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Nootropics for depression?

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#31 The Likud Is Behind It

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 09:51 PM

I can't find it right now but there's a study where 12-18 grams of inositol a day for a month is as effective as SSRIs for depression.

SAMe also made a profound difference in my mood when I began taking it.

Omega-3s are also somewhat effective over time.

Also i'm prescribed Vyvanse for ADD. Amphetamines in general seem to lift my mood a lot.

Edited by bmud, 14 November 2009 - 09:53 PM.

#32 Thorsten3

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 07:29 PM


Edited by HyperHydrosis, 15 November 2009 - 07:31 PM.

#33 Thorsten3

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 07:32 PM

Thanks for the replies!
I've ordered SAMe. I've also tried St John wort in the past, but I felt sedated so I stopped using it. Aroebic excercise usually makes me feel a lot better a few hours after the excercise. But I always have to do that in the late afternoon since I don't have the time/mental strength in the morning. I try to excercise at least 5 times a week. I also jerk off three times a day :-)) Besides that I try to eat healthy food, take multivitamins etc..
I'll also try Modafinil and hydergine this week

You jerk off 3 times per day?? Have you not thought that maybe this may be the problem? You struggle to get going, can't focus or concentrate? You feel lifeless and have no get up and go?? You do realise the impact this is going to have on your body? Not only are you loosing vital nutrients it completely messes with the yin and yang of your brain chemistry. Do some research on over-masturbating and find out for yourself. Being a man myself I hate being a slave to it. If I don't masturbate/have sex I end up getting stressed so ultimately it is about finding the right balance. I find releasing once every two/three days to be the correct balance. Try this out and you will discover how much more healthier you feel mentally. If you can't stop yourself jacking off it's time to develop some other interests/hobbies because in all honesty there is nothing sadder than sitting in room tossing off at that frequency. Not being brutal here but when you are depressed masturbation is probably the worst thing you can fall into because it becomes a coping mechanism which will put you down a slippery slope. Like a drug it will end up using YOU instead of you using IT for its benefits

#34 cheesycow5

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 09:31 PM

Thanks for the replies!
I've ordered SAMe. I've also tried St John wort in the past, but I felt sedated so I stopped using it. Aroebic excercise usually makes me feel a lot better a few hours after the excercise. But I always have to do that in the late afternoon since I don't have the time/mental strength in the morning. I try to excercise at least 5 times a week. I also jerk off three times a day :-)) Besides that I try to eat healthy food, take multivitamins etc..
I'll also try Modafinil and hydergine this week

You jerk off 3 times per day?? Have you not thought that maybe this may be the problem? You struggle to get going, can't focus or concentrate? You feel lifeless and have no get up and go?? You do realise the impact this is going to have on your body? Not only are you loosing vital nutrients it completely messes with the yin and yang of your brain chemistry. Do some research on over-masturbating and find out for yourself. Being a man myself I hate being a slave to it. If I don't masturbate/have sex I end up getting stressed so ultimately it is about finding the right balance. I find releasing once every two/three days to be the correct balance. Try this out and you will discover how much more healthier you feel mentally. If you can't stop yourself jacking off it's time to develop some other interests/hobbies because in all honesty there is nothing sadder than sitting in room tossing off at that frequency. Not being brutal here but when you are depressed masturbation is probably the worst thing you can fall into because it becomes a coping mechanism which will put you down a slippery slope. Like a drug it will end up using YOU instead of you using IT for its benefits

Provide evidence, please.

#35 Pike

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Posted 16 November 2009 - 01:36 AM

this thread makes me *facepalm*

personally, i think solely using noots for treating depression almost borderlines self-medicating habits. if you are truly depressed, and would most likely fit the DSM IV TR criteria for a major depressive disorder, seek professional help. while noots may be helpful, cognitive-behavioral therapy is just as helpful and doesn't carry the associated risk of relapse that medications do upon the discontinuation of their use. together, perhaps nootropics AND cognitive-behavioral therapy could offer a lot of promise, as typical combined pharmacotherapy + cognitive-behavioral therapy seem to offer the most promise as well. understand, however, that there aren't many therapists who would approve such an approach because practitioners will always feel safest using the empirically validated treatment methods.

bottom line: RELAPSE is the biggest issue faced with pharmacotherapy and it is this reason why pharmacotherapy is typically paired with cognitive-behavioral therapy. i imagine some noots COULD help, perhaps just as much as the validated pharmacotherapies. but IMHO, using only them to treat a major depressive disorder is asking for either dependence or a relapse.

that's my $0.02.

