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RNA therapy?

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#1 browser

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Posted 18 November 2007 - 07:39 PM

Brainbox: This is a split from the consumerlab topic on resveratrol. Please stay on topic.... :thumb:

And there shouldn't be a free lunch. Since we appear to be the most sentient creatures on this planet, one might conclude that we're the most complex and have loads of feedback loops and mechanisms in place to fight of changes in our homeostasis

But what do we expect? We will age, anyhoo. I'm curious of the possibility to slow the rate of aging down, and maintain almost full functionality through six, seven, and who knows how many decades (I'm thinking future medicine and therapy will expand on this).

Browser, if you've been following a program for many years (moderate CR, sensible supplementation, loved thy neighbor, exercise, etc.), surely you'd be in good shape by now -- it takes just 3 years of healthy habits to "program", and convince your body, that you're gonna be here for a long time, I read...

Yes, I am in very good physical condition, despite the spam I receive offering to change the size and functioning of various parts of my anatomy <G>. But I'm not sure what the cause is. I've been meditating a long time. I decided to be Peter Pan and refuse to consider the age of myself or another (except of course, children, which I am very careful for as a drive, as I play with them, as I look 'em in the eye and speak at as high a level we can get to in understanding the world). Plus of course the shots in the buttocks of Regeneressen (500 ampules so far), something of a CRON diet, loads of supplements and of course when I see something new like D3, I research it and go after it. Will I die before finishing this post? Heck if I know. If I do, it's no biggie. One thing one must do if one wants to live is not be afraid of one's demise. What we resist persists, what we worry about because a reality. I am actually shocked to hear that friends are sick, perhaps dying. The thought that this could be me never enters my mind. But the thought that I might not live through the day doesn't come up either.

The Vedas say that I see people getting old before me, therefore I decide to grow old.

Edited by brainbox, 26 November 2007 - 05:17 PM.

#2 niner

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Posted 19 November 2007 - 03:57 AM

This was not eating lamb.  This was injecting Regeneressen, organ specific RNA and RN13, a mixure of RNA from 13 major sets of tissues from fetal sheep.  It worked to make me feel and look much younger, to this very day.  There's some interesting reads about injecting tissue extracts, including a surgeon injecting mascerated beef thyroid into a patient (before we had thyroid extracts).  The patient got strong enough for surgury (which was the goal) and strangely enough, her thyroid was kick started into producing what she needed all on her own.  My skin because very taught, wrinkles disappeared.  So yes, for me it worked.  Is it a life extender?  That depends.  If you can kick start organs, you can enhance life and perhaps live a healthier life longer than were in the cards for you.  This therapy is still practiced in Germany and Switzerland.  But then again those people are very much into spas, taking the waters and other things that make no sense to me.  It was pretty trippy to watch my sun wrinkled skin become smooth and flawless over a couple of weeks.
Now is this all hocus pocus?  Perhaps.  But as the debate on how to take resveratrol, how much to take and lack of many human trials makes its use just as chancy.

Browser, is this for real? The result that I bolded above is kind of the holy grail of dermatology... People would pay vast sums of money for this if it worked. Is it possible that you have/had some sort of organic dysfunction that manifested itself dermatologically, and the sheep RNA helped it in some way? I just find it rather hard to believe that this would work generally. What are your thoughts on it? It must be doing something good for you, if you've stuck with it this long.

#3 browser

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Posted 25 November 2007 - 05:33 PM

Browser, is this for real? The result that I bolded above is kind of the holy grail of dermatology... People would pay vast sums of money for this if it worked. Is it possible that you have/had some sort of organic dysfunction that manifested itself dermatologically, and the sheep RNA helped it in some way? I just find it rather hard to believe that this would work generally. What are your thoughts on it? It must be doing something good for you, if you've stuck with it this long.

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Of course I've never gotten as outstanding result taking RNA powder as I have injecting the Regeneressen.

The organ specific Regeneressen really does work. As I recall, I ordered a bunch of skin and connnective tissue regeneressen from Bill Faloon at LEF to regrow my hair. That worked so well I took Christmas holiday in Munich and went to the pharmacy the Pope gets his meds from. I brought a 10 cc. synrings with me and took the hundreds of ampules I bought and filled that sucker up. Raised s big bump on my butt. Did that for 2 weeks. Sent a bunch to friends who would know what it was for (me) and smuggled a bunch back into the US (I took the train to Frankfort and flew to Logan Airport from there). I declared liquor filled chocolate, apfelkorn (apple snaps) and other stuff, value under $200 when I was actually carrying back what was left of $3,000 worth of Regeneressen. The border patrol officer looked at my declaration, looked at me and my bags and wrote a big red F on my declaration. He told me to get in line over there. So there I was sweating billets, wondering who would bail me out over jail over the holidays. I took my bags and declaration over to the line, waited my turn, almost wet my pants and the customs agent said "well, you flew in from Frankfort". have a safe drive home. Over a period of about 2 months with daily injections, my skin tightened and wrinkles disappeared. It's a known fact. Not a miracled.

Edited by browser, 25 November 2007 - 05:44 PM.

#4 katzenjammer

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Posted 25 November 2007 - 06:07 PM

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Sounds pretty amazing. Anyone else try this and have good results?

#5 tintinet

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Posted 25 November 2007 - 06:41 PM

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Sounds pretty amazing. Anyone else try this and have good results?

I've taken oral RNA before, albeit at relatively low doses (100 mg to 500 mg/day) without noticing any specific effects. Odd that Pubmed available documents regarding Regeneresen appear to dead end in 1960.

