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Braverman - BS.!?

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#1 brentx

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Posted 12 February 2008 - 10:14 AM

Hey all!

I've been snooping about this forum for a few months now stringing together discussions and attempting to self-educate without opening one of the countless "Hi, I'm new, check my stack" threads.. I think it's now a good time to open a thread of my own to introduce myself and hopefully in a few months I'll be able to offer my own experiences to the site :-)

I've recently started a little stack of my own. Nothing special, just Piracetam, Alpha GPC, and some Vinpocetine.. I started out of curiosity, wanting to be smarter than everyone else ;-p Now it's come to the point that it's really improved my life. I want to do things, I can see the endless possibilities of life, etc.. As for other effects, WOW! It's the same old positive story I guess. Better concentration, blah blah. The thing I enjoy most is the "broadening" of my mind. I've always been a deep thinker, but always got mixed up in my thoughts. Now I can "navigate" through the clutter and really choose the direction of my thoughts. Does this make sense?

Another positive is my speaking ability. I'm a big talker.. Big.. I've been described as "one of those people who talk too much, but at least he talks about interesting sh*t"! Since starting my regimen, I've done less "talk then think", and more "think then talk". It's really been great :-)

Now, I recently had the flu and it made me feel bad not only physically, but emotionally. Got a bit depressed I guess. I decided to have some fun and I tok the Braverman test and got the following results (this was taken DURING my sick period when I wasn't feeling good:

1A - Dopamine Nature: 35
2A - Acetylcholine Nature: 34
3A - GABA Nature: 22
4A - Serotonin Nature: 33

1B - Dopamine Deficiency: 11
2B - Acetylcholine Deficiency: 14
3B - GABA Deficiency: 25
4B - Serotonin Deficiency: 16

I tried to answer the questions super honestly and clearly. It's a dodgy test I think, but maybe it gives a GENERAL overview?

My results seem to show that I'm pretty screwed. Dominance of Dopamine, Acetylcholine, AND Serotonin.! I guess this means in theory that I'm highly introverted or self obsessed? I have NO IDEA! Can anyone help?

It also notes that I've apparently got deficiencies in EVERYTHING, especially GABA, which I'm less dependant on.. WTF.!?

As of now I feel great. If I took part 2 of the test again now I'd imagine that things would be so "deficient"..

Does anyone know of anything that I could experiment with to balance things out a little? How to I adjust my "dominant nature"? Should I try some Serotonin and GABA precursor type things like 5-HTP and Theanine? Can anyone give me any type of advice?

On a final note.. I've always felt quite balanced in life. I get sad sometimes, happy sometimes, stressed, etc, etc.. The only underlying thing that I can think of that has been apparent my whole life is a tendancy to get MIGHTY P*SSED OFF at times, just like Dad. I'll just want to fight everything, argue, blood pressure and pulse goes up quite regularly, high body temp, etc.. I'm now almost 22 and it's always been like this.. My guess: GABA.!?

Any help would be MUCH appreciated, and I hope to contribute to other users myself in the coming months!

#2 unbreakable

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Posted 12 February 2008 - 05:30 PM

Have results of this funny test ever been proven using PET-Scans?

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#3 Mind

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Posted 12 February 2008 - 05:47 PM

Getting depressed while having a cold. Upset once in a while. Sad sometimes, then happy. Dude, that is pretty normal for most people. Not sure what you are worried about.

#4 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 12 February 2008 - 06:46 PM

Yeah I get sad or mad, then happy again-- even though I counter my mad or sad thoughts with what I know I should be thinking, it does not at that time change my mood--I have to wait until my actual emotions change... usually a few hours. The point is that I can rationally, consciously know I'm out of line, but it does not change my emotions and my feelings--I have to wait for the hormones/chemicals to work themselves out of my system for my 'feeling' to change--I've come to learn this just takes time.

#5 brentx

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Posted 12 February 2008 - 07:15 PM

Getting depressed while having a cold. Upset once in a while. Sad sometimes, then happy. Dude, that is pretty normal for most people. Not sure what you are worried about.

Nah, not worried, that's the point. Sad, happy, stressed, whatever. It's just these stupid results say that I "need help now", which I find MUST be wrong.

Have results of this funny test ever been proven using PET-Scans?

Hmm.. I'm not sure if anyone's checked. It'd be very interesting though. I'd guess that the test would be very hit-and-miss.

#6 eternaltraveler

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Posted 12 February 2008 - 07:25 PM

the braverman test is bs.

#7 brentx

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Posted 12 February 2008 - 07:34 PM

the braverman test is bs.

Damn, how else am I going to prove that I have a GABA and Serotonin deficiency.!? ;-p

#8 Ghostrider

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 04:57 AM

the braverman test is bs.

That's kinda what I was thinking when I looked at the test yesterday. Although, there is a need to better understand one's neurochemistry in order to correct / optimize it. Just blindly taking nootropics and looking for a result seems like an waste of resources.

#9 meursault

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 09:59 PM

Maybe you need to take a real test?


I don't know how good this particular offer is, but this is the direction you need to go if you want something legit.

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#10 mystery

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 11:48 PM

the braverman test is bs.

That's kinda what I was thinking when I looked at the test yesterday. Although, there is a need to better understand one's neurochemistry in order to correct / optimize it. Just blindly taking nootropics and looking for a result seems like an waste of resources.

I wish there was a way to gain specific and accurate information about one's neurochemistry with testing. But for now, it appears that such testing just doesn't exist. Just blindly taking nootropics will tell you something substantial---if it will work or not. It may be wasteful but it works better than anything else.

If there was a way to accuretly asses one's neurochemistry it *seems* like doctors would be using it now for mental disorders. Instead they just give you some drugs that act predomininantly on one or more neurotransmitter system and see if it works. In a way this is "testing".

Edited by mystery, 13 February 2008 - 11:49 PM.

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