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Problem with residual symptoms after a flu

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#1 ikaros

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 02:03 PM

I managed to get infected with two gastroenteric viruses in the beginning of this year: one I caught from Egypt by accidentally drinking local water (I wasn't told they serve tap water in a restaurant!) and another when I came back home (lucky me).
Now after getting rid of the acute symptoms already 3 weeks ago, I still have residual fever every day. It's lower in the morning and climbs during the day especially when I do something stressful (like work duh).
I got blood analysis done and it showed that every thing should be OK and my doc thinks it might be just body lacking vitamins, although I regularly take a multivitamin and other supps and I eat lots of veggies and fruits. I've also been under quite a stress during last 4 months due to excessive work, so I suspect this plays a part too in this mysterious feverish pain in the ***, though before the flus I wasn't experiencing any hyperthermia related to the amount of effort I had to pull off. There are a lot of smart people on this forum, might anyone have an idea what might be the cause of the fever and what can I do to fix it? [glasses]

#2 Matt

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 03:11 PM

I don't think what you got is called the flu... btw.

- Stress and anxiety can cause elevation in body temperature
- Elevated core body temperature (low grade and intermittent) has been reported in one study I read to last for a maximum of 20 weeks, mean 10 weeks after acute illness.
- Chronic inflammation (TNF-a, IL6 act as pyrogens).

Temperature does rise during the evening and then fall from then on until around 3-4am and the processes repeats itself. When you are feeling like you have a fever, have you checked your temperature? and what is it? State what method you used to measure too (ear, mouth, underarm etc...)

I found out that I had an infection in my tooth for 3 months (originally just treated with antibiotics) and caused my night time fever. The abscess developed after an infection with the flu (weakened immune system).

Take a fever lowering drug like paracetamol and see what happens. It works if there are pyrogens causing pyrexia.

#3 scottflyer

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 03:54 PM


I would suggest that you should consider both 1. stimulation of the immune system and 2. Cleansing of the body, both with natural means. There are a number of excellent herbal formulas that stimulate the immune system(garlic, ge132, echinacea etc.), but Vitamin C in megadoses really works and has been clinically verified more than many of the herbal methods. See: http://www.orthomed.com/ Also take a look at Swanson Ultra EPICOR High-Metabolite Immunogens at http://www.swansonvitamins.com the full link is:


Although the narrow view is that the Gerson therapy is only for treating cancer, it works because of its excellent ability to cleanse the body (especially of the toxic conditions that suppress the immune system's ability to fight cancer). There are other excellent cleansing methods available, but this one is quite simple to do yourself. Although I do not have cancer, I do it on a periodic basis and find it to be very helpful:

I hope that this is helpful.


#4 ikaros

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 06:12 PM

- Stress and anxiety can cause elevation in body temperature

Good point, I've suspected that, but in the past I've never had an elevated body temperature during anxious high stress periods. So it sounds like a weak connection in my case.

- Elevated core body temperature (low grade and intermittent) has been reported in one study I read to last for a maximum of 20 weeks, mean 10 weeks after acute illness.

I'll be turning into a couch potato if this lasts that long.

When you are feeling like you have a fever, have you checked your temperature? and what is it? State what method you used to measure too (ear, mouth, underarm etc...)

It varies from 37.1 C to 37.7 C (that'd be around 98.5-100 in fahrenheit). I measure underarm.


I would suggest that you should consider both 1. stimulation of the immune system and 2. Cleansing of the body, both with natural means. There are a number of excellent herbal formulas that stimulate the immune system(garlic, ge132, echinacea etc.), but Vitamin C in megadoses really works and has been clinically verified more than many of the herbal methods. See: http://www.orthomed.com/ Also take a look at Swanson Ultra EPICOR High-Metabolite Immunogens at http://www.swansonvitamins.com the full link is:


Although the narrow view is that the Gerson therapy is only for treating cancer, it works because of its excellent ability to cleanse the body (especially of the toxic conditions that suppress the immune system's ability to fight cancer). There are other excellent cleansing methods available, but this one is quite simple to do yourself. Although I do not have cancer, I do it on a periodic basis and find it to be very helpful:

I hope that this is helpful.


