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My wearable PC

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#1 garethnelsonuk

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Posted 08 February 2007 - 10:36 PM

For those who missed it first time round, I am now the proud owner of a wearable computer:
Posted Image

Still having problems with power management (i.e batteries run low after only a few hours of use and each component has a different PSU with different voltage requirements) and working actively on better software but it works!

I recently wore this at uni and got mixed reactions from people including others turning back round when walking past me. Combined with the CES device I recently built, this setup is incredibly useful for "cyborging myself" for lack of a better term.

Anyone know a neurosurgoeon who'd be willing to implant a few electrodes? [lol]

Future plans:
Fixing up the PSUs to have one big centralised battery pack
Reducing physical size (possibly sewing components into a coat or jacket rather than using a backpack)
Constantly improving the software
Building a simple EEG interface using either the P300 or teeth grinding pattern (apparently grinding one's teeth produces a very clear and obvious pattern in EEG data, P300 is more difficult to detect)
Alertness monitoring with EEG and interventions - i.e if I start to fall asleep, have it automatically stimulate me in some manner (CES, binaural and traditional alarm clock type features)
Moving more to neural interfacing - perhaps it may be possible to use phosphenes to provide a covert interface if the patterns and colours can be controlled electrically
audio and speech interfacing, perhaps dynamic analysis of ambient sounds to filter out everything except relevant conversations - so I can listen to my MP3 collection and have it automatically faded out when someone talks
GPS + Wireless internet access via GSM/3G mobile phone
Whatever other perverse ways I can think of to make everything slightly more covert and less bulky while interfacing closer and closer to my CNS

It's truly amazing what can be done with off the shelf components and internet access, I suggest everyone here starts hacking their nervous system and building a wearable PC.

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