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Remotely Activated Nanoparticles Destroy Cancer

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#1 Matt

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Posted 03 January 2007 - 10:26 PM

The technology and methods using nano-biotechnology is amazing. Many animal trials showing that tumors are literally destroyed and the animals 100% cured and live a normal long life after treatment. Nanotechnology will be the cure for cancer.

This is EXTREMELY promising research, and cancer should be totally controllable or curable in the VERY near future. It doesn't matter how the tumor changes expression or certain genes or tries to adapt... it can't. This method works because it relies on heat and light... Nanoparticles do NOT destroy healthy cells, but only cancer cells. Thus avoiding any nasty side effects!

So clever!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Remotely Activated Nanoparticles Destroy Cancer


Targeted nanotech-based treatments will enter clinical trials in 2007.
By Kevin Bullis

The first in a new generation of nanotechnology-based cancer treatments will likely begin clinical trials in 2007, and if the promise of animal trials carries through to human trials, these treatments will transform cancer therapy. By replacing surgery and conventional chemotherapy with noninvasive treatments targeted at cancerous tumors, this nanotech approach could reduce or eliminate side effects by avoiding damage to healthy tissue. It could also make it possible to destroy tumors that are inoperable or won't respond to current treatment.

One of these new approaches places gold-coated nanoparticles, called nanoshells, inside tumors and then heats them with infrared light until the cancer cells die. Because the nanoparticles also scatter light, they could be used to image tumors as well. Mauro Ferrari, a leader in the field of nanomedicine and professor of bioengineering at the University of Texas Health Science Center, says this is "very exciting" technology.

"With chemotherapy," Ferrari says, "we carpet bomb the patient, hoping to hit the lesions, the little foci of disease. To be able to shine the light only where you want this thing to heat up is a great advantage."

Although several groups are now working on similar localized treatments, Naomi Halas and Jennifer West have led the way in this area, and their work is the farthest along. (See "Nano Weapons Join the Fight Against Cancer.") Nearly ten years ago, Halas, professor of chemistry and electrical and computer engineering at Rice University, developed a precise and reliable method for making nanoshells, which can be hollow spheres of gold or, in the case of the cancer treatment, gold-coated glass spheres. These spheres are small enough (about 100 nanometers in diameter) to slip through gaps in blood vessels that feed tumors. So as they circulate in the bloodstream, they gradually accumulate at tumor sites.

Halas tuned the nanoparticles to absorb specific wavelengths of light by changing the thickness of the glass and gold. For the cancer treatment, she selected infrared wavelengths that pass easily through biological tissues without causing damage. To destroy a nanoshell-infiltrated tumor, the tumor is illuminated with a laser, either through the skin or via an optical fiber for areas such as the lungs.

"We shine light through the skin, and in just a few minutes, the tumor is heated up," Halas says. "In the studies that were initially reported--and this has been repeated now more than 20 times in at least three different animal models--we have seen essentially 100 percent tumor remission." The tests also suggest the nanoshells are nontoxic. Halas says they are eliminated from the body through the liver over several weeks. The technology was developed at Rice in collaboration with Jennifer West, a professor of bioengineering. It has been licensed by Nanospectra Biosciences, a startup based in Houston, TX, that is beginning the process of getting FDA approval for clinical trials for treating head and neck cancer. In the future, the technology could be used for a wide variety of cancers.

"There is a potential for this to bring a profound change in cancer treatment," Halas says. "For the case of someone discovering a lump in their breast, this would mean that a very simple procedure could be performed that would induce remission." She says that "for many, many cases of cancer, rather than the lengthy chemotherapy or radiation therapy," an individual would have "one simple treatment and very little side effects."

Halas anticipates that approval for the method will come quickly, in part because the nanotechnology is not a drug but a device, for which the approval process is simpler. Also, she expects it will perform the same in humans as in animal models, "because heat and light work in exactly the same way whether you're in a pig, a dog, [or] a human being."

Since their initial experiments, the researchers have been further developing the technology. They've demonstrated the ability to coat the nanoshells with antibodies that latch on to breast-cancer cells, further improving the selectivity of the treatment. They've also attached molecules that make the nanoshells into pH sensors that would be useful for both imaging tumors and as an "optical biopsy" for identifying cancers, Halas says.

The clinical trials this year will not take advantage of these advances. But eventually the antibody targeting could make preventative cancer treatments possible. "If you have the genetic profile for prostate cancer occurring in your family, one could imagine treating extremely early stages, when you have something a millimeter or smaller which you could barely visualize," Halas says. "With antibody targeting and then illumination of that region, you could destroy those cells at a very early stage. You could have a treatment every five to ten years, and then you would be free of the disease." The nanotechnology could also be used to eradicate cancers that have spread too much to be removed by surgery.

While people will not be able to take advantage of these advances in the near future, Halas says that treatments based on the original design could be available in a couple of years. Ferrari cautions that most treatments do not make it through clinical trials, but, he says, "I'm hopeful that their clinical trials will yield great results."

Edited by Matt, 04 January 2007 - 02:32 AM.

#2 Centurion

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 01:47 AM

Oh Yeah!!! Now THIS is why we love science so much. This can only be good.

