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Have you ever died in a dream?

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Poll: Have you ever died in a dream? (82 member(s) have cast votes)

Have you ever died in a dream?

  1. NO (27 votes [33.75%])

    Percentage of vote: 33.75%

  2. YES- dying but never experienced dream-logic post-life (31 votes [38.75%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.75%

  3. YES- fully died and experienced dream-logic post-life (22 votes [27.50%])

    Percentage of vote: 27.50%

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#31 missminni

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Posted 09 December 2007 - 06:13 PM

I never dreamed I died. I have dreamed of speaking to and seeing dead relatives. In one of my dreams
heaven was a golf course and my two deceased uncles were in the club house playing poker. One was
winning and was real happy, but the other one was very unhappy and
wanted to come home with me. I said sure, come on, but he couldn't follow me through the swinging door.

I also had a dream that I saw two planes fly into the World Trade Center (I was at a party in a high rise nearby)
and my skin became very hot, and I ran outside and saw ashes and broken bodies all over. I had that dream in 1991.
I told it to a friend of mine the morning I had it, and she reminded me of it on 9/11 when I witnessed the actual
event from my rooftop while on the phone with that same friend.
I differentiate between dreams and visions. Dreams are my mind sorting through lots of
thoughts and emotions that I probably need to examine or file away in some coherent fashion.
Visions come from outside my psyche...at least that's the way I interpret it.
I've had a few dreams I consider visions. One was in 1979 when I saw Christ rise from the clouds
between the WTC. (BTW I can see the WTC from my windows)That was pretty shocking since Christ is not
part of my upbringing or something I was even interested in.
I've had a few other pre-cog dreams like the WTC dream,
but on a more personal note, like foreknowledge of a pet dying unexpectedly, or seeing somebody I hadn't seen in a long time etc.
I think my pre-cog dreams are a product of the time space continuum.
What about Jung's theory of dreams and the collective unconscious?
I think that's compelling too.

#32 cyborgdreamer

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Posted 09 December 2007 - 08:07 PM

I once had a dream where I died and went to hell. However, I defeated the devil and ressurected myself along with the people who were with me. I died again several times but I always managed to fight my way out of hell. Eventually, God realized that, if I kept this up, I would live forever. As a last ditch effort, both He and the devil came down and begged me to let myself die in order to 'restore the balance of nature'. However, I refused and there was nothing they could do about it.

No prizes for interpreting that one. :smile:


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Posted 09 December 2007 - 08:21 PM

[Source: 'The Foundations of Chinese Medicine' by Giovanni Maciocia
Other sources credited in text.]


This explains the elemental content (water,fire,forest,etc) of dreams as being indicative of a certain energy nature in activity or resolution as pertains to the Five Elements Theory(see my profile for good links on this).

I've personally had 3 dreams where they ended with being consumed by fire or light (thus essentially dying). As the flames washed over me the plane of vision/existence became an all-enveloping white, blinding, crackling static that evaporated a few seconds later as my eyes slowly opened and I returned to a very relaxed waking consciousness.

Some of my most interesting dreams have been distinctly tied to water but there wasn't any dying so I'll leave it at that.

Edited by liplex, 09 December 2007 - 08:41 PM.

#34 missminni

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Posted 09 December 2007 - 08:41 PM

I once had a dream where I died and went to hell. However, I defeated the devil and ressurected myself along with the people who were with me. I died again several times but I always managed to fight my way out of hell. Eventually, God realized that, if I kept this up, I would live forever. As a last ditch effort, both He and the devil came down and begged me to let myself die in order to 'restore the balance of nature'. However, I refused and there was nothing they could do about it.

No prizes for interpreting that one. :smile:

okay, but I think I might have another way of looking at it....
unless this is what you meant too...
I defeated the devil and ressurected myself
and defeated God too,
because the truth is we can all resurrect
ourselves and do, naturally, through the process of reincarnation,
which I think is a transference of energy,
and the devil and god are man made symbols
to control and manage people because if men knew how powerful
they inherently are they wouldn't be so easy to enslave and subjugate.
and that balance of nature that they accused you of unbalancing is the
artificial one they have created to control and manipulate.
If we look to nature, we see the balance of nature is about death and rebirth,
and thats what you did, several times.
just my 2 cents.