BTW, browser, start at 500 mg/day and go up to what endpoint?

#6 missminni

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 12:20 AM

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Of course I've never gotten as outstanding result taking RNA powder as I have injecting the Regeneressen.

The organ specific Regeneressen really does work. As I recall, I ordered a bunch of skin and connnective tissue regeneressen from Bill Faloon at LEF to regrow my hair. That worked so well I took Christmas holiday in Munich and went to the pharmacy the Pope gets his meds from. I brought a 10 cc. synrings with me and took the hundreds of ampules I bought and filled that sucker up. Raised s big bump on my butt. Did that for 2 weeks. Sent a bunch to friends who would know what it was for (me) and smuggled a bunch back into the US (I took the train to Frankfort and flew to Logan Airport from there). I declared liquor filled chocolate, apfelkorn (apple snaps) and other stuff, value under $200 when I was actually carrying back what was left of $3,000 worth of Regeneressen. The border patrol officer looked at my declaration, looked at me and my bags and wrote a big red F on my declaration. He told me to get in line over there. So there I was sweating billets, wondering who would bail me out over jail over the holidays. I took my bags and declaration over to the line, waited my turn, almost wet my pants and the customs agent said "well, you flew in from Frankfort". have a safe drive home. Over a period of about 2 months with daily injections, my skin tightened and wrinkles disappeared. It's a known fact. Not a miracled.

Did your skin tighten from the RNA powder too or was that the just from Regeneressen ?
What RNA powder do you use?
Does anybody in the states have Regeneressen, or do you have to go to Munich?


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Posted 26 November 2007 - 02:36 AM

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Of course I've never gotten as outstanding result taking RNA powder as I have injecting the Regeneressen.

The organ specific Regeneressen really does work. As I recall, I ordered a bunch of skin and connnective tissue regeneressen from Bill Faloon at LEF to regrow my hair. That worked so well I took Christmas holiday in Munich and went to the pharmacy the Pope gets his meds from. I brought a 10 cc. synrings with me and took the hundreds of ampules I bought and filled that sucker up. Raised s big bump on my butt. Did that for 2 weeks. Sent a bunch to friends who would know what it was for (me) and smuggled a bunch back into the US (I took the train to Frankfort and flew to Logan Airport from there). I declared liquor filled chocolate, apfelkorn (apple snaps) and other stuff, value under $200 when I was actually carrying back what was left of $3,000 worth of Regeneressen. The border patrol officer looked at my declaration, looked at me and my bags and wrote a big red F on my declaration. He told me to get in line over there. So there I was sweating billets, wondering who would bail me out over jail over the holidays. I took my bags and declaration over to the line, waited my turn, almost wet my pants and the customs agent said "well, you flew in from Frankfort". have a safe drive home. Over a period of about 2 months with daily injections, my skin tightened and wrinkles disappeared. It's a known fact. Not a miracled.

This looks intresting (note the date):


From: "TP" <tpallTRASH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 22:36:00 -0600


"Random Hajile" <random@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message

x-no-archive: yes

This sounds like something that I'd like to try.
Which brand of RNA were you using? And where did you get it?

Believe it or else, the cheapest supplier of RNA is Life Extension. It is
pricey. There was an M.D. who, regrettably, suffered from diabetes so
through he treated many patients, he could not treat himself with RNA. You
need strong kidneys and low uric acid/no gout to take RNA. You might take a
look at VRP's price in addition to LEF's. Dr. Franks was the M.D. who
developed RNA therapy in the 60s. Do some poking around
http://www.vrp.com/art/1129.asp Vitamin Research Products and of course see
if Dr. Benjamin Frank's book is still available from Amazon, perhaps as a
used book.

Dr. Franks treated people with all sorts of maladies from cancer to heart
disease with high doses of RNA and fresh vegetable juice. The fact that LEF
and VRP carry it and write articles about it means that the spirit of RNA
therapy lives on. It's good for memory, but also extremely good for the
cells. In Germany there's cell therapy and a product called Regeneresen,
which is organ specific RNA derived from fetal sheep that have been isolated
for going on 50 years. 20 years ago I went to Germany on holiday. I wanted
something to revive my hair. I purchased $3,000 worth of skin, connective
tissue Regeneresen and RN-13. These come in, I believe, 5 cc ampoules. I
took with me a 30 cc syringe and needle and just filled the syringe up and
poked it in my ***. I sent the rest home and brought it with me on the
plane. Very scary moment. I had a large amount of Regeneresen with me but
declared to Customs at Logan Airport that I had brought back liquor filled
chocolates, some Apfelkorn and some other "stuff", value < $200. It was the
Christmas/New Years holiday season and I started shaking like a leaf when
the customs agent took my customs declaration, pulled out a magic marker and
wrote a big red F on it and told me to go stand in a certain line.
Holidays. Who would I call to bail me out? I presented the form to the
agent, who looked at it, proclaimed, so, you flew in from Frankfort? He
told me to have a safe drive home. The result was that I not only grew hair
but also all of my wrinkles disappeared. I continue to look many years
younger than my age to this very day. Regeneresen is taken by injection.
There's a product called RN-13, which contains 13 different tissue RNAs
(this stuff is, of course, injected). Cell therapy started perhaps 80 years
ago when a doctor needed to perform surgery on a lady patient who was in sad
shape. He could not operate for fear of losing her. He went to the local
slaughter house and got some thyroid (this was before thyroid fractions were
available). He macerated the thyroid up and injected it into the lady and
waited a week, hoping that she's get well enough for her surgery. She did
more than get well enough for her surgery. The macerated thyroid became one
with her thyroid and her thyroid condition was cured.

