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#1 Infernity

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 03:39 PM

I'm doing a school project and I need as many ones as possible to answer this for me. Sorry for not being active. School school school. But hey it's my last year of school.
Thanks you...


1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which)

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail)

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?)

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?

Thank you for helping me with my personal project!


#2 Live Forever

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 04:00 PM

Age: 27
Sex: Male

1. Do you believe in God? Agnostic; Any of the gods thought up by any of the world's religions are exceedingly unlikely, however.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No; It has to be provable by some sort of scientific test or observation for me to believe it. At the point where it is observable, it ceases being "unnatural" or "supernatural" and just becomes "natural".

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No; Not any more.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? Yes; Most of the people I know and all of my family are very religious. I have to deal with it every day.

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? Yes; I used to be a big time believer and began questioning things at university.

6. Are your parents believers? Yes.

7. Do you live in a religious society? Yes

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve? I was educated to believe since birth through high school (going to church all the time, getting it at home, etc), and I was self "educated" into unbelief through the study of logic and reasoning as it is applied to whether a god (or any specific God) can exist in the form that is attributed to him/her, and the study of the history of religion (and society) and the way these cultural religious myths propagate.

#3 Infernity

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 04:09 PM

Hey there LE :) thank you!


#4 Brainbox

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 06:13 PM

Age: Barely (I hope)
Sex: Yes

1. Do you believe in God? No, somewhere between agnostic and atheist.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No. If you define "unnatural" as being "unknown", the answer should be Yes.

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? Yes. If we like it or not, our lives are filled with religious tradition. Free Sundays, Christmas, etc. I live in the Netherlands.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? Not major, occasionally meaningfull. See 5.

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No. After the death of my father, the religious environment of my family gave me a feeling of comfort I did not decline. However, this feeling, that lacks any rational background, is one of the reasons not to be religious.

6. Are your parents believers? Yes

7. Do you live in a religious society? No, not by choice but also Yes. See also 3.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve? Raised to believe. My parents did give me a lot of freedom. Neutral education, I went to neutral and liberal elementary and highschools, which was my own choice. Kindergarten was religious though. [lol]

Thank you for helping me with my personal project!

You're welcome, good luck!

#5 Mind

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 06:16 PM

36, male

1. No - agnostic (odds are very low that a super-natural being exists, as described by major religions)

2. No - I figure everything has an explanation, some things just take longer to explain.

3. No - (used to, up until about age 30)

4. No

5. Yes. (used to believe more strongly when was young)

6. Yes

7. Yes and no. (some polls claim 90% of the U.S. believes in god, yet less than half go to church on a regular basis)

8. Yes. was educated by the catholic church (about religion) from about age 2 all the way up to 18 years old.

#6 Athan

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 06:58 PM

Age: 16
Sex: M

1. Do you believe in God? Atheist/agnostic - not sure which. Gods drawn by major religions are almost certainly false.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No.

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? Yes, but only inversely (arguments against religion, atheism, et cetera).

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? Yes. While I find it highly unlikely that there is a God, I cannot rule out the existence of one based on current evidence and therefore an aspect of doubt remains.

6. Are your parents believers? Yes

7. Do you live in a religious society? It's America...so yes, I suppose.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve? Christianity.

#7 Infernity

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 07:16 PM

Hey thank you all, I have the urge to explain what I meant in question #2. I set "unnatural" in inverted commas for those who believe that there are unnatural things wouldn't consider them unnatural, as well as people who don't, because they think things must have an explanation and it must be natural. Overall, I meant things like superstitious, legends, life after death, luck, destiny, faeries, Maiga, and all bits and pieces. However, answer what you please, I analyse all answers and study them for my research. One must have the ability to express oneself limitlessly so for it to be more precise. Of course I won't read a page long tale for each question though ^^

Thank you very much!

#8 Infernity

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 07:26 PM

brainbox, ik wet dat jij een man bent maar ik moet jou leeftijd alstublieft ook hebbe...