#35 cyborgdreamer

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 01:18 AM

okay, but I think I might have another way of looking at it....
unless this is what you meant too...
I defeated the devil and ressurected myself
and defeated God too,
because the truth is we can all resurrect
ourselves and do, naturally, through the process of reincarnation,
which I think is a transference of energy,
and the devil and god are man made symbols
to control and manage people because if men knew how powerful
they inherently are they wouldn't be so easy to enslave and subjugate.
and that balance of nature that they accused you of unbalancing is the
artificial one they have created to control and manipulate.
If we look to nature, we see the balance of nature is about death and rebirth,
and thats what you did, several times.
just my 2 cents.

I don't believe in reincarniation (nor do I believe in God, hell, or the devil, for that matter). Rather, I'd interpret fighting out of hell as my desire to defeat death, especially since I had the dream around the time I first learned about immortalism. I think the part about defeating God and 'the balance of nature' comes from my refusal to be bound by the arbitrary values posed by society (particularly deathist values).

#36 missminni

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 02:08 AM

okay, but I think I might have another way of looking at it....
unless this is what you meant too...
I defeated the devil and ressurected myself
and defeated God too,
because the truth is we can all resurrect
ourselves and do, naturally, through the process of reincarnation,
which I think is a transference of energy,
and the devil and god are man made symbols
to control and manage people because if men knew how powerful
they inherently are they wouldn't be so easy to enslave and subjugate.
and that balance of nature that they accused you of unbalancing is the
artificial one they have created to control and manipulate.
If we look to nature, we see the balance of nature is about death and rebirth,
and thats what you did, several times.
just my 2 cents.

I don't believe in reincarniation (nor do I believe in God, hell, or the devil, for that matter). Rather, I'd interpret fighting out of hell as my desire to defeat death, especially since I had the dream around the time I first learned about immortalism. I think the part about defeating God and 'the balance of nature' comes from my refusal to be bound by the arbitrary values posed by society (particularly deathist values).

I knew that is what you believed is the meaning of your dream.
However, my interpretation is not as far from yours as you might think.
Reincarnation, to me, has nothing to do with god or the existance of GOD, and everything to do with nature and the natural order of things. Since energy never dies, it just changes form, that which "dies" is reborn in another form. If you ever tended a garden, you would understand what I mean by reincarnation. I believe we have an energy of life within us, an electric energy that powers our bodies and that when our physical bodies
die, that energy leaves and passes into another form. It just makes sense to me. At this point in time, I too believe we can extend the life of our bodies and remain healthy and intact and have no need to pass on to another form. I think this is a much more efficient way of life than dying and having to start all over again. I also think this is in keeping with the balance of nature. That man would evolve to learn this ability. It is much more efficient than re-populating the world and having to re-educate that population to get to where we already are.

#37 niner

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 03:03 AM

Just quickly

My dreams rarely if ever have people in them. That must mean I'm asexual. No, wait... Hypersexual! Yeah, that's it. I've never died in a dream, or even had sex. (Almost did a few times, but always woke up, dang it.)

Fascinating. There still may be people in your dreams but your subconscious either cannot/does not see them because your too focused on yourself. So ask yourself niner, are you the sort of person that is always concerned about what "you" are doing and therefore not concerned in what "other" people are doing?

Umm, not overly so.. I have friends, a wife, little kids. It's kind of hard to be self absorbed when you have kids. At least I hope I'm not that way. Now that I think about it, when I was in the hospital 6 months ago, and was in more or less a drug induced coma, I had some really weird dreams with a lot of people. They were sort of archetypal, good and evil types; scheming real estate developers that were trying to kill me, elderly black jazz musicians, chemistry professors, my kids, and my nephew. Also some Bay Area biotech guys who had cooked up a scheme to extend people's lives, but it involved some sort of skulduggery. Lately I haven't been remembering my dreams very often.

This is perhaps a little too personal but ask yourself anyway..have you ever had sex with yourself in your dreams then? Perhaps with someone that looked like you? This is not as kinky and F**cked up as it sounds IMO.