#8 missminni

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 05:09 AM

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Of course I've never gotten as outstanding result taking RNA powder as I have injecting the Regeneressen.

The organ specific Regeneressen really does work. As I recall, I ordered a bunch of skin and connnective tissue regeneressen from Bill Faloon at LEF to regrow my hair. That worked so well I took Christmas holiday in Munich and went to the pharmacy the Pope gets his meds from. I brought a 10 cc. synrings with me and took the hundreds of ampules I bought and filled that sucker up. Raised s big bump on my butt. Did that for 2 weeks. Sent a bunch to friends who would know what it was for (me) and smuggled a bunch back into the US (I took the train to Frankfort and flew to Logan Airport from there). I declared liquor filled chocolate, apfelkorn (apple snaps) and other stuff, value under $200 when I was actually carrying back what was left of $3,000 worth of Regeneressen. The border patrol officer looked at my declaration, looked at me and my bags and wrote a big red F on my declaration. He told me to get in line over there. So there I was sweating billets, wondering who would bail me out over jail over the holidays. I took my bags and declaration over to the line, waited my turn, almost wet my pants and the customs agent said "well, you flew in from Frankfort". have a safe drive home. Over a period of about 2 months with daily injections, my skin tightened and wrinkles disappeared. It's a known fact. Not a miracled.

This looks intresting (note the date):


From: "TP" <tpallTRASH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 22:36:00 -0600


"Random Hajile" <random@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message

x-no-archive: yes

This sounds like something that I'd like to try.
Which brand of RNA were you using? And where did you get it?

Believe it or else, the cheapest supplier of RNA is Life Extension. It is
pricey. There was an M.D. who, regrettably, suffered from diabetes so
through he treated many patients, he could not treat himself with RNA. You
need strong kidneys and low uric acid/no gout to take RNA. You might take a
look at VRP's price in addition to LEF's. Dr. Franks was the M.D. who
developed RNA therapy in the 60s. Do some poking around
http://www.vrp.com/art/1129.asp Vitamin Research Products and of course see
if Dr. Benjamin Frank's book is still available from Amazon, perhaps as a
used book.

Dr. Franks treated people with all sorts of maladies from cancer to heart
disease with high doses of RNA and fresh vegetable juice. The fact that LEF
and VRP carry it and write articles about it means that the spirit of RNA
therapy lives on. It's good for memory, but also extremely good for the
cells. In Germany there's cell therapy and a product called Regeneresen,
which is organ specific RNA derived from fetal sheep that have been isolated
for going on 50 years. 20 years ago I went to Germany on holiday. I wanted
something to revive my hair. I purchased $3,000 worth of skin, connective
tissue Regeneresen and RN-13. These come in, I believe, 5 cc ampoules. I
took with me a 30 cc syringe and needle and just filled the syringe up and
poked it in my ***. I sent the rest home and brought it with me on the
plane. Very scary moment. I had a large amount of Regeneresen with me but
declared to Customs at Logan Airport that I had brought back liquor filled
chocolates, some Apfelkorn and some other "stuff", value < $200. It was the
Christmas/New Years holiday season and I started shaking like a leaf when
the customs agent took my customs declaration, pulled out a magic marker and
wrote a big red F on it and told me to go stand in a certain line.
Holidays. Who would I call to bail me out? I presented the form to the
agent, who looked at it, proclaimed, so, you flew in from Frankfort? He
told me to have a safe drive home. The result was that I not only grew hair
but also all of my wrinkles disappeared. I continue to look many years
younger than my age to this very day. Regeneresen is taken by injection.
There's a product called RN-13, which contains 13 different tissue RNAs
(this stuff is, of course, injected). Cell therapy started perhaps 80 years
ago when a doctor needed to perform surgery on a lady patient who was in sad
shape. He could not operate for fear of losing her. He went to the local
slaughter house and got some thyroid (this was before thyroid fractions were
available). He macerated the thyroid up and injected it into the lady and
waited a week, hoping that she's get well enough for her surgery. She did
more than get well enough for her surgery. The macerated thyroid became one
with her thyroid and her thyroid condition was cured.

I don't get it.
Is this the same person or just the same story?

#9 maxwatt



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Posted 26 November 2007 - 05:53 AM

I don't get it.
Is this the same person or just the same story?

Whatever. I'd stay away from the stuff if you don't want to develop mad cow disease.

1: Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1996 Dec 13;108(23):759-63.Links
[Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Austria][Article in German]

Hainfellner JA, Jellinger K, Diringer H, Guentchev M, Kleinert R, Pilz P, Maier H, Budka H.
Klinisches Institut für Neurologie, Universität Wien.

Between 1969 and 30th June 1996, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) was definitively diagnosed in 88 Austrian patients by autopsy and/or biopsy. The number of diagnosed cases has steadily increased in recent years (average incidence in 1969-1985: 0.18 per million; 1986-1994: 0.67 per million; 1995: 1.25 per million; estimate for 1996: 1.7 per million). The percentage of patients older than 70 years increased until 1989 and has decreased slightly since then. One patient received a lyophilised dura transplant 11 years before death. Another patient gave a history of intramuscular injections of bovine RNA (Regeneresen) extracted from various organs including brain administered over a ten-year period. One female patient had familial CJD with a glutamate-->lysine mutation at codon 200 of the prion protein (PrP) gene PRNP. The ages at death are distributed symmetrically around the median of 64 years. Two female patients died at the unusually young ages of 27 and 30 years. Median duration of disease was 4.5 months; 77% of the patients died within 6 months after onset of the disease. Retrospectively, 83% of the patients fulfilled the clinical criteria of probable or possible CJD. Neuropathologically, each patient showed accumulation of immunocytochemically detectable pathological PrP in the central nervous system. No patient had the neuropathological profile of the new CJD variant recently described in the U.K. The recent rise in diagnosed CJD in Austria probably reflects increased awareness and recognition rather than a real increase. Since bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) has not been observed in Austria, our data argue against an association between the rise of incidence of CJD and BSE.

