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What are the applications of Nanotechnology

jonano's Photo jonano 19 Jul 2006

Military, Cryonics, Aging, Space elevator, Medicine, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Super Strong Materials, Solar Energy, Jupiter Brains/Matrioshka Brain, Computing (A laptop of 1 Billion CPU), Dyson Sphere, Transhumanism, Virtual Reality, Uploading, Data Storage, Display, Energy, Packaging, Electronics, Bio Detectors, Catalysts, Cosmetics, Light Weight Materials, Communication

This is what I have for the moment, any new ideas to give ?


the_eternal's Photo the_eternal 19 Jul 2006

Doesn't nanotechnology theoretically have an application in every facet of our existence?

caston's Photo caston 19 Jul 2006

Now I'm trying to think of one that doesn't. I was going to say music but then I imagined someone with a real life "air guitar".

BTW eternal do you mind if I use your imminst Australia logo in my sig?

dangerousdave's Photo dangerousdave 19 Jul 2006

I've done a little reading on molecular machines -- nanorobots -- there is a good book if you know your chemistry (I dont) called Molecular Devices and Machines: A Journey Into the Nanoworld (I think, havnt got it here).

Anyway, one relatively short-term, simple, but very cool nanorobot-type application I saw was diamond-like constructions of some molecules that act as red-blood cells but store loads more oxygen so you can hold your breath for aaages (1/2 hour, I think - man, despite all these nootropics memory is still really poor).

Sorry thats not exactly scientific and I cant remember the references, but I'm sure you could google it up.

Just saw this post and suddenly remembered that. Thought it was so cool when I read it, especially since its completely viable.

RighteousReason's Photo RighteousReason 19 Jul 2006

In my old crappy blog I wrote some ideas down.

The following is an exploration of useful theoretical applications of mature nanotech. THE FOLLOWING IS A MERE DROP IN THE METAPHORICAL BUCKET (and probably none of these applications will be of ANY CONSEQUENCE once we obtain mature nanotech because things will have advanced so rediculously far that our current problems will be absolutely meaningless drivel (and/or entirely of sentimental/humorous value)).

Just use your fucking imagination, it won't kill you.

With Nanotechnology...

Some Less Obvious But Powerful Effects Of Nanotechnology:

1.) People will become much less dependent on money, as food, water, shelter, and many forms of entertainment will be virtually FREE.

2.) There will be massive advancements in space exploration and planet terra-forming (for example making Mars and Venus inhabitable, not to mention many moons of large planets like Jupiter).

3.) Gas would cost virtually no money at all, and, in fact, technologies allowing cars to run on alternative fuel would be extremely easier to create and implement.

4.) Computers and the internet would be much, much faster. For example, our computers today have virtually unimaginable speed to someone who used a computer made of vaccuum tubes. In the future, the computers are going to be virtually unimaginably faster than our computers of today. (Same goes for storage space.)

5.) With computers of this capability, busineses could automate the vast majority of their functions, thus drastically cutting expenses, and thus costs.

6.) Products would be so inexpensive that working for the sake of money (as opposed to the love of the job) would be a rarity rather than a necessity.

7.) More leisure time means parents pay more attention to their kids, and people have more time to educate themselves or engage in the widely varied forms of entertainment that exist today, plus the virtually unimaginable ways of new entertainment that will be available (mature virtual reality for one).

8.) Government functions will be vastly useless given new automation techniques, an extremely stable economy, and wartime capabilities that render most of the defense budget useless.