You mean wanking? (that would probably fall into the category of things that almost but not quite happened in my dreams.) Or an actual duplicate niner? Eew, Ick! Sorry, I'm not my type. Even people that look like me are not my type. I had a dream about a supermodel once. It was when my wife was pregnant, and the supermodel was pregnant too. My wife liked the idea. I have no idea what the dream "really" meant. BTW, my wife was standing here reading this post, and she thought that it was as kinky and F**cked up as it sounds . But isn't that why we all come here?

#38 cyborgdreamer

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 04:09 AM

I knew that is what you believed is the meaning of your dream.
However, my interpretation is not as far from yours as you might think.
Reincarnation, to me, has nothing to do with god or the existance of GOD, and everything to do with nature and the natural order of things. Since energy never dies, it just changes form, that which "dies" is reborn in another form. If you ever tended a garden, you would understand what I mean by reincarnation. I believe we have an energy of life within us, an electric energy that powers our bodies and that when our physical bodies
die, that energy leaves and passes into another form. It just makes sense to me. At this point in time, I too believe we can extend the life of our bodies and remain healthy and intact and have no need to pass on to another form. I think this is a much more efficient way of life than dying and having to start all over again. I also think this is in keeping with the balance of nature. That man would evolve to learn this ability. It is much more efficient than re-populating the world and having to re-educate that population to get to where we already are.

It's true that energy can't be created or destroyed. Therefore, when plants in a garden die, their stored chemical energy is available to fuel other plants and animals. However, this energy is simply a set of mindless chemical bonds. You can't make the leap that this energy is equivalent to human consciousness. When you die, the energy within your body survives, but that energy is not 'you' because it's no longer incorporated in a brain full of thoughts, emotions and memories.

Anyway, regardless of the existance of reincarnation, I don't really see why you'd interpret the dream that way. Even if I'm wrong, the fact that I don't believe in or assign emotional relavence to reincarnation would make me unlikely to incorporate it into my dream symbolism.

#39 missminni

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 07:01 AM

I knew that is what you believed is the meaning of your dream.
However, my interpretation is not as far from yours as you might think.
Reincarnation, to me, has nothing to do with god or the existance of GOD, and everything to do with nature and the natural order of things. Since energy never dies, it just changes form, that which "dies" is reborn in another form. If you ever tended a garden, you would understand what I mean by reincarnation. I believe we have an energy of life within us, an electric energy that powers our bodies and that when our physical bodies
die, that energy leaves and passes into another form. It just makes sense to me. At this point in time, I too believe we can extend the life of our bodies and remain healthy and intact and have no need to pass on to another form. I think this is a much more efficient way of life than dying and having to start all over again. I also think this is in keeping with the balance of nature. That man would evolve to learn this ability. It is much more efficient than re-populating the world and having to re-educate that population to get to where we already are.

It's true that energy can't be created or destroyed. Therefore, when plants in a garden die, their stored chemical energy is available to fuel other plants and animals. However, this energy is simply a set of mindless chemical bonds. You can't make the leap that this energy is equivalent to human consciousness. When you die, the energy within your body survives, but that energy is not 'you' because it's no longer incorporated in a brain full of thoughts, emotions and memories.

Anyway, regardless of the existance of reincarnation, I don't really see why you'd interpret the dream that way. Even if I'm wrong, the fact that I don't believe in or assign emotional relavence to reincarnation would make me unlikely to incorporate it into my dream symbolism.

Because I took Jung's theory of the collective unconscious into consideration.

#40 marcopolo

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 08:35 AM

Yes, numerous times. I remember being killed by a monster as I was running through the woods trying to get away. Another time I was in my room and some people wearing ski masks and assault rifles came in and shot me multiple times. I remember hearing them as if I were underwater and it felt like someone was hitting me as I fell to the floor. Then it gradually faded out and I was thinking "why did they do this?". I have had dreams of falling over a canyon too. Just last night I had a dream that I was in the Sears tower and it got attacked by a jetliner WTC style. I had a parachute handy and tried to jump out, but I didn't jump far enough out and my parachute crumpled against the side of the building and I fell at terminal velocity to my death. I generally wake up right after I "die". Another time some giant chickens attacked me and pecked out my eyes and brain(there is a flock of feral chickens that live in the downtown area and even outside of my place here, this in California). I know these sound crazy but I really do have all sorts of weird dreams.

#41 Infernity

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 08:40 AM

Yes, totally I have. Not only I died many times. I once also didn't wake up after I did, it was... amazing. I mean I could actually believe that's how one "feels" when he dies.

