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Coast to Coast AM on Transhumanism

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 14 Jul 2007

Edit by Live Forever: Here are the links to the audio from the broadcast, so you don't have to go through the whole thread to find them:

1st source:
Transhumanism discussion audio

2nd source:
Mp3 Clip 1
Mp3 Clip 2
Mp3 Clip 3


Original first message by wing_girl:

Dear Charlie, Amara, Tihamer, Philippe, Shannon and James

You are confirmed to be a panelist on the Coast to Coast with George
Noory radio show on July 19 from 11 pm - 2 am PT.

--so if anybody here wants to stay up ;) I will be mentioning ImmInst amongst other things :)
Edited by Live Forever, 04 September 2007 - 04:56 PM.

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 14 Jul 2007

Oh, and those are Transvision speakers-- we are supposed to 'talk up Transvision' ;)

Liquidus's Photo Liquidus 14 Jul 2007

That show just happens to be on my birthday, is there a streaming internet feed for the broadcast?

edit: I did a little googling...came up with this


Appears you need to be a member to have access to the internet streams, I'll try to do a little more sniffing around and see if I can find an 'alternate' feed that doesn't require membership. Sometimes sister stations will play shows from other stations (hopefully the one you're referring to in this case). It's $6.95/month if anyone feels like dropping a few dimes to tune in.

Good luck to those involved!

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 14 Jul 2007

My dad and at least one of my friend's dads thinks it is 'cool' that I'm going to be on Coast to Coast--lol.

I'll update on it, and on Transvision--pre-happy birthday gsnake! It would be nice to find a way to record the show.. I have some of my other radio interviews recorded, I should put them up on ImmInst sometime ;)

Shepard's Photo Shepard 15 Jul 2007

Dear Charlie, Amara, Tihamer, Philippe, Shannon and James

You are confirmed to be a panelist on the Coast to Coast with George
Noory radio show on July 19 from 11 pm - 2 am PT.

--so if anybody here wants to stay up ;)  I will be mentioning ImmInst amongst other things :)

And just in case anyone wants more info on some of the other people speaking (or Shannon):


Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 15 Jul 2007

That show just happens to be on my birthday, is there a streaming internet feed for the broadcast?

edit: I did a little googling...came up with this


Appears you need to be a member to have access to the internet streams, I'll try to do a little more sniffing around and see if I can find an 'alternate' feed that doesn't require membership. Sometimes sister stations will play shows from other stations (hopefully the one you're referring to in this case). It's $6.95/month if anyone feels like dropping a few dimes to tune in.

Good luck to those involved!

You could find an affiliate that broadcasts via the web: http://www.coasttoco...retolisten.html

I found a couple in my area. I am sure there are lots. (note: you need to go to the website of the individual radio station for each affiliate and check if they broadcast on their site; lots do nowadays)

electric buddha's Photo electric buddha 19 Jul 2007

As for the Coast to Coast interview, I will be able to download the show.  I'm embarassed to say I have a membership on the website.  :) 

Same here, on both the membership and the embarrassment. Art Bell, in particular, has been a pretty big booster for robots and AI, as well as fairly mainstream physics for some time now. Though, more than that, it can be just as important to preach to the people grabbing the weekly world news as the choir.

biknut's Photo biknut 19 Jul 2007

Tonight on Coast to Coast

A special roundtable discussion-- 'Transhumanism: Evolution's Next Big Move?' will feature presenters from the upcoming TransVision 2007 conference in Chicago, including James Gardner, Ray Kurzweil, Charlie Kam, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Philippe Van Nedervelde, and James Hughes.


Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 19 Jul 2007

Sweet, I'll try to listen if I can find an internet radio station on their list that broadcasts online. :)

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 20 Jul 2007

Awe, I got an email from Celia the Transvision media coordinator that I got bumped, because at 'the last minute' Kurzweil came through. I'm glad that there is a woman though, Barbara Max Hubbard --mother of 5 grandmother of 6-- ran on a presidential ticked once as a vice president candidate. She is a long time futurist with a 'Spiritual New Age' take. I wondered what her cryonics view was and found this positive sounding interview. If I meet her at conference I'll ask her if she is signing up :) :

HUBBARD: On the other. But I think there's more truth in the blind faith than in the blind skepticism. You know, when they do surveys of the American people, I don't know, 60 percent have had mystical experiences; 75 percent believe in UFOs; they believe in the resurrection of Jesus and the Second Coming. I wonder if they're not more true than the more limited, rational intellectual who is guiding things these days. I personally had a very deep Christ experience that led to The Book of Co-Creation.