With Nanotechnology we can …

Curing Of Disease
All infections and genetic disorders
All forms of cancer
Repair/replacement of organs, tissues, limbs, etc.
  -liver disease, kidney disease, pancrease, bladder, reproductive problems,    blindness, deafness, physical appearance, etc.
-Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Alzheimers

Improvement of current physical faculties
-increase healthy survival time without food from weeks to years or more
-increase healthy survival time without water from days to months or years
-increase survival time without air from seconds to hours
-improve clotting to virtually eliminate the possibility of bleeding to death
-regeneration of lost tissue time decreased from months (or never) to days or    hours.
-eliminate any possibility of infectious disease
-improve recycling of waste to virtually eliminate the necessity to urinate or    defecate
-modify temperature control to eliminate heat stroke or freezing to death
-eliminate undesirable body odors
-halt the physical deterioration and deterioration of usage of the body/mind with    age
-drastically reduce/eliminate the need (but not the ability) for sleeping
-improve muscle capability to 100 times human ability (or much more)
-improve eyesight to 100 times or greater, with added functionality (infrared, x-  ray, ultraviolet, etc)
-improve hearing 100 times or greater, with added functionality (range/specificity    of tones, distance, decibel range, etc)
-drastically improve ability to balance
-improve bone composition to eliminate broken bones (and increase survivability    of falls from hundreds or even thousands of feet in the air)
-improve skin composition (but not necessarily the texture) for improved    functionality (resistance to fire, tearing, puncture, regenerative ability, etc)
-alter body-fat composition with ease
-grow hair, or stop the growing of hair at any specific location with ease

Much-more-easily-Solvable world problems
-hunger, thirst
  -this is provided by the capability to reproduce macroscale objects such as    televisions, computers, phones, cars, planes, boats, houses, mansions even,  books, and hygiene supplies (and food) for close-to-0 price and    with extreme speed compared to the manufacturing of today
-education, given the above explanation for poverty

And incidentally, cure all of the following:

(A Few Reasons To Doubt The Existence Of A Loving God)

