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#1 tommy

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 12:10 PM


totally lost in the world of supplements. dont know what to take anymore!

wholefood supplement vs isolate supplements. which one is better or has more effect on health. i tried different ones but didn't notice any physical effects.

if there is one supplement formula that you would recommend,which one will that be!

kind regards,

#2 luv2increase

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 05:06 PM


totally lost in the world of supplements. dont know what to take anymore!

wholefood supplement vs isolate supplements. which one is better or has more effect on health. i tried different ones but didn't notice any physical effects.

if there is one supplement formula that you would recommend,which one will that be!

kind regards,

What are your goals? That will help us determine what is best for you. Also, do you want just the basics in supps in getting there, or do you want to go all out? Basically, is money a big concern?

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#3 Mind

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 05:13 PM

If you are young and feeling fine, the best things for you are a balanced diet and exercise. You will notice a lot more benefit if you focus on these things first (you will also be a lot richer).

#4 luv2increase

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 06:19 PM

If you are young and feeling fine, the best things for you are a balanced diet and exercise. You will notice a lot more benefit if you focus on these things first (you will also be a lot richer).

He is 31. I would say that is a fine age to start a regimen. I think all should take life-enhancing and extending supplements. After all this is an immortality organization. The only thing to remember though, is to not go overboard with the number of supplements you take like me ;)

#5 kenj

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 06:21 PM

If there's one thing that seems plausible, it's the power of synergy. People taking a broad-spectrum set of supplements seem to carry far lower risk for disease, compared to those taking just one cheap multivitamin (washed down with a milk-shake ;-)).

Think of supplements as a way to extend a healthy diet already, - to optimize the levels of nutrients in the body.
For an optimal function the body needs more than just a cheap vitamin pill: it needs wholesome foods locked with thousands of non-identified compounds, and phytonutrients like carotenoids, flavonoids, indoles, lignans, monoterpenes, yadayadayada, - and it makes sense to me to supplement what we HAVE identified as useful compounds, on top of a plate of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources, -- supplements like (no special order, OTOH) Lipoic Acid, CoQ10, Omega-3 fatty acids, Carnitine etc., to ensure a continuous supply to the cells.
That is, take your decent vtamin/mineral/phytonutrient complex (AOR's Ortho-Core is a good one, - I'm sure you know from here) with a balanced carb, prot, and fat meal, and avoid too much sugar and saturated/trans fat, at the same time. Include a green food supplement if you can, - I like Macro Greens, - and drink green and white teas for the ball.

Lately the powerful phytonutrients are being studied for their (possibly) positive impact on diseases, and those you can't find in a single multivitamin, but Ortho-Core is a complex in 6 pills, including a variety of compounds, giving you a head start if you eat the diets, studied for the same purpose: the Mediterranean diet, and the Okinawan (asian) diet.

Also cutting down on calories, and meal sizes, to maintain a lean physique seem to extend health (look into calorie restriction).

#6 Mind

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 06:22 PM

Yes, I am just saying get into good shape first, then see what else you need, if anything.

#7 tommy

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Posted 18 December 2007 - 07:19 PM


like luv2increase says "life-enhancing and extending supplements" to promote better health. i used whole food supplements for some time but i dont notice anything with such supplements. green food supplements no sign of anything with , think there waste of money

i would say i have about 45-65/75 euros a month to spend for total supplement regime.

if you are in to sports like "bodybuilding"/strenght training any special supplement recommendation for that. or just raining like "hell".

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#8 Alien65

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Posted 24 January 2008 - 12:28 AM

I like xtendlife Total Balance. The formula is quite comprehensive with good science behind it.


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