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Who is taking Pomegranate juice or extract?

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 16 Nov 2006

It seems to be one of the cheapest (and very effective) ACE inhibitors.

I just ordered a water based pomogranate extract POM40p. I was already drinking some juice (which I will continue taking my .5 cup a day), but I have decided to take a bit more without the sugar.

“P40p’s advantage over competitive pomegranate products is that POM40p is standardized to the water soluble punicalagins and has the exact ratio of phytochemical markers as occur in pomegranate juice. This is distinctly different from the solvent extracted ellagic acid available in other products.”

syr_'s Photo syr_ 19 Nov 2006

Where u can buy it? google returned only news.

wow wow wee wah's Photo wow wow wee wah 19 Nov 2006

I'm confident your looking for Froogle and not Google :)

http://froogle.googl...=Search Froogle

P.S. Does anybody else find this hard to swallow? Do you think it is advisable to cook with it?

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 19 Nov 2006

Where u can buy it? google returned only news.

I get mine from beyond a century (uncapped powder).

The juice I get from Trader Joe's for $4 for 32oz.

DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 19 Nov 2006

I've been taking Brownwood Acres pomegranate capsules since the day they came out:


Plus, LycoPom:

I'm a big fan of pomegranate. Seems to be really good at vascular protection.

brutale's Photo brutale 05 Dec 2006

I drink pomegranate juice, or take the extract, fairly regularly.

spacetime's Photo spacetime 06 Dec 2006

beyond a century has a lot of powders but I have to question some of their products. I've got idebenone and it's always varied in color from yellow to orange. Same with grapeseed extracts color/darkness varied quite a bit. I'm a bit reluctant to order anything that's isn't trademarked as the source and purity would be in question.

mitkat's Photo mitkat 06 Dec 2006

I drink pomegranate juice, but it's from concentrate :(

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 06 Dec 2006

beyond a century has a lot of powders but I have to question some of their products. I've got idebenone and it's always varied in color from yellow to orange. Same with grapeseed extracts color/darkness varied quite a bit. I'm a bit reluctant to order anything that's isn't trademarked as the source and purity would be in question.

I've always had very consistent products. Strange. I would email them to complain because I've always found their quality to be good.

wannafulfill's Photo wannafulfill 07 Dec 2006

beyond a century has a lot of powders but I have to question some of their products. I've got idebenone and it's always varied in color from yellow to orange. Same with grapeseed extracts color/darkness varied quite a bit. I'm a bit reluctant to order anything that's isn't trademarked as the source and purity would be in question.

I've always had very consistent products. Strange. I would email them to complain because I've always found their quality to be good.


ajnast4r's Photo ajnast4r 08 Dec 2006

if you guys can get a hold of 'miri-grand' brand pomegranite juice... buy as much as you can.

#1 its not from consentrate, 100% pomegranite juice
#2 out of all the non-consentrate pomegranite juices ive tried, its the only one that tastes like the fresh fruit
#3 its super cheap

xanadu's Photo xanadu 30 Dec 2006

Ajnast, where do you buy this miri brand? I've only seen pomegranet juice super expensive. I bought a pint of "POM wonderful" for around $4.50. It was very tasty, a blend of pom and blueberry juices but it had other juice in it too.

curious_sle's Photo curious_sle 31 Dec 2006

As for supplements containing pomegranate... (thanks Olafur)

Georgian Med News. 2006 Nov;(140):70-7. Related Articles

A new method of standartization of health-promoting pomegranate
fruit (punica granatum) extract.

Jimenez Del Rio M, Ramazanov A, Sikorski S, Ramazanov Z,
Chkhikvishvili I.

Polifenoles Naturales SL, Poligono Industrial Las Majoreras
Ingenio, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain.

This study analyzes the major phenolic constituents of pomegranate
fruit juice and pericarp feedstock, and dry extracts thereof, using
high-performance liquid chromatography. Pomegranate pericarp was
extracted with water (WE) and alcohol (AE) as solvents, and liquid
extracts were subsequently freeze-dried. The results indicate that
ellagitannins punicalagin A and punicalagin B are the major
constituents in the primary pomegranate feedstock and in both types of
extracts. Ellagic acid, a common botanical constituent that is
currently used to standardize pomegranate extracts, as well as
ellagitannin punicalin, were found to be only minor constituents. Total
punicalagins (the sum of punicalagins A+B and punicalin) and ellagic
acid content in the pomegranate fruit pericarp feedstock WE were
7,6+/-0,3% and 0,2+/-0,1% by dry weight, respectively, and in the AE
feedstock 7,0+/-0,2 and 0,4+/-0,1%, respectively. Total phenolic
content (the sum of punicalagins and ellagic acid) in the pomegranate
WE and AE were 45,8+/-1,2% and 42,3+/-1,1%, respectively. The
concentrations of ellagic acid in the pomegranate WE and AE were
0,8+/-0,2% and 3,9+/-0,2%, respectively. Total phenolics in fresh
single-strength pomegranate whole fruit juice contained 2,216+/-70 mg/L
(95% punicalagins), whereas commercial pomegranate juice that was
purchased from local stores was 317+/-13 mg/L (70% punicalagins). Our
results strongly suggest that the commercially produced pomegranate
extracts should be standardized to the content of total punicalagins as
well as ellagic acid. The current standard uses only ellagic acid,
which is unreliable, potentially misleading and vulnerable to
commercial adulteration.

