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The Lifespan Twine

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#1 Mind

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Posted 26 March 2008 - 09:01 PM

I signed up to beta test the new twine software from Radar Networks. Read about it here. I was finally invited to create an account this week.

I plan to invite Imminst members to the Lifespan twine in order to build up a database of info and connections. Twine is supposed to understand (semantically) all the information that is fed into it. It is supposed to help reveal hidden or difficult to discern information from all the connections made between people and organizations. They advertise it as a replacement for forums, social networking sites, blogs, and such....like it is a miracle cure for all the unruly data that is propagating and reproducing in cyberspace. Not sure how well it works, however, I thought it would be a good opportunity for the life extension movement to get in on the ground floor of a new web technology that could be quite beneficial. If it truly has some rudimentary cognitive capability and will help tease out valuable information then it could be a very nice tool. To find new advertisers perhaps, to find researchers in different labs around the world, to keep up to date on all the news, etc...

I think the Twine is expected to make money for Radar Networks by placing targeted ads within each twine. I figure the advertisers who come to the lifespan twine would also be good advertisers for the Imminst website.

#2 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 27 March 2008 - 05:30 AM

There were links to a lot of great articles there, I liked this one in particular for its explanation:


I think it would be excellent if imminst members are generating content and connections, give a 'leg up' to the idea of extreme life extension on web 3.0.

#3 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 27 March 2008 - 05:38 AM

Here is an article from February, saying they had 400 on then--and 30,000 on the waiting list. Wonder how many are on now then? In all it looks very promising, perhaps they'll give google a run for their money :-D They did secure a lot in venture capitol, but there are many competitors and 'versions/visions' of web 3.0.

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#4 brokenportal

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 10:06 PM

I checked this out. I think it is the miracle net organizer the say it is. Its just getting it to catch on that will be the problem.

It was also a little bit hard for me to figure out once I got there. That may prevent people from allowing it to build the momentum it needs to be popular. It only took me ten minutes to get the hang of it, but do you think people will be willing to take the ten minutes it takes or not?

#5 Mind

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 06:10 PM

Twine goes public today.

For all of its potential as a semantic web application, I have not had enough time to fully utilize its capabilities. As a beta tester I used it in a manner similar to delicious and other social bookmarking sites. I created a twine called lifespan.. A twine is a place to collate all kinds of information. So far I have only put in bookmarks to life extension headlines and Imminst discussions, but anyone who joins can add all kinds of web based info, pictures, video, whatever. The narrow AI behind the scenes helps organize the data and helps you connect with other people and twines. News feeds can be automatically generated from all the different twines that you join. I get a "twine digest" delivered to my email from "lifespan" and from another one called "health and medicine".

OK, so here is what I would like to see happen. In contrast to our lame and pathetic efforts to try and use other social networking/bookmarking/distribution sites to help Imminst and life extension in general, let's make a move on Twine. Let's get off our lazy assess and finally use a new web tool to advance the mission. Twine is easy. It can help spread the word and help us connect with more people around the world. If nothing else, start bookmarking some of the best Imminst discussions in lifespan or other relevant twines.

Join Lifespan (or other twines). Make it happen!

#6 Richard Leis

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 06:17 PM

Thanks, Mind...this is a great idea!

#7 Mind

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Posted 23 October 2008 - 07:56 PM

Has anyone stopped in to take a look a the Lifespan (or other) twines? I see no one has posted any Imminst/life extension related links. :(

#8 Mind

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Posted 25 October 2008 - 07:07 PM

A lot of people here talk about Web 3.0, the semantic web, and AGI. Well, here is an opportunity to flex some of the AI muscle and help Imminst at the same time. Use the lifespan twine to post bookmarks to interesting and informative discussions, announcements, etc... Twine is similar to all the other social networking sites except it has more powerful AI working in the background. Take a look! Try it out! Use it!

#9 Mind

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 06:13 PM


#10 Centurion

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 08:47 PM


I think some people may be worried about the judgements or misconceptions others might have when finding them associated with such an "extreme" idea as life extension. Might explain some reluctance.

