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Brain Fog

bacopa's Photo bacopa 08 Feb 2008

For the last two or so years my brain has been in a severe fog. I have theories to how this happened but I don't want to devulge into them now. Basically my brain sucks. I can barely think and my memory is poor piss poor too. I have real trouble remembering past events like good times I've had with my family. Recently my emotions have been terrible too, I'm flat all the time and I feel like I'm 'not all there.' I'm in a fog plain and simple. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing consciousness which is a horrible feeling. I want desperately to break out of this downward spiral but I see nothing changing. I excercise daily but that seems to do nothing, and I take a regimen of vitamins and brain pills including vinpocetine, B12, guarna, and some others. Sometimes I zone out when people are talking. I've seen psychiatrists and a neurologist but everyone says it's psychosomatic, I don't think so I believe it is physical and neurological in nature. I'm grasping at straws now and can't even feel depressed I'm so emotionless. I actually long to feel depression, just something to remind me that I'm alive! I even tried ECT, electro convlusive therapy which temporarily lifted my spirits but also gave me weird side effects like strange sensations happening to my brain. I've talked to a member here who had simmilar problems with a fogginess of his brain and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me? Should I start a Nootropic regimen? Thanks...

niner's Photo niner 08 Feb 2008

I've seen psychiatrists and a neurologist but everyone says it's psychosomatic,[...] I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me? Should I start a Nootropic regimen? Thanks...

I recommend that you find another psychiatrist. Psychosomatic? You've gotta be kiddin'!

bacopa's Photo bacopa 08 Feb 2008

I've seen psychiatrists and a neurologist but everyone says it's psychosomatic,[...] I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me? Should I start a Nootropic regimen? Thanks...

I recommend that you find another psychiatrist. Psychosomatic? You've gotta be kiddin'!

Well, they don't all say that, I'm seeing multiple therapists, in general they are stupid though...

synaesthetic's Photo synaesthetic 08 Feb 2008

Are you wheat gluten intolerant?
Have you tried deprenyl, nal-tyrosine or dlpa?
Have you tried tianeptine?

Perhaps a detox supplement will help you if your cause is from heavy metal buildup, but if you have brain damage then I am not sure.

I feel foggy if I don't get enough choline, but it sounds like your problem is much more than just that.

niner's Photo niner 08 Feb 2008

I've seen psychiatrists and a neurologist but everyone says it's psychosomatic,[...] I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me? Should I start a Nootropic regimen? Thanks...

I recommend that you find another psychiatrist. Psychosomatic? You've gotta be kiddin'!

Well, they don't all say that, I'm seeing multiple therapists, in general they are stupid though...

Is there anything like a consensus (or at least most popular) diagnosis? If you've seen a number of psychiatrists, there's a fair chance that a couple of them actually have it right.

zoolander's Photo zoolander 08 Feb 2008

I would stay away from meds or pharmaceuticals whilst you are seeing psychiatrists.

If you want to try and boost memory then perhaps you could try

1000mg acetyl-l-carnitine (morning on empty stomach)
100mcg Huperzine A (morning on empty stomach)
250mg of citicholine (morning with food)

1000mg acetyl-l-carnitine (afternoon/evening on empty stomach)
100mcg Huperzine A (afternoon/evening on empty stomach)
250mg of citicholine (afternoon/evening with food)

I would also consider taking an adaptogen to help you deal with the stress

kiriel's Photo kiriel 15 Mar 2008

I would stay away from meds or pharmaceuticals whilst you are seeing psychiatrists.

If you want to try and boost memory then perhaps you could try

1000mg acetyl-l-carnitine (morning on empty stomach)
100mcg Huperzine A (morning on empty stomach)
250mg of citicholine (morning with food)

1000mg acetyl-l-carnitine (afternoon/evening on empty stomach)
100mcg Huperzine A (afternoon/evening on empty stomach)
250mg of citicholine (afternoon/evening with food)

I would also consider taking an adaptogen to help you deal with the stress

What is an adaptogen and are they real?

niner's Photo niner 15 Mar 2008

I would stay away from meds or pharmaceuticals whilst you are seeing psychiatrists.

Zoo, I assume you mean other than the meds prescribed by the psychiatrist. Psychiatrists (at least in America) are MDs with a specialization in brain chemistry, so prescribing drugs is what they do. Some of them also do counseling, but people who only do counseling (psychologists) are usually less expensive.

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 15 Mar 2008

For the last two or so years my brain has been in a severe fog. I have theories ............. a Nootropic regimen? Thanks...

In another thread you talked about a surgical procedure you had that did, euhm, need some retries to be successful. Could there be a link between that and your brain fogginess?

Sozin's Photo Sozin 19 Mar 2008

Before trying any nootropics I suggest you look for a less invasive solution. I frequently go into a brain fog type thing, it occurs on a normal basis and I think it just happens to everyone. Zoning out when someone is speaking directly to you is COMPLETELY normal, and I don't really think you need nootropics quite yet. My suggestion is meditation. If you feel lost in your thoughts and sometimes unable to focus well I think meditation is an excellent solution. Just take 10 minutes every day and sit in a quiet room with the lights off in a relaxed posistion and focus on breathing. Really. Make yourself put all of your focus on breathing -- try to have no other thoughts. If your brain jumps around to other thoughts simply come back to the breath and try to focus. After a while you will find yourself being able to focus more clearly on tasks at hand. Anyway, thats just my suggestion. Besides that just get enough sleep, eat well, exercise and I think you will be fine. I doubt that you need a diagnosis, however I can't really be the judge of that.

william7's Photo william7 30 Mar 2008

Before trying any nootropics I suggest you look for a less invasive solution. I frequently go into a brain fog type thing, it occurs on a normal basis and I think it just happens to everyone. Zoning out when someone is speaking directly to you is COMPLETELY normal, and I don't really think you need nootropics quite yet. My suggestion is meditation. If you feel lost in your thoughts and sometimes unable to focus well I think meditation is an excellent solution. Just take 10 minutes every day and sit in a quiet room with the lights off in a relaxed posistion and focus on breathing. Really. Make yourself put all of your focus on breathing -- try to have no other thoughts. If your brain jumps around to other thoughts simply come back to the breath and try to focus. After a while you will find yourself being able to focus more clearly on tasks at hand. Anyway, thats just my suggestion. Besides that just get enough sleep, eat well, exercise and I think you will be fine. I doubt that you need a diagnosis, however I can't really be the judge of that.

I agree with the meditation recommendation, but I would recommend a good three day fast to go along with it. That'll clear up the fog and get him focused I'm sure.