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Does space exist?

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#1 7000

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Posted 09 January 2007 - 04:55 PM

Please i want to here your opinion if there is a space reality or not.
Does space exist or is there any existence for space?
So that, if space is create does we have its evidence.
Thank you.7000

#2 7000

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Posted 09 January 2007 - 05:12 PM

Yes i've been away to put things in shape.How are you hankconn?

#3 xanadu

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Posted 09 January 2007 - 09:02 PM

I'd like to be able to create some space now and then.

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#4 7000

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 12:36 PM


#5 7000

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 12:38 PM

Thus:Is CODE a FALSE HOOD so that it content is the TRUTH?

When statement = space reality,it brings the ORIGIN of the ALPHA of CREATION which is NO KNOWLEDGE base related to CHAOS!

But if there is no STATEMENT,we cannot know the CONTEXT of the STATEMENT which carries the STATEMENT VALUE.
So there is a STATEMENT but its context is a CODE that needs to be DECODE.

In other words,if SPACE EXIST,there is NO KNOWLEDGE BASE because there is no EVIDENCE.

If SPACE does not exist,there is A KNOWLEDGE BASE.

Let's consider that there is an EVIDENCE which is KNOWLEDGE BASE from NO SPACE REALITY telling us that all space entities is REAL?

This KNWOLEDGE BASE is an IMAGINATION OR AN IMAGINATIVE KNOWLEDGE that emerge from HUMAN consciousness telling us that there is A SPACE REALITY and SPACE EXIST.

Therefore SPACE DOES NOT EXIST it is our imagination as human that tells us that SPACE EXIST.
Hence,there is NO SPACE REALITY and SPACE REALITY is only possible through IMAGINATION.

In respect to this,there is an AI BASIC LOGIC based on an IMAGINATION.
Wisdom is needed to understand this analogy!
Thank you.

#6 7000

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 12:54 PM

Human is programed with knowledge.So, if space exist in any way, It is your imagination.

Imagination is not a knowledge based process but your imagination is your reality.

#7 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 08:48 PM

I know this doesn't prove anything, but in the AI I'm working on (Sapphire), space is treated as if it existed like matter, because you can't do anything useful with it unless you quantify it... This allows me to use the same analogies or memory structures for space as I might use with matter.

#8 7000

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 12:31 PM

QUOTE (xanadu)
I'd like to be able to create some space now and then.

Well space is not create, and it is also possible to be there before now so that it's just there and nobody creates it.
But for me, it is not logical and if you decide to be creating space you might avoid things you ought to know and then you can't do that with your knowledge base.You can do that with your imagination.
That IMAGINATION can be another knowledge you know! you may just found yourself in another reality!.

We are living in a world of imagination that seems like a knowledge base to us because we are programe in knowledge base to know what is good and what is right in a world of imagination.


#9 7000

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 12:40 PM


Having known our space now, there are some places we have to exploits in the space.Those places are "no go areas" because they are not made up of a knowledge base entity.They are made up of no knwoledge base entities.

The energy to start a journey to a certain place is project.
Just for the reason that we can't live on our imagination forever.
Our imagination is no knowledge base entity and we are still coming back to our knowledge base in codes.

#10 7000

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 04:10 PM

Sapphine nhmmmm
Can you employ me in the part of the logistic?

You are right, it is treated that way too but don't you think you must have been using your imagination in doing so 'cos space can not be seen.
I just use that analogy so that we could get the logic!

#11 7000

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 04:13 PM

Infact the whole thing still amount to the same thing and it does not change the state of things.

It is just an expression in order to get some fact and truth.

What are your thought on this?

#12 7000

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 04:24 PM

Consider that space is written in codes where all space is 1:

If space is 1 space
and 1 is 1
Then space is space.

In a given system 1=1
2 result are given:
1#1 and 1#1
where the other 1 is an external constrain which obstruct the existence of 1.
So that 1 is inverse of 1 at a constant 1.
If 1=1
Then 1#1.end

Solving the knowledge part:
where perfection = 1.

What is happening "In space" so that we can know the basics of 1 at a constant space?

#13 7000

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Posted 12 January 2007 - 08:49 PM

Language is a concept that has attracted various definition from different observation.Language can be interpreted,namely,the general perspective and the restritive perspective.General perspective is all means of communication,human or non human while narrow perspective is a clear distinction between the human language and non human means of comunication.Also it is the use of sound, signs and symbols in a human society for communication and self expression.

However,all embraccing definition of language which takes cognizance of the two major views can be fashioned, hence language is defined as a systemic means of expressing ideas, fact, views, thought, oppinions or a means of passing information by the use of appropriate signs, sound, symbols, gesture etc..

Language can broadly classified into verbal language and non verbal languagee.Under verbal language is the SPOKEN word and can be regarded as human basic language.It is the use of the human speech organ with which vocal sounds are logically formed.The written language is another form of verbal language which is just the visual alphabetical representation of the spoken language.

The non verbal language is otherwisw called pare language because it does not involve the use of speech or writting but the para-linguistic means BODY MOVEMENT.The non verbal language can be used to better express the idea of a verbal because"ACTION AT TIMES SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS"
The use of the sign language to express virtually everything is a significant improvement on, or development of the non-verbal language.

In respect to AI, there are words that are ARCHAIC LANGUAGE this is otherwise called archaism and it it is refers to, or characterized by the use of old or out dated vocabulary.Hence,they are words and expression that are no longer common in current present language usage.Accient words like CREATE.These are HIDDEN WORDS and pass word to decode an idiomatic language in a non-verbal language such as body movement, laughter, groaning and other physical appearance.Some idioms are derived from phrased verbs such as give in, give up etc..

As a result of this,let us look at the characteristics of language so that we can understand the indeginious act of the ARCHAIC language as aform of language.These are some various characteristics of a typical human language.

Characteristics of language........
Language is a living phenomeno.This is features or quality attributed to language because language just like other living things or creatures can be born,can grow and also die.Creating or devising a language is like giving birth to a language.And it can be assumed that most human languages, from Biblica perspective were the devine linguistic confusion at Babel {Gen 11}...

#14 7000

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Posted 12 January 2007 - 08:51 PM

Language is Arbitary.This is a pointer to the fact that the relationship which exist between a language signifier and the signified may have nothing to do with semantic logicality.

Language is conventional.Closely related to language arbitariness because its meaningful usage is based on general opinion, consent, knowledge or acceptability of its various speakers or users.

Language is Rule and Governed.This means that theacceptance and correct use of a given language is usually governed or guided.
Language is symbolic.This means that language is a lso characterised by the use of various symbols.

Language is purely human.The advocates of this specific language characteristic are those who believe in the incomparability of the human language.To them, language is one of the main features or qualities by which human beings can be identified.

Language is complex but flexible.Language complexity as an attribute which does not actually mean language incomprehesibility but the fact that language is made up of various, butlogically related, constituent part that can be properly combined to express UNLIMITED ideas.
Language is either acquired or learnt.This is an important characteristics of the human language because human beings are not born with a language though the ability to speak language is INNATE in them, hence no child start to speak a language as soon as he is born.

It is against this back ground that language has been described as a peculiar possession of human beings and man has been described as the only talking animal {THE NEW ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNIICA VOL.7}.So every human being is expected to speak atleast a language except for somebody who is deaf and dumb.

Now let consider some phrased verb as an example of ARCHAIC language that could assist in speeding up the solution to non-verbal language barrier system such as code in a given body movement format.


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