PM mij als jij wil dat niet here zegge....

Dank je...

#9 Liquidus

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 08:18 PM

Age: 20
Sex: M

1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which): Agnostic. I don't believe any organized religion is even remotely close in any of their claims. I do think it's naive to assume that no God/supreme being exists, until humans can fully understand every aspect of our universe and beyond, there's a possibility (even if only 0.0001%) that a supreme being/creator might exist.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail): No, I guess you're referring to such things as divine intervention as well. I don't believe unnatural things happen, because I don't believe there can be any kind of contact between the tangible universe, and any potential supreme being which might influence unnaturalness. I do believe in random events and cause and effect, but I don't believe that people can turn water into wine, or naturally walk on water.

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?): I used to be of Roman Catholic faith until I graduated from high-school and spent a lot of time learning and reflecting. Aside from the normal societal religious traditions, easter, christmas, etc... I don't personally follow any religious tradition, nor do I plan on ever following religious traditions.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes: No. I've separated myself from all religious affiliation and try to remain indifferent to religious meaning.

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes: Yes, and I think it's important that people do. However, my beliefs (being agnostic) allow for either side of the equation to hold true. I don't believe that a god ( s ) exist in any of the ways people believe in, however, I'm not atheistic in the natural sense, because I believe that, as previously mentioned, there's a possibility that some kind of supreme being could exist.

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes: My parents are roman catholic, but they haven't gone to church since I've left high-school. They're believers, but they're not followers, they keep to themselves and do whatever they want. They do hold moral values that are similar to religious ones however.

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes: Not really, Canada is moderately secular, not as much as I'd like, but probably much better than say the United States or any Middle-Eastern country. Religion is often openly debated in my society, and there is acceptance of all religious practices here.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?: Sunday Church for 16 years, and I also attended a Catholic school up until high-school graduation. The school didn't really instill a lot of religion, the occasional religious/theology class, a monthly school mass in the gymnasium, and morning prayers over the PA announcements. More emphasis was placed on math/sciences than religion, probably at a 10:1 ratio.

Hope that's helpful.

#10 Cyberbrain

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 08:32 PM

Age: 18
Sex: M

1. Do you believe in God? No

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No - I was never religiuos

6. Are your parents believers? Yes

7. Do you live in a religious society? Yes

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve? - ages 3-8 I was introduced to religion, but I was very skeptical and I never liked it since it made no logical sense.
- ages 8-present I consider my self an atheist, in the same way Richard Dawkins and Carl Sagan are. Anything is possible (god, afterlife, fairies etc) but the risk of dying in order to see if there really is an afterlife is too large for me. I don't like to persist in delusion, so while I don't consider myself spiritual, I'm not disclosing the chance that there might be something else out there. If there really is some kind of super natural force, science will find it in time.

#11 Infernity

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 09:43 PM

G snake,

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes: Yes, and I think it's important that people do.

I like this attitude. One must doubt what he follows before being followed by it IMHO.

kostas, I just crossed upon Richard Dawkins' The God Dillusion book and I really wanted to read it but it was too expensive for me to achieve heh.


#12 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 15 October 2007 - 11:12 PM

Age: 32
Sex: F

1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which) Not presently, yet the possibility is not ruled out due to the lack of humanity's present knowledge.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail) No, if by 'unnatural' 'supernatural' is meant. I do like my quite unnatural car and home... I don't believe in things that are not verifiably though like Aliens and such...

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?) Yes, Unitarian Universalist. I attend church every Sunday this past Sunday our Ph.D. minister did a sermon on 'The God Delusion', 'The End of Faith' and other popular denouncements of a 'critter' god, our minister is staunchly against any belief in a supernatural being and personally advocates social action, eduction and affecting politics. This year he did a series on primate studies and evolutionary psychology as it pertains to modern human societies. I teach K-2nd grade religious education about world religions. I attend Wednesday night dinner weekly with my three children, they enjoy playing with their friends. I weekly attend other classes and group events for the adults, such as film history, health care issues, social action, globalization etc. Finally I attend and host potlucks and parties in other people's home, as well as my own.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes : Yes, if one considers the community and educational support/opportunities I receive from my church. I appreciate contributing to social action projects, and many different non-profits that make presentations to our community seeking support for their organizations.

