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What can make me a loud mouthed extrovert

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#1 shifter

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 02:10 AM

I think tribulus and maca work a little, but is there anything that can make my personality more lively and 'bubbly'? To make me a more interesting person and quick witted. I'm not totally withdrawn, I do get up on stage in full contact ring karate tournaments and burlesque productions (and odd combination) :) And I do love socialising but in general, I need to have more self confidence and be more extroverted. (and alcohol does not work). Anyone relate?

Will nootropic supplements help? If so which ones as I have no idea what I would be messing with if I just bought a bunch of popular ones.

#2 Live Forever

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 02:57 AM

Crystal meth?

(Edit: On the advice of others, I am very much kidding in the above suggestion. No one should ever take crystal meth for any reason whatsoever.)

Edited by Live Forever, 13 May 2007 - 07:09 AM.

#3 Shepard

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 03:22 AM

Try Jager.

#4 bgwowk

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 03:30 AM

Crystal meth?

Not funny. Young people sometimes take outrageous suggestions intended to be kidding seriously. Crystal meth is so highly addictive that even just trying it can ruin your life.

#5 Athanasios

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 03:46 AM

What can make me a loud mouthed extrovert

Do you find people, in general, fun and interesting?

One thing that makes me very extrovert is DEMAND a certain fun level from people around you. Whenever they drop below that fun level, think quickly of something that will boost it to your standards. Lead and they will follow. This will make you more of the loudmouthed the whole room centers around me extrovert.

If you want more of a chill one on one extrovert, just pretend that everyone you talk to is the most interesting person in the world, but the only way to uncover how interesting they really are is by asking them questions and revealing as much about their personality as possible.

Tonight, I am being the introvert. I didnt feel like hitting the clubs with my roommates.

#6 Ghostrider

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 06:25 AM

Want to be a loud mouthed extrovert? Then stop caring about what other people think.

#7 roidjoe

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 06:33 AM

Crystal meth?

Not funny. Young people sometimes take outrageous suggestions intended to be kidding seriously. Crystal meth is so highly addictive that even just trying it can ruin your life.

Instead of meth, we can just say amphetamine.. you know.. the kind found in Adderall that is precribed to children. Amphetamine is more potent, methamphetamine has a longer half life.

#8 Live Forever

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 07:00 AM

Crystal meth?

Not funny. Young people sometimes take outrageous suggestions intended to be kidding seriously. Crystal meth is so highly addictive that even just trying it can ruin your life.

Of course I was kidding. I meant crack cocaine.

(and for anyone still so gullible, yes I was still kidding)

#9 futureofscience

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 08:43 AM

Taking a few pills is not going to help! But it is something that can be worked on. I used to be very introvert, painfully shy. But over the years I've gotten more and more extrovert and I'm quite "loud" now.

Ghostrider's advice is pretty good - if you don't care what people think and say exactly what you think, it can help. But also you need to believe in yourself if you want to appear 'interesting', make a point of view, talk about anything and everything and give opinions - if people don't engage, find other people who will. You say you're sociable already and can perform in front of people, so you seem to already be a good way there. It's nothing something that will happen overnight but you shall overcome by just building it up bit by bit.

And the crystal meth look isn't good.

#10 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 09:44 AM

Make a determination to change who you are. Chances are you won't become an outrageous extrovert but will instead work to the point where you are heard and have reached the level of social success you desire. To accomplish this you might have to spend a bit of time observing yourself, reading about social skills, and most importantly, practicing. If you can take up a job or hobbies where you are constantly around people that will certainly help.

As far as improving your quickwittedness, get some people together and play some improv games.

Finally, if you haven't done so, I recommend reading Dale Carnegie's book. At least you'll find that people have more to talk to you about.

#11 mitkat

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 07:28 PM

And the crystal meth look isn't good.

Crystal meth was so pre-electroclash....you don't wanna be a scenester [wis]

Nobody likes a loud mouth, with the exception of some media celebrities some people seem drawn to. People like strong individuals, those who have and inspire confidence in others. I can't echo other posters enough to just say hey, put yourself out there socially. Don't be afraid so say what's on your mind.

One thing that makes me very extrovert is DEMAND a certain fun level from people around you. Whenever they drop below that fun level, think quickly of something that will boost it to your standards. Lead and they will follow. This will make you more of the loudmouthed the whole room centers around me extrovert.

Right on. You need a good mix of people, and a good balance in yourself as well. Sometimes I lock people out of my car when they exit at a stop, and make them dance to get back inside. Slutty dancing beside my dark purple '96 sunfire. Only when it's totally embarrassing though, for maximum laughs per person. Once in a while, it's fun to be a dink.

#12 shifter

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 10:46 PM

Thanks for the replies. I see what you are saying and I can definatly improve on the socialising aspect without any supps. I'll put the 'crystal meth' idea into the never to be considered basket. ;)

#13 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 02:37 AM

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

either you will read about all the techniques, or get some MP3's or CD's that will probably make alot easier...

here's a wikipedia blurb:

have fun

#14 sentinel

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 08:32 AM

Building on what LunarSolarPower (LSP?) said, getting a part-time job in an environment demanding social assertion would help. This could be at either end of the ethical spectrum ie charitable/voluntary work with children, disabled or Samaritan type work which demands that you assert your personality and confidence with others.

Or at the other end... barwork - you may not need the money bu twhy not get used to being at the centre of one of the most common and potentially intimidating social interactions, ie talking to loads of different people in a charged environment. You WILL come out of yourself, just look what it did for Tom Cruise (ok bad example).

#15 shamus

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 11:10 AM

Instead of meth, we can just say amphetamine.. you know.. the kind found in Adderall that is precribed to children.  Amphetamine is more potent, methamphetamine has a longer half life.

