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Sirtuins role Metabolism, Aging, Gene Expression

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#1 chubtoad

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Posted 06 November 2003 - 11:34 PM

Source: The Wistar Institute
Date: 2003-11-06

Activity Detailed For Sirtuins, Involved In Metabolism, Aging, Gene Expression

PHILADELPHIA -- In recent years, scientists have learned that members of a family of enzymes known as sirtuins play critical roles in a wide array of vital life processes, including metabolism, aging, and gene expression. Some studies have shown that low-calorie diets that extend life also boost sirtuin activity dramatically, suggesting an intriguing link between metabolism and aging through sirtuins. And in September, a team of investigators found that a sirtuin-activating compound found in red wine increased the life span of yeast cells by more than two-thirds.
Humans have at least seven different sirtuins performing different tasks, and given the evident importance of the work they do, researchers have been trying to better understand how they function. Insights into their mode of action could represent early steps toward developing a novel class of drugs that might promote health in various ways.

Now, structural biologists at The Wistar Institute studying the role of sirtuins in gene expression – specifically in turning genes off – report new findings that significantly illuminate how sirtuins work. The results point to a mechanism of action likely to be general for the entire sirtuin enzyme family and may offer the beginnings of an explanation for how metabolism and aging may be linked through the mechanisms that control gene expression. The research is featured on the cover of the November issue of the journal Structure.

"We've known for some time that there is a connection between low-calorie diets and longevity," says Ronen Marmorstein, Ph.D., a professor in the Gene Expression and Regulation Program and senior author on the Structure study. "More and more, too, it looks like there is a real link between metabolism and gene expression. By providing a clearer picture of how sirtuins operate generally, our findings may begin to suggest how these three areas – metabolism, gene expression, and aging – intersect at the molecular level."

Using X-ray crystallography and other techniques of structural biology, Marmorstein and his group detailed the structure of a sirtuin from yeast while bound to two molecules associated with its biological function. One part of the sirtuin was bound to a derivative of a molecule called NAD, which has a pivotal responsibility in metabolism – it's needed to break down glucose. The other part of the sirtuin was bound to a specific site on a histone protein. Histones are primary players in controlling genes, and in this case the sirtuin Sir2 is the site of action for silencing gene expression.

"The sirtuins, whether we find them in bacteria, yeast, or humans, all rely on another molecule called NAD, required primarily for metabolism, to do their jobs," Marmorstein notes. "There's only so much NAD available at any given time, however, and if it's being used by the enzymes involved in metabolic processes, it may not be available to the sirtuins whose job it is to shut down unnecessary gene expression. The resulting unchecked genetic activity would expend needless energy, promote the production of genetic abnormalities, and may well be implicated in the aging process."

A related study, published by Marmorstein and coworkers in the October issue of the journal Nature Structural Biology, points not only to similarities among members of the sirtuin family, but also to how differences among them permit them to perform different tasks in different systems. While all sirtuins bind to NAD to do their jobs, their second binding site shows more variability and is likely responsible for the specificity of roles seen among the various sirtuins – each different sirtuin binds to a different target and carries out a different biological task.

#2 JonesGuy

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Posted 07 November 2003 - 01:44 AM

I like this article. First off, because it proposes a slightly new mechanism to aging. We need this, because we need many minds looking at the problem from many angles.

The second is because I was reading a Cell paper yesterday comparing mitochondrial ribosomes to bacterial ribosomes. The researchers noticed that the mt-ribosomes replaced some of the RNA with a whole bunch of protein. The theory was, the extra protein was needed to compensate for the lost RNA.

Strangely, it seemed to not be true. A lot of the extra protein included in the ribosome seemed to have no benefit - the same effects could be gotten with less protein.

This brings up the idea of how life would change if we could modify biological systems to be more efficient. I suspect, calorie wise, a great deal of energy is spent transcribing genes that don't need to be transcribed. (though you'll never see me tampering with a person until we have MUCH more information).

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#3 kevin

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Posted 10 November 2003 - 06:35 PM

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Link: http://www.eurekaler...i-adf103003.php
Date: 11-04-03
Franklin Hoke -br-
hoke@wistar.upenn.edu -br-
ph 215-898-3716
Source: The Wistar Institute
Title: Activity detailed for sirtuins, involved in metabolism, aging, gene expression
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Activity detailed for sirtuins, involved in metabolism, aging, gene expression
PHILADELPHIA -- In recent years, scientists have learned that members of a family of enzymes known as sirtuins play critical roles in a wide array of vital life processes, including metabolism, aging, and gene expression. Some studies have shown that low-calorie diets that extend life also boost sirtuin activity dramatically, suggesting an intriguing link between metabolism and aging through sirtuins. And in September, a team of investigators found that a sirtuin-activating compound found in red wine increased the life span of yeast cells by more than two-thirds.

Humans have at least seven different sirtuins performing different tasks, and given the evident importance of the work they do, researchers have been trying to better understand how they function. Insights into their mode of action could represent early steps toward developing a novel class of drugs that might promote health in various ways.

Now, structural biologists at The Wistar Institute studying the role of sirtuins in gene expression – specifically in turning genes off – report new findings that significantly illuminate how sirtuins work. The results point to a mechanism of action likely to be general for the entire sirtuin enzyme family and may offer the beginnings of an explanation for how metabolism and aging may be linked through the mechanisms that control gene expression. The research is featured on the cover of the November issue of the journal Structure.

