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#1 jonano

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Posted 12 November 2006 - 09:37 AM


Id like to know if its possible to add a new section on the forums. called futurism. a place to discuss about futurism.

Topics that we could cover:

1997 2000 2002
2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008
2009 2010 2010s
2011 2012 2013
2015 2016 2017
2019 2020 2020 Football World Cup
2020s 2025 2026
2029 2030 2032
2040 2040s 2045
2050 2054 2080
2086 2098 2099
2157 21st Century 21st century
2200 2257 22nd century
23rd century 863 99-year lease
AI A New Caliphate A scenario: Age of chaos
Ability to disconnect emotions to enhance best choice descisions Absolutism Accelerating progress
Access to knowledge Advanced Concepts Advertising
Aging Agricultural robots Alpha Centauri
Amara's law Anaerobic environment survival capabilities Apocryphology
Architecture Areas of the future Artefacts
Artifacts Artifacts from the future Artificial immune system
Artificial intelligence Artificial life Artificial organs
Artificial womb Atheism Augmented reality
Autism Automatic translation BCI
BT Foresight and Futurology Unit Backcasting Backtracking
Basics Battle of the Belt Beef
Bioengineering Biofeedback Biotechnology
Body scanning Book Book:Classic
Book:Futurology Borders Brain-computer interface
Brain Computer Interface Brain in a jar Bulk predictions
Business Business Plan CGI
Car Cataclysm Cattle
Certainties Cheese Chig-Human War
China Classic: New Standard Timeline Classic: Standard Timeline
Classic: Standard Timeline 2 Claytronics Climate Change
Cloning Clothing Cognitive Science
Cognitive science Collaborative Analysis Colonization of space
Communication Communications Complexity challenge
Computer Computer games Computer interfaces
Computing Computronium Concepts
Convergence Converging technologies Copyright
Cosmetic treatments Country music Craze
Criminialization of television Cross-impact analysis Cryonics
Cryoprotectant Custom manufacturing Cutting-edge science
Cyborg Cycle of Fear DNA Synthesizer
Datamining Davos World Delphi
Delphi method Delphi survey Department store
Design Desktop Semiconductor Foundry Determinism
Devices Digital libraries Digital memory
Disability pension Discipline of Futurology Disconnected Emotions
Diseases DraftScenario: Cold War 2... in Space! Dystopian classical music
Earth Eastern European Democratic Crises Economy
Ecumenopolis Education Education and knowledge pursuit
Electronics Emergence of China Emergence of India
Emergency services Energy Entertainment
Environment Environment monitoring Environmental scanning
Epistemology European-Union Strengthens Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary Spiritualism Evolutionary Spirituality Exaggeration
Exocortex Exoskeleton Extrapolation
Failed technologies Faster Than Light Travel Faster than light
Feature Article Fictional: Chig-Human War Financial Plan
Forecast Forecasting Forecasts
Foresight Formula for the Future Fountain of Knowledge
Freedom from instincts Fusion Fusion Power
Future FutureWikia:Admins FutureWikia:Hosting
FutureWikia:Mission FutureWikia:Planning FutureWikia: Promotion
Future Laboratory Future Portal Future Shock
Future Template Requirements Future artefacts Future artifacts
Future in computer games Future nostalgia Future proposed devices for 2020
Future shock Future studies Futures studies
Futurism Futurology Futurology: Absolutism
Futurology: Accelerating Progress Futurology: Advanced Concepts Futurology: Analytics
Futurology: Apocryphology Futurology: Areas Futurology: Basics
Futurology: Book Futurology: Bulk Predictions Futurology: Certainties
Futurology: Chance Futurology: Collaborative Analysis Futurology: Complexity Challenge
Futurology: Concepts Futurology: Converging Technologies Futurology: Delphi Method
Futurology: Environmental Scanning Futurology: Exaggeration Futurology: Extrapolation
Futurology: Formula for the Future Futurology: Future Futurology: Future Shock
Futurology: Futures Studies Futurology: Gantt Chart Futurology: Hype Cycle
Futurology: Innovation Futurology: Knowledge Futurology: Oversimplification
Futurology: Past Technologies Futurology: Pitfalls Futurology: Point of Divergence
Futurology: Predictability of the Future Futurology: Prediction Futurology: Prediction Methodology
Futurology: Promotion Futurology: Qualitative Change Futurology: Rate of Change
Futurology: S-Curve Futurology: Scenario Futurology: TOK
Futurology: Technological Determinism Futurology: Technology Futurology: Technology Foresight
Futurology: Technology Radar Futurology: Technology Tree Futurology: Timeline
Futurology: Trend Futurology: Wild Card Futurology: Write
Futurology Teachers GMO GMO Food Traits
Gallery Gantt chart Garage hackers
Genderless world Genetic engineering Genetically modified food
Genetics Geopolitical future scenarios Global Highway
Global Warming Global parliament Globalization
Globle warming Glossaries Google
Google is God Googlezon Government
Greenhouse Gases GroupCast Guideline
Half Work Hands And Grips Health
Hedonism Help Create the Future Henley Centre
History of the future Hostile environment survival Household robots
Hubbert peak Human Cognome Project Human cloning
Human on mars Humanoid robot Humor: Cheese
Hydrogen Fuel Hype cycle IB
Ian Pearson Imperfection Information technologies
Innovation Intellectual property Interface
Interfaces International Organisations Internet
Interview: Aubrey de Grey Interview: Ben Hyink Interview: David A Kekich
Interview: David Pearce Interview: Nick Bostrom Interview with Aubrey de Grey
Interview with Ben Goertzel Interview with Ben Hyink Interview with Bill Faloon
Interview with Bruce J Klein Interview with David A Kekich Interview with David Pearce
Interview with Edgar W Swank Interview with Nick Bostrom Interview with Robin Hanson
Interviews Introduction2 Iron Seeding
Join KnowledgeWeb Knowledge Management
Kurzweil's predictions Land reclamation Language
Library Life Extension Life extension
Lighting Linklists Links
Literacy Lunar tourism Machine Input
