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Pfizer Twitter Files Just Dropped about COVID Vaccines


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#1 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 09 January 2023 - 08:29 PM

Elon Musk:

More Twitter Files. 

Some conspiracies are actually true.



1/ My first #TwitterFiles report: how @scottgottliebmd - a top Pfizer board member - used the same Twitter lobbyist as the White House to suppress debate on Covid vaccines, INCLUDING FROM A FELLOW HEAD OF @US_FDA!
Thanks @elonmusk for opening these files.
2/ In August 2021, Gottlieb told Todd O'Boyle - a senior manager in Twitter's public policy department - that a tweet from @drgiroir claiming CORRECTLY that natural immunity was superior to vaccine immunity was "corrosive" and might "go viral."
3/ Twitter put a misleading tag on the tweet, preventing it from being shared. Gottlieb then went after a tweet about Covid's low risk to kids from @justin_hart. Pfizer would soon win the okay for its mRNA shots for children, so keeping parents scared was crucial...
4/ In October 2022, @scottgottliebmd claimed on Twitter and CNBC that he was not trying to suppress debate on mRNA jabs. These files prove that Gottlieb - board member at a company that has made $70 billion on the shots - did just that.

Edited by Mr Serendipity, 09 January 2023 - 09:03 PM.

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#2 zorba990

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Posted 09 January 2023 - 10:31 PM

Keep in mind that other front facing book like social platforms are still doing this. The root cause has to be eliminated.
And of course natural immunity is superior!
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#3 Mind

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Posted 09 January 2023 - 11:05 PM

In a related item, many of the posts creating fear and hysteria around COVID were from fake doctors that didn't exist. Who created these very influential fake accounts? Any theories?


So now we know that not only was the government violating constitutional rights but were suppressing legitimate scientific discussion surrounding COVID and the injections, the CDC was lying (they admitted this publicly), and mainstream media outlets were intentionally spreading fear.


The CDC continues to push narratives with no basis in fact. ICAN has asked the CDC for data supporting their contention that the injections are not leading to new variants. They have not produced any data to date.


Remember, a professor who studies propaganda was censored for calling the media-created COVID panic a masterpiece of propaganda. Seems to be some truth to this, considering I have never seen such a response to a disease that has a mortality rate of a tiny fraction of one percent and is nearly zero in kids. Here is another analysis of the propaganda aspects of the media-created COVID panic. Another propaganda analyst covers some of the same territory in this video.

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#4 albedo

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Posted 02 February 2023 - 08:11 AM

Please allow me a note of humor if you have not seen it already at SNL (... watch till the end ;-)) https://bit.ly/2wJaUUA

#5 Mind

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Posted 02 February 2023 - 04:58 PM

Still asking for ideas on what group, government, or organization created the fake social media "doctors" that pumped-up the COVID fear porn.


Recall that billions of dollars were paid out to media outlets and the WHO had thousands of influencers paid to pump out constant COVID fear porn.


Now add to this, the UN HALO team that went about harassing, doxing, and humiliating any health care practitioners that asked question about the COVID response. This nurses' experience was particularly disturbing.


Leaders at the UN, WHO, CDC, FDA, all need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I can't believe how many people believe they were "doing the best they could" during the media-created COVID panic. They were doing just the opposite.

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#6 zorba990

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Posted 03 February 2023 - 06:43 PM

Still asking for ideas on what group, government, or organization created the fake social media "doctors" that pumped-up the COVID fear porn.

Recall that billions of dollars were paid out to media outlets and the WHO had thousands of influencers paid to pump out constant COVID fear porn.

Now add to this, the UN HALO team that went about harassing, doxing, and humiliating any health care practitioners that asked question about the COVID response. This nurses' experience was particularly disturbing.

Leaders at the UN, WHO, CDC, FDA, all need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I can't believe how many people believe they were "doing the best they could" during the media-created COVID panic. They were doing just the opposite.

Well maybe ask what group seeks to remove other groups based on their own self-perceived superiority. And what are the current resources of such to do the same (again).
Then you may start to get why the babysitters appear so strongly in each and every discussion not to their benefit.

Edited by zorba990, 03 February 2023 - 06:45 PM.

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#7 Hip

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Posted 04 February 2023 - 05:21 AM

Still asking for ideas on what group, government, or organization created the fake social media "doctors" that pumped-up the COVID fear porn.


Recall that billions of dollars were paid out to media outlets and the WHO had thousands of influencers paid to pump out constant COVID fear porn.


What about all the COVID vaccine fear porn you and your acolytes have been posting on this forum?

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#8 Hip

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Posted 04 February 2023 - 05:29 AM

2/ In August 2021, Gottlieb told Todd O'Boyle - a senior manager in Twitter's public policy department - that a tweet from @drgiroir claiming CORRECTLY that natural immunity was superior to vaccine immunity was "corrosive" and might "go viral."

If you had been keeping up with the latest science, you would have noticed that natural immunity has been proven not only inferior to vaccine immunity, but even worse, prior COVID infection has been demonstrated to increase your chances of death via any subsequent COVID infection


So it turns out that natural immunity is a killer, not a saviour. 




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#9 Marconius

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Posted 04 February 2023 - 05:58 AM

If you had been keeping up with the latest science, you would have noticed that natural immunity has been proven not only inferior to vaccine immunity, but even worse, prior COVID infection has been demonstrated to increase your chances of death via any subsequent COVID infection


So it turns out that natural immunity is a killer, not a saviour. 