"We've known for some time that there is a connection between low-calorie diets and longevity," says Ronen Marmorstein, Ph.D., a professor in the Gene Expression and Regulation Program and senior author on the Structure study. "More and more, too, it looks like there is a real link between metabolism and gene expression. By providing a clearer picture of how sirtuins operate generally, our findings may begin to suggest how these three areas – metabolism, gene expression, and aging – intersect at the molecular level."

Using X-ray crystallography and other techniques of structural biology, Marmorstein and his group detailed the structure of a sirtuin from yeast while bound to two molecules associated with its biological function. One part of the sirtuin was bound to a derivative of a molecule called NAD, which has a pivotal responsibility in metabolism – it's needed to break down glucose. The other part of the sirtuin was bound to a specific site on a histone protein. Histones are primary players in controlling genes, and in this case the sirtuin Sir2 is the site of action for silencing gene expression.

"The sirtuins, whether we find them in bacteria, yeast, or humans, all rely on another molecule called NAD, required primarily for metabolism, to do their jobs," Marmorstein notes. "There's only so much NAD available at any given time, however, and if it's being used by the enzymes involved in metabolic processes, it may not be available to the sirtuins whose job it is to shut down unnecessary gene expression. The resulting unchecked genetic activity would expend needless energy, promote the production of genetic abnormalities, and may well be implicated in the aging process."

A related study, published by Marmorstein and coworkers in the October issue of the journal Nature Structural Biology, points not only to similarities among members of the sirtuin family, but also to how differences among them permit them to perform different tasks in different systems. While all sirtuins bind to NAD to do their jobs, their second binding site shows more variability and is likely responsible for the specificity of roles seen among the various sirtuins – each different sirtuin binds to a different target and carries out a different biological task.

The lead author on the Structure study is Kehao Zhao, Ph.D., of The Wistar Institute. Xiaomei Chai, also at Wistar, is a coauthor. Funding to support the research was provided by the National Institutes of Health and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The Wistar Institute is an independent nonprofit biomedical research institution dedicated to discovering the causes and cures for major diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, and infectious diseases. Founded in 1892 as the first institution of its kind in the nation, The Wistar Institute today is a National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center – one of only eight focused on basic research. Discoveries at Wistar have led to the development of vaccines for such diseases as rabies and rubella, the identification of genes associated with breast, lung, and prostate cancer, and the development of monoclonal antibodies and other significant research technologies and tools.

News releases from The Wistar Institute are available to reporters by direct e-mail or fax upon request. They are also posted electronically to Wistar's home page (http://www.wistar.upenn.edu), to EurekAlert! (http://www.eurekalert.org), an Internet resource sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

#4 kevin

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Posted 19 February 2004 - 10:42 PM

Link: http://www.sciencema...tract/1094637v1

An excellent finding on the activity of Sir2 in mammalian cells. It seems that stress resistance is increased via insulin regulated metabolic pathways that are also activated via caloric restriction (and likely resveratrol). Very cool.

Published online February 19, 2004

Stress-Dependent Regulation of FOXO Transcription Factors by the SIRT1 Deacetylase

The Sir2 deacetylase modulates organismal lifespan in various species. However, the molecular mechanisms by which Sir2 increases longevity are largely unknown. We show that in mammalian cells, the Sir2 homologue SIRT1 appears to control the cellular response to stress by regulating FOXO transcription factors, a family of proteins that function as sensors of the insulin signaling pathway and as regulators of organismal longevity. SIRT1 and the FOXO transcription factor FOXO3 formed a complex in cells in response to oxidative stress and SIRT1 deacetylated FOXO3 in vitro and within cells. SIRT1 had a dual effect on FOXO3 function: SIRT1 increased FOXO3's ability to induce cell cycle arrest and resistance to oxidative stress but inhibited FOXO3's ability to induce cell death. Thus, one way in which members of the Sir2 family of proteins may increase organismal longevity is by tipping FOXO-dependent responses away from apoptosis and toward stress resistance.

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#5 kevin

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 06:48 AM

Link to Abstract: http://www.sciencema...tract/1099196v1

Calorie Restriction Promotes Mammalian Cell Survival by Inducing the SIRT1 Deacetylase
Haim Y. Cohen 1, Christine Miller 1, Kevin J. Bitterman 1, Nathan R. Wall 1, Brian Hekking 1, Benedikt Kessler 1, Konrad T. Howitz 2, Myriam Gorospe 3, Rafael de Cabo 4, David A. Sinclair 1*

A major cause of aging is thought to result from the cumulative effects of cell loss over time. In yeast, caloric restriction (CR) delays aging by activating the Sir2 deacetylase. Here we show that expression of mammalian Sir2 (SIRT1) is induced in CR rats as well as in human cells that are treated with serum from these animals. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) attenuated this response. SIRT1 deacetylates the DNA repair factor Ku70, causing it to sequester the pro-apoptotic factor Bax away from mitochondria, thereby inhibiting stress-induced apoptotic cell death. Thus, CR could extend life-span by inducing SIRT1 expression and promoting the long-term survival of irreplaceable cells. (that is until regeneration makes it possible to replace them! -KP)


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