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What Arabs are teaching their kids about Jews

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#1 Live Forever

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 06:30 AM

Here is a clip of a Muslim religious leader teaching children a story about how Jews are evil. Look at his reaction at the end of the clip when he asks the children what they have learned. Kind of explains a lot about what is going on in the world today.


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Posted 16 July 2006 - 08:32 AM

As a Greek youngster I was indirectly taught to despise Turks, with whom Greece has a long standing conflict. The average Greek today, however, is very sophisticated in their views of the world including Turkey despite the fact that Greeks have historically had inflicted numerous abominations on them by Turks. Also note military service is mandatory in Greece. What I find disappointing, is that such stereotypes are endemic in society and are being promulgated by powerful media which in turn is controlled by special interests. The propagation of the above clip, for example, incites hatred of Muslims. If I see a muslim looking person in the street, even I, who consider myself as having an enlightened geopolitical viewpoint, find myself regarding them with some suspicion - and that is shameful.

#3 kevin

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 08:42 AM

Suspicion of the unknown is built into us. It doesn't take much to make a biological reality a physical one... it isn't shameful to react suspiciously when one recognizes the suspicion's falsity. What is really shameful is the preaching of hatred... more than shameful.. I'm embarrased to share DNA with that man.

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#4 Live Forever

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 08:45 AM

The propagation of the above clip, for example, incites hatred of Muslims.

I can see where you are coming from, prometheus, but it was not my intention to spread any type of hatred by posting the clip. Instead, I found it as an interesting example of how prolific certain ideas are to certain cultures, which makes hate of other cultures very generational in nature. Often you hear people say (and I often wonder), "How could anyone ever blow themselves up for that belief", or other things like that. This is one example of how children are (for lack of a better term) "brainwashed" from a very young age to believe what they do, and it perhaps takes a better understanding of how people arrive at what they believe if we are ever to change their minds.

#5 Brainbox

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 04:16 PM

Maybe the point is also that in our global society, direct personal observations of issues that influence our lives becomes a scarcity. We do base our opinions on hearsay and let our judgement of fellow local society members depend on opinions that are formed within a global and deceptive perspective.

#6 Infernity

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 05:02 PM


I have translated this for you..:

The man: You spoke of the Shahada as a beautiful thing, do you think it is a beautiful thing?

Vala'ai (11): The Shahada is a very very beautiful thing! Every human-being hopes for Shahada. What could be better than reaching heaven?

The man: What's better, peace with full rights for the Palestinian people, or Shahada?

Vala'ai: The Shahada. I will get my rights after I'll be a Shahida. Because we won't remain children forever.

The man: Alright. Yusra, do you agree on these things?

Yusra (11): It's obvious that the Shahada is a good (/sweet) thing, because we don't want this world, but the afterworld. What will benefit us is not this world, but the afterworld, and hence the Palestinian teens are not the same as the rest of the teens, they have warm blood, of course they prefer the Shahada, because they are Palestinians. The children of Palestine had embraced the idea that this is Shahada, and death in Shahada is a very good thing. Every Palestinian kid, lets say 12 years old, says: God, give me Shahada.


Edited by infernity, 16 July 2006 - 05:14 PM.

#7 Infernity

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 05:21 PM

How sweet, they teach their children that dying along with as much as Jews as possible, brings you to heaven, and it is anyways better than peace..


#8 Brainbox

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 07:06 PM

I'm shocked..... [cry]

#9 Infernity

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 07:45 PM

Yeah it explains why they keep fighting for more and more, the actions themselves are better than what they try to reach, so we are told here. Means it is endless (until we erase them out of earth).


#10 Mind

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 11:59 PM

Prometheus, given recent history, I think it is rational to be cautious around (not hate) Muslims. Especially young men wearing backpacks or large coats. You would be a fool not to. It is rational until you get to "know" or meet the person. The problem arises when a person still hates/fears muslims even after getting to know them on a personal level.

#11 kevin

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 01:01 AM

Means it is endless (until we erase them out of earth).