PMID: 9092208 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

#10 missminni

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 01:28 PM

Whatever. I'd stay away from the stuff if you don't want to develop mad cow disease.

1: Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1996 Dec 13;108(23):759-63.Links
[Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Austria][Article in German]

Hainfellner JA, Jellinger K, Diringer H, Guentchev M, Kleinert R, Pilz P, Maier H, Budka H.
Klinisches Institut für Neurologie, Universität Wien.

Between 1969 and 30th June 1996, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) was definitively diagnosed in 88 Austrian patients by autopsy and/or biopsy. The number of diagnosed cases has steadily increased in recent years (average incidence in 1969-1985: 0.18 per million; 1986-1994: 0.67 per million; 1995: 1.25 per million; estimate for 1996: 1.7 per million). The percentage of patients older than 70 years increased until 1989 and has decreased slightly since then. One patient received a lyophilised dura transplant 11 years before death. Another patient gave a history of intramuscular injections of bovine RNA (Regeneresen) extracted from various organs including brain administered over a ten-year period. One female patient had familial CJD with a glutamate-->lysine mutation at codon 200 of the prion protein (PrP) gene PRNP. The ages at death are distributed symmetrically around the median of 64 years. Two female patients died at the unusually young ages of 27 and 30 years. Median duration of disease was 4.5 months; 77% of the patients died within 6 months after onset of the disease. Retrospectively, 83% of the patients fulfilled the clinical criteria of probable or possible CJD. Neuropathologically, each patient showed accumulation of immunocytochemically detectable pathological PrP in the central nervous system. No patient had the neuropathological profile of the new CJD variant recently described in the U.K. The recent rise in diagnosed CJD in Austria probably reflects increased awareness and recognition rather than a real increase. Since bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) has not been observed in Austria, our data argue against an association between the rise of incidence of CJD and BSE.

PMID: 9092208 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Makes perfect sense too.
Yet another reason to stick to botanicals.

#11 Brainbox

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 05:26 PM

of course when I see something new like D3, I research it and go after it.

This was not eating lamb.  This was injecting Regeneressen, organ specific RNA and RN13, a mixure of RNA from 13 major sets of tissues from fetal sheep.  It worked to make me feel and look much younger, to this very day.  There's some interesting reads about injecting tissue extracts, including a surgeon injecting mascerated beef thyroid into a patient (before we had thyroid extracts).  The patient got strong enough for surgury (which was the goal) and strangely enough, her thyroid was kick started into producing what she needed all on her own.  My skin because very taught, wrinkles disappeared.  So yes, for me it worked.  Is it a life extender?  That depends.  If you can kick start organs, you can enhance life and perhaps live a healthier life longer than were in the cards for you.  This therapy is still practiced in Germany and Switzerland.  But then again those people are very much into spas, taking the waters and other things that make no sense to me.  It was pretty trippy to watch my sun wrinkled skin become smooth and flawless over a couple of weeks.
Now is this all hocus pocus?  Perhaps.  But as the debate on how to take resveratrol, how much to take and lack of many human trials makes its use just as chancy.

Are you aware of any research to back this RNA therapy claim up?

#12 health_nutty

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 09:22 PM

Interesting view:

Injecting buttocks with lamb RNA is well and good, but resveratrol with actual research behind it is chancy.

Does anyone else find this odd?

#13 missminni

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 09:57 PM

Interesting view:

Injecting buttocks with lamb RNA is well and good, but resveratrol with actual research behind it is chancy.

Does anyone else find this odd?

Yes I do. I find it very odd. I would love to see some before and after pictures.

It was pretty trippy to watch my sun wrinkled skin become smooth and flawless over a couple of weeks.

#14 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 27 November 2007 - 04:47 PM

I don't get it.
Is this the same person or just the same story?

Its the same person. Its funny how the story looks almost cut / pasted from a year and a half ago.

#15 browser

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 01:49 AM

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Sounds pretty amazing. Anyone else try this and have good results?

20 grams a day plus lots of fresh veggie juice. Reference Benjamin Frank, MD

#16 browser

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 01:53 AM

I don't get it.
Is this the same person or just the same story?

Its the same person. Its funny how the story looks almost cut / pasted from a year and a half ago.

Do you think you can act in a polite, mature manner this go around or will I have to live this site again?

Of course it's the same person and story. Would two people tell the same story?

#17 browser

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 02:10 AM

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Sounds pretty amazing. Anyone else try this and have good results?

I've taken oral RNA before, albeit at relatively low doses (100 mg to 500 mg/day) without noticing any specific effects. Odd that Pubmed available documents regarding Regeneresen appear to dead end in 1960.

BTW, browser, start at 500 mg/day and go up to what endpoint?

Because there was some contamination a few years ago and a female athlete died of anaphylactic shock it is on a US Customs watch list. It can be purchased. I bought a bunch a few years ago sent to me in a very creative way by an Apotheke in Frankfort.