#36 Thorsten3

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Posted 21 November 2009 - 08:01 PM

Thanks for the replies!
I've ordered SAMe. I've also tried St John wort in the past, but I felt sedated so I stopped using it. Aroebic excercise usually makes me feel a lot better a few hours after the excercise. But I always have to do that in the late afternoon since I don't have the time/mental strength in the morning. I try to excercise at least 5 times a week. I also jerk off three times a day :-)) Besides that I try to eat healthy food, take multivitamins etc..
I'll also try Modafinil and hydergine this week

You jerk off 3 times per day?? Have you not thought that maybe this may be the problem? You struggle to get going, can't focus or concentrate? You feel lifeless and have no get up and go?? You do realise the impact this is going to have on your body? Not only are you loosing vital nutrients it completely messes with the yin and yang of your brain chemistry. Do some research on over-masturbating and find out for yourself. Being a man myself I hate being a slave to it. If I don't masturbate/have sex I end up getting stressed so ultimately it is about finding the right balance. I find releasing once every two/three days to be the correct balance. Try this out and you will discover how much more healthier you feel mentally. If you can't stop yourself jacking off it's time to develop some other interests/hobbies because in all honesty there is nothing sadder than sitting in room tossing off at that frequency. Not being brutal here but when you are depressed masturbation is probably the worst thing you can fall into because it becomes a coping mechanism which will put you down a slippery slope. Like a drug it will end up using YOU instead of you using IT for its benefits

Provide evidence, please.

Provide evidence for what? It's common sense my friend do I really have to explain this further to you? Ah well if I have to - Now listen up..
I am merely stating what my own personal experience is with 'over masturbabting'. I am unable to concentrate as well, cognitive abilities and focus are decreased plus my motivation levels go down. I feel less sociable and less interested in becoming so. If I leave it a day or two I feel more energized and motivation becomes far more increased. It does make me laugh the way people on here spend hundreds of dollars on supplements such as deprenyl when they are unable to realise what they are really doing to their mental state by participation in chronic masturbation. Yes we have this instrument between our legs, but is it there to be yanked this frequently? It can be, but there will be consequences (lowered testosterone levels, loss of vital nutrients such as zinc and overall stress on the body). When I refrain from masturabating frequently I find I am putting my energies into more worthwhile and rewarding things (like actually chatting to girls). Going out and developing hobbies/getting a life will be so much more rewarding and have far more beneficial effects on any depressive disorder that the original poster speaks of. So if you are in the 'wank to ease your depression' camp then I feel sorry for you. Good luck.

#37 nito

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Posted 21 November 2009 - 08:43 PM

Guys i dont know bout you but when i eat chocolate i get this rush of excitement and slender happiness :) And i do suffer from mild depression of which i take st johns wort and omega 3 for. But why does chocolate act so fast on me? It's really a nice feeling of optimism!

#38 igohard

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Posted 22 November 2009 - 03:54 AM

have you also considered a potential correlation between anxiety and depression?
when I get too nervous and begin having mild anxiety attacks, I tend to not accomplish too many tasks at hand- which may further exacerbates the depression state.
however, i've recently tried picamilon- which has helped me calm down and get things done, etc.

which leads me to my broader point here: i think the idea of "getting things done" contributing to treating depression may explain your happiness found in increased motivation after taking modafinil.
this speaks volume for the idea that one should not just target depression with nootropics. instead, one should use the nootropics to help facilitate a deeper sense of "meaning and worth" in life.
I apologize if that seems "preachy" but I think when looking for more sustainable solutions to depression, more abstract anecdotes such as "meaning" and relationships can be very powerful.
"feeling good and accomplished" after finishing everything you wanted to do that day is a micro-example of sustainable happiness rooted in an accomplished and meaningful life.

that is probably why HyperHydrosis insists that chronic and excessive masturbation is probably NOT the path to take for someone seeking to battle depression in a more concrete and sustainable fashion. yes, the few seconds of "relief" may seem to alleviate the depression for the moment. but it's transient. people in today's society are too used to the "quick fix". now i'm all for nootropics (clearly) but i personally think it's critical to look at them as "means to an end", not simply the ends to eradicating depression.
hope my 2cents here brings some light to this nasty issue of depression :)

#39 donkey

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Posted 22 November 2009 - 04:40 PM

While I agree with those who have said Modafinil is a good "brain clearer", the problem is getting a prescription. And cost. I took Provigil for four months but because it was prescribed for "off label" usage, it was miles of red tape to get my insurance to cover it, and even then, they'd only cover half of what I was prescribed. The cost of 30 pills of Provigil (in the US) is over 450.00. It's also hepatoxic, so you need to take a break from it every couple of weeks. Eventually, my brain sort of adjusted to the drug and it didn't work anymore. So that's another down point.

I order Adrafinil online these days, but I try not to take it every day, to maintain it's efficacy. I'm also trying to treat my depression with noots, but I'm not too sure it's as effective as standard anti-depressants. I've sort of come to terms with the fact that I'm going to be depressed for the rest of my life, and try to work around it.