I was on a top of a bus, and suddenly it started going. The driver was mad and drove insanely and sooo fast. Eventually I lost my grasp and fell and as soon as I smacked on the ground, there wasn't enough time to pain, and my sight in a nanosecond became narrow from a mere light to a total darkness eventually. Complicated proccess that happens so quickly. My body as if sank. I was suddenly so heavy and light at once, all my senses ceased from working, and my last inner thought strives to live, but the breath is taken away and there is some impossible struggle to think or brethe or move, but the struggle is not even there. No sense of heat, no sense of the ground, no sense at all. As a static thing that imarges wit the earth. Emptiness.
I knew I was dying. For less than one second.
After a few seconds of this static mode, I woke up.

After I woke up I was amazed to see I'm still there. Tought it was likely to be the most overwhelming feeling I remember from a dream. As if a non feeling at all. So weird...

#42 biknut

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Posted 24 December 2007 - 06:07 AM

I don't remember ever dying in a dream, but there was this one about a snake and a donut that was kind of vivid for some reason.

#43 patryn

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Posted 26 December 2007 - 12:46 AM

Yep. I've died many times in the many dreams I've had.
I cannot recall all of them, but there is definately a pattern to my dreaming.

Early on I became aware that dreaming actually helps the mind sort out un-resolved issues that crop up during the waking hours and a few times I've actually witnessed this process in action in my own mind. When working on a particularly difficult problem that I just cannot seem to solve/get my head around, sometimes all I really need to do is let it go, go to sleep and let the subconcious take over.. then I wake up with the answer or a new way to approach the problem. Turns out my father had a few of these experiences too in his younger days, so I figure everyone is capable of it.

Anyway, about dreaming and dying in ones dreams... the time in my life when I was dealing with the idea of 'death' is probably the time when I died most in my dreams. The way I see it, dreaming is just a way for my mind to explore possibilities without actually risking anything. Much like learning from contemplation rather then education or experience.

Bottom line is dreaming is fun and interesting and the dreams where I've actually died... well I think they're up there with some of the most interesting and rewarding experiences I've ever had.
We can learn a lot from our dreams.

#44 JediMasterLucia

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Posted 26 December 2007 - 11:03 PM

when I was a kid, I dreamed regularly that I was bitten by a black shadow in my back.
I could feel the teeth in my back. then I woke up. It was scary :-(
Fortunately, I have that kind of dreams no more. :-D

Edited by jedimasterlucia, 26 December 2007 - 11:04 PM.

#45 Cyberbrain

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Posted 26 December 2007 - 11:42 PM

I'm not sure if this applies, but I had dreams where for example I would fall off a building and wake up. The only dream I can recall where I actually died was one where I was in a video game. I got shot and then I respawned. But again I'm not sure if this applies too.


Lucid Dreaming Rocks!

Edited by Kostas, 26 December 2007 - 11:42 PM.

#46 Liquidus

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Posted 04 January 2008 - 06:24 AM

I've always had the most insane dreams since I could remember, I really dreaded going to sleep for a long time because my dreams were such an alternate reality, often with an aggressive undertone. I still get the same feeling now when I dream, but I like to embrace it as another aspect of life, the interesting thing for me is experiencing and remembering the dreams of the subconscious, a world without rules.

Edited by G Snake, 04 January 2008 - 06:24 AM.


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 03:43 AM

when I was a kid, I dreamed regularly that I was bitten by a black shadow in my back.
I could feel the teeth in my back. then I woke up. It was scary :-(
Fortunately, I have that kind of dreams no more. :)

This "black shadow biting from behind" is probably Excess of the Kidneys which, in the Five Elements cycle, would point to Water overacting on the Fire (Kidneys/Bladder overacting on Heart/Small-Intestine). The pain at the neck could have been the resultant Stagnation(decreased flow) from the described scenario. [An overacting/overpowering Water would draw Qi/blood downward away from the head.] The poor grammar and emotional typing actually correlates to this case of a weak Fire element. Fear ("scary") is the emotion of an unbalanced Water element.

It's kind of a hobby so I apologize if I've offended anyone. Or wasted your time with ancient hoodoo bullshit.

