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Ack, my Heart hurts :(

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#1 hallucinogen

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Posted 04 September 2006 - 09:54 PM

Damn it, my heart hurts from time to time, and I'm only 20:S Don't even know if caffeine from green tea or physical training(intense) have contributed..(imo, it would seem that that would be the other way around..) But anyways, I'm so screwed now, I don't even have my own doctor atm and I don't think I'll live to be even 30 now, how IRONIC damnit:P

Also though my bloodpressure seems to be fine (at least when I measured it in the past) I have inteeense mind fogginess at times, and near-blackouts when I suddenly stand up/get up, especially in the mornings...argh that sucks. (Although I'm very mega mentally-active, which often makes it hard for me to fall asleep - but I try to get at least 8 hrs of sleep every day)
I mean its not like I'm even taking a lot of supplements, because I'm trying to figure out wtf is causing it and eliminate it - I only usually take some Omega oils, Multi-vitamins, vit C, protein powder and quite rarely some arginine, creatine, taurine and coq10 , but I usually cycle all that stuff off regularly and sometime I think that I feel even worse when I do:P
And even my diet consists of mainly green tea, boiled eggs, boiled rice, bran cereal, oats, fruits, vegetables, honey, cheese, chicken, bread, well healthy stuff in general...

Anyways, if you don't see me post again, that means I had a heartattack or something:p

#2 Pablo M

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Posted 04 September 2006 - 10:01 PM

You should probably see a doctor.

#3 Brainbox

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Posted 04 September 2006 - 11:40 PM

I had the same issues in the relatively short period I tried pyracetam...

#4 biknut

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Posted 05 September 2006 - 12:56 AM

Question, Is it possible you could be over training?

#5 Trias

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Posted 05 September 2006 - 01:09 AM

Damn it, my heart hurts from time to time, and I'm only 20:S  Don't even know if caffeine from green tea or physical training(intense) have contributed..(imo, it would seem that that would be the other way around..)  But anyways, I'm so screwed now, I don't even have my own doctor atm and I don't think I'll live to be even 30 now, how IRONIC damnit:P

Also though my bloodpressure seems to be fine (at least when I measured it in the past) I have inteeense mind fogginess at times, and near-blackouts when I suddenly stand up/get up, especially in the mornings...argh that sucks. (Although I'm very mega mentally-active, which often makes it hard for me to fall asleep - but I try to get at least 8 hrs of sleep every day)
I mean its not like I'm even taking a lot of supplements, because I'm trying to figure out wtf is causing it and eliminate it - I only usually take some Omega oils, Multi-vitamins, vit C, protein powder and  quite rarely some arginine, creatine, taurine and coq10 , but I usually cycle all that stuff off regularly and sometime I think that I feel even worse when I do:P
And even my diet consists of mainly green tea, boiled eggs, boiled rice, bran cereal, oats, fruits, vegetables, honey, cheese, chicken, bread, well healthy stuff in general...

Anyways, if you don't see me post again, that means I had a heartattack or something:p

Are you sure its the heart itself and not the sternum, rib-cage or pectoralis major?
I know from personal experience (as an ex-bodybuilder) of a similar feeling; I often felt intense pain in my chest region, later i discovered it was caused by intense pecs-workout (bench presss mostly with 90-100kg+). After decreasing activity, the pain had vanished.

#6 eternaltraveler

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Posted 05 September 2006 - 02:10 AM

could be anxiety. see a doc to be sure


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Posted 05 September 2006 - 02:18 AM

See a Doctor, today.

#8 meatwad

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Posted 05 September 2006 - 09:20 AM

Amphetamine abusers constantly worry about their heart exploding.

#9 Infernity

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Posted 05 September 2006 - 12:03 PM

Amphetamine abusers constantly worry about their heart exploding.


Anyways, hallucinogen, I think I know what pain you are talking about, I ain't sure that's the heart itself though I can't tell, me too will tell you to see a doctor.


#10 aikikai

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 01:53 PM

I have the same problems. It is pain in the chest and sometimes high heart rate. I went to the doctor last year and my heart beat was about 90 in resting position. Some days I have over 110 and so on. But there is no wrong with my heart. Probably it's stress and anxiety. I wonder sometimes if it could be caused by my supplementation which includes nootropics.
I also consume a lot of green tea, and I know that tea, alcohol, coffee can effect your heart.

My blood pressure is low, below normal.

So, the "pain" you feel is mostly the ribs and muscles, and sternum, and not the heart. In my case it is not the heart which the pain comes from.

#11 hallucinogen

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 10:56 PM

Yes, I really hope its nothing serious, but it just freaks me the heck out when I feel weird sensations/stabbing pain(even for a few seconds) in my heart at times.

I guess it's Doctor time!(Here you gotta see at least 3-5 Doctors to get at least somewhat meaningful analysis results:P)

Sadly, I'm quite certain it is heart indeed - I'm all too well familiar with a muscle pain...having like a 50" chest:p. I noticed that it seemed to show itself more on the next day after I went on a 7 hour mountain trail speed hike (I usually exercise very intensely for about an hour a day doing heavy weightlifting or smart cardio in the morning (running), but hiking is just a continous strain on the body for hours resulting in some hardcore metabolism).

