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Canadian Immortalist/Transhuman rollcall

mitkat's Photo mitkat 29 Oct 2007

Ah, the never used Canada forum. How I begged for it's construction, and now it sits here, unloved! I made numerous posts probably a year ago or so, but they've gone...somewhere else. Anyways!! If you're from the 'Great White North', I believe it would be prudent to say hello and say where you're from. No need to post too much info, but roll-call!! I'll start,

From Toronto
Involved with the Toronto Transhumanist Association and Imminst (obviously).

Wheather as to if this info could be used to help put together more meetings with the local groups or not, I don't know. Toronto TA is up and running, Justice De Thézier's Quebec TA is re-organizing says the WTA site, and Vancouver still seems to be defunct. I've talked to a number of users in the past from the greater Toronto area, and I know a couple people from my time living in Calgary and Edmonton, however not on the site (besides Kevin P!). Betterhumans.com has a great Canadian presence, I imagine being based in Toronto helps.

sophistikat's Photo sophistikat 29 Oct 2007

Hi Mitkat :)

I know you're well aware of my Canadian citizenship but i might as well let any others who read this know too. Another proud Torontonian here, although clearly much more involved in other aspects of life in this city than in the quest for immortality (what's this, my 2nd post? :))

jackinbox's Photo jackinbox 30 Oct 2007

I'm just hanging around the forum. Not really trans-anything but I'm Canadian.

dimasok's Photo dimasok 30 Oct 2007

Hey I'm from Toronto :)

kevin's Photo kevin 30 Oct 2007

shaking us out of the wood work eh?


freethinker's Photo freethinker 16 May 2008

I'm from the Ottawa region. I'm definitely pro-SENS ;-)

Rotty's Photo Rotty 24 Sep 2008

Im canadain from saskatoon here. ;)

Traclo's Photo Traclo 24 Sep 2008

Go Canada! (Or should I say O Canada)
I am also from the Great White North.
Living in Oshawa (maybe some Torontonians know about it... it's in that region) and going to U of T scarb.

mitkat's Photo mitkat 24 Sep 2008

Awesome to hear from you both. Tracio, I work with a guy from the dirty south part of the 'shwa ;)

Kulture's Photo Kulture 09 Dec 2008


I'm a transhumanist from Montreal, hoping to meet fellow Canadians to work on various projects with. Unfortunately, the Quebec Transhumanist Association disbanded, so now Quebec doesn't seem to have much of a Transhumanist presence. I'd like to change that!

MichaelGR's Photo MichaelGR 20 Dec 2008

I'm near Ottawa.

1kgcoffee's Photo 1kgcoffee 23 Jun 2009

Calgary here

jaysun's Photo jaysun 09 Aug 2009

Ah, the never used Canada forum. How I begged for it's construction, and now it sits here, unloved! I made numerous posts probably a year ago or so, but they've gone...somewhere else. Anyways!! If you're from the 'Great White North', I believe it would be prudent to say hello and say where you're from. No need to post too much info, but roll-call!! I'll start,

From Toronto
Involved with the Toronto Transhumanist Association and Imminst (obviously).

Wheather as to if this info could be used to help put together more meetings with the local groups or not, I don't know. Toronto TA is up and running, Justice De Thézier's Quebec TA is re-organizing says the WTA site, and Vancouver still seems to be defunct. I've talked to a number of users in the past from the greater Toronto area, and I know a couple people from my time living in Calgary and Edmonton, however not on the site (besides Kevin P!). Betterhumans.com has a great Canadian presence, I imagine being based in Toronto helps.

I am from toronto as well. I just signed up. I started a fledgling blog centerforimmortality.blogspot.com.

The Immortalist's Photo The Immortalist 15 Jan 2010

I'm from Canada!

chuckb's Photo chuckb 16 Mar 2011

I'm in montreal, too.
I didn't even know there had been a Quebec tranhumanist organization to start with.
I would happily donate time to such an endeavor.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 03 Apr 2011

I'm in montreal, too.
I didn't even know there had been a Quebec tranhumanist organization to start with.
I would happily donate time to such an endeavor.

Its great to see you write that. Its the actions of every person like you that lead people who dont support indefinite life extension yet by example. The transhumanism work in that way is great. Im wondering would you consider an indefinite life extension chapter in that area instead? The two could work together of course and could consider holding meetings in the same place with separate, or merged agendas. http://imminst.org/chapters


JeremyCrow's Photo JeremyCrow 20 Jan 2012

I live in Toronto. Not a member of any Immortalist or Transhuman groups at this point, but certainly open to the idea.

mysky7's Photo mysky7 05 Feb 2012

Hi there!
I am from Montreal and looking for group in my area. Really need advices to improve my memory and study abilities for carrier.
I am into healthy life style. :)

mysky7's Photo mysky7 05 Feb 2012

Hi there!
I am from Montreal and looking for group in my area. Really need advices to improve my memory and study abilities for carrier.
I am into healthy life style.

protoject's Photo protoject 06 Feb 2012

I'm in the SHWA too dogs.. [GTA for those who don't know]

protoject's Photo protoject 08 Sep 2012

In downtown Toronto now

michiej's Photo michiej 14 Jan 2013

Hi Everyone!

