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New Nootropics?

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 01:04 PM



Anyone use this stuff?

#2 stillalive

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 04:33 PM

I think PEA has very good potentional. But it's very short half life takes away the effect, but when combined with deprenyl the halflife wouldn't be a problem.
Wouldn't be be suprised if one could even get high on that combination if taken enough PEA. But I haven't heard before that it would inhibit dopamine reuptake, instead increase post synaptic response to dopamine and norephirine. Haven't tested it yet but I will soon.

The other one dosen't seem like a nootropic , more like a strong stimulant. If you need to be more alert I don't think ephedrine or something that works like it would be a good idea. Better get PEA, DLPA or something more safe.

#3 meatwad

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Posted 19 May 2007 - 06:35 AM

content editted out

Edited by meatwad, 20 May 2007 - 08:22 PM.

#4 stillalive

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Posted 19 May 2007 - 07:15 AM

Didn't knew that it could be so harmful. But amphetamine does realase a lot of PEA too so no wonder it could be lika meth.

But your doses are crasy, 4g+ [:o], no wonder that it will become a PEA abuse. For depression I have heard 10-60mg and for a high 0,3-0,5g. I don't think it would be dangerously then, but if you get addicted it will indeed be dangerously.

What doses did you started with and was it enough to get you hooked?

#5 Shepard

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Posted 19 May 2007 - 02:35 PM

Not to be a dick, but some people can control their intake and damning any particular substance because it was abused is ridiculous.

#6 djmmm

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Posted 19 May 2007 - 07:12 PM

PEA at that dose (4-10 grams every 10 min??) is certainly toxic on some level, however, it is perfectly safe at typical doses. I cant even imagine taking 10 grams every 10 min. I have been using PEA and selegiline for several months, and 10 grams lasts over month.

#7 meatwad

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Posted 20 May 2007 - 12:44 AM

_content editted out_

Edited by meatwad, 20 May 2007 - 08:21 PM.

#8 graatch

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Posted 20 May 2007 - 07:25 AM

Well. they're stimulants.

#9 deekz

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Posted 20 May 2007 - 09:13 AM

i too have seen the bad side of PEA. the euphoria is unreal.. but soon enough the negative start coming out of nowhere. The comedown it gives was severly unpleasant, however, the substance is extremely addictive so one would keep taking more. The only way i was able to stop was to stop ordering more.
the ride was great while it lasted though... i was up to 600mg every 30 min w/ deprenyl.

#10 djmmm

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Posted 20 May 2007 - 02:11 PM

meatwad...well said... however, the fact that you aren't dead leads me to believe that the toxicity of PEA is very low. Yes, it is a stimulant, and i agree that higher doses are almost indistinguishable from MDMA.

My philosophy is, find the lowest possible dose that elicits the greatest, positive result. This combination has been a godsend for my depression. FWIW, Im glad you came out of this experience safe and healthy.

Has anyone experienced COMPLETE alcohol intolerance while taking PEA? I've taken nardil and Parnate, and never had a problem having a beer or two..or three.. but since I have been using PEA, even the smallest amount of alcohol makes me VERY sick..as a consequence, i've stopped drinking completely.

#11 meatwad

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Posted 20 May 2007 - 08:20 PM

Hi guys:
I did feel alot of brain 'inflammation' after many hours of abuse. I believe this is the 'forest fire of damage' that the articles refer to. I can't imagine how bad I would have been if I did not have other chemicals to offset some of the damage. NAC, R-ALA, etc...

Ok, I am going to edit out the previous information I 'submitted' before some idgits read it and restrict our freedoms further. I don't like to compound hysteria and get our *relatively piss poor* leash tightened further...

I will mention why it has relatively low LONG term abuse potential: apparantly PEA has something to do with pain receptors. I won't be citing sources as right now I need to do work, but I noticed the PAIN while PEA was wearing off was unreal also. I had unbelievable back pain and neck pain, and at times I would be crawling around the floor stretching to help relieve it.

My brain has recognized that PEA is like an exact opposite of a pain killer - it is a pain PROMOTOR and taking it for the relatively short high is rediculous. 10 minutes of fun for HOURS of excruciating pain... I don't think so. I can't overstate the PAIN aspect enough.

PAIN in a powder, YAY!@

#12 shifter

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Posted 20 May 2007 - 11:01 PM

so is it only PEA with deprenyl thats a problem but not PEA on its own?

But only lasts 10 mins while on its own? Seems a bit of a waste. Do you still get pain if its on its own and if you had no pain problems before?

What if you combined PEA with sam-e or rhodiola rosea or other mood enhancers?

#13 Shepard

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Posted 21 May 2007 - 12:31 AM

so is it only PEA with deprenyl thats a problem but not PEA on its own?

Phenylethylamine is metabolized pretty rapidly by MAO-B, so you need to inhibit MAO-B to some degree to effectively supplement PEA.

#14 shifter

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Posted 21 May 2007 - 10:59 PM

I have been reading that deprenyl is used for 'life extention'. So is this stuff actually good? I see its used in parkisons disease and depression but can you buy it at a chemist or need a doctors prescription?

Things like MDMA etc permanently alter the brain chemistry, but would mixing deprenyl and PEA do the same? Or other combinations like deprenyl and sam-e

#15 luv2increase

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Posted 22 May 2007 - 01:09 AM

I have a hard time believing that any recreational drug can permanently alter one's brain chemistry. Our brain is very advanced. Given enough time of recuperation, all will return back to normal. Even if I am wrong on this, our brain will adapt to make up for its deficiencies with enough time of healing.

#16 meatwad

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Posted 22 May 2007 - 03:59 AM

I concur. Even without good nutrition TIME will heal most damages. However, with proper nutrition maybe it will heal better.