abscesses, acne, addictions, adenitis, adenoids, AIDS, albinism, allergies, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), Alzheimer's disease, amnesia, anemia, aneurysms, angina, anorexia nervosa, anthrax, anxiety attacks, aphasia, appendicitis, apoplexy, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asphyxia, asthma, astigmatism, athlete's foot, attention deficit disorder (ADD), autism, avalanches, back aches, bedsores, Bell's palsy, beriberi, bipolar disorder (manic-depression), birth defects, blackouts, bladder infections, blemishes, blindness, blisters, blizzards, bloating, boils, bone cancer, bone spurs, botulism, bowlegs, breast cancer, brain cancer, breech presentations, Bright's disease, brittle bone disease, broken bones, bronchitis, bruises, bulimia, bunions, bursitis, calcinosis, canker sores, cardiac dysrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, cataracts, cellulitis, cerebral palsy, cervical cancer, cervicitis, chapped lips, chickenpox, chlamydia, choking, cholera, cleft lips and palates, clubfoot (talipes), cold sores, colic, colitis, colon cancer, color blindness, comas, common cold, concussions, congestion, congestive heart failure, conjunctivitis, constipation, convulsions, coronary occlusions, coughs, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, cyclones, cystic fibrosis, cystitis, cysts, dandruff, dangerous plants and animals, deafness, deformities, dehydration, delirium, delirium tremens, delusions, dementia, dental problems, depression, dermatitis, detached retinas, deviated septums, diabetes, diaper rash, diarrhea, diphtheria, dislocated joints, dizziness, Down's syndrome, droughts, dysentery, dyslexia, dysphagia, dysphasia, dysuria, ear infections, earthquakes, Ebola virus, ectopic pregnancies, eczema, edema, elephantiasis, embolisms, emphysema, encephalitis, endocarditis, endometriosis, enteritis, epidemics, epididymitis, epilepsy, Epstein-Barr virus, erectile dysfunction (ED), excessive ear wax, fainting, fallen arches (flat foot), farsightedness (hyperopia), fevers, fibrillation, fibromyalgia, fibrosis, fistulas, flatulence, floods, frostbite, gallstones, ganglions, gangrene, gastrinomas, gastritis, gastroenteritis, germs, gingivitis, glaucoma, goiter, gonorrhea, gout, granuloma, Graves' disease, halitosis, hallucinations, hay fever, headaches, heart attacks, heartburn, heart murmurs, hematomas, hemiplegia, hemophilia, hemorrhages, hemorrhagic fever, hemorrhoids, hepatitis (A,B&C), hernias, herniated and slipped disks, herpes, hiccups, high blood pressure (hypertension), HIV, hives, Hodgkin's disease, humpbacks (kyphosis), Huntington's chorea, hurricanes, hydrocephalus, hyperactivity, hypercholesterolemia, hyperemia, hyperglycemia, hyperthermia, hyperthyroidism, hypertonicity, hyperuricemia, hypochondria, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, hypothyroidism, impacted teeth, incontinence, indigestion (dyspepsia), infarctions, infections, infertility, infestations, inflammations, influenza, insanity, insomnia, iritis, irritable bowels, ischemia, itches, jaundice, Karposi's sarcoma, keratitis, keratosis, kidney failure, kidney stones, knock-knees, labor pains, laryngitis, Legionnaires' disease, leprosy, lesions, lethargy, leukemia, lice, lipidosis, lipomas, liposarcoma, liver cancer, lockjaw/tetanus, lordosis, low blood pressure (hypotension), lumbago, lung cancer, lupus, Lyme disease, lymphangitis, lymphedema, lymphocytosis, lymphomas, macular degeneration, malaria, malocclusions, manias, mastitis, measles, melancholia, melanomas, meningitis, menorrhagia, menstrual cramps, mental illnesses, mental retardation, migraines, miscarriages (spontaneous abortions), mononucleosis, monsoons, morning sickness, multiple personality disorder, multiple sclerosis, multiple system atrophy, mumps, muscle cramps and spasms, muscular dystrophy, myalgia, myasthenia gravis, myelitis, narcolepsy, nausea, nearsightedness (myopia), necrosis, nephritis, nephrosis, nervous breakdowns, nervous tics, neuralgia, neuritis, neuroses, night blindness, nosebleeds, obesity, osteitis, osteodystrophy, osteoporosis, otitis, ovarian cancer, Paget's disease, pain, palsy, pancreatic cancer, paralysis, paranoia, parasitosis, Parkinson's disease, pericarditis, periodontitis, peritonitis, phantom pain, pharyngitis, phlebitis, phobias, pimples, pinched nerves, plagues, pleurisy, pneumonia, poisons, polio, Pott's disease, premature births, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), prions, prostate cancer, psoriasis, psychoses, psychosomatic illnesses, ptomaine poisoning, pulled muscles, quicksand, rabies, rashes, Raynaud's disease, resistance to curative drugs, retinitis, retinitis pigmentosa, retroviruses, Reye's syndrome, Rh incompatibility, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, rhinoviruses, rickets, riptides, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, rubella, ruptures, salmonella poisoning, sandstorms, sarcomas, scabies, scarlet fever, schizophrenia, sclerosis, scoliosis, scurvy, seizures, senility, septicemia, severe thunder storms, shingles, shock, sickle-cell anemia, skin cancer, sleep apnea, smallpox, sneezes, sore throats, sores, spastic colons, speech disorders, spina bifida, sprains, stillbirths, stomach cancer, strep throats, strokes, styes, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), sunburn, sunstroke, swelling, syphilis, tabes, tardive dyskinesia, Tay-Sachs disease, teething pains, temper tantrums, tartar, tendinitis, testicular cancer, thrombosis, tidal waves, tinnitus, TMJ, tonsillitis, tooth decay, torn cartilage, tornadoes, Tourette's syndrome, toxemia, toxic shock syndrome, transplant rejection, trauma, tremors, trench foot, trichinosis, tropical storms, tuberculosis, tumors, tunnel vision, typhoid fever, typhoons, typhus, ulcers, uremia, urethritis, uterine cancer, vaginitis, varicose veins, vertigo, viruses, vomiting, warts, whooping cough, wounds, yeast infections, yellow fever


RighteousReason's Photo RighteousReason 19 Jul 2006

Doesn't nanotechnology theoretically have an application in every facet of our existence?

