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KRatom and low dose Deprenyl Citrate. Cont...

leonine77's Photo leonine77 01 Apr 2008

Hi guys,

I’m trying to figure out if there would be any problems with me taking Liquid Deprenyl citrate and Kratom.

I take Kratom for chronic pain.

I know that both substances effect MAOIs somehow, but I’ve read that at low doses, Deprenyl wont cause nasty reactions with other substances that effect MAOIs (ie people whove taken low doses of Deprenyl alongside Lexapro, etc…)

Have any of you guys taken both etc… or read any accounts of people who did?

Thanks in advance for the info guys (and sorry about my crap communication skill on this post. I’ve got the flu L )

edward's Photo edward 01 Apr 2008

The idea of daily Kratom scares me a little bit. Personally the opiod system is one that I would rather not mess with. It seems to me you could get in a whole heap of trouble (biologically, though in other ways as well) messing with your natural opiate system by adding in something like Kratom daily. It seems to me that tolerance would develop, your natural opiods would lower as the external source took the place of the internal ones and thus the net effect in the end would be that your total opiate level would eventually, yes this might take awhile depending on your dose, (natural + external = your natural level before starting the opiod -> take your pick kratom or the likes of oxycontin). The only solution is escalating the dose and that is why there are so many heroin addicts that overdose.

Then again if you are in chronic pain then you may have no choice, but my question is, if you have medically diagnosed chronic pain then why aren't you on a standard pain med as opposed to a quasi legal herb that depending on the source is hardly consistent with regards to the strength per dose.

Unless there are some other life extending or nootropic benefits of kratom that I am unaware of (are there?) I think its discussion perhaps belongs more on Erowid as opposed to Imminst

01 Apr 2008

I am not familiar with Kratom but do have experience taking either DLPA or DPA for chronic pain and muscle tension problems.

DLPA helps prevent the breakdown of the endorphins and enkalaphlins which helps with chronic pain. I think that the d-form of phenylalanine works better for pain then the l-form (I have only seen the l-form sold in Europe though.) The d-form is sold separately in the USA and can be more expensive.

Now, I also think that taking Deprenyl and any phenylalanine product requires caution. And the thing with any form of DLPA or D-PA is that the lowest dose you can find is 500 mg.

I have tried this product by Oxylife Phenocane. This contains 75 mg. of DLPA and some other stuff like curcumin and bromelain. So if you find that a combo of Deprenyl and DLPA (in 500 mg. dose) causes you problems then you might try the Phenocane product for a lower dose.

But Barry and Irving Fox in their book DLPA for Chronic Pain and Depression recommend DLPA for chronic pain. You might consider this if the Kratom doesn't work for you.

Are you using the Deprenyl for life extension benefits or some other reason? You might consider taking a break from Deprenyl for a trial period to try either the Kratom or the DLPA. This might help you experience the benefits of either on its own.

rasmerack's Photo rasmerack 02 Apr 2008

SWIM has used Kratom for a 2 year period, daily, sometimes 3 times a day but normally 1-2. He has not had any particular health issues arise from this, and has recently quit kratom all together for a 3 month period. (but he is now using kratom again, albeit not nearly in the same frequency)

Tolerance does develop, and eventually little beneficial effects were noticed during his long use period. Taking it in large doses, SWIM noticed, is worthless and not in anyway fun. Driving while on kratom, regardless of amount, is dangerous and should not be done.

Attempting to quit around the 1 year mark, was rather difficult. Nothing extreme, but swim experienced typical minor opiate withdrawal symptoms: Fatigue, depression, restless legs syndrome / unable to sleep, excessive sleepiness, muscle aches. However, quitting this last time, swim found to be rather easy. Although SWIM had started taking Cymbalta, and had adderall on hand, and trazodone for sleep. He noticed an increase in inablity to get to sleep, due to RLS, but that was easily fixed with a theraputic dose of Robotussin Gel caps (DXM - dissociative, known to help relieve DXM symptoms, as well as opiate withdrawal and tolerance reversal). Some minor depression, but that was it.