I don't know about that.

Have you seen how much dopamine meth hits you with?

Yeeesh!! [:o]

#16 zoolander

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 11:59 AM

It's not as simple as taking a supplement. You're going to have to do some work on yourself to become an extrovert.

Want to be a loud mouthed extrovert? Then stop caring about what other people think.

Great advice. I would add "about you" on the end.

"Then stop caring about what other people think about you"

Caring about what people think as well as caring how your actions affect others is a very important component of building strong relationships. Just don't let the fear of how they might perceive you dominate. Be confident. If you're confident about your intentions and know deep down inside that you are a good person then there is no reason not to be yourself.

#17 roidjoe

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 12:36 PM

Instead of meth, we can just say amphetamine.. you know.. the kind found in Adderall that is precribed to children.  Amphetamine is more potent, methamphetamine has a longer half life.

I don't know about that.

Have you seen how much dopamine meth hits you with?

Yeeesh!! [:o]

mg for mg less than amphetamine.

#18 sUper GeNius

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 02:32 PM

I think tribulus and maca work a little, but is there anything that can make my personality more lively and 'bubbly'? To make me a more interesting person and quick witted. I'm not totally withdrawn, I do get up on stage in full contact ring karate tournaments and burlesque productions (and odd combination) ;) And I do love socialising but in general, I need to have more self confidence and be more extroverted. (and alcohol does not work). Anyone relate?

Will nootropic supplements help? If so which ones as I have no idea what I would be messing with if I just bought a bunch of popular ones.

Try about 14 oz of ethanol. Guaranteed to make you a loud mouthed extrovert. Also magically transforms fugly girls into Cinderella's.

Side effects: You may find yourself chewing your arm off about 12 hours later....

#19 ajnast4r

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 03:41 PM

abusing mdma made me permanantly more social/extroverted
but also gave my cyclothymic disorder


#20 sentinel

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 03:43 PM

The suggestions appear to be polarising... Shifter, which way are you going to go?

#21 djmmm

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 03:53 PM

In terms of medication, the MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) work well (Nardil, and Parnate) Also, look into meds that increase GABA (like Benzos).

Supplements that may help: Rhodiola, bacopa, phenylethylamine... also caffeine, and b complex vitamins.

FWIW, some people are just natural extroverts, while others aren't.

#22 luv2increase

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 05:58 PM

Nothing beats cocaine. One of the devastating drawbacks though is exposing information that you wouldn't want anyone to know about because you just can't stop talking, and you always have to be saying something. You will be talking so dam much that people will actually get quite annoyed with you. This especially occurs when mixed with alcohol. The effects on the liver, your brain, your heart, your bank account, possibly criminal record, and your life in general doesn't warrant its use!

#23 wayside

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Posted 14 May 2007 - 09:13 PM

I need to have more self confidence and be more extroverted.

I don't think one is related to the other.

What's so great about being extroverted, anyway? Especially a loud-mouthed one.

Fill in the blank:

"Loud-mouthed _______"

Chances are you didn't come up with something positive. It's a fine line between fun-loving life of the party, and obnoxious jerk, and in my experience loud-mouthed people are much more likely to be in the second category.

#24 Brian

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Posted 15 May 2007 - 02:59 AM

Get an Xbox 360 with headset and play Gears of War.

Anonymity + adrenalin = loud mouthed fun.

#25 shifter

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Posted 15 May 2007 - 07:11 AM

yes, loud mouthed does have a negative connotation to it, fun-loving life of the party is more what i'm after, dont have to be the life of the party even, just have more things to say and more body language to express.

As far as supps go I think i'm covered. Tribulus and maca to increase libido (never had it tested but dont think it was 'low'. Then again, it takes a week between having to shave my face, and I dont have any hairs on my chest LOL

I already must go through a crazy amount of blueberries for its dopamine increase/recovery effect. I have extracts in a supplement and I drink a pulp which equates to almost 500grams of blueberries a day. Unfortuantly the pulp isn't made anymore and when that runs out it will just be 300ml of the juice.

Cocoa nibs for that 'in love' feeling ;)

I got some SAM-e coming this week I ordered as i've always wanted to give it a try. I didn't get it for this purpose but wonder if I will 'feel' any different when taking it.

Oh yeah, I work 2 jobs that i've finally had enough of so maybe that extra irritibility will make me say things I normally wouldn't have :)

Biggest difference is ultimately going to be up to ME. This Saturday I have a charm/deportment graduation party happening, so perfect opportunity to take a chance and flirt. :)

#26 ageless

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Posted 15 May 2007 - 01:48 PM

I have similar problems with coming out of my shell and expressing myself... It's harder for some and I'm very conscious of myself in a social environment. I think it just takes more work and practice for some. You can always improve and avoidance only makes things harder.
I really love SAMe and the positive mood I feel I get from it. I like AOR's 400mg stable formula.
Caffeine may help become more talkative, but may also cause some anxiety. Maybe green or white tea would be better.
I guess when it comes to flirting, you have to learn to accept rejection at times... I know people who aren't afraid of rejection and it makes them that much more appealing and likelier to keep trying and eventually getting that positive result.
I wish you good luck and don't sweat the small stuff.

#27 mitkat

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Posted 15 May 2007 - 07:42 PM

Biggest difference is ultimately going to be up to ME. This Saturday I have a charm/deportment graduation party happening, so perfect opportunity to take a chance and flirt. :)

Awww yeah! [spectate]

#28 tedsez

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Posted 16 May 2007 - 12:12 AM

Good, old-fashioned talk therapy (possibly with an emphasis on rational-emotive therapy) is the best way to start.

You might also find some helpful advice in the book "Goodbye to Shy" by Leil Lowndes.

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