What more needs to be said???

MichaelAnissimov's Photo MichaelAnissimov 19 Jul 2006

Great writing Hank! I was thinking about trying to compile a longer list when I saw this post but it looks like you already have a good start (as do the folks at CRN, of course). Other items worth adding to the last section can be found at the catalog of omnipresent correctable human flaws. More thinking should be directed towards this. It seems that many here on ImmInst are unaware of total sociocultural upheaval which will emerge with the inevitable upcoming nanotech revolution, which is bad. It's not kool-aid we Drexelites are drinking, no, no - nothing but a good hearty glass of Nanosystems.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 19 Jul 2006

That damned yellow fever!

(nice list hank!)

the_eternal's Photo the_eternal 20 Jul 2006

Caston, Live Forever made the sig, there's a whole bunch of them in a post somewhere on here, but yeah, go ahead.

mitkat's Photo mitkat 20 Jul 2006

Alast, the future seems quite bright hank. :)

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Jul 2006

Caston, Live Forever made the sig, there's a whole bunch of them in a post somewhere on here, but yeah, go ahead.

Yeah, here is the thread:

You will have to go through the different pages to get to different stuff, they get better as you go.

MichaelAnissimov's Photo MichaelAnissimov 21 Jul 2006

Nothing there, Hank.

RighteousReason's Photo RighteousReason 21 Jul 2006

What the.

I just made the website a few hours ago and it disappeared!

File attached (SAVE file before opening)

Attached Files


Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 21 Jul 2006

It must have been deleted by the wikipedia mods. They don't like keeping stuff that doesn't have "encyclopedic value" (whatever that means) I have noticed.

Reno's Photo Reno 28 Jul 2006

The question should be what can't nanotechnology do.

It seems to me that nanotechnology can be used to do just about anything besides be used as a transporter or to time travel. Everything seems to be fair game.

caston's Photo caston 29 Jul 2006

Could we use it to fill much of the pacific ocean with new continential landmass?

Reno's Photo Reno 29 Jul 2006

Could we use it to fill much of the pacific ocean with new continential landmass?

Yes. Have them capture and break up passing astroids and rain down matter over a schedualed period of time.

The applications for nanotechnology is limited only by our current understanding of physics and the broad scope of your imagination.

caston's Photo caston 01 Aug 2006


Singapore is going to love that. They already work to increase their land area by using landfill from places like Malaysia.

RighteousReason's Photo RighteousReason 27 Sep 2006

I need to create a new list of 'imagineable applications of nanotech'...

RighteousReason's Photo RighteousReason 27 Sep 2006


The following is an exploration of useful theoretical applications of (*very mature and advanced*) molecular nanotechnology. THE FOLLOWING IS A MERE DROP IN THE METAPHORICAL BUCKET (and probably none of these applications will be of ANY CONSEQUENCE once we obtain mature nanotech because things will have advanced so rediculously far that our current problems will be absolutely meaningless drivel (and/or entirely of sentimental/humorous value)).

Just use your fucking imagination, it won't kill you.

disclaimer: I don't think the future will be anything like this.

With Nanotechnology...

Some Less Obvious But Powerful Effects Of Nanotechnology:

1.) People will become much less dependent on money, as food, water, shelter, enormous quantities of information, space, processing power, material goods of all different sorts, a large variety of different forms of entertainment, most forms of transportation, communication, education- all of which millions of times better than all of their forms at the current time- will all be virtually FREE.

2.) There will be massive advancements in planet to space, spacetravel, and interstellar transportation, capable of providing everybody the ability to move between Earth and all the stars in the Universe for little cost (other than time!), as well as massive and perfected technologies capable of planet terra-forming (for example making Mars and Venus inhabitable, not to mention many moons of large planets like Jupiter). Humanity would be free to travel among the stars, with perfect immortal health, forever- discovering new places, people, things for billions of years to come.

