Well I've done it. I've actually watched all of the interesting looking videos at ted.com
Here's another interesting one:
http://www.ted.com/i...alks/view/id/58not that it is especially interesting compared to many of the others, but i just watched it, and it was also good, so theres a link to it.
One thing I realised from watching all of these videos, is that these videos are more than just 'Cool videos', they really are an opportunity to look into some elite secret society. You watch these videos, and u are literally seeing what the people who 'control the world' are looking at.
The introduction does say 1000 remarkable people gather to share their ideas, and I sort of shrugged that off to some extent until i started to really understand that after watching all of the videos, they really are a community of people who get together to learn about the most innovative things happening in society, the most problematic thigns facing society, the most brilliant things individuals have done etc. And the fact that these videos are now completely free and visible on the web for anyone to watch, it really is such a powerful thing for the world to have available to them. it is like we are being given free access to the most secret "Stonecutters" like club on earth.
"Who rigs every oscars night? We do!"
I'd love to see what Aubrey's experience of TED was like. I find that most of the talks are very maintstream acceptable sort of topics, just people talking about something cool they have created or else talking about saving the children etc. Aubrey's talk was quite different from the rest, he seemed more like he was fighting with the Audience. Not that they demonstrate any fight, but moreso in the way he gave the talk, which I am sure is crafted from experience which states 'People don't believe this yet. You have to convince them'. Probably just a true at TED as anywhere else, but I am curious what his experience were of the rest of the weekend after giving his talk. Whether peopel were receptive to his arguments and ideas or resistent or what?
Because if any audience would be open to extreme ideas, TED audience would be a good starting position i would think....