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You are forgiven

caston's Photo caston 28 Feb 2007

New code joins this earth
different from the rest
they attempted to subdue
through constant pain disgrace
the young boy mimes their rules

with time the child learns
their foolish ways
this whipping boys takes the lashes of their sins
yet still he has his own thoughts and dreams

he tirelessly struggles on
a vow onto his own
he will try to show them the way
such a noble cause to make a world a better place
his will they can't take away

everything I've felt
everything i've known
has shined through and soon I will show
what I couldn't be
what they couldn't see
just goes to show how much greater I am destined to be

What I feel
What I know
Has shined through to what I show

I am me
I am free
You can't see what I see
You are forgiven

They dedicated their lives
to trying to sabotage his
He tried to show them the way
this untiring man he is
through his life he never stops
this fight must never end for then does the story

this untiring man they see is eternally strong in his developing ideals
this incredible un-ageing man lives without regrets
You see this incredible un-aging man is me.

What I've felt
What I know
Is now shining through to what I show
I am me
I am free
You can't see what I can see

You will live
you will love
you will lose yourself
to someone else
you will grow old
and so will your children
and theirs
I will always stay the same


What I feel
What I know
is now shining through
to what I show

I am me
I am free
you can't see what I can see

What I feel
What I know
Is now shining through
to what I show

I am free
I am me
You can't see what I see
You are forgiven

wo oo o....

I am free
I am me
you are forgiven

You will live
you will love
you will lose yourself
to someone else
and grow old
and so will your children
and theirs
I will always stay the same

you tried to label me
but I defy labels
you are forgiven

I am free
I am me
you can't see what I see
I love you
I forgive you
One day I will miss you

You tried to label me
but I defy labels
you can't see what I see

you are forgiven
I am free
I am me
you are forgiven