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes: No

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes: Were when I was very young but now are not, they both had lost belief by the time I was 12 or so....

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes: Yes (The United States/Texas/Austin)

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?: was brought up to believe in a traditional Presbyterian Christian view of God, which seemed hypocritical as I learned about other religions as a teen, and the evolution of life on Earth.... now I love evolutionary psychology, ethnology is a close second... vying for my spare reading time...

Thank you for helping me with my personal project!-- You are welcome! :) Good luck with a fabulous project.

#13 Lazarus Long

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 12:00 AM

Age: 54
Sex: male

1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which)
Yes which god? No god or all gods? To quote the master *thou art god*.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail)
This is semantics. I don't believe or disbelieve in natural/unnatural. I use the term artificial to refer to human made as opposed to the rest of nature but if you mean supernatural, then no.

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?)
Tradition? no invention, yes. I believe in spiritual invention: commonly referred to as inspiration.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes
I am a skeptic; I doubt all my beliefs and disbeliefs. There is always room for more data.

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes
No. Well sometimes as they faced death they both considered the option. My mother was counseled by Buddhists and my father took up the Talmud. He can be forgiven though, he had been the scientist and skeptic all his life so by the end he started taking up Pascal's Wager I suspect.

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes
Yes, America is still dominated by its puritanical heritage but we continue to try and overcome this failing.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?
I was educated to believe that all belief is subject to scrutiny, challenge everything and accept nothing. When it passes muster after serious analysis use it; this is called pragmatism.

#14 Cyberbrain

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 12:07 AM

kostas, I just crossed upon Richard Dawkins' The God Dillusion book and I really wanted to read it but it was too expensive for me to achieve heh.

Actually there are a lot of free ebooks of The God Delusion, if I find any links I'll post them for you [thumb]

Also look up Richard Dawkins on youtube, there are a lot of good videos about religion which I'm sure could help you [tung]

Good luck with your school project [lol]

#15 Neurosail

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 06:55 AM

Age: 49
Sex: Male

1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which)
No, The big bang was not self aware thus no god.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail)
No, I don't believe in unnatural ghosts or spirits, But I'd seen a natural ghost once of my grandfather sitting on a porch swing; the mind plays tricks on you if you want to believe, just like people who "see" Jesus or Saint Mary in a potato chip or on a wall.

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?)
Yes, I like Christmas for the joy of giving, but it is not Jesus's birthday. He was born in April.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes
No, churches are social communities. I rather join other forms of social community like this forum.

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes
Yes, I was baptised as a Southern Baptist at eight (John 3:16), as a United Pentecostal at sixteen (Acts 2:38; Speaking in tongues), and as a Mormon at 30 (in Spanish).
They were all wrong. All lies and no truth. Science is the only truth.

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes
Yes, My Dad was a deacon of a Southern Baptist church, My mom is still very religious. My brother is an associate pastor for a large TV church...

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes
Yes, The United States is the Christian telaban. This is not a free country if you're not religious.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?
Yes, Vacation Bible School, Royal Ambassadors. Taught if you don't believe, you will go to hell... No choice.

Thank you for helping me with my personal project!
No problem, Love the flames in your signature!

#16 s123

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 07:30 AM

Age: 18
Sex: male

1. Do you believe in God? No, as a future scientist I have to be sceptical. There isn’t any evidence for a god, so I don’t believe it. 

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No, I only believe things that are proven.

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No, I will do some things like marrying, baptising my children,… But this is only for the tradition or better only for the feast afterwards. [lol]

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? Not since I’m older but as a child yes.

