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Religious Programming

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#1 Live Forever

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 08:58 PM

Edit: I am just going to make this a thread on religious videos in general so that I don't continually post new threads. First up:

Documentary from Channel 4 about students at Patrick Henry College in Virginia (among other things; the trying to take over government positions of these religious fundamentalists):



(Note: Doesn't start until about 2:30 into the video)

Patrick Henry is about the same as Jerry Falwell's Liberty University (for anyone familiar with it), with the advocating of extreme conservatism, creationism, pro-life stances, etc. I don't really understand how "universities" such as this can receive accreditation.

Pretty scary stuff.

Edited by Live Forever, 05 May 2007 - 08:46 PM.

#2 basho

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 11:39 PM

That's bad, really bad. A college, influential in the Whitehouse with close ties to the Bush administration, setup for the explicit purpose of molding young, white Americans with a vision of "a mighty army, a holy nation", trained to dominate the public arena and bring about a Christian republic. Most of the students are home-schooled, kept apart and isolated from the cultural mainstream by evangelical Christian parents in order to control every aspect of their environment, shielding them from the "moral decay" of the world, subjected from birth to a program of indoctrination.

They have an anti-science, creationist agenda. They classify homosexuals and abortionists as the forces of darkness. They encourage intolerance towards other beliefs and nations ("equality in the international arena is silly"). They encourage students to report on roomates who deviate from the moral agenda, followed by forced public confessions.

Is this where America is heading?

#3 basho

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 11:50 PM

Is this where America is heading?

The answer would appear to be "yes". Following a link from another thread, I found this:

“What idea, if embraced, would pose the greatest threat to the welfare of humanity?”  Francis Fukuyama, professor of international political economy at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and member of the President’s Council on Bioethics  ...wishes for the death of his adversaries: “transhumanists,” he writes, “are just about the last group that I’d like to see live forever”.

#4 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 02:19 AM

This is very frightening... this is even more firewood for my book I'm working on, Thanks a lot for the video Nate!

#5 eldar

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 10:32 AM

This is very frightening... this is even more firewood for my book I'm working on, Thanks a lot for the video Nate!

Seriously, how do you find the time? You're working on AI design, building a nuclear reactor and now writing a book. I wish I were half as productive! [thumb]

#6 samson

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 11:31 AM

Hi-fucking-larious. Into the oblivion of ignorance, singing praise for a dead god!

#7 Mind

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 02:33 PM

Please don't throw all home-shoolers into the "Army of god" basket. I have taught some of these kids about weather in the past and they tend to be creative and bright and a lot of them end up in places like Harvard and MIT. In fact, top universities agressively recruit home-schooled kids. It is only a few that end up in strict religious institutions.

#8 Live Forever

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 02:38 PM

Please don't throw all home-shoolers into the "Army of god" basket. I have taught some of these kids about weather in the past and they tend to be creative and bright and a lot of them end up in places like Harvard and MIT. In fact, top universities agressively recruit home-schooled kids. It is only a few that end up in strict religious institutions.

I agree, Mind. I have known some home schooled kids that were very bright and not very religious. The ones we have to worry about are the types that end up at the types of "universities" described in the video, but to cast all home schoolers in the same lot would be disingenuous. I do think that in general home schoolers are a bit less developed in their social skills because of the lack of interaction with other kids their age as much as kids who go to public or private school get, but as long as they go to a descent university, most of them pick up these skills later in life.

#9 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 04:39 PM

Please don't throw all home-shoolers into the "Army of god" basket. I have taught some of these kids about weather in the past and they tend to be creative and bright and a lot of them end up in places like Harvard and MIT. In fact, top universities agressively recruit home-schooled kids. It is only a few that end up in strict religious institutions.

Although I didn't get that feeling from the video, I fully agree... I was home schooled for a little over a year and even though my curriculum was bible-based (like... really, really bible based.... like..."what did got create first?"-bible based), I met a few other people who weren't being indoctrinated, their curriculum was essentially neutral... and personally, if it weren't for the friends I made at public school... I would much rather have spent my learning time at home because you can fit so much more in...