#11 Mind

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Posted 01 November 2008 - 04:27 PM

It is hardly any different than any other social networking sites. I know people use digg, stumbleon, delicious, facebook, myspace, etc... You can contribute anonymously. Subscribing to a twine is just like subscribing to an RSS feed. The name of the twine is Lifespan. It is really simple. It could really help.

#12 Mind

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 07:27 PM

I see some extra volume of bookmarks showing up in Lifespan and some related twines, just wondering if anyone here has joined up and submitted material.

When you join a twine like lifespan, you can get a daily email about all the material that is posted there. Twine also lets you know who else is interested in the same things. Twine also suggests other topics you might want to follow. It could be great for creating stronger life extension advocacy links around the world.

What I would like to see is people posting bookmarks to popular and interesting Imminst forum discussions. Lead the rest of the world here to explore the knowledge built up in the forums.

#13 JLL

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 09:16 PM

I registered and joined some of the twines, will try to find the lifespan twine next time I logon.

#14 Traclo

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 09:41 PM

I've joined. I'm liking this twine thing, if only to have my news aggregated in one place.

#15 Brafarality

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Posted 14 November 2008 - 02:12 PM

I signed up to beta test the new twine software from Radar Networks. Read about it here. I was finally invited to create an account this week.

I plan to invite Imminst members to the Lifespan twine in order to build up a database of info and connections. Twine is supposed to understand (semantically) all the information that is fed into it. It is supposed to help reveal hidden or difficult to discern information from all the connections made between people and organizations. They advertise it as a replacement for forums, social networking sites, blogs, and such....like it is a miracle cure for all the unruly data that is propagating and reproducing in cyberspace. Not sure how well it works, however, I thought it would be a good opportunity for the life extension movement to get in on the ground floor of a new web technology that could be quite beneficial. If it truly has some rudimentary cognitive capability and will help tease out valuable information then it could be a very nice tool. To find new advertisers perhaps, to find researchers in different labs around the world, to keep up to date on all the news, etc...

Sounds like XML meets LISP!

#16 Brainbox

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Posted 14 November 2008 - 02:35 PM

I'm reading this thread the first time.
Very interesting! I will sign-up when I'm at home tomorrow.

I'm still figuring out what web 2.0 is all about, seems a bit overrated. So now there's 3.0. Seems like a quick release policy of a certain type of software that needs updates to correct big problems or small budgets.....

But these semantic features seem to be a hit (if they function correctly and keep-up with expectations, that is)


Edited by Brainbox, 14 November 2008 - 02:35 PM.

#17 modelcadet

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Posted 14 November 2008 - 02:55 PM

Yeah, I'm trying not to use twine, because I'm trying to patent some better semantic web technology, and a few products based off that tech. Except Nova Spivack, despite picking a horrible first product for his technology, is still ridiculously smart.

Anybody know a way to contact him? I might just circumvent getting the patent, if I could talk to him and get a seat on Radar Network's board. But I should probably still file . It stinks, because UVa takes like half of your licensing profits, and I've come to the sneaking suspicion that UVa is too conservative to resurrect. I mean, with some money and some credibility, I could try (how sweet would a MIT media lab but for information systems technology be to run!?)

Ben Goertzel says we can reach the singularity in 10 years if we really try. 9 if we really really try. Well, I'm going to really really really really really really really try. That's 4 years. 2012 baby. Think about all that lucrative hype for exploitation in brand-building!

I think it's a great idea to use Twine. Or any new service. We can influence the community from the get-go. Of course we'll get drown out later on, but we can certainly leverage our voice with these new platforms. We must actively practice our transhumanism, because we are such a minority.

#18 Brafarality

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Posted 15 November 2008 - 03:06 PM

Wonder if this will pass as artistic influence between friends.

Posted Image Posted Image

The underlying site engine logic and structure differ greatly, but the image and resonation are similar.
Propeller, though, has Digg-ripoff lack-of-cred-ness whereas Twine does not seem to be so hampered.