With all do respect. This study seems to suggest that having received the present vaccines makes little to no difference. It compares between known infected veterans vs. people with no known infection (labelled uninfected controls). Not between those who have been jabbed vs those who have not.

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#10 Mind

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Posted 04 February 2023 - 04:07 PM

If you had been keeping up with the latest science, you would have noticed that natural immunity has been proven not only inferior to vaccine immunity, but even worse, prior COVID infection has been demonstrated to increase your chances of death via any subsequent COVID infection


So it turns out that natural immunity is a killer, not a saviour. 



Most of the available science suggests just the opposite. A recent peer-reviewed paper in Nature suggests natural immunity is almost TWICE as effective at preventing infection.

#11 Hip

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Posted 04 February 2023 - 05:06 PM

This study seems to suggest that having received the present vaccines makes little to no difference. It compares between known infected veterans vs. people with no known infection (labelled uninfected controls). Not between those who have been jabbed vs those who have not.


The study does not say that vaccines make no difference.


Vaccines reduce your chances of death by about 20 times, as has been discussed many times on this forum.


If you are up to date on your COVID vaccinations, your baseline risk of dying from a COVID infection is about 20 times lower than that of an unvaccinated person. So the baseline risk of death to begin with is much lower in a vaccinated person.




What this study found is that in the both the vaccinated and unvaccinated, prior COVID infection increases your risk of death in any subsequent COVID infections you may get by a factor of 2, in relation to your baseline risk of death. 


So both the vaccinated and unvaccinated become twice as likely to die from COVID once they have had a prior COVID infection, in relation to their personal baseline risk. But the vaccinated have a much lower baseline risk of dying to begin with; nevertheless that risk is doubled after they have caught COVID once.



So for the people who were saying that natural immunity was the answer, and is better than vaccine immunity: unfortunately it seems prior infection makes things worse, in terms of your overall risk of death from COVID in any further infections you may get.

Edited by Hip, 04 February 2023 - 05:24 PM.

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#12 Hip

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Posted 04 February 2023 - 05:17 PM

Most of the available science suggests just the opposite. A recent peer-reviewed paper in Nature suggests natural immunity is almost TWICE as effective at preventing infection.


The study you quoted, although it shows both vaccination reduce the risk of hospitalisation by 90%, and natural immunity reduces the risk by 90% also, this study is not taking into account longer term effects of a COVID infection. It just examines whether or not you land up in hospital during the acute infection. 


Whereas the study I mentioned looks at the longer term effects of a COVID infection, following people for a full 6 months after their acute COVID infection. We know from the excess death data (and from studies) that lots of people are dying of mysterious heart attacks, strokes and other causes several months after a COVID infection.


A lot of the people who die of COVID are not dying in hospital during the acute infection, but die months later (after they appear to have recovered) as a result of the pernicious longer term effects of the virus on the body. 

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#13 pamojja

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Posted 04 February 2023 - 05:24 PM

.. but die months later (after they appear to have recovered) as a result of the pernicious longer term effects of the virus on the body. 


You can claim that with continents like Africa with a meager 6% of population vaccinated. But not most western countries with more than 2/3 or even much more now vaccinated.

#14 Hip

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Posted 04 February 2023 - 05:32 PM

There is data showing that prior COVID infection increases your chances of death in the year or so that follows:


COVID-19 patients may retain elevated risk of death 18 months after infection


Repeat COVID-19 infections increase risk of organ failure, death


Repeat COVID Infection Doubles the Risk of Death


COVID-19 survivors have an increased risk of death 12 months post infection



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#15 Hip

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Posted 04 February 2023 - 11:24 PM

Natural Immunity Kills You Faster!



There have been a number of studies showing that natural immunity from prior COVID infection reduces you chances of death during any subsequent acute COVID reinfections. For example, this paper and this one show natural immunity is protective of death during the acute phase.


But those studies miss the big picture, because they do not follow up patients for a longer period; they only usually record deaths occurring during the few weeks of acute infection.



One you look at the big picture, and follow COVID patients for a 6-month period after their infection, as this Veterans Affairs study I posted before did, you find that the net overall effect of prior COVID infection is to increase the chances of death in any subsequent COVID reinfections


This is because when COVID kills, it does not just kill during the acute infection phase (the first few weeks), but kills people many months after they have recovered from their acute infection.


If you look at figure 3 from the Veterans Affairs study, you see it indicates the chances of death by any cause is actually higher in the 6 month post-acute phase, compared to during the acute phase of the infection. So most of the COVID deaths are not occurring during the acute infection via lung failure; most COVID deaths are occurring many months after the acute infection has cleared up, when people think they have recovered. 


Clearly COVID is damaging the heart, and/or is lingering in the heart tissues, which is why it can cause this delayed action death by heart failure many months after your infection has cleared up.  


The Veterans Affairs study is not the only one which has found a delayed action death from COVIDthis study for example found that in year after catching COVID, you are at higher risk of dying from heart attacks.


This delayed action death that COVID infection causes many months has not been adequately studied. 


But when we look at the effects of natural immunity and vaccine immunity, clearly we need to look at the big picture, and note the overall effect on mortality over a timeframe of 6 to 12 months.


When we look at this bigger picture, we see that prior COVID infection actually increases, not decreases, your chances of death from any subsequent COVID reinfection. 

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