I already take quite a number of immune system boosters from vit C, E, selenium, CoQ10, zinc, inositol, echinacea, probiotics to calcium+magnesium (if these could be considered immune-enhancing). Plus I regularly use infrared sauna (2 times a week), so I should be cleansed to the bone already. Thanks for the input though.

Take a fever lowering drug like paracetamol and see what happens. It works if there are pyrogens causing pyrexia.

It works, only for couple of hours. But my stomach doesn't agree by making all sorts of wierd noises after ingesting it.

#5 Matt

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 07:17 PM

Well that is rather high for an underarm temperature.... I think normal is around 36.5. If no other symptoms are present then you can just wait and see what happens. You have been ill twice like you said, so just give it another two weeks. It's a pain I know, but you gotta let things settle.

#6 niner

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 07:45 PM

It sounds like you have a residual bacterial infection. If I were you, I would take a potent broad spectrum antibiotic like Biaxin for two weeks.

#7 shadowrun

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 08:49 PM

If the doctor says your bloodwork is good and your not at risk for permanent injury or death - I'd say roll with the punches

I hate antibiotics and they mess up your good bacteria too - Sometimes it can't be avoided though

How was Egypt?
Worth the trip?

#8 ikaros

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Posted 03 February 2007 - 11:54 AM

How was Egypt?
Worth the trip?

It was quite a culture shock, especially because we wondered around by ourselves in Cairo and ended up in the craziest dumps one can imagine - certainly worth to try, unguided tourism rocks although don't eat or drink anything there, you'll catch something for sure. Too bad that once I reached the pyramids I was already passing out from whatever I managed to catch there. Oh and don't mind the CO level in the air after a day you'll feel like you've smoked a couple of packs of cigarettes.

I hate antibiotics and they mess up your good bacteria too - Sometimes it can't be avoided though

Same here, besides I was already on ciproflaxin which is an A-bomb in antibiotic category. No more Hiroshimas in my gut, no thanks.

Fever still persisting today.

Edited by ikaros, 03 February 2007 - 12:13 PM.

#9 niner

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Posted 03 February 2007 - 06:02 PM

Ikaros, I think you should pay another visit to the doctor, you most likely have an infection that made it past the cipro. That is not uncommon. Did you have a bad reaction to the cipro? How long did you take it? I once had to try three different antibiotics before I found the one that took care of my infection. If I hadn't done that, I might have wound up dead. My gut flora are fine, by the way. They do recover.

#10 Matt

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Posted 03 February 2007 - 06:23 PM

ikaros, you took antibiotics for a viral infection? [mellow]

#11 niner

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Posted 04 February 2007 - 04:55 AM

Viral infections usually don't last this long. When an infection drags on like this, it's usually bacterial.

#12 ikaros

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Posted 04 February 2007 - 12:04 PM

Thanks for responses.
Because it was unclear in the beginning what caused the GI infection I was preventatively (because it's common for people who have been to Egypt to get bacteria as there are a lot of pathogens there for vulnerable westerners) given ciprofloxacin for 3 days. It didn't do much, but the first infection cleared out in 2 weeks, then I was OK for another 2 weeks until I caught a virus. This time it was definately a gastroenteric virus, because my family went through it also. Anyway I recovered from the GI symptoms in 3 days after the acute viral infection, but the fever hasn't gone away and this is why it's puzzling, it isn't really a serious fever but a fever nevertheless. Could it just be that my GI tract went thorugh 2 serious infections and is now in some sort of a inflammatory phase which is keeping the fever up? I'm also adding herbs to see if they help: licorice, balm, sea-buckthorn and other anti-inflammatory substances.

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