Twine is a pretty cool site. I am just starting to dabble and explore. Took a few days to warm to it.

Good find, Mr. Mind! :)

#19 JLL

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Posted 15 November 2008 - 04:26 PM

Patents and the singularity hardly go together. Don't patent; invent.

#20 Brafarality

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Posted 15 November 2008 - 11:15 PM

Don't patent; invent.

Well put, Mr. JLL, of similar join date and post number. :)

#21 modelcadet

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Posted 15 November 2008 - 11:44 PM

Patents and the singularity hardly go together. Don't patent; invent.

Says you, hacking away your response to a guy working nights to go to school. If we don't own patents, that means somebody less friendly to bringing about the technological singularity will get those patents.
Now... if we change the system so inventors can get the social capital they need to realize their musings...

Twine is sweet though, fo sho. I was just telling a friend the other day how impressed I was with Mind's work in this community to get that ustream channel started. Any video, text, audio, pictures, or other files associated with the movement can only help.

Edited by modelcadet, 15 November 2008 - 11:44 PM.

#22 Brafarality

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Posted 16 November 2008 - 01:46 PM

Patents and the singularity hardly go together. Don't patent; invent.

Says you, hacking away your response to a guy working nights to go to school. If we don't own patents, that means somebody less friendly to bringing about the technological singularity will get those patents.
Now... if we change the system so inventors can get the social capital they need to realize their musings...

Twine is sweet though, fo sho. I was just telling a friend the other day how impressed I was with Mind's work in this community to get that ustream channel started. Any video, text, audio, pictures, or other files associated with the movement can only help.

Now I have to change my opinion:
Bad point, JLL! :)
Me is too easily swayed these days.

#23 brokenportal

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 09:40 PM

Twine is an excellent site and has a ton of potential for spreading memes and networking ideas.

We have formed a project called the "Internetworking Team" that includes Twine. If you are interested in joining the team then check it out and sign up any time you want. The team is commited to adding at least one link per week to any of the 5 catagories. There is Digg, Blog, Twine, Youtube and Outside Forums. There is a set of guidelines to follow that we will tweak as the team moves along. There will be a navigator for each list to help keep things on track. So far me and vgamer are heading them up but we will need more.

Check the team out and join and comment in the topic if you are interested. Thanks a million.

Internetworking Team #39

#24 JLL

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Posted 23 February 2009 - 09:28 PM

I regularly add Lifespan twine links to my blog posts that deal with extending lifespan.

#25 Mind

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Posted 24 February 2009 - 08:37 PM

Thanks JLL, I read them often.

I regularly add Lifespan twine links to my blog posts that deal with extending lifespan.

#26 Mind

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 07:00 PM

Interesting how Twine was sold and how it developed. Me thinks it is about done now. Here is a message from the founder:

Dear Twine User,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support of Twine over the years. It has been an interesting path that led us to choose to combine Twine with Evri, but in the end it was the best option for our company and you, our customers. If you are interested in the story behind the sale of Twine, I’ve written a detailed debrief explaining what led to it, and lessons learned, which you can read here.

As for me, as well as continuing on as an advisor to Evri, I’m starting to work on some exciting new projects with others, in particular Live Matrix and Klout. Going forward, to keep up with me:

Follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/novaspivack (@novaspivack)
Subscribe to my blog at http://novaspivack.com

Finally, thanks for your continued interest in Twine.com. Please continue to follow the new, joint offering of Twine & Evri at Evri.com.

Nova Spivack

Notice how he tells people to follow him on Twitter and on his personal blog, BUT NOT ON TWINE! Lol. Doesn't inspire much hope for Twine's future.

#27 Mind

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Posted 29 November 2012 - 09:16 PM

Not sure how much outreach we got from "twining". It turns out it was a silicon valley social media idea that did not take off. I still feel it is a good idea to get a foothold in new-ish sharing sites/social media as long as we have someone who can try to develop a small presence. We are not yet on Google+. Is that one worth pursuing, or is our forum our best outreach platform? Maybe we just need to use our forum better?

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