MISHLOVE: Could you talk about that?

HUBBARD: Well, it came after my planetary birth experience, and then my becoming a futurist, and I began to see that Homo sapiens is evolving, and that the power of science and technology will either radically destroy or transform us -- not only our consciousness, but our technology. And I wondered, what could be a human type that could handle this power? Because we see that we mainly misuse power, so the more powerful we get the worse we become. And I was asking another question of the universe: "What is the future human like?" I was in Santa Barbara to write a book on it, and had a writer's block. One day I got lost, and I was driving through the Santa Barbara hills. I saw a little sign that said Mount Calvary Monastery, and I had actually an experience of light. I went up the mountain, followed the sign, went to a little Episcopal monastery, and there was a hang gliders' club jumping off a higher mountain, about 50 people in butterfly wings above Mount Calvary, and I had an image of human metamorphosis, that we would all be changed. And I had an inner experience of the Christ not as Jesus of Nazareth, but as an omniscient, omnipresent field that was actually pulling us forward toward the total and radical fulfillment of our divine human potential. And I heard the words, "My resurrection was real. It is a forecast of what the human race will do collectively when you love God above all else, your neighbor as yourself, your self as a Godlike being, combined with science and technology. You will all be changed." And I suddenly thought, "Oh my goodness, Western civilization was built on a story of the radical transformation of the person to life everlasting, and through science and democracy and technology and industry we're hitting up against the limits of the biosphere. We are learning to extend our life span. We're learning to build new parts. We're learning to go live in outer space. And I made a quantum jump which I think nobody else has really made, between the high technology of Western civilization and the promise of Jesus.

MISHLOVE: That is unusual.

HUBBARD: I mean, it's never done. And I saw that part of the mystery is the science of matter, whereby the physical world is being transformed. And then I went back to people like Aurobindo and the Mother, who were working on cellular immortality.


HUBBARD: In India; and people who were studying the aging process, and people who were looking at regeneration and cryonics, and even these far-out things like cloning and taking DNA and resurrecting a whole being. Those are very weird for a biosphere; but what if the human race is to be a cosmic species, and what if Jesus is a template of the cosmic human, and what if our new powers are actually to transform and transcend creature human conditions? And so I was guided to the New Testament, and I opened up on my favorite passage: "Behold I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep. We shall all be changed." And I started to write, and I feel I was inspired by a kind of whole-system consciousness -- not to interpret the New Testament, because I'm not a scholar or a theologian, but as a futurist, to unpack it for our generation, as a guide to universal life.

MISHLOVE: In other words, to take a look at the coding of the ancient myths and the deep vision of the prophets and apostles and mystics, and to interpret it in the light of what is possible today with our science.

HUBBARD: Exactly.

MISHLOVE: And what is our greatest possible hope for ourselves as a species.

HUBBARD: And you know, many scholars are going back to try to get the historical Jesus, and they're saying, "This didn't happen, that, and all the myths are probably untrue." My thesis is we will never know what really happened back there, but whether or not, Jesus' life may be coming true, through us being able to do what he did. In other words, if the human race advances to the point of being able to do it -- and I had a wonderful conversation with an Indian guru, Yogi Amrit Desai of Kripalu. I was telling him about my Christ experience, and I said, "You know about the Resurrection." Well, he said, "Our guru's guru, Babaji's guru, was able to do this." Like Yogananda, and Sai Baba.
Edited by wing_girl, 20 July 2007 - 02:42 AM.

biknut's Photo biknut 20 Jul 2007

Sweet, I'll try to listen if I can find an internet radio station on their list that broadcasts online. :)

Here's the one I listen to on my computer.


Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Jul 2007

Sweet, I'll try to listen if I can find an internet radio station on their list that broadcasts online. :)

Here's the one I listen to on my computer.


Cool, thanks. [thumb]

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Jul 2007

What time does Coast to Coast start? 2 AM ET?

advancedatheist's Photo advancedatheist 20 Jul 2007

Awe, I got an email from Celia the Transvision media coordinator that I got bumped, because at 'the last minute' Kurzweil came through. 

Right. Noory has to make room for transhumanism's prima donna.

JMorgan's Photo JMorgan 20 Jul 2007

If anyone is interested but can't seem to find Coast to Coast in their home location, you can listen right now on wabcradio.com for free. This is a NYC radio station so you may get ads and news for the NYC area during breaks. Coast to Coast starts at 1am ET. I forget if it's 3 or 4 hours long.

For those who are sleeping right now, hopefully I'll be able to provide a more permanent option tomorrow.

biknut's Photo biknut 20 Jul 2007

What time does Coast to Coast start? 2 AM ET?

Here in Dallas midnight.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Jul 2007

Cool, its on now I guess? He sounds like he is talking about cats or something right now.

I hardly ever listen (I think I have only once before)

By the way, I split this into its own topic so we can talk about it while it is playing if you guys want. [thumb]

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Jul 2007

When do the transhumanist folks come on? I am guessing at one of the hour changes.

electric buddha's Photo electric buddha 20 Jul 2007

When do the transhumanist folks come on? I am guessing at one of the hour changes.

The usual format is to have the first hour be a side guest or the news, followed by two hours of discussion with the main guest or guests, and then ended with an hour of phone calls. The round table discussions sometimes modify that though, especially by sometimes removing the phone calls.

I was planning on just downloading the mp3s, but curiosity got the better of me and I just tuned in and heard the dog call. I was worried for a second that 'that' was the main topic George hit the panel with.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Jul 2007

From the story of it on the Coast to Coast site, they link to the "I am a model of a Singularitarian" song, haha:


electric buddha's Photo electric buddha 20 Jul 2007

they link to the "I am a model of a Singularitarian" song, haha:

I'd totally forgotten about that song! I made a note to see if I could find it when it was played on a changesurfer episode, but apparently it slipped my mind to actually check said note.

Ah! And looks the panel is going to be on after the commercial break.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Jul 2007

Ah! And looks the panel is going to be on after the commercial break.

Sweet. I heard him say that. Hopefully they get into a lot of good topics.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Jul 2007

Kurzweil and the others all sound great. Anyone know how many listeners Coast to Coast has?

electric buddha's Photo electric buddha 20 Jul 2007

Kurzweil and the others all sound great. Anyone know how many listeners Coast to Coast has?

I think the most recent estimate was about 4.5 million listeners.

JMorgan's Photo JMorgan 20 Jul 2007

Coast to Coast is broadcast to over 500 radio affiliates in the US with roughly 4 million active listeners. However, the numbers are higher than that since it's actually broadcast worldwide.

electric buddha's Photo electric buddha 20 Jul 2007

Amusing point about carrying the computer around. I was getting antsy, as this is the time I usually take my walk. It didn't even occur to me that their windows media stream would work on the mobile version of media player. Probably could grab the real player stream on vlc as well now that I think of it. It really is amazing at times just how integrated computers are getting into daily life.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Jul 2007

When Noory asked about putting the computers into your brain, I thought Kurzweil was going to talk about nanobots interfacing with your brain.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Jul 2007

I don't hear Kurzweil talk much about cryonics. What he is saying now is pretty interesting on it. I still think that repairing the damage done from freezing is more appealing than uploading my brain to another cloned being.

JMorgan's Photo JMorgan 20 Jul 2007

It didn't even occur to me that their windows media stream would work on the mobile version of media player.

aka radio? :) (Or is it not broadcast near you?)

electric buddha's Photo electric buddha 20 Jul 2007

aka radio?  :)   (Or is it not broadcast near you?)

The reinvention of radio occurred to me as well right as I hit submit. But yep, sadly I'm in the boonies. We don't have much in the way of selection for most things, including radio stations in this case.