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#1 Wonder9

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Posted 11 May 2008 - 10:51 PM

Dear all,

I am just about to order some Cialis and Levitra from Airsealed, but at $8.00 a box I wonder if it's to good to be true.
Any feedback and experience with Airsealed's generic Cialis or Levitra would be much welcome.

Thanks to all!

#2 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 11 May 2008 - 10:54 PM

Its $8 for four pills. Yes it is real, comes sealed in foil packs, good quality stuff.

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#3 mitkat

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Posted 11 May 2008 - 11:35 PM

Airsealed is very much the real deal! I've ordered from him many times to Canada with no problems.

#4 Wonder9

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 12:08 AM

Airsealed is very much the real deal! I've ordered from him many times to Canada with no problems.

One must wonder why Lily Labs, the original inventor of Cialis, is still in business? They sell Cialis at $80 a box, while airsealed sells a generic box for $8.00.

Woaaaa, I am ordering a few boxes of it as we speak:)

PS. Selegiline (Deprenyl) has made me outrageously horny but has totally killed my erection, so with Cialis I'll solve the problem: Horny and hard:)

#5 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 04:02 AM

They are still in business because their patent on tadalafil is protected in the United States. In other parts of the world, they have no respect for that sort of thing and will start churning out high quality generics at a fraction of the price as soon as a new drug comes out. That's why the pharmaceutical companies are pushing for legislation to restrict our ability to import prescription drugs, it circumvents their stranglehold on our bank accounts.

Edited by FunkOdyssey, 12 May 2008 - 04:03 AM.

#6 Wonder9

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 11:03 AM

They are still in business because their patent on tadalafil is protected in the United States. In other parts of the world, they have no respect for that sort of thing and will start churning out high quality generics at a fraction of the price as soon as a new drug comes out. That's why the pharmaceutical companies are pushing for legislation to restrict our ability to import prescription drugs, it circumvents their stranglehold on our bank accounts.

I've seen many news alerts regarding Indian and Chinese generics. Are these alerts warranted or are they just irresponsible news broadcasts? For example, I've seen many people complain about Modalert not being the same as Provigil in term of effects!

#7 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 12:17 PM

You picked a good example of a generic that does not seem to have the full effects of the original drug with Modalert, but its the only one I've ever heard of. People need to get it out of their head that Indian pharmaceuticals are substandard -- they are doing everything just as well as us these days for less money, that's why we outsource our IT there and, for those without adequate health insurance coverage (a rapidly increasing population), outsource serious medical procedures. I continue to be wary of anything coming out of China but India is another story. I don't know what you've seen on the news about Indian generics, but I have personally used at least 15+ different Indian generic medications and been completely satisfied. 'Do some research into these Indian pharmaceutical companies that produce drugs you are interested in, I think you'll be impressed with the size, scope and legitimacy of their operations. Don't be surprised if the FDA releases scare stories to try and stem the importation of prescription drugs, you are undermining them and threatening their funding when you don't support the US market drug companies that keep their lights on.

What is ironic is that there seem to be many people uncomfortable purchasing sealed, well-documented medications produced by legit pharmaceutical companies in India, but they have no problem downing unknown, untested white powders that come in huge drums from Chinese chemical factories. "WTF" comes to mind. :|w

Edited by FunkOdyssey, 12 May 2008 - 12:23 PM.

#8 Wonder9

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 09:22 PM

You picked a good example of a generic that does not seem to have the full effects of the original drug with Modalert, but its the only one I've ever heard of. People need to get it out of their head that Indian pharmaceuticals are substandard -- they are doing everything just as well as us these days for less money, that's why we outsource our IT there and, for those without adequate health insurance coverage (a rapidly increasing population), outsource serious medical procedures. I continue to be wary of anything coming out of China but India is another story. I don't know what you've seen on the news about Indian generics, but I have personally used at least 15+ different Indian generic medications and been completely satisfied. 'Do some research into these Indian pharmaceutical companies that produce drugs you are interested in, I think you'll be impressed with the size, scope and legitimacy of their operations. Don't be surprised if the FDA releases scare stories to try and stem the importation of prescription drugs, you are undermining them and threatening their funding when you don't support the US market drug companies that keep their lights on.

