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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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New ImmInst Director

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#1 reason

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Posted 20 October 2003 - 04:00 AM

Well, I've accepted the offer of a directorship and shall be directorizing in concert with the rest of you in what I think are the best ways. You're probably all aware of my biases by now, but here they are again:

1) Appeal to a mass audience is very important

You don't have to dumb things down, you just have to present them in the right way. Baby steps for newcomers, a lot of short leaps rather than throwing them in at the deep end. Funding is directly linked to widespread public appreciation of what is being funded...and this is a game of decades. It's all logistics and strategy.

2) We should replicate the 1970s-2000s activities of AIDS and cancer organizations for success

These people got things done, and in the process have laid down a blueprint for the activism we need to do to obtain funding and awareness for aging and healthy life extension research.

3) First Things First

We beat aging in these biological bodies, then we worry about the rest of it. This first thing is sufficiently hard to give us a lot of work already.

4) Networking is vital

But I'm not all that good at it. Still, other people are better and they're getting on with it. I applaud from a safe distance.

5) Things I think are important and high on the to do list:

(i.e. things I was going to do with the Longevity Meme, and are thus just as important with Imminst). In no particular order:

a) pamphlets and getting people to distribute the things

b) selling bumper stickers, buttons, posters and t-shirts (and naked calendars...). Proceeds to the Mouse or similar.

c) getting a Walk to Cure Aging going

d) publishing and circulating open letters

e) gaining content distribution channels for greater online growth

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#2 Bruce Klein

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Posted 20 October 2003 - 06:37 AM


Warm welcome and thanks again for accepting the offer.

I support your introductory approach and wholeheartedly agree the best way to bring more people on board is to show them that aging is not a given.

However, in my mind, as you probably already know, stopping the biological causes of aging, while very important, is not the most important overall goal unto itself. Nonetheless, I tend to see it as an important milestone on the path to a safer existence on a more durable substrate... but.. i tend to get ahead of myself.. sorry.

I'm just damn happy to have you on board!


#3 Lazarus Long

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Posted 20 October 2003 - 01:07 PM

Yes I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

I fall more in the middle between you and Bruce, Reason (BTW, are we now allowed to know a less formal name? ) and actually for pragmatic reasons lean towards your point of view in this early developmental period. Hopefully one thing will lead to another.

Your list up there is a very practical one and has numerous proposals that I second wholeheartedly though in all honesty I find that I have become covetous of my solitude and isolation in tranquil surroundings and the social requirements of the suggestions are the real politic that personally I find distracting, but I also admit their social relevancy for accomplishing our goals.

Maybe it would be good to get out and "network" as I am becoming misanthropic anyway but I will try and do so locally. Is there a way for us to reorganize into "cells" within rational geographic areas? And how would we share demographic data?

We have some groups that form natural alliances and how can we synchronize better among ourselves?

Perhaps we should be looking closely at how fractured and dysfunctional the various protest movements have become because I suspect that is our risk as individual groups spin off into single issue politics. We need to somehow create a political banner that is broadly inclusive and merges rather than rejects participation. To accomplish this we need to prepare an ability to integrate efforts in a way that makes people of diverse interest feel they are achieving something positive in direct relation to their specific interest while simultaneously contributing to a larger effort.

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#4 reason

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Posted 21 October 2003 - 12:04 AM

When I say networking, I'm really thinking about networking between organizations rather than more grassroots stuff. I look at the rounds being done by the Methuselah Mouse guys as a good example. Conferences, contacting other organizations, making themselves know. That sort of thing.

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#5 caliban

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Posted 21 October 2003 - 08:25 PM


'bout time some reason got into the high ranks of this "ImmInst" !


PS: Once again I don't see why this should be a "leaders only" thread?

#6 Bruce Klein

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Posted 22 October 2003 - 06:07 AM

ah, well if Reason doesn't have any objections.. i agree this thread would likely do well in the announcements forum.. and I can post a link to our homepage as well..

#7 Lazarus Long

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Posted 22 October 2003 - 06:13 AM

PS: Once again I don't see why this should be a "leaders only" thread?


#8 reason

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Posted 22 October 2003 - 08:08 AM

Yes, of course -- by all means shift the thread for greater access.

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#9 MichaelAnissimov

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Posted 23 October 2003 - 12:24 AM

Welcome, Reason! Glad to have you on board.