Maglev Maglev train Main Page
Male emancipation Male pregnancy Mandatory retirement
Manufacturing Marketing Plan Marriage obsolescence
Mass transit Materials Maternalistic world
Matriarchal marriage Matriarchal society Mediawiki
Medicine Mega-project Mega-projects
MegaScale Engineering Megascale engineering Memory and storage
Mental enhancements Metamaterial Migration
Military Miniaturization Minimum Age For Education
Miscellaneous Mobile phone Moon
Music Mustang NASCAR
NBIC NBIC-convergence NISTEP
NISTEP report Nanofactory Nanorobot
Nanotech Nanotechnology Neo-puritanism
Neopuritanism Neuroscience New Main Page
News from the future Nine Shift Nuclear Proliferation
Nuclear power Oil Embargo Omega Point
Open source Oracle of Wikia Oracle of the Future
Orgasm at Will Oversimplification Paradise Engineering
Past Technologies Past predictions Pathogens found in the human bloodstream
Pax Americana Perfect Human Body Perfect Survivor
Personal Predictions Personhood Peter Cochrane
Phase Transition In Computing Phase Transition in Computing Physics
Plague Point of Divergence Post-rock generation
Postmodernism Predictability of the future Predicting
Prediction Prediction:Disconnected Emotions Prediction methodology
Predictions Processing Programmable matter
Promotion Proposed Book Proteinomics
Psychohistory Public school system Qualitative change
Questions Quidditch Quotes
Radical changes Rate of Change Recording
Recreational drug Relativistic speeds Replacement organs
Replication Reports Reproduction
Roadmap Roadmapping Robot
Robotics Robots Role-playing games
Rural protectionism S-curve Scanning
Scenario Scenario-building Scenario:Battle of the Belt
Scenario:Battle of the Belt Outline Scenario:Cataclysm Scenario:Genetic Instability
Scenario:Google is God Scenario:Human Mind Project Scenario:JC
Scenario:Micro Machines Scenario:Mind Maps Scenario:NASCAR
Scenario:NBIC Scenario:Nomenclature Scenario:Nomenclature2:Basics
Scenario:Target 2020 Scenario:Totalitarianism Scenario:Uploading
Scenario: A New Caliphate Scenario: Age of chaos Scenario: Atheism
Scenario: Aubrey de Grey Scenario: Battle of the Belt Scenario: Battle of the Belt Outline
Scenario: Ben Goertzel Scenario: Ben Hyink Scenario: Bill Faloon
Scenario: Blueprint for Colonization Scenario: Brain Computer Interface Scenario: Brain in a jar
Scenario: Bruce J Klein Scenario: Cataclysm Scenario: Chig-Human War
Scenario: Cognitive Science Scenario: Cold War in Space Scenario: Criminalization of television
Scenario: Criminialization of television Scenario: Cycle of Fear Scenario: David A Kekich
Scenario: David Pearce Scenario: Davos World Scenario: Dystopian classical music
Scenario: Eastern European Democratic Crises Scenario: Edgar W Swank Scenario: Edge of an Abyss
Scenario: Emergence of China Scenario: Emergence of India Scenario: Emergence of India 2
Scenario: End of Marriage Scenario: European-Union Strengthens Scenario: First Strike
Scenario: Futurology School Scenario: Genderless world Scenario: Gjeremy's Predictions
Scenario: Globalization vs Tribalism Scenario: Google as God Scenario: Google is God
Scenario: Human Mind Project Scenario: Human Mind Project 2 Scenario: Into the Darkness
Scenario: Male emancipation Scenario: Male pregnancy Scenario: Malthusian
Scenario: Maternalistic world Scenario: Matriarchal society Scenario: Matriarchy
Scenario: Micro Machines Scenario: Mind Maps Scenario: NASCAR
Scenario: Nanocar Scenario: Neopuritanism Scenario: Nick Bostrom
Scenario: Nomenclature Scenario: Pax Americana Scenario: Quidditch
Scenario: Religion Without God Scenario: Religion in the future Scenario: Robin Hanson
Scenario: Stoic Viper's Forecast Scenario: Target 2020 Scenario: The Colonization of Space
Scenario: The Future of NASCAR Scenario: The War in Space Scenario: The War in Space Outline
Scenario: The Week of Wandering Scenario: Totalitarian State Scenario: Transportation
Scenario: Uplink's Predictions Scenario: Uploading Scenario: Where is the Gorilla?
Scenario: World beat music Scenario: Zero Calorie French Fries Scenario: Zero Calorie French fries
Scenario: Zero calorie French fries Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 8
Scenarios School expenditure School of futurology
Science Science fiction Search engines
Security Seed AI Self-sufficiency
Self Driving Cars Self improving software Sensor network
Shoulder A.I.ngel SimCity Simulation
Single advancement problem Singularity Slavery in the future
Small business coalitions Smart dust Social
Solar Solar power Space
Space elevator Space tourism Speech recognition
Speed of light Speed travel Spiritual
Spiritualism Sport Standard Timeline
Star Lifting Subvocal recording Synergy
TOK TRIZ Tag Standard
Technological determinism Technological singularity Technology
Technology adoption Technology foresight Technology radar
Technology tree Terraforming Terrorism
The Future of Music The Internet The Organisation
The Research World The Service The ability to trigger orgasms at will for quick stress relief and mood elevation
Theory:Nomenclature:Branched Hydrocarbons Theory:Nomenclature:Charges Theory:Nomenclature:Circular Hydrocarbons
Theory:Nomenclature:E-Z Convention Theory:Nomenclature:Functional Groups Theory:Nomenclature:Linguistic Form
Theory:Nomenclature:Polymers Theory:Nomenclature:Reactions Theory:Nomenclature:Straight Hydrocarbons
Theory:Old Nomenclature Theory of Six Stages Think tank
Time travel Timeframe estimation Timeline
Timelines Totalitarianism Town Planning
Transhuman body Transhumanism Transhumanist vision
Transport Transportation Trend
Tribalism Uncertainties United Nations
University Updates Uplink's Predictions
Uploading Urban transport UserTalk:StylusEpix/Archive
User interface Utility fog VR
Vegetarian Virtual girlfriend Virtual reality
Virtual sex Visions of the future Von Neumann Probes
War Warmonger Weapons
Wearable computer Weather control Websites from the future
What-if Where is the Gorilla? WikiNode
Wikinode Wikipedia Wild Card
Wind power Work Workplace
World Cup World beat music World music
Write Zero calorie French fries

