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Newbie Idea - Semi Super-Natural Health

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#1 iforgotmyname

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Posted 01 May 2007 - 11:55 PM

I'm 16 years old, so my knowledge on this subject is limited. But I came across a question/idea I have to share.

I recently found a new patented delivery system method in supplements called "fructose compounding" where it claims to increase supplement ingredients' intake to the 90+ percentile. For this ideas sake, assume it is true. I am not after accuracy, just "what - if"

I also found an article that stated eating vegetables and fruits has more to it than the vitamins and minerals they contain, science has discovered a new class of micro nutrients, or "phytonutrients", that are connected to optimal healthy and longevity, but not connected to necessarily "surviving".

"Phytochemicals are compounds that exist in plants to protect them from the sunlight and affect human beings and other mammals in a number of beneficial ways. The more Phytochemicals you add to your diet, the greater the degree of health protection you can enjoy. People who eat large quantities of fruits and vegetables have reduced risks of cancer. A lifelong diet of phytochemicals plays an important role in health and longevity."

Apparently, these compounds can be compacted into "powder" much like we use vitamins and supplements.

Now, "what - if" you could get the optimum vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, etc into pills, and get them absorbed on the 90+ percentile? Then lets say you exercise optimally, eat the "healthy" food as well, even though you believe in your supplements.

Do you believe it is possible to do right now?
Do you believe it is possible to do within the next decade?

#2 shifter

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Posted 02 May 2007 - 02:32 AM

I already thought vitamin pills contain phytonutrients to help with absorption. As far as I was aware its already happening. I dont know of a 'phyto nutrient pill' only, but many vitamin&mineral supplement combos have phytonutrients.

Also I believe many of the 'superfood' juices have an abundance of them.

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#3 health_nutty

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Posted 02 May 2007 - 05:26 AM

Let's see pomegranate extract, green tea extract, aged garlic extract, grapeseed extract, pinebark extract, okay I'm tired of typing...

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