#3 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 02:59 AM

But eventually the antibody targeting could make preventative cancer treatments possible. "If you have the genetic profile for prostate cancer occurring in your family, one could imagine treating extremely early stages, when you have something a millimeter or smaller which you could barely visualize," Halas says. "With antibody targeting and then illumination of that region, you could destroy those cells at a very early stage. You could have a treatment every five to ten years, and then you would be free of the disease." The nanotechnology could also be used to eradicate cancers that have spread too much to be removed by surgery.

Could this make the SENS strategy of WILT superfluous? Simply repenish the body with stem cells with undamaged genomes and do a preemptive cancer cookout every five years and you're good to go!

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#4 niner

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Posted 07 January 2007 - 01:29 AM

Not to be Mr. Buzzkill... but the targeting to cancer cells is not a cakewalk. People have been working on this for a while, for example as a way to target a conventional toxin to a cancer cell. There have been exciting results, and also disappointments in this field for a long time. The nanospheres are a very cool development, but I suspect that the war on cancer has not been won just yet.

#5 Matt

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Posted 07 January 2007 - 01:53 AM

These far exceed the traditional cancer therapies in ability to target cancer and monitor cancer growth. Not only that, since they are virtually non-toxic, repeated therapy might be possible. With traditional chemo they have a certain limit before the patient becomes too overwhelmed and decreases the risk of survival. Chemo also destroys the immunity of the person and increases risk of death from other things than cancer... plus destroying a persons immunity is no good for the cancer 'battle' either.

I really believe that in the very near future the trials will be extremely successful. Pure baseless optimism? I don't know... this is a feeling from the research ive read on it and a gut feeling. Nanotech is far powerful than tools used in the past, just because of the past failures doesn't mean these technologies will be like those.

In fact, I reckon the 2015 target for defeating cancer, or at least controlling extremely well, will be achieved, possibly a few years before that date...

#6 Reno

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Posted 26 January 2007 - 01:16 AM

These far exceed the traditional cancer therapies in ability to target cancer and monitor cancer growth. Not only that, since they are virtually non-toxic, repeated therapy might be possible. With traditional chemo they have a certain limit before the patient becomes too overwhelmed and decreases the risk of survival. Chemo also destroys the immunity of the person and increases risk of death from other things than cancer... plus destroying a persons immunity is no good for the cancer 'battle' either.

I really believe that in the very near future the trials will be extremely successful. Pure baseless optimism? I don't know... this is a feeling from the research ive read on it and a gut feeling. Nanotech is far powerful than tools used in the past, just because of the past failures doesn't mean these technologies will be like those.

In fact, I reckon the 2015 target for defeating cancer, or at least controlling extremely well, will be achieved, possibly a few years before that date...

By 2015 the science of nanotechnology will be more than a few years into becoming realized. I imagine by that time nanotech would've just about saturated every facet of society. Everything from medicine to neural interfaces and cognitive modification. If the cleaner more efficient methods for removing cancer isn't procured by 2010 I say someone's holding back. At this stage in the game its to be expected but, this is such an rudimentary use of this technology. In the next few years instead of using nanoparticles they should be using nanomachines to search out cancer and not reflect light but deconstruct the cancer one atom at a time.

Edited by bobscrachy, 26 January 2007 - 01:49 AM.

#7 Karomesis

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Posted 26 January 2007 - 02:00 AM

absolutely mint. [lol] nanotech is, as they say in ebonics....tha shiznit fo real yo. [glasses]

#8 Mind

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 01:48 AM

"Drug grenades" explode on target.

Their tiny grenades are made from a rigid but porous polymer membrane that contains a gel based on the sugar dextran.

As water seeps through the membrane it degrades the chemical cross-links holding the gel together. The gel swells and eventually bursts the capsule open, spewing its contents outwards.

De Geest's team loaded the gel with green fluorescent nanoparticles to make it possible to see the explosive ejection (see video, top right).

"To obtain exploding microcapsules that exhibit that behaviour, we need them to be between 100 and 400 micrometers [in diameter]," says De Geest.
Smart bombs

Smaller microgrenades can't be loaded with enough gel to cause a powerful detonation, he says. Although 400-micrometer-wide particles are too large to pass through the bloodstream – and so couldn't be injected into a vein – they could be implanted just below the skin in the area where the medicine is needed, says De Geest.

"For the purpose of vaccination, the subcutaneous region is an ideal place for antigen delivery," he says. He adds that the microcapsules are too small to cause any pain when they explode.

By altering the properties of membrane and payload it is possible to make the grenades in smaller sizes. The gel responds to temperature and pH too, so it would also be possible to build smart grenades targeted to a particular tissue environment.

Just a question about the research in the first post of this thread. Anyone aware of any successful human trials?

#9 Mind

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 02:08 AM

Nano-fiber Gel Delivers High Concentrations Of Clinically Approved Drugs

Another indication of the precise control and targeting of drugs that will be possible in the future. Again, does anyone know of or have experienced any of these new delivery techniques in hospitals or human trials?

"Converting known, clinically-practicing drugs into amphiphilic molecules which can undergo self-assembly is the key development in our present research; this may eliminate the need for an external carrier for delivering drugs" says Praveen Kumar Vemula, PhD, research fellow in medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital.

"Enzyme triggered gel degradation has been our key strength, which played a major role in developing these delivery vehicles from drugs-based hydrogels" says another leading investigator Dr. George John, who is associate professor at City College of New York. Gregory Cruikshank, another author of the article is at present working in Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.

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