I based in downtown Toronto. I'm gearing up for a 3 month experiment with 5 other friends of mine. 3 are going to be taking noopept stacked with alpha brain, and 3 aren't. We are attempting to learn a language to conversation and possibly an intrument. We are skeptical but excited of the potential of nootropics. Who else has been playing with these nootropics? We are documenting the process and will publish our findings as a case study. Is anyone else in Toronto experimenting with noopept or Alpha Brain? I'd love to get in contact and start a dialogue.

So far, we've prepped our bodies to a healthy clean state using the slow carb diet and the geek to freak regiment, found in Tim Ferris's Four Hour Body. We are currently designing the most efficient and fastest way to learn language, and speed read. Would love recommendations if anybody has some. I'll post that strategy once we're ready for application.

My hope is that those of us who have taken the nootropics will learn and retain knowledge noticeably faster.



ThePhoeron's Photo ThePhoeron 10 May 2013

Living downtown Toronto, originally from Winnipeg. Went to UofT (St George campus). Only recently become interested in nootropics, but transhumanism, space exploration and migration, intelligence increase, and life extension and biological immortality have been interests of mine since I was a child.

Any transhumanist groups in Toronto still active?

DorianGrey's Photo DorianGrey 11 May 2013

Living near Pickering. I am interested in transhumanism, A.I., nootropes and extension of life span and quality. After watching the movie "Inception" my interest in all these things was re-awakened, it also inspired me to get ahead with Lucid Dreaming.
I've started with the nootrope Centrophenoxine and will try Noopept and Oxiracetam. I also started with a well researched stack of vitamines and herbals to keep in shape, some of that stuff isn't mainstream. There's also an exercise component.
I think telomer length retention is one key to any anti-aging strategy. I am not on Cycloastragenol yet but definitely interested, prices seem to become more reasonable lately. I am waiting for the affordable Telome test to get my baseline established.
It would be nice to have a meeting (downtown Toronto?) once a while with people who are interested in that stuff. I have a background in chemistry and know also a bit about biochemistry, clinical studies and pharmaceuticals. Is there a group or MeetUp?

socialpiranha's Photo socialpiranha 12 May 2013

Nova Scotia, born and raised in a boring university town(Acadia U) called wolfville. i'm interested in A.I and transhumanism with a current emphasis on quality of life. I've experimented with hundreds of nootropics, anxiolytics, antidepressants, neuroleptics, hallucinogens, atiaging drugs/supplements and recreational drugs over the last 10 years.

My long term interests are virtual reality as well as digitalization and preservation of consciousness.

my current focus is on anxiolysis, analgesia, cognitive enhancement and optimum physical health

Carrie_Wong's Photo Carrie_Wong 16 Jun 2013

Looks like a bunch of people from the east coast popping up. I'm from Vancouver, although I don't spend much time on any forums, I do spend time organizing meatspace events for Lifespan BC members. We started out as the Vancouver transhumanist meetup, then expanded to engulf cryonicists and other who may just be interested in learning more about evidence based approaches to living a longer and healthier life.

If anyone is on the west coast-lower mainland who would like to hangout with us, you can visit our site to see what we have been up to:

ThePhoeron's Photo ThePhoeron 17 Jun 2013

Looks like a bunch of people from the east coast popping up. I'm from Vancouver, although I don't spend much time on any forums, I do spend time organizing meatspace events for Lifespan BC members. We started out as the Vancouver transhumanist meetup, then expanded to engulf cryonicists and other who may just be interested in learning more about evidence based approaches to living a longer and healthier life.

If anyone is on the west coast-lower mainland who would like to hangout with us, you can visit our site to see what we have been up to:

Looks like all the good stuff for transhumanists in Canada is going on in BC. Much like with quantum computing, robotics, and nano-engineering. Although we do have the MaRS project and InteraXon out here in Toronto. We really need a meetup of our own. DorianGrey: it might be up to us to organize our own. I'll put out feelers to some of my friends and coworkers who've had some success with developer meetups. Maybe we can get something started again out here too.

BTW Carrie, your Deep Cove hike looked like it was a lot of fun—I don't get nearly enough of nature living and working downtown.

socialpiranha's Photo socialpiranha 19 Jun 2013

Yeah I've been thinking about moving to B.C(vancouver), seems like there's a lot more going on over there.

ThePhoeron's Photo ThePhoeron 20 Jun 2013

Yeah I've been thinking about moving to B.C(vancouver), seems like there's a lot more going on over there.

Yeah, that might be worthwhile---for a lot of other equally valid reasons as well. I joined up on meetup.com's toronto transhumanist group, but it hasn't really had any activity since 2011.

socialpiranha's Photo socialpiranha 20 Jun 2013

Thats too bad i'm surprised there's not more interest in toronto, but yeah I think there is just a different culture in B.C possibly more suited to my own interests. Definitely moreso than rural nova scotia haha.