What is ironic is that there seem to be many people uncomfortable purchasing sealed, well-documented medications produced by legit pharmaceutical companies in India, but they have no problem downing unknown, untested white powders that come in huge drums from Chinese chemical factories. "WTF" comes to mind. :p

You make perfect sens! Anyway, I ordered the cialis and levitra. These are the kind of drug where you know within the hour
if you got screwed or not (no pun intended) :|w

#9 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 09:34 PM

Personally I think cialis is the best PDE-5 inhibitor because it is the most selective for PDE-5, and thus has the fewest side effects and requires the smallest dose. It also has a huge advantage in that it lasts 36 hours. I ran into a study suggesting that a small dose of cialis (5mg) could be taken daily as a prophylactic measure for improving vascular health, I'll see if I can find it. In an otherwise young/healthy individual, you will find that even 5mg has a substantial effect.

Edited by FunkOdyssey, 12 May 2008 - 09:35 PM.

#10 Wonder9

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 01:37 AM

Personally I think cialis is the best PDE-5 inhibitor because it is the most selective for PDE-5, and thus has the fewest side effects and requires the smallest dose. It also has a huge advantage in that it lasts 36 hours. I ran into a study suggesting that a small dose of cialis (5mg) could be taken daily as a prophylactic measure for improving vascular health, I'll see if I can find it. In an otherwise young/healthy individual, you will find that even 5mg has a substantial effect.

You seem to be very knowledgeable in this area, so maybe you can expain me why deprenyl has increase my libido but killed my erection? According to my research dopamine is vasoconstricting if you have too much of it, maybe that's what happen with me! is deprenyl compatible with cialis?

#11 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 01:44 AM

Many people react that way to stimulants, that is not an uncommon side effect. There's no reason deprenyl and cialis would be incompatible.

#12 Wonder9

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 02:59 AM

Many people react that way to stimulants, that is not an uncommon side effect. There's no reason deprenyl and cialis would be incompatible.

Thanks! The reason I asked is because cialis lowers BP and it is said that deprenyl can lower it or raise it.

#13 ww2w

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 12:56 PM

AirSealed ships it medicine from India to you. But are these medicines from India, especially Intas are really safe?

#14 mike250

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 02:50 PM

Airsealed is very much the real deal! I've ordered from him many times to Canada with no problems.

Canada is on their restricted list so how did you manage to order from them?

#15 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 04:32 PM

AirSealed ships it medicine from India to you. But are these medicines from India, especially Intas are really safe?

I'm not posting my standard long answer to this question anymore. The short answer is: "yes". Determine which manufacturer makes the Indian medication you are interested in, and then do your research.

#16 mitkat

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Posted 29 January 2009 - 05:00 PM

Airsealed is very much the real deal! I've ordered from him many times to Canada with no problems.

Canada is on their restricted list so how did you manage to order from them?

It's been a while since I ordered from them, it's possible what I bought wasn't on a list then or that it got missed by someone.

#17 planetjeffy

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 05:11 AM

Just got my letter from Airsealed today. It took 18 days from India to California. The Moneygram thing was a bit weird. Trying Deprenyl and Modalert for the first time - probably a little too late in the day. Cheap and quick. I'll let you know on the effectiveness over time. Thanks to everyone on this forum. I was too wary of doing this by mail until ready of everyone's experiences - with the supplier and the supplements.

#18 bgwithadd

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Posted 02 February 2009 - 08:23 AM

Your medicines virtually all come from India, anyway.

#19 Heliotrope

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Posted 02 February 2009 - 11:55 AM

Your medicines virtually all come from India, anyway.

probably even made by the very same pharms that sell you noot

#20 bgwithadd

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Posted 02 February 2009 - 09:29 PM

Yeah, I am pretty sure it's so.

BTW, I noticed they sell 10g of cialis for 83 bucks! Has anyone tried their bulk drugs? That comes out to...20 cents per 25mg dose? Assuming it's pure. I have never used that stuff but at that price maybe I'd pick it up and make it a daily low dose addition. PDE5 inhibitor is good stuff, even aside from the obvious use.

#21 Heliotrope

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 01:21 AM

Yeah, I am pretty sure it's so.

BTW, I noticed they sell 10g of cialis for 83 bucks! Has anyone tried their bulk drugs? That comes out to...20 cents per 25mg dose? Assuming it's pure. I have never used that stuff but at that price maybe I'd pick it up and make it a daily low dose addition. PDE5 inhibitor is good stuff, even aside from the obvious use.