6. Are your parents believers? No

7. Do you live in a religious society? No

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve? We were getting religion at school. But it was more about letting you think about ethical questions than to teach you about god. One of the religious teachers has said: "I don't want to indoctrinate you, so I'm not trying to let you believe". Now I’m studying chemistry at the university and all of the profs are telling us about the importance of evidence for a theory.

#17 eternaltraveler

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 08:17 AM


1. Do you believe in God? No

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No. Though I'm not opposed to celebrating Christmas, or having some kind of annual gift day.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? Yes. It gets in the way of several personal relationships, and wrongly influences the politics of my country

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? Yes. I doubt everything. Doubt is useful. Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who find it.

6. Are your parents believers? Hard to say. they are less now than they seemed before.

7. Do you live in a religious society? Yes. Christianity heavily influences law and policy in America.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve? As a kid I went to a christian church, and believed all that mumboo jumbo.

#18 Infernity

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 04:46 PM

I don't believe in things that are not verifiably though like Aliens and such..

Well, as for aliens you maybe cannot prove their existence but you may consider the chances of them to exist. What are the odd that in such great a universe we are the only ones who live in a planet with good enough conditions to support life?
We don't even know entirely our own galaxy, and there are so many more... How can you be certain as much as you are about the nonexistence of aliens? To me it seems quite reasonable there are.

It's not related to my project, merely personal interest.


#19 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 06:18 PM

Oh yes, I think there is a likely hood that they exist--but since I can not quantify that, I do not 'believe' they are real. As an example, as a child I did believe in Aliens, and that I was visited by them--even told my friends and had my friends believing (one still does today as an adult, per what I'd said as a child--which I find humorous) But me? I realized that there really is no evidence, after reading a slew of books and delving into the documentary sub-culture, so at this time I don't 'believe' in Aliens. I would not say to my children--yes we have them because of the vastness of the universe and the high chance of life evolving elsewhere. I say "We don't know conclusively, one way or the other, at this time there is no evidence... but that may change in your lifetime :) "

#20 Centurion

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 07:07 PM

Posted on Oct 16 2007-08:17

1. Do you believe in God? No

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? Only in how I interact with others

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No

6. Are your parents believers? Yes, although only mother practices

7. Do you live in a religious society? Yes, sadly.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve? Yes, through school and sunday school

Hope I wasnt too late to be of help Infernity. Hope you are well dear.

#21 s123

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 08:42 PM

I don't believe in things that are not verifiably though like Aliens and such...

This is a theoretical consideration:

An alien is a living being that is not from earth.

According to the M-theory a point in the 7th dimension is the collection of all the possible timelines of our universe. And the 6th dimension is the dimension in which you would need to travel to get from one version of our universe to another one. If something is happening –lets say that you need to choose your clothes for today- then in reality all to possibilities are executed but in a different point in the 6th dimension. So in one point of the 6th dimension you choose to take a blue shirt and in another point you choose a red one. The same is true for the creation of live on a planet. In one point of the 6th dimension there will be live on earth but in another one the earth will have no live but in that point there may be live on Mars. So if you don’t say that you mean which an alien someone of our point in the 6th dimension than there will be an infinite amount of different life forms.

I don’t know if this make sense but it’s my understanding of the M-theory.

If I go even further, god has to exist but not in our point in the 6th dimension but in other ones. The universe tries all the possibilities, so it has to try a timeline of our universe with a god and one without.

#22 braz

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Posted 12 November 2007 - 07:57 AM

If I go even further, god has to exist but not in our point in the 6th dimension but in other ones. The universe tries all the possibilities, so it has to try a timeline of our universe with a god and one without

God, or the christian concept of it, cannot exist in any of the possible universes in accordance with M-Theory, because God is not a being that follows the laws of physics.

#23 cyborgdreamer

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 08:00 PM

Age: 21
Sex: Female

1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which)

I think it's possible but exceedingly unlikely but that there could be a God. Similarly, it would be even less likely that a specific God exists.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail)

Same as question 1: there is a miniscule probability that supernatural beliefs could turn out to be true.

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?)


4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes

Not really, though I do find it interesting.