PMID: 17179594 [PubMed - in process]

niner's Photo niner 01 Jan 2007

Thanks for the abstract, curious_sle. I'm using a liquid extract that I bought at Costco for $18 a quart. It is standardized to 250 mg per fl. oz., of which 30% is punicalagin and 2-5% is ellagic acid, and a "proprietary blend" of other ellagitannin complexes. I drink an oz per day, and it tastes pretty good, albeit a bit astringent. It's an extract of the whole fruit. It's called "Naturally Pomegranate". They also have similar versions for Noni, Mangosteen, and Acai (sp?).

xanadu's Photo xanadu 01 Jan 2007

Where do people get their pomegranet juice or extract? I've seen a few sources but one guy just gave a brand, said it was cheap, and would not tell us where to buy it. The last poster said costco. Is that true in all areas? What about Sam's club, or BJ's? What about other sources? What about making your own juice, is it cost effective?

DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 01 Jan 2007

Below is something I posted in another forum a few days ago, about pomegranate...


Heart doctors who do not recommend to their patients to take high dose
vit. C and a pomegranate supplement are doing their patients a serious
injustice. Note the benefits of pomegranate alone...

"Pomegranate juice consumption inhibits serum angiotensin converting
enzyme activity and reduces systolic blood pressure." (PMID:

"Effects of a Pomegranate Fruit Extract rich in punicalagin on
oxidation-sensitive genes and eNOS activity at sites of perturbed
shear stress and atherogenesis." (PMID: 17014835)

"Beneficial effects of pomegranate juice on oxidation-sensitive genes
and endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity at sites of perturbed
shear stress." (PMID: 15781875)

"Pomegranate juice flavonoids inhibit low-density lipoprotein
oxidation and cardiovascular diseases: studies in atherosclerotic mice
and in humans." (PMID: 12224378)

"Pomegranate juice (PJ) consumption for 3 years by patients with
carotid artery stenosis reduces common carotid intima-media thickness,
blood pressure and LDL oxidation." (PMID: 15158307) Also from this
report: "The patient's systolic blood pressure was significantly (P<
0.05) reduced by 7%, 11% ,10%, 10% and 12% after 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12
months of PJ consumption, respectively, compared to values obtained
before treatment." And: "In the control group that did not consume
PJ, common carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) increased by 9% during
1 year, whereas, PJ consumption resulted in a significant IMT
reduction, by up to 30%, after 1 year."

These are hugely significant findings of the vascular benefits of
pomegranate polyphenols, and cannot be duplicated by modern medicine.
Both pomegranate and vitamin C are hugely beneficial in preventing
heart disease. I challenge everyone to ask their doctor if they
recommend either of these two supplements for the prevention of heart
disease. Me, I've been taking pomegranate for two years already. And
vit. C for six.

For fun, here's a report by the American Medical Assoc. from 2004
showing that statins do not increase lifespan (well, they do, by a
statistically unimportant 0.4%, less than one percent!).

"Conclusions: For patients with coronary heart disease, intensive
lipid-lowering treatment with atorvastatin reduced progression of
coronary atherosclerosis compared with pravastatin. Compared with
baseline values, patients treated with atorvastatin had no change in
atheroma burden, whereas patients treated with pravastatin showed
progression of coronary atherosclerosis. These differences may be
related to the greater reduction in atherogenic lipoproteins and C-
reactive protein in patients treated with atorvastatin."

Note that atorvastatin is only deemed better than pravastatin because
pravastatin basically resulted in no change, while atorvastatin merely
slowed down the build up of atterial plaque. There are other reports
showing that statins do not actually increase lifespans. But, these
remain the drugs of choice if you ask your heart specialist.

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 03 Jan 2007

Where do people get their pomegranet juice or extract? I've seen a few sources but one guy just gave a brand, said it was cheap, and would not tell us where to buy it. The last poster said costco. Is that true in all areas? What about Sam's club, or BJ's? What about other sources? What about making your own juice, is it cost effective?

I buy mine from beyond-a-century.com I buy the Pom40p because it has the exact phytonutrient ratio as pomegranate juice (unlike ellagic acid based extracts).

If you like the juice you can get 100% Pomegranate juice from trader joe's at $4 for 32 ounces.

I feel that pomegranate extract is the most important supplement I take. I'm more excited about it that resveratrol given the current evidence. The reduction in artery plaque of 30% after one year is just AMAZING!

biknut's Photo biknut 03 Jan 2007

I bought Langers All Pomegranate 100% juice from concentrate at Albertson's for $4.99 32 oz.

Tastes pretty good to me. A little bit like a cross between concord and white grape juice.

100% juice with no preservatives or added sugar.