I took about 300 vials of skin, connective tissue and one other organ specific RNA that escapes me right now plus perhaps 100 vials of RN-13. It can still be gotten and still get through customs, you just have to do enough searching. Oh yeah, the Regeneresen also contains some GH3 which also make me full of energy and euphoria (but deeper sleep, stabler nerves and no mania).

The RNA powder I take is always LEF. I take 1-2 500 capsules a day. Once or twice a year I go on a Benjamin Frank, MD regimen and then I use LEF's RNA powder.

#18 browser

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 02:14 AM

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Of course I've never gotten as outstanding result taking RNA powder as I have injecting the Regeneressen.

The organ specific Regeneressen really does work. As I recall, I ordered a bunch of skin and connnective tissue regeneressen from Bill Faloon at LEF to regrow my hair. That worked so well I took Christmas holiday in Munich and went to the pharmacy the Pope gets his meds from. I brought a 10 cc. synrings with me and took the hundreds of ampules I bought and filled that sucker up. Raised s big bump on my butt. Did that for 2 weeks. Sent a bunch to friends who would know what it was for (me) and smuggled a bunch back into the US (I took the train to Frankfort and flew to Logan Airport from there). I declared liquor filled chocolate, apfelkorn (apple snaps) and other stuff, value under $200 when I was actually carrying back what was left of $3,000 worth of Regeneressen. The border patrol officer looked at my declaration, looked at me and my bags and wrote a big red F on my declaration. He told me to get in line over there. So there I was sweating billets, wondering who would bail me out over jail over the holidays. I took my bags and declaration over to the line, waited my turn, almost wet my pants and the customs agent said "well, you flew in from Frankfort". have a safe drive home. Over a period of about 2 months with daily injections, my skin tightened and wrinkles disappeared. It's a known fact. Not a miracled.

This looks intresting (note the date):


From: "TP" <tpallTRASH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 22:36:00 -0600


"Random Hajile" <random@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message

x-no-archive: yes

This sounds like something that I'd like to try.
Which brand of RNA were you using? And where did you get it?

Believe it or else, the cheapest supplier of RNA is Life Extension. It is
pricey. There was an M.D. who, regrettably, suffered from diabetes so
through he treated many patients, he could not treat himself with RNA. You
need strong kidneys and low uric acid/no gout to take RNA. You might take a
look at VRP's price in addition to LEF's. Dr. Franks was the M.D. who
developed RNA therapy in the 60s. Do some poking around
http://www.vrp.com/art/1129.asp Vitamin Research Products and of course see
if Dr. Benjamin Frank's book is still available from Amazon, perhaps as a
used book.

Dr. Franks treated people with all sorts of maladies from cancer to heart
disease with high doses of RNA and fresh vegetable juice. The fact that LEF
and VRP carry it and write articles about it means that the spirit of RNA
therapy lives on. It's good for memory, but also extremely good for the
cells. In Germany there's cell therapy and a product called Regeneresen,
which is organ specific RNA derived from fetal sheep that have been isolated
for going on 50 years. 20 years ago I went to Germany on holiday. I wanted
something to revive my hair. I purchased $3,000 worth of skin, connective
tissue Regeneresen and RN-13. These come in, I believe, 5 cc ampoules. I
took with me a 30 cc syringe and needle and just filled the syringe up and
poked it in my ***. I sent the rest home and brought it with me on the
plane. Very scary moment. I had a large amount of Regeneresen with me but
declared to Customs at Logan Airport that I had brought back liquor filled
chocolates, some Apfelkorn and some other "stuff", value < $200. It was the
Christmas/New Years holiday season and I started shaking like a leaf when
the customs agent took my customs declaration, pulled out a magic marker and
wrote a big red F on it and told me to go stand in a certain line.
Holidays. Who would I call to bail me out? I presented the form to the
agent, who looked at it, proclaimed, so, you flew in from Frankfort? He
told me to have a safe drive home. The result was that I not only grew hair
but also all of my wrinkles disappeared. I continue to look many years
younger than my age to this very day. Regeneresen is taken by injection.
There's a product called RN-13, which contains 13 different tissue RNAs
(this stuff is, of course, injected). Cell therapy started perhaps 80 years
ago when a doctor needed to perform surgery on a lady patient who was in sad
shape. He could not operate for fear of losing her. He went to the local
slaughter house and got some thyroid (this was before thyroid fractions were
available). He macerated the thyroid up and injected it into the lady and
waited a week, hoping that she's get well enough for her surgery. She did
more than get well enough for her surgery. The macerated thyroid became one
with her thyroid and her thyroid condition was cured.

I don't get it.
Is this the same person or just the same story?

Nice article. But the Regeneresen I took and will take again is taken from a flock of fetal sheep that's been carefully taken care of for 60 years.

#19 browser

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 02:21 AM

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Of course I've never gotten as outstanding result taking RNA powder as I have injecting the Regeneressen.

The organ specific Regeneressen really does work. As I recall, I ordered a bunch of skin and connnective tissue regeneressen from Bill Faloon at LEF to regrow my hair. That worked so well I took Christmas holiday in Munich and went to the pharmacy the Pope gets his meds from. I brought a 10 cc. synrings with me and took the hundreds of ampules I bought and filled that sucker up. Raised s big bump on my butt. Did that for 2 weeks. Sent a bunch to friends who would know what it was for (me) and smuggled a bunch back into the US (I took the train to Frankfort and flew to Logan Airport from there). I declared liquor filled chocolate, apfelkorn (apple snaps) and other stuff, value under $200 when I was actually carrying back what was left of $3,000 worth of Regeneressen. The border patrol officer looked at my declaration, looked at me and my bags and wrote a big red F on my declaration. He told me to get in line over there. So there I was sweating billets, wondering who would bail me out over jail over the holidays. I took my bags and declaration over to the line, waited my turn, almost wet my pants and the customs agent said "well, you flew in from Frankfort". have a safe drive home. Over a period of about 2 months with daily injections, my skin tightened and wrinkles disappeared. It's a known fact. Not a miracled.