I have a feeling though, that if the US ends up being taken over by religious fundamentalists, we will see a lot of scientists jumping ship for places like the UK (I sure would), and with that goes the US's technological superiority... A wild tangent, but something I have thought about a little bit recently.

Seriously, how do you find the time? You're working on AI design, building a nuclear reactor and now writing a book. I wish I were half as productive!

I know, it seems like a lot... but you would be surprised at how much easier it is to work on a bunch of long term projects than it is to work on a bunch of short-term projects... less distractions, and the majority of my work is brainstorming, (though I have purchased a few parts for the reactor already)... and since the book will be slowly written over the next several years, I can just put an hour or so in every day (minimum)... pacing yourself, setting a work schedule for all of your personal projects, and making sure the returns you get from spending time to refine an idea are actually worth it is key... (also, I'm trying my hardest to get into MIT, so I have some incentive :) )

#10 Live Forever

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 08:48 PM

I changed this thread to just religious programming in general (of the more lengthy variety, not the funny videos like in the other thread) so that I don't keep making new threads and can put them all in one place.

#11 Live Forever

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 08:49 PM

Next up, "Who Wrote the Bible?"



It is an exploration into who the actual authors were, and how they have been retranslated. Fairly interesting.

#12 Live Forever

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Posted 07 May 2007 - 12:16 AM

Hitchens on Lou Dobbs talking about his new book "God is Not Great":

Edit: Since Hitchens is on his book tour, there are lots of videos of him on other shows, so instead of putting them in new posts, I will just add them to this post below.

Hitchens on the Daily Show:

Hitchens on Anderson Cooper 360 (after the "bigoted" remark by Al Sharpton):

Hitchens on Lou Dobbs again (also after the Al Sharpton incident)

Bill Maher interviewing Hitchens:

Hannity vs Hitchens:

At "Politics and Prose":

Edited by Live Forever, 31 May 2007 - 06:25 AM.

#13 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 07 May 2007 - 04:41 AM

That went well

#14 luv2increase

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Posted 10 May 2007 - 05:32 PM

You guys are sad. One Christian was strong beliefs being in a university. Do you not know that the majority of scientists within universities don't believe in God. Should these people not be aloud to teach because of that. You get upset of 1 versus 1,000,000 here. If you think someone with God beliefs should be teaching in a uni then what about the people teaching anti-God beliefs??? Oh, I get they are ok, right? Grow up. You all act as if this is war. I tell you there is more anti-God stuff in the media, tv, university, everywhere one goes. And this upsets you?

This topic should be, in your guys' eyes, "Isn't is great of all the anti-religious programming going on".

#15 Live Forever

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Posted 10 May 2007 - 07:44 PM

You guys are sad.  One Christian was strong beliefs being in a university.  Do you not know that the majority of scientists within universities don't believe in God.  Should these people not be aloud to teach because of that.  You get upset of 1 versus 1,000,000 here.  If you think someone with God beliefs should be teaching in a uni then what about the people teaching anti-God beliefs???  Oh, I get they are ok, right?  Grow up. You all act as if this is war.  I tell you there is more anti-God stuff in the media, tv, university, everywhere one goes.  And this upsets you?

This topic should be, in your guys' eyes, "Isn't is great of all the anti-religious programming going on".

No one is acting as you describe. This thread is open to submissions by anyone. The fact that most people here are logical thinkers, scientists, and scientifically minded individuals naturally means that there will be a lot of atheists and agnostics. (the more educated one is, or the higher intelligence, the more likely to be an atheist, as many studies have shown) That does not mean we are censoring anyone. If you have a submission, please feel free to submit it. ;))

#16 Live Forever

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Posted 10 May 2007 - 07:47 PM

Here are a couple more that have already been posted by myself in other threads, but since I am trying to aggregate them:

"30 Days" Episodes:

An Atheist lives among Christians for 30 Days:

A Christian lives among Muslims for 30 Days:

#17 william7

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Posted 11 May 2007 - 11:55 PM

(the more educated one is, or the higher intelligence, the more likely to be an atheist, as many studies have shown) :))

I'm glad you're winking on this one. The matter is open to debate like many other things that people think are not, but really are.

#18 Live Forever

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Posted 12 May 2007 - 05:07 AM

(the more educated one is, or the higher intelligence, the more likely to be an atheist, as many studies have shown) :))

I'm glad you're winking on this one. The matter is open to debate like many other things that people think are not, but really are.