Brian's Photo Brian 03 Jan 2007

I'm getting that lower cost Tropicana "Pure" Pom/Blueberry blend at Krogers, in the produce section. Haven't seen it elsewhere yet. It's like $3.75 for 32 oz.

DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 03 Jan 2007

>>>I feel that pomegranate extract is the most important supplement I take. I'm more excited about it that resveratrol given the current evidence. <<<

Given the number of people who die from vascular disease each day, it's hard to argue that pomegranate isn't a top-tier supplement. Everyone should take. If this were a pharmaceutical drug it'd be the biggest news maker since the moon landing.

mitkat's Photo mitkat 03 Jan 2007

I am taking Now! brand Pomeratrol, an interesting low-dose product I can reasonably afford.

FunkOdyssey's Photo FunkOdyssey 03 Jan 2007

I started on AOR's Ellagic Acid at a dose of 3 caps daily. The name is a little misleading, since it is actually 850mg of pomegranate extract that is standardized for 18% ellagic acid. I was surprised to find that it was cheaper than comparable products -- bit of a pricing anomaly (AOR's taurine is also the cheapest thing going). When I run out I will likely switch to a product that is standardized for punicalagin as well.

buck1s's Photo buck1s 03 Jan 2007

Hey health_nutty! How do think the pom extract you take would taste mixed in oatmeal or something? What kind of taste does it have by itself if you know? Of all the pom extracts I've looked at, I like yours the best (also duke's, but expensive). However, I don't cap. I can't imagine capping. You guys who do so amaze me. However, I can get used to the taste of things so if it isn't completely disgusting, I might just eat the powder :)



Athanasios's Photo Athanasios 03 Jan 2007

Of all the pom extracts I've looked at, I like yours the best (also duke's, but expensive).  However, I don't cap.  I can't imagine capping. 

LEF has one that may be a compromise, if the powder is nasty. Its extract is similar to healthnutty's:

POMELLA® is standardized to punicalagins, the top antioxidants behind the fruit’s radical-scavenging power. But its secret lies beyond these potent ellagitannins.  By preserving the researched, native ratio of  active compounds from the whole fruit--what we call its 'natural spectrum'--POMELLA® has proven superior in its own clinical studies; its diverse active compounds offer the body a powerful synergy unseen with any isolated pomegranate compound.

With full safety and clinical profiles, patent-pending POMELLA® promotes optimal cardiovascular health, with superior, bioavailable antioxidant potency and bioactivity. 

I take LEF's blueberry extract with pomegranate caps, 1 a day, but they also have a standalone that is more expensive and more powerful. Note that you do not need a whole lot to get great benefits. I have seen quite a few studies with great benefits of 8oz of juice daily. It is very easy to get this amount in extract.

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 03 Jan 2007

Hey health_nutty!  How do think the pom extract you take would taste mixed in oatmeal or something?  What kind of taste does it have by itself if you know?  Of all the pom extracts I've looked at, I like yours the best (also duke's, but expensive).  However, I don't cap.  I can't imagine capping.  You guys who do so amaze me.  However, I can get used to the taste of things so if it isn't completely disgusting, I might just eat the powder :)



I buy most of my stuff uncapped and just mix it in water. I've gotten used to the taste. It was actually not bad until I added benfotiamine which is very bitter even dilluted. I wouldn't suggest eating the pomegranate extract powder as it is quite bitter undiluted (but not bad at all in water, think tea versus tea powder). Vitamin C adds a bit of tartness that makes the drink taste better.

In my special drink I put resveratrol "complex", vitamin C, green tea extract, Pom40p extract, alcar, lipoic acid, astaxanthin, and benfotiamine. I also drink magnesium malate at night in water.

buck1s's Photo buck1s 04 Jan 2007

Hmmm, maybe I could mix it in my post workout protein/carb drink. Any potential absorption problems that you guys can think of? Is pom one of those supps that you want to take by itself or on an empty stomach? Thanks again.

biknut's Photo biknut 05 Jan 2007

I just bought a bottle of R. W. Knudsen "Just Pomegranate". $4.99 for 32 oz bottle at Sprouts. !00% juice apparently not from concentrate. This brand may be better for you than the Langers. It has a slight taste of carrot juice and seems richer tasting, where as the Langers was sweeter, but a little more watery tasting.

brainengineer's Photo brainengineer 06 Jan 2007

Ive been starting to look into adding Pomegranate into my regimen but frankly Im finding it hard to understand all the varieties and the different %'s of Ellagic acid. Any care to explain the differences/tradeoffs between different Pomegranate formulations etc??


xanadu's Photo xanadu 06 Jan 2007

The best deal I've found is $6.99 a quart for pom juice. I'll have to look around more. No trader joe's in my area. I found a mix of pom, blueberry and other juices for about $3.40 which isn't too bad. Poms are $2 each fresh so forget that.

jamfropsi's Photo jamfropsi 22 Jan 2007

I am taking Now! brand Pomeratrol, an interesting low-dose product I can reasonably afford.

[thumb] me too!