This looks intresting (note the date):


From: "TP" <tpallTRASH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 22:36:00 -0600


"Random Hajile" <random@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message

x-no-archive: yes

This sounds like something that I'd like to try.
Which brand of RNA were you using? And where did you get it?

Believe it or else, the cheapest supplier of RNA is Life Extension. It is
pricey. There was an M.D. who, regrettably, suffered from diabetes so
through he treated many patients, he could not treat himself with RNA. You
need strong kidneys and low uric acid/no gout to take RNA. You might take a
look at VRP's price in addition to LEF's. Dr. Franks was the M.D. who
developed RNA therapy in the 60s. Do some poking around
http://www.vrp.com/art/1129.asp Vitamin Research Products and of course see
if Dr. Benjamin Frank's book is still available from Amazon, perhaps as a
used book.

Dr. Franks treated people with all sorts of maladies from cancer to heart
disease with high doses of RNA and fresh vegetable juice. The fact that LEF
and VRP carry it and write articles about it means that the spirit of RNA
therapy lives on. It's good for memory, but also extremely good for the
cells. In Germany there's cell therapy and a product called Regeneresen,
which is organ specific RNA derived from fetal sheep that have been isolated
for going on 50 years. 20 years ago I went to Germany on holiday. I wanted
something to revive my hair. I purchased $3,000 worth of skin, connective
tissue Regeneresen and RN-13. These come in, I believe, 5 cc ampoules. I
took with me a 30 cc syringe and needle and just filled the syringe up and
poked it in my ***. I sent the rest home and brought it with me on the
plane. Very scary moment. I had a large amount of Regeneresen with me but
declared to Customs at Logan Airport that I had brought back liquor filled
chocolates, some Apfelkorn and some other "stuff", value < $200. It was the
Christmas/New Years holiday season and I started shaking like a leaf when
the customs agent took my customs declaration, pulled out a magic marker and
wrote a big red F on it and told me to go stand in a certain line.
Holidays. Who would I call to bail me out? I presented the form to the
agent, who looked at it, proclaimed, so, you flew in from Frankfort? He
told me to have a safe drive home. The result was that I not only grew hair
but also all of my wrinkles disappeared. I continue to look many years
younger than my age to this very day. Regeneresen is taken by injection.
There's a product called RN-13, which contains 13 different tissue RNAs
(this stuff is, of course, injected). Cell therapy started perhaps 80 years
ago when a doctor needed to perform surgery on a lady patient who was in sad
shape. He could not operate for fear of losing her. He went to the local
slaughter house and got some thyroid (this was before thyroid fractions were
available). He macerated the thyroid up and injected it into the lady and
waited a week, hoping that she's get well enough for her surgery. She did
more than get well enough for her surgery. The macerated thyroid became one
with her thyroid and her thyroid condition was cured.

I don't get it.
Is this the same person or just the same story?

Sorry, it's absolutely true. If you don't have a uric acid problem, buy yourself some bottles of RNA powder. Start with 500 mg. and go up to 20 gm. a day. You'll see amazing results.

Of course I've never gotten as outstanding result taking RNA powder as I have injecting the Regeneressen.

The organ specific Regeneressen really does work. As I recall, I ordered a bunch of skin and connnective tissue regeneressen from Bill Faloon at LEF to regrow my hair. That worked so well I took Christmas holiday in Munich and went to the pharmacy the Pope gets his meds from. I brought a 10 cc. synrings with me and took the hundreds of ampules I bought and filled that sucker up. Raised s big bump on my butt. Did that for 2 weeks. Sent a bunch to friends who would know what it was for (me) and smuggled a bunch back into the US (I took the train to Frankfort and flew to Logan Airport from there). I declared liquor filled chocolate, apfelkorn (apple snaps) and other stuff, value under $200 when I was actually carrying back what was left of $3,000 worth of Regeneressen. The border patrol officer looked at my declaration, looked at me and my bags and wrote a big red F on my declaration. He told me to get in line over there. So there I was sweating billets, wondering who would bail me out over jail over the holidays. I took my bags and declaration over to the line, waited my turn, almost wet my pants and the customs agent said "well, you flew in from Frankfort". have a safe drive home. Over a period of about 2 months with daily injections, my skin tightened and wrinkles disappeared. It's a known fact. Not a miracled.

This looks intresting (note the date):


From: "TP" <tpallTRASH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 22:36:00 -0600


"Random Hajile" <random@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message

x-no-archive: yes

This sounds like something that I'd like to try.
Which brand of RNA were you using? And where did you get it?

Believe it or else, the cheapest supplier of RNA is Life Extension. It is
pricey. There was an M.D. who, regrettably, suffered from diabetes so
through he treated many patients, he could not treat himself with RNA. You
need strong kidneys and low uric acid/no gout to take RNA. You might take a
look at VRP's price in addition to LEF's. Dr. Franks was the M.D. who
developed RNA therapy in the 60s. Do some poking around
http://www.vrp.com/art/1129.asp Vitamin Research Products and of course see
if Dr. Benjamin Frank's book is still available from Amazon, perhaps as a
used book.

