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some pointers

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#1 almac_uk

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Posted 06 September 2006 - 06:39 PM

Hi there everyone,
I'm a university student in the UK and I'm about to begin a postrgrad masters course and basically I'm after a little guidance. I've tried searching this forum and the internet in general but my degree is not in a science (im a lawyerly kind, im afraid) and it's all a tad overwhelming. I'm after something that will help with studying for the next year (a good memory is a vital quality for a lawyer as well as sharp intuition and a keen intellect). I've seen that several people have asked the same kind of question (i.e. 'can you suggest a good noot combo?') and mine is not dissimilar. If we take cost out of the equation (purely for the sake of ease) can someone suggest a healthy and workable combination that has had positive effects for them.

A lot of the posts relate to Piracetam, which I believe is the original nootropic. I'd like to incorporate this into my combo (if you all agree), although i've heard things about Aniracetam being more effective? Other than this, I'm really at a loss. I take fish oils daily, as well as ginkco biloba - what else does everyone/anyone recommend?

Some of these types of posts don't tend to get a response, and I would ask that if you don't have the time to answer my specific queries, could you point me in the direction of other posts/information links. It really isn't a laziness factor on my part, there's just a wealth of information to sift through and I only get 30 minutes on the computer a day so i'm trying to be effective.

Thanks everyone!

#2 doug123

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Posted 06 September 2006 - 10:47 PM

Some of these types of posts don't tend to get a response, and I would ask that if you don't have the time to answer my specific queries, could you point me in the direction of other posts/information links. It really isn't a laziness factor on my part, there's just a wealth of information to sift through and I only get 30 minutes on the computer a day so i'm trying to be effective.

The first thing you should do is go to an MD and try to get medicines that have really strong evidence to support their use as cognition enhancers (Provigil, Ritalin).

To learn about what really works, see:


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#3 neuroenhanced

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Posted 07 September 2006 - 03:46 AM

I would avoid DEA controlled drugs with a high abuse potential unless you have the condition they are approved for and they seem to be the only effective treatment. Eat healthy, get your basic nutrition, and if needed take nootropics.

Oh and unless you're sick why go to a MD? Basic check up every year can't hurt i suppose. But asking a doctor to give you controlled drugs for an unlabeled use? Bad idea.

#4 opivy

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Posted 07 September 2006 - 09:27 AM

yeah I don't think starting off with a CII stimulant would be the best idea. Methylphenidate of course has been shown to help those with ADHD but in reality it is just a longer acting form of cocaine (dopamine re-uptake inhibitor). So its probably best to stay away from addictting substances (unless medically needed)

#5 ikaros

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Posted 07 September 2006 - 12:41 PM

Methylphenidate of course has been shown to help those with ADHD but in reality it is just a longer acting form of cocaine (dopamine re-uptake inhibitor)

True, but this is exactly why it's not quite cocaine. Cocaine's potency is the factor that causes problems in the brain, methylphenidate is more like something that plays on the border of maximum and too much. Cocaine is also known to mess with cerebral bloodflow. But yes in large doses methylphenidate is basically just as cocaine.
I'd not recommend it if you don't have a clinical reason to take it. I've taken it for drowsiness and concentration issues which I get time to time, but I definately know by the effects that I'm really using the wrong thing to cure my symptoms. In ADD/ADHD methylphenidate causes paradoxical calmness in the users, those who don't have the condition (decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex) experience agitation and nervousness and that's exactly what I get, though it wakes me up and boosts my concentration also.
Currently 2-year clinical studies have shown that chronic methylphenidate use in ADHD does not produce any adverse effects in the brain (well at least nobody saw anything visibly bad there).

#6 almac_uk

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Posted 07 September 2006 - 04:08 PM

thanks for the comments... although i don't know where the discussion on methylphenidate came from. If anyone else wants to add to the discussion, i'd be very grateful.

My query is the same: what's a good noot combo for a starter in this area? thanks

#7 shuffleup

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Posted 07 September 2006 - 06:33 PM

thanks for the comments... although i don't know where the discussion on methylphenidate came from. If anyone else wants to add to the discussion, i'd be very grateful.

My query is the same: what's a good noot combo for a starter in this area? thanks

methylphenidate = Ritalin

#8 kottke

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Posted 07 September 2006 - 06:39 PM

From my personal experience vinpocetine, gpc choline, piracetam, and rhodiola have been the most helpful in the non pharmacuetical department for cognitive enhancement. Tianeptine and/or Modafinil might also be something to look into if your looking for a real boost. I find that all these compounds are effective and safe for the most part.

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#9 synaesthetic

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Posted 07 September 2006 - 08:42 PM

I do take piracetam and aniracetam, and they help in their own unique way, but for basics a good multi-vitamin and R-ALA with ALCAR really helped me out with brain fog.

I'd say ani feels like it gives me more of a feeling like a dopamine boost

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