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New endeavors for ImmInst that will add value

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#1 Athanasios

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Posted 20 December 2007 - 08:43 PM

With the upgrade of the forum there is a new potential for added value initiatives. For instance, we now have blogs, including an ImmInst blog. We also have begun Sunday chats again and the front page is being developed as we 'speak'. The 'selective' option in the top right hand corner allows for a filtration that can allow for people who do not wish to see or discuss certain topics, so we can also target specific sub-groups as well. We have the opportunity to make community building projects that will not only strengthen ImmInst but the whole meme, with the ultimate goal being life extension.

Some examples/ideas that can be elaborated on, certainly not limited to, are:

1. Team Blogs or other blog collaborations

2. Structure and emphasis of a news feed

3. Ways to capitalize on Chats, such as video interview recording so we can post to YouTube, etc., or other ideas or valuable software

4. Possible front page value added content

5. Possible collaborations/projects with similar minded sites or other cross institutional ideas

6. Targeted outreach efforts

7. Etc.

Please limit suggestions to new endeavors and not merely forum tweaks of the pre-upgrade setup. This topic will be loosely moderated to keep discussion along those lines.

#2 Mind

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Posted 20 December 2007 - 09:25 PM

2. Will be implementing this within the new front page. I want to also link the most recent news with relevant Imminst forums. A lot of the topics have been discussed previously in the forums and there is a lot of good stuff that newer members have not read.

3. I want to at least start a voice chat. So far it is a technical problem. Skypecast is the only high quality free conference call program available but it is still beta and having troubles. I test it almost daily so that when it is good to go....we can start using it. There are other free conference calling programs but none of them handle 100 people at a time, only a handful. Skype would be good for 1 on 1 interviews and I already have one in the can with SJ Olshansky. Video is also an attractive future option (and it isn't too diffcult to produce YouTube quality stuff, however, I would eventually want to produce something semi-professional....something that might draw sponsorship revenue).

4. Feature stories and interviews are planned for the front page along with a dedicated multi-media section.

#3 Shepard

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Posted 20 December 2007 - 09:42 PM

On the video idea...what do people think of seeing if some other organizations would be willing to do a video update every once in a while to let members know what has been going on and what is in the near future?

I would imagine a quality webcam would be cheap enough we wanted to provide them for anyone that is willing.

#4 Athanasios

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Posted 20 December 2007 - 10:05 PM

Sounds good Mind. Are there any ideas yet on what all will be the content of the ImmInst blog, only official ImmInst related news or more?

On the video idea...what do people think of seeing if some other organizations would be willing to do a video update every once in a while to let members know what has been going on and what is in the near future?

Man, that would be great. I can't keep up with all the other orgs myself. I know I would be interested in something like that. It would end up being fairly labor intensive but worth it.


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Posted 27 December 2007 - 01:28 AM


2. Will be implementing this within the new front page. I want to also link the most recent news with relevant Imminst forums. A lot of the topics have been discussed previously in the forums and there is a lot of good stuff that newer members have not read.

3. I want to at least start a voice chat. So far it is a technical problem. Skypecast is the only high quality free conference call program available but it is still beta and having troubles. I test it almost daily so that when it is good to go....we can start using it. There are other free conference calling programs but none of them handle 100 people at a time, only a handful. Skype would be good for 1 on 1 interviews and I already have one in the can with SJ Olshansky. Video is also an attractive future option (and it isn't too diffcult to produce YouTube quality stuff, however, I would eventually want to produce something semi-professional....something that might draw sponsorship revenue).

4. Feature stories and interviews are planned for the front page along with a dedicated multi-media section.

Seems to me if you put 2 & 4 togethor you would have the infrastructure for significant web revenue. That could pay for a couple of dedicated servers and the bandwidth for a serious joint conferencing endeavor, number 3, as well as other things. Shoot for a professional rather than "semi-professional" presence in all endeavors to build trust and support. Audio/video conferencing probably does not offer as much potential as a source of revenue no matter how it is implemented in comparison with the means that we can see working successfully.

Get a one page presence that changes constantly with a lot of value to a lot of people and you will emulate the most common major success generator for a web based function.

Business plan:

1. Chief editor creates & collects news items, manages volunteer/compensated sources.
2. Dedicated individual to manage web revenues, premium sales and shipments.
3. Web Master technical expert.

All contracted with promised set limited reasonable compensation if target funds are generated or seek start-up grants.

Contact http://www.enn.com with a summary description and ask their advice. They used to offer free counseling to start-ups and this could help to arrange the business plan with some manageable funding goals. Other free counseling could be sought such as how does http://www.newstarget.com compensate report writers?

This news portal thing could be the substance of grant requests to various philanthropic sources once it is a coherent idea. Maybe it would be contingent upon such funding. Figure out how much money is needed to pay this staff of three and then write the requests for that funding for six months, a year maybe. Funding sources just love to fund things that have a goal of funding themselves.

Just thinking out loud.


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Posted 31 December 2007 - 12:36 AM

From a couple of sites on the web I came up with the following figures that 25% of the occupation accept for an annual salary (here in the San Francisco bay area):

Content Manager $71,980
Customer Support $64,810
Web Developer $33/hr. $68,570
Health insurance for all $7,920
Total $213,280

Premium sales DVDs, books, hats, shirts, mugs, capsule machines, prism glasses, juicers, etc. at various markups as at www.buzzflash.com

Timely descriptive links to breaking news stories impacting human health and longevity concerns
Original news stories on pursuing greater longevity.
Advertisement/sponsor banners rotated as at www.enn.com . Trusted supplement or appropriate technology companies
Affilliate links on front page as at www.huffingtonpost.com in a big list of URLs and also some featured with significant descriptive web space.

