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Aubrey de Grey interview

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 28 Mar 2008

New interview by Aubrey:
(Note: the heading is not in English, but the actual text of the interview is in English)

forever freedom's Photo forever freedom 29 Mar 2008

100 million dollars a year isn't much compared to how much some billionaires give to charity i.e. bill gates and warren buffet. If Aubrey could reach them and explain it.... but then again he must already have tried something like that. Bill Gates seems like a guy who could understand and finance Aubrey; while Warren i think is more narrow minded (but he sure knows "how to allocate capital", as he likes to say) and he doesn't like technology.

I wonder if Bill has heard of Aubrey and if he got to see Aubrey's main arguments; i'd like to know what Bill thought of it. Must not be impossible to reach bill and get some 10 minutes of his time to explain it, especially recently since he has decreased his working time by "retiring" from microsoft's main position.

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 29 Mar 2008

Aubrey is will also be on the Barbara Walter's show, 'How to Live to be 150' this Tuesday April the 1st :) (I'll be doing a live blog of the show, I'll invite him, but have no idea if he'll be able to watch it the same time or not)

bio123's Photo bio123 30 Mar 2008

I seem to recall reading somewhere that high-profile people like Gates are worried
about adverse publicity if they donate to anti-aging bodies, probably worried about
headlines like "Selfish Billionaire wants to live Forever!!" etc. Can anyone confirm
if this is the case?

Shepard's Photo Shepard 30 Mar 2008

I seem to recall reading somewhere that high-profile people like Gates are worried
about adverse publicity if they donate to anti-aging bodies, probably worried about
headlines like "Selfish Billionaire wants to live Forever!!" etc. Can anyone confirm
if this is the case?

Any such comment would be purely speculation, but it's certainly a possibility.

VictorBjoerk's Photo VictorBjoerk 10 Jul 2008

Aubrey de Grey interviewed in english.........


neonnexus's Photo neonnexus 15 Feb 2009

The link seems to be down. Anyone know if it is on youtube? I have not seen this particular interview so I don't know which one to link to from youtube.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 16 Feb 2009

The link seems to be down. Anyone know if it is on youtube? I have not seen this particular interview so I don't know which one to link to from youtube.

It was the text of an interview, not a video. The whole site seems to be down; Maybe it will be up later?
Edited by Live Forever, 16 February 2009 - 05:21 AM.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 16 Feb 2009

I seem to recall reading somewhere that high-profile people like Gates are worried
about adverse publicity if they donate to anti-aging bodies, probably worried about
headlines like "Selfish Billionaire wants to live Forever!!" etc. Can anyone confirm
if this is the case?

doesn't being a billionaire mean that you don't have to care what the hell most people think about you?

niner's Photo niner 16 Feb 2009

I seem to recall reading somewhere that high-profile people like Gates are worried about adverse publicity if they donate to anti-aging bodies, probably worried about headlines like "Selfish Billionaire wants to live Forever!!" etc. Can anyone confirm if this is the case?

doesn't being a billionaire mean that you don't have to care what the hell most people think about you?

Oh, no way. Ever notice that Gates doesn't do anything controversial? His foundation is only involved in things that virtually everyone is in favor of, like curing tropical diseases and improving education. I think Gates cares a lot what other people think. For a long time I thought that he didn't want to cause any trouble for Microsoft, but in these economic times, there's also the threat that the rabble will decide that confiscatory taxation of the very wealthy would partially compensate for the fact that their own economic security has been shot to hell.

Anthony's Photo Anthony 16 Feb 2009

A wealthy individual could donate to the M-Foundation anonymously and still take it off his/her taxes. He/she could therefore donate significant amounts of money to SENS without risking any public disapproval.
Edited by Anthony, 16 February 2009 - 08:23 AM.