Gitcoin Launches Crypto Funding Round for Longevity

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#1 Steve H

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Posted 03 December 2021 - 04:36 PM

Gitcoin is a platform dedicated to supporting the development of open-source Web3 software – decentralized architecture based upon blockchain technology – and the funding of  “public goods” projects that are intended to benefit everyone.

Of course, one such public good is the extension of healthy human lifespan, and accordingly, in its 12th funding round, the Gitcoin community has chosen to raise cryptocurrency donations for projects supporting longevity research – including several projects related to Lifespan.io.

What sets Gitcoin apart is its use of Quadratic Funding, an algorithmic crowdfunding approach championed by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, designed to support many projects at once, and allocate larger matching funds to the projects with the most individual contributions. This rewards the projects with the most community support, elevates the power of smaller contributors, and creates a sense of camaraderie between each donor and the larger contributors in the “matching pool”.

You can learn more about Quadratic Funding, and explore a calculator to see how it works, at the website wtfisqf.com.

The Lifespan.io team was happy to work together with the community at VitaDAO to curate the projects in this Gitcoin round, and we are excited to see the growth of Web3 and the potential of decentralized, blockchain-enabled innovations to support longevity research.

We also look forward to continuing to work with the Gitcoin and VitaDAO communities in these areas, so keep an eye out for similar features to make their way into Lifespan.io — you can even help us do so directly by contributing to the related Gitcoin project here.

Finally, for people who are unfamiliar with the technology and find it a bit daunting to make cryptocurrency donations, we’re including a step-by-step guide below.

1. Get a metamask wallet

2. Get some ETH or use an exchange like Coinbase and send it to your metamask address. Based on community feedback, $80 is about right for this.

3. Optional but recommended: set up ZKSync if you want to set yourself up to avoid repeated gas fees, and transfer some ETH to ZKSync: https://www.dao2.io/...n-using-zksync/

4. Make a Gitcoin account (this itself has a few steps)

5. Go to the GitCoin project page you want to fund, for example https://gitcoin.co/g...-clinical-trial

6. Connect wallet

7. Click “add to cart”, and then go and click the cart icon at the top

8. Check out using ETH transaction (or ZKSync if you did step 3 above).

Please connect with us on social media, like and share our content, and help us build grass-roots support for healthy life extension:
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Thank You!

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