Dr. Franks treated people with all sorts of maladies from cancer to heart
disease with high doses of RNA and fresh vegetable juice. The fact that LEF
and VRP carry it and write articles about it means that the spirit of RNA
therapy lives on. It's good for memory, but also extremely good for the
cells. In Germany there's cell therapy and a product called Regeneresen,
which is organ specific RNA derived from fetal sheep that have been isolated
for going on 50 years. 20 years ago I went to Germany on holiday. I wanted
something to revive my hair. I purchased $3,000 worth of skin, connective
tissue Regeneresen and RN-13. These come in, I believe, 5 cc ampoules. I
took with me a 30 cc syringe and needle and just filled the syringe up and
poked it in my ***. I sent the rest home and brought it with me on the
plane. Very scary moment. I had a large amount of Regeneresen with me but
declared to Customs at Logan Airport that I had brought back liquor filled
chocolates, some Apfelkorn and some other "stuff", value < $200. It was the
Christmas/New Years holiday season and I started shaking like a leaf when
the customs agent took my customs declaration, pulled out a magic marker and
wrote a big red F on it and told me to go stand in a certain line.
Holidays. Who would I call to bail me out? I presented the form to the
agent, who looked at it, proclaimed, so, you flew in from Frankfort? He
told me to have a safe drive home. The result was that I not only grew hair
but also all of my wrinkles disappeared. I continue to look many years
younger than my age to this very day. Regeneresen is taken by injection.
There's a product called RN-13, which contains 13 different tissue RNAs
(this stuff is, of course, injected). Cell therapy started perhaps 80 years
ago when a doctor needed to perform surgery on a lady patient who was in sad
shape. He could not operate for fear of losing her. He went to the local
slaughter house and got some thyroid (this was before thyroid fractions were
available). He macerated the thyroid up and injected it into the lady and
waited a week, hoping that she's get well enough for her surgery. She did
more than get well enough for her surgery. The macerated thyroid became one
with her thyroid and her thyroid condition was cured.

I don't get it.
Is this the same person or just the same story?

Same person, same story.

#20 browser

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 02:24 AM

I don't get it.
Is this the same person or just the same story?

Whatever. I'd stay away from the stuff if you don't want to develop mad cow disease.

1: Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1996 Dec 13;108(23):759-63.Links
[Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Austria][Article in German]

Hainfellner JA, Jellinger K, Diringer H, Guentchev M, Kleinert R, Pilz P, Maier H, Budka H.
Klinisches Institut für Neurologie, Universität Wien.

Between 1969 and 30th June 1996, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) was definitively diagnosed in 88 Austrian patients by autopsy and/or biopsy. The number of diagnosed cases has steadily increased in recent years (average incidence in 1969-1985: 0.18 per million; 1986-1994: 0.67 per million; 1995: 1.25 per million; estimate for 1996: 1.7 per million). The percentage of patients older than 70 years increased until 1989 and has decreased slightly since then. One patient received a lyophilised dura transplant 11 years before death. Another patient gave a history of intramuscular injections of bovine RNA (Regeneresen) extracted from various organs including brain administered over a ten-year period. One female patient had familial CJD with a glutamate-->lysine mutation at codon 200 of the prion protein (PrP) gene PRNP. The ages at death are distributed symmetrically around the median of 64 years. Two female patients died at the unusually young ages of 27 and 30 years. Median duration of disease was 4.5 months; 77% of the patients died within 6 months after onset of the disease. Retrospectively, 83% of the patients fulfilled the clinical criteria of probable or possible CJD. Neuropathologically, each patient showed accumulation of immunocytochemically detectable pathological PrP in the central nervous system. No patient had the neuropathological profile of the new CJD variant recently described in the U.K. The recent rise in diagnosed CJD in Austria probably reflects increased awareness and recognition rather than a real increase. Since bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) has not been observed in Austria, our data argue against an association between the rise of incidence of CJD and BSE.

PMID: 9092208 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Yet another reason to stick to Regeneresen taken from the fetus out of a member of a flock of sheep which has been carefully isolated and tended for 70 years.

#21 niner

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 05:52 AM

Yet another reason to stick to Regeneresen taken from the fetus out of a member of a flock of sheep which has been carefully isolated and tended for 70 years.

Yeah, I figured the Regeneresen people would be on top of the CJD problem. That's pretty easy to fix. Even with a carefully tended flock, you'd want to stay away from neural tissue, wouldn't you?

I still don't see why we don't hear more about something with the kind of results you describe. BTW, what happens if you stop injecting? Does your skin quickly go to hell in a handbasket, or do the positive effects persist?

#22 katzenjammer

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 01:47 PM

From the VRP website:

Dietary Sources of RNA
Foods rich in RNA include seafood (especially sardines), fish, beans, mushrooms, beef broth and vegetable soups. Nucleic acids can also be obtained from fish and nuts, as well as from many health foods. For dietary nucleic acids, Dr. Frank preferred sardines, claiming that therapeutic effects could be obtained by consuming one or two cans of
sardines each day. Sardines contain 1.5 percent nucleic acids, whereas red meat (muscle) contains a paltry 0.05 percent.

So, would 2 cans of sardines be sufficient as a substitute for RNA powder?

#23 browser

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 03:50 PM

Yet another reason to stick to Regeneresen taken from the fetus out of a member of a flock of sheep which has been carefully isolated and tended for 70 years.

Yeah, I figured the Regeneresen people would be on top of the CJD problem. That's pretty easy to fix. Even with a carefully tended flock, you'd want to stay away from neural tissue, wouldn't you?