Perhaps I could be overtraining, there really is a lot of anxiety though associated with it - I was experimenting with Melatoning for the last few days to help me sleep but 3mg might be too big of a dose because I sleep in intervals on it and wake up early in the morning at the break of dawn:p I'll try 1.5mg.

I very rarely touch any kinds of Amphetamines (maybe a few times a year) and if you meant hallucinogens, then they are not Amphetamines at all, not that I really touch that either:p I don't drink or smoke at all of course:p

And the thing is, I really feel fine and even better when I'm in the middle of an intense exercise, its afterwards that I might feel this weird stuff.

PS: I'll try to cut down a little on green tea or try a different kind/label (caffeine content varies greatly from one to another I heard, can't even take any cocoa powder anymore:p)

#12 Trias

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 11:01 PM

Yes, I really hope its nothing serious, but it just freaks me the heck out when I feel weird sensations/stabbing pain(even for a few seconds) in my heart at times.

I guess it's Doctor time!(Here you gotta see at least 3-5 Doctors to get at least somewhat meaningful analysis results:P)

Sadly, I'm quite certain it is heart indeed - I'm all too well familiar with a muscle pain...having like a 50" chest:p. I noticed that it seemed to show itself more on the next day after I went on a 7 hour mountain trail speed hike (I usually exercise very intensely for about an hour a day doing heavy weightlifting or smart cardio in the morning (running), but hiking is just a continous strain on the body for hours resulting in some hardcore metabolism).

Perhaps I could be overtraining, there really is a lot of anxiety though associated with it - I was experimenting with Melatoning for the last few days to help me sleep but 3mg might be too big of a dose because I sleep in intervals on it and wake up early in the morning at the break of dawn:p I'll try 1.5mg.

I very rarely touch any kinds of Amphetamines (maybe a few times a year) and if you meant hallucinogens, then they are not Amphetamines at all, not that I really touch that either:p I don't drink or smoke at all of course:p

And the thing is, I really feel fine and even better when I'm in the middle of an intense exercise, its afterwards that I might feel this weird stuff.

We want body photos [lol]
Are you up for some feedback?

#13 eternaltraveler

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 11:01 PM

go to a doctor, get an ecg. Why would you delay on something you think is your heart.

It's probably anxiety, but it will never let up until you know it isn't your heart. And if it is you need to know so you can get it taken care of.

#14 hallucinogen

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 11:12 PM

We want body photos [lol]
Are you up for some feedback?[/quote]

Heh, this beginning to sound like bodybuilding.com :) No, I haven't really taken/posted any pics yet, but I'm hella ripped and even almost all of the pics on bodybuilding.com in the same age range I've seen don't even stand close to anywhere near where I am:p But I really train hella lot, almost every day, including various different regimes/weight ranges, reps, nutrition, cycles, etc.

I'm really not gonna be a pro-bodybuilder though (pretty big price to pay there) , but I'm considering of becoming a Fitness & Nutrition trainer/consultant - that would certainly help a lot of people.

#15 Trias

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 11:21 PM

[quote]We want body photos [lol]
Are you up for some feedback?[/quote]

Heh, this beginning to sound like bodybuilding.com :) No, I haven't really taken/posted any pics yet, but I'm hella ripped and even almost all of the pics on bodybuilding.com in the same age range I've seen don't even stand close to anywhere near where I am:p But I really train hella lot, almost every day, including various different regimes/weight ranges, reps, nutrition, cycles, etc.

I'm really not gonna be a pro-bodybuilder though (pretty big price to pay there) , but I'm considering of becoming a Fitness & Nutrition trainer/consultant though - that would surely help a lot of people.[/quote]

Whenever you feel ready [thumb]

wow these are old photos of mine:

#16 hallucinogen

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Posted 09 September 2006 - 01:35 AM

Err, Back to the topic. -

What heart analysis / cardiograms are out there , and which would you recommend I go through in a prioritized order?

#17 EmbraceUnity

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Posted 03 February 2007 - 02:44 AM


I don't know if this is still a problem for you. However, here is a quote you may be interested in, since you posted in the thread that I obtained it from.

"Melatonin supplements can hinder nervous system responses that enable the body to compensate for the drop in blood pressure when a person moves from a seated to standing position..."

You may want to consider taking less melatonin, or stopping usage all together.

#18 nihilist

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Posted 04 February 2007 - 02:48 AM

snatches and benches used to give me heart pains. or so i thought. i stopped snatches because i like deadlifts more, but snatches used to spike thoracic pressure in me very high. the benches i figure are because im left handed.

i did read a few months ago, however, that lifting more that half your weight puts you at risk for blowing out an artery/vein in your heart.

however, with the stuff youre describing, youre suicidal if you dont goto a doc.

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