3.) Petroleum, and thus gasoline, would cost virtually no money at all, and, in fact, technologies allowing cars to run on alternative fuels would be such an obvious step that the ability to create petroleum and gasoline for practically nothing will be practically useless, as there would be such a proliferation of flying vehicles (really!), and infinitely other forms of transportation that would cost virtually nothing at all, that gasoline cars will probably only be used by enthusiasts anyway.

4.) Computers and the internet would be much, much faster (no such thing as 'booting up'). For example, our computers today have virtually unimaginable speed to someone who used a computer made of vaccuum tubes. In the future, the computers are going to be virtually unimaginably faster than our computers of today. (Same goes for storage space, bandwidth, etc). Computers of today can do a few billion operations every second. Computers built by molecular manufacturers of the future could do a billion billion operations a second- and they will also be virtually free, and entirely ubiquitous (no need for a clunky box anywhere). A computer could run a virtual reality simulation that literally could run visual output at a higher bandwidth than your retina (although you would obviously get your eye upgraded tremendously, leading to visual experiences on a scale unimagineable to us today). Same goes for auditory, tactile, taste, smell, and yes, the 6th and 7th and (however many) senses of your mind itself, and probably a whole bunch of new senses that today are entirely unimagineable. As we fuse our brains with our computers, we will all have psychic and telekenetic abilities (really), 'Google Mind', perfect playback memory, calculator in the brain, massively speeding up subjective experience (spend 1000 years studying a subject, in the span of merely a fraction of a second), Matrix-style learning (and way, way beyond).

5.) With computers of this capability, the artificial intelligence systems of today will have so much power behind them that they can automate virtually every function of any business and government out there today. Our job as humans will be to whatever we want, all the time, and have a constant, hour by hour, release of new products of massively superior quality of those today, whether it be food, toys, clothes, gadgets, games, or pretty much anything, available to anyone, anywhere, instantly, via molecular manufacturer. Sure, some things may still cost money, but that will be virtually irrelevant to most people. Also- forget robots. These mechanical entities controlled by the computers will look, feel, and act with the fluid precision and utterly and completely convincing reality of a British butler, should that be the desire of someone. All the way down to the microscopic level if need be.

6.) Products and services would be so inexpensive that working for the sake of money would be very rare indeed, and utterly unnecessary to live happy and forever.

With Nanotechnology we can …

Cure types of diseases:
All bacterial infections, viral infections, genetic disorders, toxins from the environment, all forms of sicknesses, unhealthiness, developmental problems, poisons, parasites, emotional pain (whatever that may mean! it's possible!), all forms of physical pain, sexually transmitted diseases, All forms of cancer, Repair/replacement of organs, tissues, limbs, etc., liver disease, kidney disease, pancrease, bladder, reproductive problems, blindness, deafness, physical appearance, Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Alzheimers, all forms of fatigue, nausea, weakness, senility, and any kind of mental psychosis, nervousness, confusion, anxiety, impatience, anger, depression, lonliness, boredom, stupidity, etc.

Improvement of current physical faculties:
-increase healthy survival time without food indefinitely.
-increase healthy survival time without water indefinitely
-increase survival time without air indefinitely
-entirely replace the mechanism of blood to eliminate the possibility of bleeding to death
-regeneration of lost tissue on the spot
-eliminate any possibility of infectious disease
-improve recycling of waste to eliminate the necessity to urinate or defecate
-modify temperature control to eliminate heat stroke or freezing to death, or temperature discomfort at all
-eliminate undesirable body odors (make sweat smell ... good!)
-halt the physical deterioration and the deterioration of usage of the body/mind with age (immortality)
-eliminate the need (but not the ability) for sleep, drastically improve dreaming experiences, memory, duration, lucidity, etc.
-improve muscle capability arbitrarily greater, jump over the empire state building, run a mile in 1 minute
-fly like superman (it can be done with mature nanotech, might require utility fog or something equally exotic)
-improve eyesight arbitrarily greater, with added functionality (infrared, x-ray, ultraviolet, zoom in 1000000x, etc)
-improve hearing arbitrarily greater, with added functionality (range/specificity of tones, distance, decibel range, etc)
-perfect ability to balance
-improve bone composition to eliminate broken bones (no need for a parachute at all)
-improve skin composition (but not necessarily the texture) for improved functionality (resistance to fire, tearing, puncture, regenerative ability, etc)
-alter body-fat composition and every facet of physical appearence with ease
-grow hair, or stop the growing of hair at any specific location with ease
-change external appearence competely at will, even change races, sex, or species (Animorphs!)