We have a 'set' point of 'good feeling' neurotransmitters, you can 'blow' it over time or you can blow it all at once. If we keep up the reserve - lets say, don't waste it with any obvious dopaminergic agents - than I surmise everyday life will be less painful and more exciting.

Anyways, by the time you are extremely addicted to a substance, it is no longer fun and negative sides come up. I want to increase my reservoir naturally, instead of fizzing it all out like amps/pea and coke does.

Edited by meatwad, 22 May 2007 - 04:31 AM.

#17 meatwad

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Posted 22 May 2007 - 04:34 AM

I think if there is a substance out there that works in a way that is unknown of it. I don't want a tricyclic or bicycyclic antidepressant, or any SSRI simply because of the massive side effects - suicidal ideation and sexual dysfunction. What can we take to feel better each day without these side effects?

I hear a tiny drop of naltrexone (narcan) will cause extra endorphins in the body... I wish I could bear the extreme strange sensations it brought about in me. I couldn't stick with it for more then 3 days before never trying again.

#18 frank_b

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Posted 22 May 2007 - 01:35 PM

Would PEA be safe to take with Parnate?


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Posted 28 May 2007 - 12:27 AM

so is it only PEA with deprenyl thats a problem but not PEA on its own?

Phenylethylamine is metabolized pretty rapidly by MAO-B, so you need to inhibit MAO-B to some degree to effectively supplement PEA.

Not true. I've seen zero research that shows all PEA consumed is instantly broken down, all the feedback I've seen on M&M and BB forums shows 3-4 hours of an effect at higher doses which for me is long enough for me.

#20 Shepard

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 06:54 PM

Okay, post the info and we'll discuss it.


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Posted 28 May 2007 - 09:04 PM


Day 1: Reading

So today i had to read like 30 pages of some REALLY boring stuff. Usually would take me lik 3 hrs cause i would get really distracted/start thinking about random sh1t. Also gonna study some econ a little bit

Dose: 2 caps 1 hr after meal.

Focus/Concentration: 7/10 I concentrated pretty damn good. Got a little distracted some times but it only took me 1 hr to read!!! I dunno if it was precebo but it worked pretty damn well.

Mood: 9/10 Actaully felt really good. I dunno if it was the fact that i was trying a new supp which would put me in a good mood to begin with, but i was feeling really good. Nothing crazy, but defenently increased my feeling of well being

Alertness: 9/10 I really felt alert!! This was no plecebo cause i was feeling really tired/sick before I took the 2 caps then about 1 hr after i felt really alert, and ready to study!

Overall Feeling 8.5/10 I am really liking this product so far, really helping me feel more alert and inhanced focus. Cant wait to see what its like on 3-6 caps!


Review by HalleluYAH


I recently became intruiged by the science behind the anti-depressant/mood stimulating effects of phenylethylamine (PEA) upon use of VasoXplode (VX) and Cytolean (CY). VX contains DLPA (d-phenylalanine:l-phenylalanine), a PEA precursor, while CY contains DLPA and PEA along with a known MAO-I.

For those interested, I wrote an article on the subject here:

DLPA: Big Effects from a Little Amino Acid

So, upon reviewing the thread calling for testers of their PEA only product, I could not resist. I have been curious how I might respond to this high of a PEA dose; i.e. 250mg in a single capsule. The most PEA I have ever used at a single time is apprx. 75-100mg.

I recieved the sample product last night. Here is my initial review.

Formulation: 8/10
I believe a PEA only supplement can very useful for students, scholars et al, moreover the effect on focus can be very instrumental preWO for bodybuilders. I also like the anti depressive effects of PEA.

Efficacy: 9/10
I took 1 cap last night (approx. 5:00pm) and felt very good all night. No anxiety with only a mild stim-like sensation. Moreover, when it cam time to hit the sack, I fell aslee with no problem.

I took 1 cap this AM, and am experiencing the same effect on increased focus, with only a very stim sensation.

The feeling from PEA is definitely increased focus and ability to pay attention. PEA has been used in the treatment of ADD for many years. The most noteable physical sensation is right behind the eyeballs - a sort of pressure behind the eyes, or at the front of the brain.

Value: 9/10
At it's current price of $ 27.89 for 120 caps (bb.com) I rate this product a great/excellent value.

Overall Product Rating: 8.7/10


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Posted 28 May 2007 - 09:07 PM

1,3-dimethylamylamine has some great feedback too I'll try to find some on M&M.

#23 shifter

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 10:51 PM

Why would they sell the powder at just 1 gram? I asked for 9 grams so I wonder if i'll get 9 sepearate containers or 9 grams put into 1 container.

Better find something that can measure 100mg doses now... :)

#24 Shepard

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 11:53 PM

Phenylethylamine is metabolized pretty rapidly by MAO-B, so you need to inhibit MAO-B to some degree to effectively supplement PEA.

Not true. I've seen zero research that shows all PEA consumed is instantly broken down, all the feedback I've seen on M&M and BB forums shows 3-4 hours of an effect at higher doses which for me is long enough for me.

Was your response above (clips from anecdotal reports) your evidence against my statement?

#25 meatwad

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Posted 29 May 2007 - 01:57 AM

I don't know if this is against the rules, I am selling the last of my PEA, 100grams for $40 bucks. remove this if we can't, I paid alot for this and could use the money.


#26 bmw1

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Posted 16 July 2007 - 09:48 PM

the 1,3-dimethylamylamine is a stimulant that provides a clean feeling without any jitteriness it was originally created by patrick arnold he used it in his AMP product but butted heads with the feds for purposefully mislabling it as "geranamine" but that doesnt take away from its effectiveness it one of the best stims ive used.

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