#10 bacopa

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Posted 23 October 2003 - 12:52 AM

I hear the pain and I want to help. How can I help to fundraise? Should I send out letters asking for money. I could start learning Quark Express and maybe make some brochures to get the name out, my mom could teach me quickly. Also I'm willing to do some grass roots stuff if that is needed I'm not afraid to get down and dirty he he...also how about sending letters do we even have enough money now? I'll help any way I can

#11 Bruce Klein

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Posted 23 October 2003 - 05:23 AM

hiya dfowler,

Thanks for your interest.. we need more folks on the forefront like yourself who are brave enough to start talking about these ideas. We have some rather rudimentary materials you can download here:

Posted Image
One page print out with ImmInst's Mission and Invitation to Join

Posted Image
Flyer with tags at bottom with ImmInst web address

Posted Image
One page trifold brochure with Basic ImmInst Mission and Contact Info

RE: Writing Letters:
I suspect that we can do some good in writing targeted letters, but right now I feel more work to attract other immortalists from other website forums may prove more valuable at this early stage.

RE: Talking with Friends:
An excellent way to stretch our immortalist talents. I suggest always taking the soft approach and allowing the other person to feel we're on their side in the discussion.

Let me know if you need more Full Member business cards, as I think this is a good quick way to help people find the site, and it gives them something tangible to hold on to and stick in their wallets or purses.

RE: Asking For Funds:
I'd go slow here. Let's build slowly create long-term relationships before asking for substantial donations. Although, you can always suggest the small low risk $5 donation option which will deliver the book, The First Immortal and and introductory packet:


#12 kevin

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Posted 23 October 2003 - 06:29 AM

Did you have bumper stickers available.. I seem to remember Don having made some up?

Further to your writing.. newsgroups that have to do with ageing.. I believe reason already posts his news letter to at least the sci.life-extension group.. could due with some fresh faces..

#13 Bruce Klein

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Posted 23 October 2003 - 06:39 AM

ah true.. there's a number of newsgroups that may benefit.

Yes, we have bumper stickers available. Don did a great job in working that up.. they make a nice addition to the introductory package.

I may add bumper stickers to the ImmInst store.

#14 kevin

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Posted 23 October 2003 - 07:10 AM

Hey! In the introductory package?!!

I didn't get any bumper stickers.. [angry]

(that I saw in the package anyways.. )

I should be getting my T-Shirt in the mail soon! ;) .. uhm.. and you may not agree.. but you could also hilight the 'store' text button somehow.. I totally missed it.. but maybe it's just familiarity breeding ignorance..

#15 bacopa

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Posted 23 October 2003 - 02:33 PM

I don't have any bussiness cards...

#16 Bruce Klein

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Posted 23 October 2003 - 03:36 PM

Yikes.. bumber stickers and business cards on the way ;)

#17 Kallazze

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Posted 29 January 2004 - 06:31 PM

Let's get on with it, buddy! Your "Longevitymeme.org" is one of my very favorite sites--very informative!
Although I also don't have business cards!

#18 Bruce Klein

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Posted 01 February 2004 - 08:48 PM

I've emailed Kallazze to ask if he received his ImmInst business cards via his ImmInst Full Member intro. packet. He replied that he had received the package and the business cards, and that his above post was a misunderstanding.

If any Full Member wishes to extra activist material, let me know.


#19 alex83

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Posted 18 March 2004 - 07:22 PM

I think you should send bumper stickers by request, free of charge, and not just to full members. There are people that can't afford becoming a full member at the moment, but would like to help anyway...

I think that gaining publicity to the issue of Immortality is very important, bumper stickers are good at it, and it would be more helpful sending those stickers free. As well as distributing other information - most people don't think reversing/curing aging is possible, it is very important to explain that it is possible, and we have to act towards achieving it as fast as we can.

It would be most helpful to compose convincing, scientifically correct prospect that proves the existence of real chance for curing aging, it should be as short and simple as possible, and may contain links to a more detailed information.

All the prospects of this sort I have seen are rather long and only people that already interested in the topic willing to read them. If such a prospect exists or would be composed I would gladly post it on my Uni. Forum and translate it to Hebrew and Russian I think it would be possible to post it in many other places on the net - it should be a prospect that even a slightly bored man would like to read, and would be convinced in the possibility of curing aging after reading it.

#20 Bruce Klein

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Posted 18 March 2004 - 09:20 PM

I like your ideas. Thanks for the possible translation offer. Please feel free to repost your ideas into the "Action & Reaching Out" forum here: http://www.imminst.org/action

As the bumper stickers were initially donated to ImmInst by DonSpanton, I'd like to have his approval first on this per request idea. My initial reaction is that it's a great idea, however, we need to be careful with ImmInst's currently limited resources.

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