#40 adamh

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Posted 22 November 2009 - 06:35 PM

I've battled depression a large part of my life and I won. Tricyclics work but they have side effects. For long term try creatine and st johns wort. Creatine gives me a boost every time I use it. It's not like a stimulant but it perks up my mood. I feel it within an hour of taking 2 - 5 gm. St johns works very well too and is slightly stimulating. In larger doses it will motivate you like caffeine or other stims. Another one that's a little controversial but works very well is salvia divinorum. Just use a little of the leaf, not the concentrate. You aren't looking to hallucinate just enough to feel something. It's short acting but will do the job for a day or two.

Avoid refined sugar. Sugar gives you a quick lift but then there is always the let down. Depressed people often get obese for that reason. They get on the treadmill.

While I agree with those who have said Modafinil is a good "brain clearer", the problem is getting a prescription. And cost. I took Provigil for four months but because it was prescribed for "off label" usage, it was miles of red tape to get my insurance to cover it, and even then, they'd only cover half of what I was prescribed. The cost of 30 pills of Provigil (in the US) is over 450.00. It's also hepatoxic, so you need to take a break from it every couple of weeks. Eventually, my brain sort of adjusted to the drug and it didn't work anymore. So that's another down point.

I order Adrafinil online these days, but I try not to take it every day, to maintain it's efficacy. I'm also trying to treat my depression with noots, but I'm not too sure it's as effective as standard anti-depressants. I've sort of come to terms with the fact that I'm going to be depressed for the rest of my life, and try to work around it.

#41 silverneedle

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Posted 06 December 2009 - 11:55 AM

Ive tried a few things for depression lately and found that the piracetam initialy boosted my motivation and hence i felt a bit better because got a few things done, i dont think its going to cure major depression,but ive been trying alot of other stuff as well so its hard to say. I do take a b complex and find if i miss it i get worse energy and mood.Dr Andrew Weil suggests B complex for all depression. Also pureified hight dose fish oil.
I tried 0.5 mg melatonin night before last and didnt help mood, I dont like it.
tried 50mg picamilon last night but if anything i felt worse than i did for a long time but thats most likely not related to the picamilon. Will try again.
tried 2,5 mg deprenyl hcl sublingualy 2 weeks ago felt good for first 2 hours then felt need to express anger and agression and im not usually prone to be expressive of that. I dont like it.
1 tried 20mg dl phenyalanine (tiny dose) a few times and felt like it lifted mood a bit and i might try it again in larger doses if i can get some l tryprophan to take with it because i hear they compete for uptake to brain and i dont want to mess up the serotonin system.
Ashwaganda is quite calming at the right dose.
In future i want to somehow monitor my sleep because that is to me the most over looked cause of depression and for me thats where the solution will be.
B6 and/or niacin in high doses seems worth a try.
I might try creatine
What i really need is an occupation to occupy my mind, and work my way in to a better life situation.

#42 silverneedle

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Posted 06 December 2009 - 11:01 PM

Tried picamilon again at 50mg and it deffinately brought on the depression strongly. Had alot of trouble focusing on a book, lethargic. Not for me.

#43 xzibit

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Posted 07 December 2009 - 09:10 PM

I took my first theanine 2 days ago, 200mg. About an hour later i noticed a decrease in mood and much increased anxiety levels. Still haven't come round. Maybe the dose was too high or i'm dopamine sensitive. Paradoxical reaction i guess. I don't think its for me.

#44 425runner

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 01:33 AM

I went off Wellbutrin SR 150mg for a few weeks to see if I could manage my depression by just exercising and taking nootropics instead. Did it work? Yes - for about 5 weeks......I think that the hormones in my birth control pills contributed to the relapse but overall nothing was as effective as Wellbutrin itself. I started to feel like I was falling down into a black hole, started proscrastinating, gained weight, felt helpless, etc. and didn't want to feel that way. So, I'm back to Wellbutrin once a day, in the morning and I still take Oxi/Aniracetam, alpha GPC, vitamins.

#45 Imagination

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 07:29 AM

I took my first theanine 2 days ago, 200mg. About an hour later i noticed a decrease in mood and much increased anxiety levels. Still haven't come round. Maybe the dose was too high or i'm dopamine sensitive. Paradoxical reaction i guess. I don't think its for me.

It's unlikely theanine would cause this, especially at that low dose. Try it more than once before you dismiss it. I find taking it before bed the best as you wake up feeling great in the morning.

#46 xzibit

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 02:36 PM

It's unlikely theanine would cause this, especially at that low dose. Try it more than once before you dismiss it. I find taking it before bed the best as you wake up feeling great in the morning.

Yeah, i'll try it again before dismissing it, most people say the stuff is very good. Some people say it disturbs their sleep if they take it at night

#47 Imagination

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 07:47 PM

I don't normally feel anything off it when I take it in the day, the only thing I get off it is feeling good the next morning when I take it at night, usually feel groggy in the morning first thing, but can spring out of bed feeling well rested after taking theanine. Although the current brand i have doesn't seem to do that, which is "Now", either i've got immune to it or its a poor brand which is unusual as "Now" are normally pretty good quality, might try the original brand I tried again which was "natrol".

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