#48 TianZi

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:21 AM

I have always awakened just before I might have died in a dream. Particularly vivid dreams often awaken me, even if they are not nightmares.

#49 Matt

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 09:26 AM

Yes I had them practically every night for about 4 months after I took cipro LOL. Most of them involved nuclear bombs going off...

Edited by Matt, 03 September 2008 - 09:27 AM.

#50 modelcadet

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 10:36 AM

The Statue of Liberty came alive and started terrorizing New York City. It eats me every time.


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:40 PM

Would you believe it...I got that perfectly wrong by "assuming" the dream-bite was at any particular location on the back. It's most likely the reverse of my last statement so it's too much Fire insults Water (bitter foods = sugar; dries out body fluids and causes back pain, esp. lower back where the kidneys reside). Similar disposition distinguished as a longterm "sugar crash" personality.

Edited by liplex, 03 September 2008 - 08:56 PM.

#52 bacopa

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Posted 17 September 2008 - 10:06 PM

I disagree with Micheal I think dreams have a distinct meaning and that often you can interpret them. Often I dream about things that have happened that day or things that I want etc. Dreams reflect our wishes and desires and they tend to make sense much of the time.

However I've had plenty of dreams that were somewhat nonsensical but even these have some meaning to them. I dream I die all the time. I'm constatnly dying in my dreams but I've been sick alot a ton lately and it makes sense cause I fear death more than anything especially being sick.

#53 Moonbeam

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Posted 18 September 2008 - 03:15 AM

Oh, my favorite subject! Dreams I mean, not necessarily dying in them.

I'm a lucid dreamer. I've died at least twice, once lucid, once not. In the non-lucid, I got shot and went into a black void. In the lucid, I got blasted by a fighter jet and went into a white void. Both times I stayed asleep and was able to experience the void for a short time. "Voids" in lucid dreams happen occasionally, so it was not an unfamiliar experience.

I don't know what dreams mean, if anything, but lucid dreaming can be a lot of fun. I've been kind of obssessed with it since I discovered it a couple years ago. I remember posting once on a dreaming forum how increasing your dream recall is almost like increasing your lifespan, as your life consists of your memories, and there are a lot of experiences that can only be had in dreams. It's worthwhile remembering the good ones.


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Posted 15 September 2010 - 11:40 PM

I have had several dreams where I am waiting to be executed in the morning. Knowing you are definitely going to die in a few hours is unpleasant.

#55 maxwatt



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Posted 16 September 2010 - 12:00 AM

I dreamed I was eaten by a bear, and woke in a cold sweat.

Edited by maxwatt, 16 September 2010 - 12:01 AM.

#56 chris w

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Posted 16 September 2010 - 12:14 AM

I pretty often have dreams where I'm in some grave physical danger, but suspiciously I never get to be hurt in the end, the dream either ceases or takes a whole other route all of the sudden, for ex in dreams about falling, I always miss the splashing part and wake up before it happens. What a bummer.

#57 e Volution

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Posted 16 September 2010 - 02:09 AM

I once had an extremely vivid dream (the night after ceasing a certain substance habit) where I was in a plane and crashed. I remember everything suddenly going black and silent, and wondering if I had died. Then I was with my ex-girlfriend in my old primary school (dream continuity fail), but I remembered the crash, so I turned to her and said "I think we are dead!". She didn't think so, and this is where the dream got very lucid; I said "ok if we are dead, you are really my imagination, so prove to me we are not dead by telling me something about me I do not know, or your unique view on something that has happened to us". Obviously she could not, I don't remember what she said exactly but was unable to satisfy me and thus I realised I was dead and dreaming (but not asleep and dreaming). Dream kept going, but that's the main interesting bit... I'll never forget it.

#58 lazarian

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Posted 23 November 2013 - 05:06 PM

I tend to dream about dying, not about reaching the point where I actually am dead though.

#59 Matthias2009

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Posted 08 January 2014 - 04:08 PM

i´ve died a number of times usually I have the sensation that I slide down a black hole without the possibility of going back it´s like a titanic force like a black whole sucks u in.

#60 Thew

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 10:28 AM

I haven't died in any of my dreams yet. But I always dreamed of someone or something is seizing or capturing me, I run then I fight back when nothing to run to, and I always win the "hit and run or vice versa". haha

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