True. I know that the more educated one is (higher degree that one has attained), the more likely they are to be atheist, and the higher the IQ, the more likely to be atheist/agnostic, but whether "intelligence" can be measured by IQ tests or education is up for debate.

http://kspark.kaist...... religion.htm
(among others)

#19 william7

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Posted 12 May 2007 - 04:20 PM

(the more educated one is, or the higher intelligence, the more likely to be an atheist, as many studies have shown) :))

I'm glad you're winking on this one. The matter is open to debate like many other things that people think are not, but really are.

True. I know that the more educated one is (higher degree that one has attained), the more likely they are to be atheist, and the higher the IQ, the more likely to be atheist/agnostic, but whether "intelligence" can be measured by IQ tests or education is up for debate.

http://kspark.kaist...... religion.htm
(among others)

It's also what you consider to be true intelligence or true knowledge. A person can be well educated in worldly intelligence or technical intelligence but have a serious deficit in moral intelligence - like what's right and wrong. I would say intelligence is in the eye of the beholder like beauty. It's what type of intelligence is conducive to living life to the fullest and to pleasing God that should be considered most important. Scientific knowledge is not the most important form of knowledge in my opinion.

#20 Live Forever

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 03:42 AM

20/20 "The Price of Atheism":

#21 Live Forever

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Posted 18 May 2007 - 09:48 PM

Did Jesus learn what he knew from Buddhism?

#22 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 18 May 2007 - 10:15 PM

Very interesting... at this point I don't know how much I should believe of documents or stories that say anything about religious figures dating back that far, sure... this seems far more plausible than anything I've seen Christians come up with, but I still can't help but to think of how some of this may have been changed over the past few thousand years...

#23 Live Forever

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Posted 27 May 2007 - 11:03 PM

Dawkins on Canadian TV:

#24 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 01:44 AM

Wow, that was fairly lengthy but it was a good watch, I like how he explains the issue of morality... It is so irritating when someone tells me where I get my morals.

#25 william7

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 02:26 PM

Dawkins on Canadian TV:

Excellent video! How you find all this stuff I'll never know. You must hang out on the Internet much more than me that's for sure. You think the full show can or will be put on Youtube or Google video?

The show shows that Dawkin's bet contrary to the wisdom of "Pascal's Wager" and the viewing public being ignorant of the bigger picture of the Scriptures foolishly followed Dawkins in his shortsighted and erroneous decision. I hope everybody watched the full show and not just Dawkin's portion of it. The panel that responded to Dawkins did a pretty good job in my opinion. It's unfortunate that the viewing public lacks the necessary knowledge to see the good in good religion when it's practiced correctly, and the dire necessity for good religion to improve on its practice in order to overcome bad religious practice.

#26 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 07:07 PM

contrary to the wisdom of "Pascal's Wager"

An omniscient god would be able to tell if you are following Pascal's logic. (Not very wise)

#27 Live Forever

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 07:37 PM

You think the full show can or will be put on Youtube or Google video?

This one is on Youtube as well:
(part 1)
(part 2)
(part 3)

Not sure what you mean by "full show", do you mean others with the same host? Lots of them are available on their website I think: http://www.tvo.org/c...oorg/theagenda/

#28 william7

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 07:48 PM

Not sure what you mean by "full show", do you mean others with the same host?

I thought they might break the show up and only show parts of it. Thanks for the Youtube links!

#29 william7

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 07:52 PM

contrary to the wisdom of "Pascal's Wager"

An omniscient god would be able to tell if you are following Pascal's logic. (Not very wise)

He wouldn't care as long as you're trying to keep His laws and follow the teachings of Christ to the best of your ability.

#30 zoolander

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 11:50 PM

Elijah do you have anything at all to comment about the videos and how they accuse religion/Christianity/Catholics as being delusions and their faith being destructive and poisionous?

An interesting point and approach from the author of God is not Great in that he merely asks followers of religious faiths to keep to themself and to not push their views on to others. He suggests that it is the forced attempts to instill their views so strongly onto others that is the problem.

Your thoughts? Elijah or luv2increase?

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