I understand you must be under some incredible stress where you are infernity, but "erase them out of the earth"?? Is that seriously the only alternative you can think of... ? Surely there are other things that could/should be tried before 'erasing' people..

#12 Infernity

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 10:29 AM

Means it is endless (until we erase them out of earth).

I understand you must be under some incredible stress where you are infernity, but "erase them out of the earth"?? Is that seriously the only alternative you can think of... ? Surely there are other things that could/should be tried before 'erasing' people..

My mother called me yesterday from her work, she is the Administrator of the Local Information Center. She said she needs help, the 3 phone lines rang without a cease, and the line of people outside was a mass of hundreds of customers.
She said she can't stand this pressure alone. She said people are calling from their way already claiming they need an immediate place to stay in, some also with their dogs and so. She tried to explain not many places allow animals in, then they begun to cry, they don't want their dogs to die, they have no house left, and they must have a place to stay at. Thoughtlessly, we ask for the phone number so we can return to them, but how silly, they have no house left. So we obviously ask for their cellphone, but the panic answer tells there is no way to use the mobiles in hideaways.
The hotels are filled with people, the Southern city is flowed with people, families volunteer to allow families sleep in their houses, the entrance to the city is blocked for 20 miles, since there is one road and so many cars...
There was a meeting of how can they deal with all this mass of terrifying people, they decided to start a TENTS project. People actually gonna live in tents for who knows how long, with all their families.

Anyways, the thing is, they will never stop, not until all the Jewish people are dead and all Israel belongs to them. How can I tell? This is what happened so far, every time we give them land and expect a a while of peace, they keep blowing up wherever there are more people.

Do you remember the Fable of the Dragon Tyrant? It was a normal to be sent to that dragon, so it is normal that there is a terrorist that kills dozens of people everyday, it is NORMAL! It is statistics only. Imagine there was a plain crushing into a great building everyday, like at August the 11th, it sounds like a horror movie! So it is here! WE LIVE IN IT, and it is totally NORMAL to die this way! That's insane!

But you saw that 11 years old girl "Of course the Shahada is better!" that means, if killing Jewish people is better than peace? Why would they ever stop?!?! Even if there is peace, they will continue because it is BETTER!

They believe in all their hearts that what they do is right, because so they are taught ever since they are born! They are totally brain-washed! They live to kill, kill, kill!

They are PRIMITIVE, they do it all for what? for a GOD!!! for Tyr's sake! They do it for a GOD that doesn't even exist! This is INSANE!

It leaves us with one solution, finding an alternative for kerosene, so they will have no advantage or world support, so we can surrender them, and if they will decide to not give a damn (as they do so far for all the universal laws and all), ERASE, indeed.

All of what we work for, anti-aging, what the blip would that matter, if they are the cause of the last war on Earth, the one to make this planet blow to hell? Letting it all go to waste because of insanity for a stupid belief, it's so pathetic! But we will be screwed up too.


#13 rjws

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 12:00 PM

Under the current system things will never changed, I have hopes that capitalism would change the children over there. Dubai is a nice example. But Im starting to think war on a grand scale is comming. Perhaps years of destruction and occupation of the entire middle east. With the dwindling oil supply and current tensions I would just about bet on it.

#14 nihilist

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 10:29 PM

we could have a long discussion about whos to blame about whats going on over there.

but to say israels just a poor, picked on, nation is ludicrous.

i just want it to stop, because i dont want to end up drafted because israel got itself in over its head. and i dont want my family or friends drafted either.

i would only die for my country for specific reasons i dont see happening in my lifetime. i wont die for israel, no matter what.

#15 Trias

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 10:55 PM

Yeah it explains why they keep fighting for more and more, the actions themselves are better than what they try to reach, so we are told here. Means it is endless (until we erase them out of earth).


Adi, I surely hope you mean the pro-terrorism/pro-violence/anti-tolerance fanatics. They should be erased I concur;
But the "arabs" as a whole? -surely not. Do recall that the Nazis suggestion was to "erase them out of earth", and by "them" they meant all jews.

#16 Infernity

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Posted 18 July 2006 - 06:55 AM

Of course I speak of the fanatic freaks, why would I want to erase the rest?