Much-more-easily-Solvable world problems:
-hunger, thirst
  -this is provided by the capability to reproduce macroscale objects such as televisions, computers, phones, cars, planes, boats, houses, mansions even, books, and hygiene supplies (and food and clean water) for only the cost of ubiquitous molecules all around us in abundance and with extreme speed compared to the manufacturing of today.

And incidentally, cure all of the following:

(A Few Reasons To Doubt The Existence Of A Loving God)

abscesses, acne, addictions, adenitis, adenoids, AIDS, albinism, allergies, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), Alzheimer's disease, amnesia, anemia, aneurysms, angina, anorexia nervosa, anthrax, anxiety attacks, aphasia, appendicitis, apoplexy, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asphyxia, asthma, astigmatism, athlete's foot, attention deficit disorder (ADD), autism, avalanches, back aches, bedsores, Bell's palsy, beriberi, bipolar disorder (manic-depression), birth defects, blackouts, bladder infections, blemishes, blindness, blisters, blizzards, bloating, boils, bone cancer, bone spurs, botulism, bowlegs, breast cancer, brain cancer, breech presentations, Bright's disease, brittle bone disease, broken bones, bronchitis, bruises, bulimia, bunions, bursitis, calcinosis, canker sores, cardiac dysrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, cataracts, cellulitis, cerebral palsy, cervical cancer, cervicitis, chapped lips, chickenpox, chlamydia, choking, cholera, cleft lips and palates, clubfoot (talipes), cold sores, colic, colitis, colon cancer, color blindness, comas, common cold, concussions, congestion, congestive heart failure, conjunctivitis, constipation, convulsions, coronary occlusions, coughs, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, cyclones, cystic fibrosis, cystitis, cysts, dandruff, dangerous plants and animals, deafness, deformities, dehydration, delirium, delirium tremens, delusions, dementia, dental problems, depression, dermatitis, detached retinas, deviated septums, diabetes, diaper rash, diarrhea, diphtheria, dislocated joints, dizziness, Down's syndrome, droughts, dysentery, dyslexia, dysphagia, dysphasia, dysuria, ear infections, earthquakes, Ebola virus, ectopic pregnancies, eczema, edema, elephantiasis, embolisms, emphysema, encephalitis, endocarditis, endometriosis, enteritis, epidemics, epididymitis, epilepsy, Epstein-Barr virus, erectile dysfunction (ED), excessive ear wax, fainting, fallen arches (flat foot), farsightedness (hyperopia), fevers, fibrillation, fibromyalgia, fibrosis, fistulas, flatulence, floods, frostbite, gallstones, ganglions, gangrene, gastrinomas, gastritis, gastroenteritis, germs, gingivitis, glaucoma, goiter, gonorrhea, gout, granuloma, Graves' disease, halitosis, hallucinations, hay fever, headaches, heart attacks, heartburn, heart murmurs, hematomas, hemiplegia, hemophilia, hemorrhages, hemorrhagic fever, hemorrhoids, hepatitis (A,B&C), hernias, herniated and slipped disks, herpes, hiccups, high blood pressure (hypertension), HIV, hives, Hodgkin's disease, humpbacks (kyphosis), Huntington's chorea, hurricanes, hydrocephalus, hyperactivity, hypercholesterolemia, hyperemia, hyperglycemia, hyperthermia, hyperthyroidism, hypertonicity, hyperuricemia, hypochondria, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, hypothyroidism, impacted teeth, incontinence, indigestion (dyspepsia), infarctions, infections, infertility, infestations, inflammations, influenza, insanity, insomnia, iritis, irritable bowels, ischemia, itches, jaundice, Karposi's sarcoma, keratitis, keratosis, kidney failure, kidney