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Remove "unmoderated Forum" From Free Speech

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Posted 28 November 2007 - 09:56 AM

One quick evident example as to why the "Free Speech" area is moderated is the existence of closed threads to which no more posts can be made. I also see there appears to be editing of posts also by navigators and directors (and advisors still too?).

I found the incidence of prometheus to be very intriguing and a very valuable learning lesson and yet, that thread was closed down within the last month with no one getting around to some gentle summary of what happened. There is a lesson, a valuable one, to learn from that incident but you guys are suppressing it. I mean, even I am not into using his real name any more as long as he stays away and/or otherwise remains congenial and that was a real stickler between me and this forum for a while there. My using his real name here was part of the reason why I was banned the first time, I think. I tried to show you the guy was bad medicine but you let him continue and gain more power and it hurt Imminst.

Honesty is the best policy though I know it is also risky sometimes as many do not appreciate it but calling "Free Speech" unmoderated does not give this forum, which is basically Imminst, credibility. I'm not saying open it up to free speech, just take the words describing it as unmoderated out of there and off into nowheresville. People might then be less inclined to post garbage in there which your necessary continued moderating would continue to demonstrate hypocrisy on your part.

#2 Bruce Klein

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Posted 28 November 2007 - 10:12 AM

Many of the posts/topics in the FreeSF were moderated in other forums first. However, I think your point is good... so have changed the description to "Fairly Unmoderated Forum"

Thanks for the suggestion.

#3 Live Forever

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Posted 28 November 2007 - 05:15 PM

That's a good move, Bruce. It is certainly moderated much less than the other forums. Only in rare instances (illegal content, people breaking their user agreement and signing up for multiple accounts just to post nonsense, etc) are things moderated there. Generally threads are only locked temporarily if there is a serious problem with them and unlocked within a few hours.

#4 zoolander

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Posted 28 November 2007 - 05:23 PM

I totally agree with Friendlyai. Remove the term "Unmoderated" all together. Just have the forum named "Free Speech" Doesn't that speak for itself. The only moderating that goes on in that forum are violatins of imminst constitution and US Law.


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Posted 28 November 2007 - 07:13 PM

I know you got this high purpose sounding rhetoric about your intentions but it really doesn't matter what you intend or how you want to interpret things. What matters is the image conveyed. Since "Free Speech" has now apparently taken the contents of the previous "Catcher" on inspection, it looks like the most moderated thread doesn't it? I suggest removing any subtitle and put a question mark at the end as in "Free Speech?" That will convey some honesty and perhaps a little humor too.

Oops, I was totally mistaken with my first two sentences I originally put here so I removed them.

Edited by friendlyai, 28 November 2007 - 07:17 PM.

#6 eternaltraveler

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Posted 28 November 2007 - 09:01 PM

we've learned a long time ago that it doesn't matter what image we try to convey to you, you still see your conspiracy theory bullcrap.

The free speech forum is not moderated except for spam, and when banned members come back and think they can post there (being banned means you are banned from all of imminst, FSF included)


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Posted 28 November 2007 - 11:06 PM

You mean it's not moderated for illegal posts? elrond, if you are correct in your assertions, you guys are setting yourselves up for some major failure. I think the message of prometheus (unbounded) is that individuals at odds with the stated mission of Imminst can make it into high positions of the hierarchy here through the filtering mechanism, the checks and balances you currently use to formulate your leadership. I suspect if you were not apparently infatuated with the elitism a forum necessitates and its inherent corruptability risk and more concerned with furthering the mission you would put Imminst's focus elsewhere. Otherwise it is just as well that you fail, IMHO.

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