#17 nihilist

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Posted 18 July 2006 - 08:02 PM

deeply held religious hatred.

#18 Live Forever

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Posted 21 July 2006 - 11:45 PM

Palestinian child talking about killing Jews:

#19 Karomesis

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Posted 22 July 2006 - 12:11 AM

Adi, I surely hope you mean the pro-terrorism/pro-violence/anti-tolerance fanatics. They should be erased I concur;
But the "arabs" as a whole? -surely not. Do recall that the Nazis suggestion was to "erase them out of earth", and by "them" they meant all jews.

Anyone who supports them.....even slightly....is just as guilty, do you not agree?

deeply held religious hatred.

this is reason # 4,940,405 I hate religion [ang] what has it's adoption done for the worlds populace? well, let's see..we have the inquisition....the holucaust.....blowing up busses and cutting off peoples heads...what's not to like?

I long for the day when the final nail is driven deep into the coffin of religion.

It is erased permanently from the minds of humans and De Sade is finally able to rest in peace. "the idea of god is the one wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind"- Marquis De Sade wise words from someone many of you ignorantly dismiss as a pervert or monster out of hand, without listening to what he said underneath the controversy.

Of course I speak of the fanatic freaks, why would I want to erase the rest?


you mean all religious peoples? suffice it to say,all religion is fanatic [mellow] they believe in unproven fallacies and despots who control their every move, what more evidence is required to authenticate insanity?

#20 Trias

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Posted 22 July 2006 - 09:04 PM

Steve my friend,

Religion is merely an excuse.

It's the nature of human ignorance and thirst for power/control which govern all of the atrocities you had mentioned. The holocaust's atrocities were not driven by religion, but by hitler's thirst for power, control, purity and uniqueness.

If not religion, then something else; be it race, nationality etc'... people are prone to vie with those who are different from them. Religion is just another excuse.

So what will happen if we eradicate all religious individulas? -you think the world will abruptly turn into heaven-on-earth? Surely not. There will be many other excuses used by some individuals to manipulate the ignorant masses.

It is but the human nature of some of us that allows this horrible reality to never cease from astounding us. Day by day.

#21 Infernity

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Posted 26 July 2006 - 07:59 PM

you mean all religious peoples? suffice it to say,all religion is fanatic  they believe in unproven fallacies and despots who control their every move, what more evidence is required to authenticate insanity?

I speak of those who live to die, and take us with them.


#22 mikelorrey

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Posted 27 July 2006 - 12:45 AM

The propagation of the above clip, for example, incites hatred of Muslims.

This is possibly the most absurd thing I've heard in a while. Its like saying its wrong to broadcast the Nazi film, "The Triumph of the Will" because it incites hatred of Nazis.

If this clip were produced by Jews to make inaccurate or stereotypical portrayals of arabs, it would be wrong. It is not wrong to educate people about the real and true broadcasts produced by arabs.

Are you as eager to rehabilitate public opinion of Nazis, the KKK, Stalin, the KGB, etc. by wiping out all broadcasts about the true and accurate history of these people?


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 01:09 PM

I came across the following documentary today:


It is rather long (over an hour). Comments would be welcome.


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 01:24 PM

The propagation of the above clip, for example, incites hatred of Muslims.

This is possibly the most absurd thing I've heard in a while. Its like saying its wrong to broadcast the Nazi film, "The Triumph of the Will" because it incites hatred of Nazis.

Actually, it is your comparison which is absurd.

If this clip were produced by Jews to make inaccurate or stereotypical portrayals of arabs, it would be wrong. It is not wrong to educate people about the real and true broadcasts produced by arabs.

It is wrong to propagate hate when we have a choice. It is wrong to convey information out of the context in which it arose in the knowledge that it can be misinterepreted. It is wrong to incite violence when there are peaceful options available. The onus is on those who have the greater power to show the most compassion.

Are you as eager to rehabilitate public opinion of Nazis, the KKK, Stalin, the KGB, etc. by wiping out all broadcasts about the true and accurate history of these people?

Are you intentionally ignoring the substance of my argument or are you simply unable to comprehend it?