stones, knock-knees, labor pains, laryngitis, Legionnaires' disease, leprosy, lesions, lethargy, leukemia, lice, lipidosis, lipomas, liposarcoma, liver cancer, lockjaw/tetanus, lordosis, low blood pressure (hypotension), lumbago, lung cancer, lupus, Lyme disease, lymphangitis, lymphedema, lymphocytosis, lymphomas, macular degeneration, malaria, malocclusions, manias, mastitis, measles, melancholia, melanomas, meningitis, menorrhagia, menstrual cramps, mental illnesses, mental retardation, migraines, miscarriages (spontaneous abortions), mononucleosis, monsoons, morning sickness, multiple personality disorder, multiple sclerosis, multiple system atrophy, mumps, muscle cramps and spasms, muscular dystrophy, myalgia, myasthenia gravis, myelitis, narcolepsy, nausea, nearsightedness (myopia), necrosis, nephritis, nephrosis, nervous breakdowns, nervous tics, neuralgia, neuritis, neuroses, night blindness, nosebleeds, obesity, osteitis, osteodystrophy, osteoporosis, otitis, ovarian cancer, Paget's disease, pain, palsy, pancreatic cancer, paralysis, paranoia, parasitosis, Parkinson's disease, pericarditis, periodontitis, peritonitis, phantom pain, pharyngitis, phlebitis, phobias, pimples, pinched nerves, plagues, pleurisy, pneumonia, poisons, polio, Pott's disease, premature births, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), prions, prostate cancer, psoriasis, psychoses, psychosomatic illnesses, ptomaine poisoning, pulled muscles, quicksand, rabies, rashes, Raynaud's disease, resistance to curative drugs, retinitis, retinitis pigmentosa, retroviruses, Reye's syndrome, Rh incompatibility, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, rhinoviruses, rickets, riptides, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, rubella, ruptures, salmonella poisoning, sandstorms, sarcomas, scabies, scarlet fever, schizophrenia, sclerosis, scoliosis, scurvy, seizures, senility, septicemia, severe thunder storms, shingles, shock, sickle-cell anemia, skin cancer, sleep apnea, smallpox, sneezes, sore throats, sores, spastic colons, speech disorders, spina bifida, sprains, stillbirths, stomach cancer, strep throats, strokes, styes, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), sunburn, sunstroke, swelling, syphilis, tabes, tardive dyskinesia, Tay-Sachs disease, teething pains, temper tantrums, tartar, tendinitis, testicular cancer, thrombosis, tidal waves, tinnitus, TMJ, tonsillitis, tooth decay, torn cartilage, tornadoes, Tourette's syndrome, toxemia, toxic shock syndrome, transplant rejection, trauma, tremors, trench foot, trichinosis, tropical storms, tuberculosis, tumors, tunnel vision, typhoid fever, typhoons, typhus, ulcers, uremia, urethritis, uterine cancer, vaginitis, varicose veins, vertigo, viruses, vomiting, warts, whooping cough, wounds, yeast infections, yellow fever

Again, all of this is an *exceedingly small subset* of the possibilites of molecular nanotechnology, and should be considered as such. Since none of you are capable of imagining any of this for yourselves, I'll try to update this again sometime with more varied and extensive content. Does anyone want to consider setting up some kind of repository for imaginative applications like this, for many people to contribute to?
Edited by hankconn, 13 October 2006 - 01:45 AM.

caston's Photo caston 21 Oct 2006

Of course nanotech can't:

* Break the law of conservation of matter
* Break the law of conservation of energy

RighteousReason's Photo RighteousReason 19 May 2009

I found my list of diseases again, since these things seem to inexplicably disappear over time.

Attached Files

Edited by advancdaltruist, 19 May 2009 - 11:24 PM.