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Facial water retention.

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#1 tarbtl

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 04:06 AM

Hey guys,

I'm a guy in my mid twenties.

I've come across some things growing up that have troubled my self-image (acne, etc.) but one thing that has stuck throughout is facial water retention.

More than any other issue, this is something I would like to rule out. It is the single biggest thing that is negatively impacting my life right now.

About 5 days out of 7 I wake up with a very puffy face. Especially the area under the eyes and the eyelids. They are extremely swollen and look like they're holding a ton of water. This persists for about 8 hours throughout the day. It makes me look TERRIBLE. I look tired, hungover and it even makes me look like I'm in a bad mood even if I'm not.

I can literally feel the eyelids drooping over my eyes when they are swollen.

I've tried everything. I've tried antihistamines, thinking it may be allergy related.. but that has not helped. I tried diuretics... manipulating electrolytes... various herbs... topical creams including transdermal caffeine, etc. etc.

Nothing so far has helped. The only thing that has helped is apple cider vinegar with pills.

I find that when I am consuming little to no carbohydrates, the days this happens is about 2-3 out of 7.

Also, if I drink water before bed, I am almost guaranteed to have the problem when I wake up.

These observations seem arbitrary but they have proven to be consistent.

Does anyone else have the same problem as me? I'd LOVE to know what the source of this is. I ONLY retain water in my face. I literally can be ripped to shreds all over my body but I'll still be holding water in my face. It's just stupid.

#2 nameless

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 04:35 AM

Have you seen a dermatologist? I never heard of water retention in the face before, but if it bothers you, maybe it's best to see a doctor.

#3 Shepard

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 05:20 AM

Have you had your cortisol/prolactin levels checked? And food allergy panel, I guess.

I'm kind of hesitant to recommend this, but Preparation-H might be of use at certain points.

#4 tarbtl

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 06:04 AM

Tried preparation H. Didn't do anything. My idiot allergologist does not believe in "food" allergies so he won't give me a food panel. I tested positive for cat and ragweed though.

Cortisol is on the low side. I have some symptoms of adrenal fatigue if anything.

Prolactin results will be out in about a week or two.

I believe I am out of the scope of a dermatologist. I've found very little by googling and when even google can't provide you answers its hard to believe a derm would.

I think the only thing that can help me is anecdotal tips from other people who have the same thing...

One theory that came up was perhaps HCL from the stomach traveling up to my face causing swelling? But why the water retention..

I know that eliminating carbs is half the solution, but I don't want to give up carbs..!

#5 nameless

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 07:38 AM

Do you have any other symptons? Any facial flushing or redness? If so, it could be rosacea.

#6 ajnast4r

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 02:23 PM

Have you had your cortisol/prolactin levels checked? And food allergy panel, I guess.

this man wins

My idiot allergologist does not believe in "food" allergies so he won't give me a food panel. I tested positive for cat and ragweed though.


your allergist IS an idiot. get a new on immediately

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