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes

Sure, I question everything. :wink:

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes

They're Jewish-agnostic but definitely more inclined to believe than I am.

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes

Yes, but thankfully most people I know are pretty liberal about it.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?

I was raised Jewish to some extent, but religion wasn't emphasized in my family.

#24 forever freedom

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 08:32 PM

Age: 19
Sex: Male

1. Do you believe in God? Depends on the definition of god. Oh sorry for making things complicated, just check an "No" here for the sake of your school work.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? Damn i hate giving such short "yes" "no" answers. I'm just going to roll with the "No" on this one then.

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? Finally one where i can get simple. No.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No.

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? Did not doubt. But I do constantly question it. Yes.

6. Are your parents believers? Yes.

7. Do you live in a religious society? Yes.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve? My parents educated me to be a believer, carrying me to church twice a week, but i dropped it.

#25 TrekkieMan

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Posted 02 December 2007 - 04:43 AM

Age: 21
Sex: Male

1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which)
Yes, I believe in God. No, it is not the theistic God of the traditional religions. I consider myself a pantheist. God is the Universe, and the Universe is God.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail)
I do not believe in anything supernatural.

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?)
I consider myself to be a pantheistic member of Liberal/Progressive Christianity.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes
Yes, I am very spiritual person.

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes
No, not really. My beliefs are perfectly in line with science and reason

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes
My mother is a fairly devout traditional Christian. My Dad is religious when times are bad

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes
I live in a religiously conservative part of the Midwestern United States.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?
I was raised to be a fundamentalist Christian. Mom and Dad were fairly lenient, though. I was not pressured to do much, like going to church or anything.

Thank you for helping me with my personal project!

You're welcome.

#26 drmz

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Posted 02 December 2007 - 08:36 AM

I'm doing a school project and I need as many ones as possible to answer this for me. Sorry for not being active. School school school. But hey it's my last year of school.
Thanks you...


1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which)

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail)

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?)

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?

Thank you for helping me with my personal project!



#27 formando

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Posted 02 December 2007 - 12:12 PM

I'm doing a school project and I need as many ones as possible to answer this for me. Sorry for not being active. School school school. But hey it's my last year of school.
Thanks you...


1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which) not god but thats a name

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail) yes some sort of intervention

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?) celibrating christmas

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes in thought only

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes yes

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes yes

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes no

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve? believe

Thank you for helping me with my personal project!


#28 Luna

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Posted 12 December 2007 - 06:27 PM

Age: 18
Sex: Male

1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which)
No, but I do not rule out the chance of such a being to exist.

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail)

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?)

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes
Obviously, regulary.

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?
I was taught the jewish bible at school, some of my teachers were believers and tried to make the students believe in the bible.

#29 alchemist

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Posted 14 December 2007 - 12:40 PM


1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which)

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail)
Yes. Well, sort of. I believe there's a lot of things we don't understand about how the world/universe works. Ghosts, spirits, UFOs, parallel dimensions, etc. But, these things aren't necessarily "unnatural", they're just natural things we don't know about yet.

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?)
Not really. Christmas, I guess.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes
Yes. I was raised Christian, doubted those beliefs, then decided they didn't fit with what I really believed, so I gave them up.

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes
I guess you could call it that...

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?
I went to church for a while, when I was really young.

#30 AdamSummerfield

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Posted 14 December 2007 - 02:38 PM


1. Do you believe in God? No / Yes (+which)

2. Do you believe in anything 'unnatural'? No / Yes (+detail)

3. Do you follow a religious tradition? No / Yes (+into what extent?)
Tradition? No.

4. Does religion play a major or a meaningful part of your life? No / Yes
Yes. I consider the Dalai Lama's ideas.

5. Did you ever doubt your belief / disbelief? No / Yes
Doubt? No. I reserve the possibility that God is 'beyond the physical'.

6. Are your parents believers? No / Yes

7. Do you live in a religious society? No / Yes
A weak one.

8. Where were you educated to believe / disbelieve?
Common sense.

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