I still don't see why we don't hear more about something with the kind of results you describe. BTW, what happens if you stop injecting? Does your skin quickly go to hell in a handbasket, or do the positive effects persist?

Yes, indeed this is one of the recommendations. But you're dealing with the problems of heavy metal contamination, and so on. I have piles of sardine cans stacked up for whenever the snack urge hits. They go great with mustard on rye bread and a slice of onion.

#24 browser

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 04:12 PM

Yet another reason to stick to Regeneresen taken from the fetus out of a member of a flock of sheep which has been carefully isolated and tended for 70 years.

Yeah, I figured the Regeneresen people would be on top of the CJD problem. That's pretty easy to fix. Even with a carefully tended flock, you'd want to stay away from neural tissue, wouldn't you?

I still don't see why we don't hear more about something with the kind of results you describe. BTW, what happens if you stop injecting? Does your skin quickly go to hell in a handbasket, or do the positive effects persist?

For me it was the same as having regressed my skin and other organs to years before. When you stop, you go back to accumulating the same damage as you had been. So in my case is was not Dorian Gray, it just reset the clock. By constantly taking RNA you can slow the damage down but we're probably not talking life extension as much as life enhancement. This stuff is all the rage in Europe, particularly Germany where vacations are long and people go to spas to get some of the most amazing things done, including getting fresh injections from that flock. It is of course lumped into the whole spa scene (though you can just go into the drugstore and order the stuff). I'd guess this sort of therapy would be lumped in with homeopathy. Not something a peer reviewed researcher or practicing physician would be interested in, except maybe for their own private use.

#25 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 04:31 PM

Do you think you can act in a polite, mature manner this go around or will I have to live this site again?

I don't know, I'll try to restrain myself but I still may eventually post a silly picture of a sheepherder with a flock of sheep in response to this thread. Only time will tell. :tung:

#26 Spiral Architect

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 04:35 PM

Who said there's an RNA deficiency in the first place? Why is there no research about this at all?
What prompted anyone to inject themselves with RNA initially? What form is the RNA in the injection?

Edited by Kane, 30 November 2007 - 04:36 PM.

#27 health_nutty

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 06:32 PM

Who said there's an RNA deficiency in the first place? Why is there no research about this at all?
What prompted anyone to inject themselves with RNA initially? What form is the RNA in the injection?

Good questions Kane.


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Posted 30 November 2007 - 07:49 PM

From the VRP website:

Dietary Sources of RNA
Foods rich in RNA include seafood (especially sardines), fish, beans, mushrooms, beef broth and vegetable soups. Nucleic acids can also be obtained from fish and nuts, as well as from many health foods. For dietary nucleic acids, Dr. Frank preferred sardines, claiming that therapeutic effects could be obtained by consuming one or two cans of
sardines each day. Sardines contain 1.5 percent nucleic acids, whereas red meat (muscle) contains a paltry 0.05 percent.

So, would 2 cans of sardines be sufficient as a substitute for RNA powder?

Chlorella is supposed to be the richest natural source of RNA. If I remember right the RNA content is somewhere between 5 to 10%.

#29 katzenjammer

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 08:58 PM

From the VRP website:

Dietary Sources of RNA
Foods rich in RNA include seafood (especially sardines), fish, beans, mushrooms, beef broth and vegetable soups. Nucleic acids can also be obtained from fish and nuts, as well as from many health foods. For dietary nucleic acids, Dr. Frank preferred sardines, claiming that therapeutic effects could be obtained by consuming one or two cans of
sardines each day. Sardines contain 1.5 percent nucleic acids, whereas red meat (muscle) contains a paltry 0.05 percent.

So, would 2 cans of sardines be sufficient as a substitute for RNA powder?

Chlorella is supposed to be the richest natural source of RNA. If I remember right the RNA content is somewhere between 5 to 10%.

Thanks amara, no wonder Chlorella makes me feel good. :thumb: I just read that spirulina is as well - can't quite tell which is a better source though - do you know?

#30 krillin

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 11:41 PM

Who said there's an RNA deficiency in the first place? Why is there no research about this at all?
What prompted anyone to inject themselves with RNA initially? What form is the RNA in the injection?

This research may be related. RNA contains uridine.

Brain Res. 2007 Nov 28;1182:50-9.
Oral supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid and uridine-5'-monophosphate increases dendritic spine density in adult gerbil hippocampus.
Sakamoto T, Cansev M, Wurtman RJ.
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, is an essential component of membrane phosphatides and has been implicated in cognitive functions. Low levels of circulating or brain DHA are associated with various neurocognitive disorders including Alzheimer's disease (AD), while laboratory animals, including animal models of AD, can exhibit improved cognitive ability with a diet enriched in DHA. Various cellular mechanisms have been proposed for DHA's behavioral effects, including increases in cellular membrane fluidity, promotion of neurite extension and inhibition of apoptosis. However, there is little direct evidence that DHA affects synaptic structure in living animals. Here we show that oral supplementation with DHA substantially increases the number of dendritic spines in adult gerbil hippocampus, particularly when animals are co-supplemented with a uridine source, uridine-5'-monophosphate (UMP), which increases brain levels of the rate-limiting phosphatide precursor CTP. The increase in dendritic spines (>30%) is accompanied by parallel increases in membrane phosphatides and in pre- and post-synaptic proteins within the hippocampus. Hence, oral DHA may promote neuronal membrane synthesis to increase the number of synapses, particularly when co-administered with UMP. Our findings provide a possible explanation for the effects of DHA on behavior and also suggest a strategy to treat cognitive disorders resulting from synapse loss.

PMID: 17950710

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