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Cross country bike, tow light coffins? Med...

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 10 Oct 2007

What do you think about a cross country bike trip to raise awareness for life extension? Even if we ourselves dont do it, I think its a good idea to outline a tentative plan so that if people who do this stuff come to imminst they can pick up on the idea from there.

Just off the top of my head, maybe some ideas to consider would be tow light weight, like maybe, paper mache coffins behind bikes and put pamphlets or something in them. Maybe go from town to town collecting pictures from the locals of people they know who have died of aging. Have them write a short story about what happened on the back or something. These are just things off the top of my head. Maybe they wouldnt work. Any ideas?

Then maybe have the bikers arrive tentatively at colleges along the way were maybe, ideally we would have Aubrey speaking. So that when we arrive in town, the media attention to the bikes would help bring awareness to the speeches, or something along those lines.

Any ideas? Any experience with this kind of bike athon stuff? We could go door to door getting pledges, like, the person would agree to pledge x amount of dollars for each 100 miles biked by that participant or or something.

I want to get a small community of people working on ideas like this going, for now, at http://groups.msn.co...ensionmarketing if you are interested then join up. Here is the link to the bike athon idea in there: http://groups.msn.co...&ID_Message=100