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Loss of appetite on Resveratrol?

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#1 josh4580

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 02:17 AM

Ive been taking around 100 mg/day of Resveratrol for about 3 months now. Has anyone else experienced a significant loss of appetite on it?
Because I have, I used to be hungry all the time, now i eat around 800 calories and i have to force myself to eat the rest of my food for the day

any thoughts?

#2 maxwatt



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Posted 22 January 2007 - 02:41 AM

~400 mg / day for a one week.
I haven't noticed a great loss of appetite, though I am less inclined to take second helpings. But then my Tanita electrical-impedance measuring body-fat scale says I need slightly more than 2000 calories a day for maintenance, plus I burn well over 1000 calories daily with normal activity.

What I noticed almost immediately is a greate tolerance of cold. Drafts don't bother me now, and going out it nthe cold is not an ordeal. It's still cold, but it doesn't penetrate, it's just a sensation on the surface.

I am measuring my fasting blood glucose weekly, and cholesterol and HDL cholesterol at least monthly. When I know more I'll share.

I suggest anyone starting out with RESV should get a glucose meter. Some are under $20 -- I got the CVS house brand -- and the test strips don't cost that much. But then my fasting glucose had been creeping upward for years, not so much to alarm my doctor, but it's alarmed me. The Cardiotrack cholesterol test kits are more expensive, around $100, and the test strips are maybe $10 apiece. If you can get a blood workup quarterly, it would be a more cost effective.

#3 health_nutty

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 06:10 PM

Ive been taking around 100 mg/day of Resveratrol for about 3 months now.  Has anyone else experienced a significant loss of appetite on it?
Because I have, I used to be hungry all the time, now i eat around 800 calories and i have to force myself to eat the rest of my food for the day

any thoughts?

You are only eating 800 calories a day???

#4 Shepard

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 07:22 PM

If you've been at 800 Calories/day for the amount of time you've been on resveratrol....stop taking resveratrol.

#5 kenj

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 07:43 PM

now i eat around 800 calories and i have to force myself to eat the rest of my food for the day

The 800 calories are PART of the total intake??
But, resveratrol can probably (also...) modulate appetite, some other board participants have experienced this as well from 5 grams/daily (No, just kiddin ;-)); - perhaps an increase in norepinephrine from resv in higher dosing?

#6 xanadu

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 08:07 PM

This sounds like another benefit of res. I noticed right away that it seemed somewhat stimulating. I've always been kind of impervious to the cold so I'm not sure if that's changed in the month that I've been taking it. I just recently upped it to 40mg per day. I'm not overweight but would like to lose a few pounds of fat just the same. I saw in another thread an article that claimed res caused new mitochodria to be formed taking the place of old worn out mitos. More efficient energy production might mean you don't need as many calories.

#7 tintinet

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 02:16 AM

I've also noticed appetite suppression. For several days after increasing RSV intake to 5 mg/kg +, I rarely felt hungry, yet when it did hit, it hit hard, at times.

I also noticed this effect when I started taking metformin a few years ago. RSV has some effects similar to metformin. Perhaps the mechanism of appetite suppression is similar.

#8 malbecman

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 04:54 PM

Yes, I definitely notice appetite suppression at the ~5mg/kg level. I take mine mid-morning and lunch seems like an afterthought by the time it rolls around. I don't feel the low blood sugar feeling as much as I used to either.......

#9 shadowrun

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 07:44 PM

I take (400-500) mg of Country Life Resveratrol a day

(200-300) mg 30 Minutes after breakfast with fish oil
200 mg after a generally olive oil rich dinner

I have noticed no appetite suppression effects - or any other effects for that matter
Its been 2 weeks now

I've been eating 1800-2000 calories a day for the past year
(I'm 5'10 - 180 - 14% BF)
Perhaps this could be a reason why I haven't experienced any appetite suppression

#10 tintinet

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 09:00 PM

For the past few days, I'm up to about 1 gram/day (about 1/2 Orchid high purity and 1/2 50% plant extract forms.) Other than some appetite suppression, I've had a fairly typical subjective experience for this period (i.e. no notable effects.)

A couple of times when I took Jarrow or NSI plant extract formulations in the early AM without food before working out, I got quasi-nauseated). So, I don't do that anymore!

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