If it could work a quarter as well as Buzzflash it could earn about $100,000 profit annually. If even a smaller fraction of Huffington's post it could earn the same. If it rivaled Buzzflash or ENN's traffic by presenting timely and valuable information it could make a million dollars a year profit.

If the mission were egalitarian in nature it would be feasible to secure funds for initial startup and long-term success.

Task of board of directors once funds were secured would be to flesh out job descriptions and hold interviews seeking qualified individuals that could fulfill the tasks and hold Imminst's mission supreme.

Maybe their first task is to clarify the mission, is it only for Imminst's members or humanity?

I see there is now a new home page with, guess who, the author of it the topmost link in the list. Are you folks for real? Seems you are dedicated to a sort of brutish non-thinking self-serving that could easily suffer some major mistake and cause Imminst to be gone tomorrow.


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Posted 07 January 2008 - 08:40 PM

I notice that there are no direct web revenue makers on Imminst's home page or on the home page of the forum. Why not make advertisements for the book and the film and place them prominently on the home page? If done intelligently, they would not be detracting from the mission. The graphics associated with these articles are cool and can promote further interest in and of themselves without sales. I also see the links on the home page are predominately to posts in the forum. Are you aware that many do not find forums appealing in general, perhaps a majority of people surfing the web? I'm sure many visitors to your home page, when they realize it is an attempt to promote a forum, do not dig deeper and do not come back.

I see that full membership in the forum gives you an ad free presentation. So paying membership is a competition to web revenue making? If web revenue making is selected and restricted to only those things that would promote the mission, would they necessarily be detractors or could they be gently offered attractors? I see a reference to 0.5 % of membership being full members (as of 6/05). Focusing on membership fees, as a revenue generator, does not seem to be a working proposition and actually counter-productive as you exclude other means of traffic generation and web based revenues that are the main functional strategies in existence.

So much to be aware of, aren't quick links to relevant subjects driving more interest in Imminst's mission conducive to more contributing participation? Wouldn't that make the contributions to the forum more valuable and valid and less repetitive? Promote awareness and you'll have more aware people contributing. If the forum and the Institute are truly for the mission, wouldn't facilitating ever more to believe in the mission be a prime strategy? I see one argument to pay for full membership is "getting info on new and/or important research before everyone else." Do you understand that this focus on full membership fees for privileges is inherently an anti-outreach policy? Rather than getting the information out there to help people believe in the mission, you are following a strategy that basically suggests joining the efforts will bring you the information to believe in the efforts. That is not functional. Value promotes commitment. Commitment alone does not promote value.

Other advantages to a news portal with value adding web revenue offers:

1. Facilitates a more worthwhile, appealing and timely free-subscription newsletter that is a major proven low-cost web site traffic and support generator.
2. Allows people who are not into forums (which is a majority) to gain greater interest and contribute to the cause without having to use the forum.

Look at the small participation in chats, the garbage that gets in them too. Is the focus supposed to be specific individuals or the mission? Look at the small percentage of full members to basic members in the forum in general. Attempting to market the chats and their archives to drive more full membership for more forum privileges, marketing the forum itself as a chief goal, puts you into the position of attempting to sell something you do not have full control over, often pure garbage that continually gets repeated. Not only do you not have control over posts that are essentially against the mission, they come up in search engines pointedly giving Imminst the exact opposite image than as a proponent of its mission.

I guess part of the problem is that the mission is not sufficiently clear to convey a universal and broadly utilitarian goal. Instead, it can and apparently is understood to be to promote the worth of individuals more than the worth of the mission. It appears as egocentric rather than focused on promoting an awareness that is rewarding, appealing, and valuable to all. I believe I can see what a succinct description of the mission might be to make it viable but rather than share it here, I will ponder developing my own venture.

As long as the mission appears to be the social prominence of a few individuals over giving something of value to humanity in general, expect no big success and probable failure. I expect it means less social prominence for forum adherents in the long run to continue to abandon the mission for the sake of a forum. It does mean though that if someone does not have real contributions to make or commitment to the best interpretation of the mission, but are adept at navigating and manipulating a forum, they can gain more power in this “Institute” and seek to preserve the forum as the focus as essentially their only claim to fame. I believe the evidence that this has already progressed to dysfunctional and counter-productive ends here is quite apparent.

#8 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 01:47 AM

I like the idea of setting up Imminst endowments that could focus on specific areas of interest to the Institute. For example if there was a $100,000 endowment focused on biological advances the annual proceeds could be donated to Methuselah Foundation research or could fund specific research by independent scientists like Dr. Gavrilov and his wife. There could be a general endowment that the directors could use towards causes that they found important and relevant. There also could be funds for education, sustainability research, etc.

Currently the Institute seems too disorganized to make effective use of multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars but if it were to establish a reputation of providing a convenient and wise way to contribute funds that would keep working "forever" it could become a powerful force for achieving our goals. I personally feel that there is a lot of wisdom here collectively and it would be fun to see what advances could be made as a result of creating some financial muscle for the Institute to flex.

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