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ImmInst viral video contest

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#1 FieldMarshal

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 01:30 PM

What do you guys think of a viral video contest for ImmInst contest. Create a video on youtube and/or other video hosting sites promoting immortalism. Whoever gets the most views or redirected hits wins a pirze.

#2 Mind

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 04:09 PM

I like it. Needs some rules of course. Otherwise the sexiest (as in the most nearly nude people) video would win hands down - even if it had nothing to do with life extension.

#3 maestro949

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 05:49 PM

I like it. Needs some rules of course. Otherwise the sexiest (as in the most nearly nude people) video would win hands down - even if it had nothing to do with life extension.

Good thinking Mind. Clever idea to require all videos include most nearly nude people. :)

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#4 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 07:41 PM

Just putting this out there... but the one with the most nudity gets my view. :)

#5 Zans Mihejevs

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 09:46 PM

Otherwise the sexiest (as in the most nearly nude people) video would win hands down - even if it had nothing to do with life extension.

Ten days later, a new internet phenomena was born - naked fat kid promoting immortality.

Maybe have him sing "Die another day" by Madonna?

Seriously, I'd pay to see that.

Edited by Ceros, 06 May 2008 - 09:48 PM.

#6 Heliotrope

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 11:10 PM

I like it. Needs some rules of course. Otherwise the sexiest (as in the most nearly nude people) video would win hands down - even if it had nothing to do with life extension.

This may sound like a joke but... it has to do with LE

We need the nudity /sexual stuff for a video to go majorly VIRAL! Look at most of the top videos, they tap into human sexual desires.

Have a perfect girl looking immortal with Goddess-like body (or multipe girls , and guys too to attract the female viewers) and say something like "do you want rejuvenation? are you 40 yrs old and do you wanna look like me ? do you want me? chance at having a shot with the YOUNGER females? etc etc. Then you should consider immortality/rejuvenation/LE/SENS/conquer aging!" Here's how we can help you the viewer get the fantasy to become REALITY sometime in the future , simply go to imminst or view this other page/book/videos,

I guarantee it will go viral :) :) I'd almost bet my life on it, but the person in vid has to be ~perfect physically. VIRAL leading to more VIRAL, a spiral virtuous cycle.

Now that we've decided on a strategy, who has the hottest girlfriend on here and wouldn't mind sacrificing a little bit to uh umm . . "model" for us?

Edited by HYP86, 06 May 2008 - 11:46 PM.

#7 FieldMarshal

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Posted 07 May 2008 - 04:57 AM

I like it. Needs some rules of course. Otherwise the sexiest (as in the most nearly nude people) video would win hands down - even if it had nothing to do with life extension.

If it works, then what's the problem? Let's hold an open competition that lets us see how "different approaches" work.

#8 Heliotrope

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Posted 07 May 2008 - 05:19 AM

I like it. Needs some rules of course. Otherwise the sexiest (as in the most nearly nude people) video would win hands down - even if it had nothing to do with life extension.

This may sound like a joke but... it has to do with LE

We need the nudity /sexual stuff for a video to go majorly VIRAL! Look at most of the top videos, they tap into human sexual desires.

Have a perfect girl looking immortal with Goddess-like body (or multipe girls , and guys too to attract the female viewers) and say something like "do you want rejuvenation? are you 40 yrs old and do you wanna look like me ? do you want me? chance at having a shot with the YOUNGER females? etc etc. Then you should consider immortality/rejuvenation/LE/SENS/conquer aging!" Here's how we can help you the viewer get the fantasy to become REALITY sometime in the future , simply go to imminst or view this other page/book/videos,

I guarantee it will go viral :) :) I'd almost bet my life on it, but the person in vid has to be ~perfect physically. VIRAL leading to more VIRAL, a spiral virtuous cycle.

Now that we've decided on a strategy, who has the hottest girlfriend on here and wouldn't mind sacrificing a little bit to uh umm . . "model" for us?

this will work , if going viral is what you want, though some may view imminst in a negative light if the model used is not a clean cut, immortal looking goddess but rather like slut or something.

gotta be done in a tasteful way not showing much skin but also beautiful beyond words and attract peeps to peep on imminst/other sites

#9 Heliotrope

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Posted 07 May 2008 - 06:17 AM

what's the prize?

#10 FieldMarshal

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Posted 07 May 2008 - 10:34 PM

what's the prize?

How about free full membership, and $100

#11 Cyberbrain

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Posted 07 May 2008 - 11:09 PM

what's the prize?

How about free full membership, and $100

Free full membership sounds like a good prize

#12 niner

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Posted 08 May 2008 - 02:20 AM

I like it. Needs some rules of course. Otherwise the sexiest (as in the most nearly nude people) video would win hands down - even if it had nothing to do with life extension.

We need the nudity /sexual stuff for a video to go majorly VIRAL! Look at most of the top videos, they tap into human sexual desires.

Have a perfect girl looking immortal with Goddess-like body (or multipe girls , and guys too to attract the female viewers) and say something like "do you want rejuvenation? are you 40 yrs old and do you wanna look like me ? do you want me? chance at having a shot with the YOUNGER females? etc etc. Then you should consider immortality/rejuvenation/LE/SENS/conquer aging!" Here's how we can help you the viewer get the fantasy to become REALITY sometime in the future , simply go to imminst or view this other page/book/videos,

Am I the only one who thinks this is creepy? It sounds like something Scientologists would do.

#13 Cyberbrain

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Posted 08 May 2008 - 02:31 AM

Why are we making fun of this, this is a pretty good idea. I think the WTA had a similar thing. A video contest on youtube would encourage people to work together and would give us some good media on immortalism which we're desperately lacking.

#14 brokenportal

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Posted 29 December 2008 - 09:27 PM

This is a great idea, Im going to add it to the list of life extension exposure expedition projects "leeep" to get it in further development.

Alright, I just added the contest to line 39 here: http://docs.google.c...evision=_latest

We will want to move this to the wiki to make it official soon. I offered one copy of ending aging as a prize to get it started but it could use something more substantial if anybody wants to contribute.

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