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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Americans are renowned as being so free

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 03:07 AM

Ive been living in the same place here in wisconsin, next to a park dedicated to fallen Korean war soldiers for about 4 years now. I dont smoke very often, but when I do I have been going outside my building here and contemplating the flag in the park amongst the trees beneath the stars for all this time. Ive had a lot of philosophical discussions with myself, mostly about life extension and my place and my potential in the scheme of things. Tonight I thought something kind of new. Im blessed to be an American, as free as an american. Though tonight it dawned on me, and its kind of obvious, that as free as I am as an American, with death still looming over us in the form of aging, Im still pretty much just as oppressed as any oppressed nation.

I dont want to die you know, I just dont want to die.

Edited by brokenportal, 23 March 2009 - 05:30 AM.

#2 Ghostrider

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 04:53 AM

I dont want to die you know, I just dont want to die.

Well, maybe you should give up smoking :-)

I am with you though, some day people will look back on how we live today with the same pity we feel when we think of cavemen.

#3 Cyberbrain

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 03:53 PM

I don't want to die you know, I just don't want to die.

And you don't have to. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm still young, but I try to take a very optimistic approach to life.
If we can't achieve LE in our life time then there's always cryogenics to look forward to, which has a good probability to
insure you immortality. There's also the technological singularity to look forward to too. [sfty]

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#4 Mind

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Posted 16 October 2007 - 04:34 PM

Don't dwell too long on those thoughts. Getting to work fixing the problem (aging and death) and keeping busy are good antidotes for any depressing thoughts.

#5 cyborgdreamer

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 01:48 AM

I know how you feel, brokenportal. The human condition is oppressive and conscious beings shouldn't have to die under its cruel indifference.

#6 resveratrol

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 03:04 PM

Don't be afraid. Get angry. Watch '300', hit the gym, and turn your energy toward murdering death.

#7 brokenportal

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Posted 01 November 2007 - 07:50 AM

Im not so much afraid, as you may have read into from the topic, as I am angry. Your right about that. I feel, as Ive expressed in the same or similar words in the past, that I feel like a race car ready to take on the race and win it, but as of yet my tires have been spinning and Im waiting for that right race to put my all into and take off for.

The main point of the topic, pretty much obviously though is, we are going to die. You, me, the imminst people around you, the life extensionists that havent even found this place yet, we are going, to die.

I mean, die. We're going to die. What we're doing, what we're thinking, what we're hoping, what we're trying is great, but is it enough for us..... Life extension is in its infancy, we are the people who are its pioneers. We are the people that have the tools to be more of its pioneers than what a lot of us are. I mean, Im not talking about Aubrey and Bruce and John and everybody else, Im talking about people like you and me.

Its just you know, if we are to survive, we, not the next generation, or the generation after that, then we need to start a fire under our own butts.

Dont get me wrong, the things people are doing, and the progress is phenomenal, but if we are going to live, we, then there just needs to be more. Im not the first or the last to think this, its just, more. Where can we come up with more?

#8 Shepard

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Posted 01 November 2007 - 02:54 PM

You sound like plenty of other people. For some reason, quite a few claim the desire to do something, but lack the will to follow through.

If this is the problem, none of us can tell you how to remedy it. It's going to require dedication on your own.

#9 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 02 November 2007 - 02:45 AM

I find inspiration in much around me, like the fact that we will be advancing in technology. Sometimes I have a hard day, in which my life seems so short and insignificant... but I'm happy that I have so many more dreams ahead of me, raising my children--teaching in my community, donating to causes that make me feel as if I'm doing some good in the world. So I do what I can, and if I'm lucky then I'll get a longer to do it ;)

#10 ksbalaji

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Posted 22 March 2009 - 04:11 PM

Im not so much afraid, as you may have read into from the topic, as I am angry. Your right about that. I feel, as Ive expressed in the same or similar words in the past, that I feel like a race car ready to take on the race ............


....... if we are to survive, we, not the next generation, or the generation after that, then we need to start a fire under our own butts.

Dont get me wrong, the things people are doing, and the progress is phenomenal, but if we are going to live, we, then there just needs to be more. Im not the first or the last to think this, its just, more. Where can we come up with more?

Yes. Your point in asking for immediate, focussed, stubborn and concerted effort from all possible directions is simply justified. We just have to rope in atleast more disciplined approach, more information, more analysis, more research, more technological applications, more concern, more interest, more propaganda, more generosity, more people, more confidence and more funding within the least possible time to reach this attainable goal.

#11 nowayout

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Posted 22 March 2009 - 04:45 PM

Im blessed to be an American, as free as an american.

I would question this assumption. It may have been true at one time, but in my opinion it is no longer the case. I am a U.S. citizen, but I have to say that compared to other places where I often travel (Canada, Europe, South Africa), the U.S. feels a lot like a police state, and I just feel free, like a weight has come off my shoulders, when I leave. The contrast is most obvious and glaring when I travel (not the security, which everyone has, but the attitude of those enforcing it), but extends well beyond the airport gates. For example, in the U.S. I often feel intimidated by the presence of the police (and not just because some of them even still wear the SS-like flared pants and boots), whereas I do not feel this way in Canada, S.A., or Spain, where the balance of power in daily life between regular people and the arms of the state is more in favor of the regular people. On my U.S. passport, I am not free to travel to certain places, whereas my other passport does not impose such restrictions. In the U.S., a mistaken identity could lead to my being detained without trial forever. In Canada, Spain and South Africa, I am free to marry, yet in the U.S. I have no such freedom.

#12 sthira

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Posted 23 March 2009 - 04:11 AM

Beyond the beliefs of any one religion, there is the truth of the human spirit. Beyond the power of nations, there is the power of the human heart. Beyond the ordinary mind, the power of wisdom, love, and healing energy are at work in the universe. When we can find peace within our hearts, we contact these universal powers. This is our only hope.”
- Tarthang Tulku

#13 sumphilosopheô

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Posted 23 March 2009 - 05:18 AM

Im blessed to be an American, as free as an american.

I would question this assumption. It may have been true at one time, but in my opinion it is no longer the case. I am a U.S. citizen, but I have to say that compared to other places where I often travel (Canada, Europe, South Africa), the U.S. feels a lot like a police state, and I just feel free, like a weight has come off my shoulders, when I leave. The contrast is most obvious and glaring when I travel (not the security, which everyone has, but the attitude of those enforcing it), but extends well beyond the airport gates. For example, in the U.S. I often feel intimidated by the presence of the police (and not just because some of them even still wear the SS-like flared pants and boots), whereas I do not feel this way in Canada, S.A., or Spain, where the balance of power in daily life between regular people and the arms of the state is more in favor of the regular people. On my U.S. passport, I am not free to travel to certain places, whereas my other passport does not impose such restrictions. In the U.S., a mistaken identity could lead to my being detained without trial forever. In Canada, Spain and South Africa, I am free to marry, yet in the U.S. I have no such freedom.

Perhaps technologies such as healthy life-extension will change everyones values for the better in a way that is more conducive to liberty. With such short lifespans it is easy to be one willing to break eggs to make an omlete givin ones philosophy and poltic is one of death - mortality.

Everyone can change even leaders.

"Beyond the beliefs of any one religion, there is the truth of the human spirit. Beyond the power of nations, there is the power of the human heart. Beyond the ordinary mind, the power of wisdom, love, and healing energy are at work in the universe. When we can find peace within our hearts, we contact these universal powers. This is our only hope."
- Tarthang Tulku

You are a beautiful person.


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