He did notice, however, that the Kratom appeared to put his skin problem, rosacea w/ comorbid dermatitis, into complete remission. After discontinuing use, both returned completely. SWIM also noticed that Kratom, albeit losing it's mood boosting and motivational effects after a few months of use, did also seem to counteract the obssesive compulsive side effects of the adderall he began taking around the year mark of his K use. He noticed this because after the kratom discontinuation, he found himself very often getting "stuck" doing meaningless things for hours, and having extreme difficulty pulling himself out of those activities.

This is what SWIM experienced and does not suggest kratom can cure or relieve anything. However it is his belief that Kratom is not dangerous or unhealthy when used wisely; at least it was not for him.

SWIM has used Deprenyl, Cymbalta, Lexapro, wellbutrin, zoloft, modafinil, dlpa, tyrosine, adderall, trazodone, phenibut, piracetam, aniracetam, ephedra, and caffiene concurrently with Kratom on numerous occasions and did not notice any ill effects. He has NOT taken all mentioned subtances at the same time. However, everyone is different, no one experience will be the same as another.

leonine77's Photo leonine77 02 Apr 2008

Thanks guys!

I take the Kratom for pain issues. Occasionally it helps with drive and motivation, but it's really just to help me with pain. Definitley less mind numbing than opiates (ie codeine etc...). It's one of those situations where the pros outweigh the cons :)

Thanks for the info on Deprenyl and Kratom. I plan on taking a low dosage of the Deprenyl (1-2 mgs 3 times a week).

SWIM has used Kratom for a 2 year period, daily, sometimes 3 times a day but normally 1-2. He has not had any particular health issues arise from this, and has recently quit kratom all together for a 3 month period. (but he is now using kratom again, albeit not nearly in the same frequency)

Tolerance does develop, and eventually little beneficial effects were noticed during his long use period. Taking it in large doses, SWIM noticed, is worthless and not in anyway fun. Driving while on kratom, regardless of amount, is dangerous and should not be done.

Attempting to quit around the 1 year mark, was rather difficult. Nothing extreme, but swim experienced typical minor opiate withdrawal symptoms: Fatigue, depression, restless legs syndrome / unable to sleep, excessive sleepiness, muscle aches. However, quitting this last time, swim found to be rather easy. Although SWIM had started taking Cymbalta, and had adderall on hand, and trazodone for sleep. He noticed an increase in inablity to get to sleep, due to RLS, but that was easily fixed with a theraputic dose of Robotussin Gel caps (DXM - dissociative, known to help relieve DXM symptoms, as well as opiate withdrawal and tolerance reversal). Some minor depression, but that was it.

He did notice, however, that the Kratom appeared to put his skin problem, rosacea w/ comorbid dermatitis, into complete remission. After discontinuing use, both returned completely. SWIM also noticed that Kratom, albeit losing it's mood boosting and motivational effects after a few months of use, did also seem to counteract the obssesive compulsive side effects of the adderall he began taking around the year mark of his K use. He noticed this because after the kratom discontinuation, he found himself very often getting "stuck" doing meaningless things for hours, and having extreme difficulty pulling himself out of those activities.

This is what SWIM experienced and does not suggest kratom can cure or relieve anything. However it is his belief that Kratom is not dangerous or unhealthy when used wisely; at least it was not for him.

SWIM has used Deprenyl, Cymbalta, Lexapro, wellbutrin, zoloft, modafinil, dlpa, tyrosine, adderall, trazodone, phenibut, piracetam, aniracetam, ephedra, and caffiene concurrently with Kratom on numerous occasions and did not notice any ill effects. He has NOT taken all mentioned subtances at the same time. However, everyone is different, no one experience will be the same as another.


leonine77's Photo leonine77 02 Apr 2008

Totally forgot.
Thanks for the DLPA info.
I'm going to stick with Kratom. I'm definatley mildly physicaly addicted to it (one reason), but I get effects from very small doses (ie 4-5gm).

I actually ordered some MAgnesium from AOR that should arrive anytime, and that is supposed to be helpful for chronic pain issues, especially TMJ related ones; my problem is classified under the brand new ultr-header of TMJ, though my pain isn't confined to my jaw joint and the muscles of my jaw, temple, etc...