I think so too. same difference .

why cialis , ED? assuming it's pure and good source. you may want to do 3rd party indie analysis. if sugar/salt/something or worse heavy metal /mercury.

becareful bg w/ add. wouldnt want to go thru chelation procedure

Edited by HYP86, 04 February 2009 - 01:24 AM.

#22 bgwithadd

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 07:54 AM

I was having some problem from vasoconstriction, but ED is not all it's good for. I am not too worried about impurities. It's easy to tell if something is the right powder, and since it's only 10g even a little elevated lead would be no big deal.

Actually, I don't know why people are so obsessed about it. Every fruit or grain you eat goes through processing or is grown in some other country these days. It's all global, and I would not be surprised to find contaminants in virtually all of our food supply to be honest.

For drugs or synthetic compounds, you are probably much better off than with things that are grown. They are all made in huge vats from specific processes that are hard to screw up and consume all the raw materials they use. For example if you have piracetam you can be pretty sure it's piracetam or else whatever was mixed in would settle out enough to become obvious. You can't just stack in some inositol and think no one will notice. All the powders look vaguely the same but really they are much different. Of course, shit happens and some parts might spill or you might get some weird pollutant in there but the ingredients going in are pretty benign, no worse than any food you eat and the process is simple so there's not a ton of reason to worry.

On the other hand, stuff like st. john's wort tends to come from cow pastures and who knows what's going on out in those fields. I worry a dozen times more about herb extracts than anything else, and if something comes from the ocean forget it. There's no such thing as products from the ocean that don't have mercury or PCB any more, period. Especially not products from predators like sharks.

I'd also be very leery of mineral supplements as metals don't become pure unles you put a lot of effort into assuring they are, and for most purposes metals are not all that pure. It's only for human consumption that they need to be.

I think I will try it. I'll have to get an american express card, though, so it won't be immediate.

#23 lynx

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 11:02 PM

Yeah, I am pretty sure it's so.

BTW, I noticed they sell 10g of cialis for 83 bucks! Has anyone tried their bulk drugs? That comes out to...20 cents per 25mg dose? Assuming it's pure. I have never used that stuff but at that price maybe I'd pick it up and make it a daily low dose addition. PDE5 inhibitor is good stuff, even aside from the obvious use.

Yes I have used their bulk tadalifil, mixed it in propylene glycol for dosing and it works just as you'd expect.

#24 bgwithadd

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 11:38 PM

Thanks, that eases my mind a lot.

#25 stayin_alive

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 01:15 AM

Yes I have used their bulk tadalifil, mixed it in propylene glycol for dosing and it works just as you'd expect.

Any reason why not just take the powder at 20 mg if you have a scale?

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#26 kilgoretrout

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Posted 12 August 2009 - 04:53 PM

I am VERY familiar with this drug from the pharmacy, so I know what I am talking about when I say:

Beware the tadalafil (cialis) bulk powder from airsealed. Product info claims nearly 100% purity, but 25mg (a strong dose in pill form from the pharmacy), did nothing. I tried up to 60mg will little or no effect. I am very familiar with the proper drug from my pharmacy and this ain't it. Or it is ancient and degraded. Or it is the powder meant to be pressed into pills with the added weight of binders, etc. Who knows. All I know is product seemed totally inert to me. I did not bother complaining to airsealed though figuring it was a lost cause.

Since then stayin_alive contacted me saying he had the same experience, and even bravely tried up to 200mg to absolutely zero effect.

There are also posts about their modafinil and probably other bulk powders as COMPLETELY INERT... who knows, they may even contain toxic substances or levels of lead, etc., other contaminants.

I hereby declare this outfit a SCAM! Avoid certainly their bulk powders. I have read that even their pre-pressed, blister-packed pills of some things are weak and/or highly variable in effect.

I emailed them, and they said to return it to the address on the shipping materials, which were discarded, so they sent me an address to return it to, when I demanded a refund. I will go ahead and send it back, but I seriously doubt I will see my $80 back. Rather crappy of them to demand I return it, when they certainly ought to know full well it is total bunk and their claims complete lies. They should should just check their records of my purchase and send the refund.

I will update if I ever actually do get my money back.

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