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 01:42 PM

Yeah it explains why they keep fighting for more and more, the actions themselves are better than what they try to reach, so we are told here. Means it is endless (until we erase them out of earth).

my emphasis

Adi, that is something which cannot be accomplished but in seeking to be accomplished will only manifest more violence. It is very sad to see that such attitudes exist - how do you reconcile them with Immortalism?

#26 mikelorrey

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Posted 06 August 2006 - 12:11 AM

The propagation of the above clip, for example, incites hatred of Muslims.

This is possibly the most absurd thing I've heard in a while. Its like saying its wrong to broadcast the Nazi film, "The Triumph of the Will" because it incites hatred of Nazis.

Actually, it is your comparison which is absurd.

No, what you are saying is that it is inciting hate of people who hate to expose haters messages of hate to the world, with translations, to demonstrate how depraved they are to be subjecting children to this sort of abuse.

#27 jc1991

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Posted 06 August 2006 - 01:31 AM

I must agree with Mikelorrey, the propagation of said clip incites hatred of radical Muslims. Not Muslims in general.
Being Muslim isn't a bad thing but being a radical Muslim is, since they want to kill everyone who isn't also a Muslim. (I think we can all agree, wanting to kill everyone who isn't like you is a bad thing.)

Saying that the clip incites hatred of Mulsims in general is like saying that all German people are evil because Hitler was. It isn't a valid claim in any way, shape, or form.


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 04:25 AM

No, what you are saying is that it is inciting hate of people who hate to expose haters messages of hate to the world, with translations, to demonstrate how depraved they are to be subjecting children to this sort of abuse.

I must agree with Mikelorrey, the propagation of said clip incites hatred ofradical Muslims. Not Muslims in general.
Being Muslim isn't a bad thing but being a radical Muslim is, since they want to kill everyone who isn't also a Muslim. (I think we can all agree, wanting to kill everyone who isn't like you is a bad thing.)

Inciting hatred against anything - irrespective of however vile it may appear to the sensibilities of some - is not a useful way of addressing these things. We must endeavor to understand why it is that these people feel compelled to instill in their children such hateful values. We must look at the source of the problem rather than knee-jerk responses that merely cover up the symptoms.

I don't see anyone asking, for example, why it is that militant Islam is beginning to spread so rapidly in recent times. Hate is born from fear. What are they afraid of?

Inciting hatred is a powerful propaganda tool designed to mobilize mass opinion using minimal resources. It seems to work well with those of sheepish mental disposition. It is astonishing for example, that so many American and British citizens initially accepted the outrageous lies about WMDs as a reason for invading Iraq. It is a testament to the superb PR machines in the UK and more so in the US where public opinion is so easily regulated by media rather than discourse.

#29 jc1991

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Posted 06 August 2006 - 04:50 PM

They feel compelled to teach their children this because of their religion, which teaches them that everyone who isn't a Muslim is an infidel and should be converted or killed.
It isn't a matter of reason or logic because they are neither reasonable nor logical. That's why we call them radical Muslims.

The only way to stop them is to convert them, (unlikely) get them to stop being extremist, (again, unlikely) or kill them all. (Which would be as bad as what they are doing) There is no easy solution.

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#30 Brainbox

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Posted 06 August 2006 - 10:29 PM

Yeah it explains why they keep fighting for more and more, the actions themselves are better than what they try to reach, so we are told here. Means it is endless (until we erase them out of earth).

my emphasis

Adi, that is something which cannot be accomplished but in seeking to be accomplished will only manifest more violence. It is very sad to see that such attitudes exist - how do you reconcile them with Immortalism?

If I may add my comment on this, I would say: taking matter in own hands instead of blindly following "leaders" and mainstream perception.
The reality probably is that this cannot be expected in the next century or so, therefore the reasonable reaction is to be practical. But what is that taking the situation in the region into account?

To be honest, I feel a lot of sympathy with Israel as I also did emphasize in another thread. The cultural background of the Israel opponents fills me with a level of hate I did not experience for years. I have to deal with that I suppose, since having these feelings surprises me a lot.

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