#2 basho

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Posted 24 December 2006 - 05:53 AM

Hi, Id like to know if its possible to add a new section on the forums. called futurism. a place to discuss about futurism.

Great idea! Somewhere to collect discussions covering futurism, SciFi speculation, technologies, utopian and distopian societies and, in general, all wild ideas about our post-human, post-singularity future.

Edit: I just saw this advice on suggesting new forums:

Suggestions about new forum sections

Please remember that while it is rather easy to suggest new forum sections, it is far less easy to navigate a forum with dozens of empty and forgotten sub-sections.

If you'd like to see a new forum section, please show:

1) Why it makes sense to introduce a new section (Can the topic be adressed under an existing heading?)
2a) That there are already plenty of topics (more than 20) which would fit better into the new section OR
2b) That you have a lot of great material, which you would like to contribute in the new section, and you pledge to keep the new section alive.

So, to address these points;
1) Futurism is something we all should be interested in since many of the members plan to be around for a long time to come. Its also fun to speculate and could attract more people to this website.
2a) Search for references to Kurzweil, futurism, science fiction, singularity (would it be better to split the AI & Singularity forum, moving singularity discussions to a subforum of futurism?), etc.
2b) I'd hope many members would have ideas for discussion topics.

Edited by basho, 24 December 2006 - 06:07 AM.

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