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Web Linked Data Bank

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#1 Lazarus Long

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Posted 07 November 2003 - 02:49 PM

I think it would be very useful for us to create an ongoing list of general hyperlinks to all types of medical studies, libraries, encyclopedias etc.

Here is one I found on BBC that is very comprehensive, Of course there is WEB MD and I think we should also encourage homeopathic and herbal as well as alternative methodologies be included but distinctly categorized.

I suggest that this is an area where the more the better and let all those interested in the information understand that the choice is yours and our job is to maximize available information in the most objective manner possible.

Posted Image
Medical notes
Links to the BBC News Online medical notes library.
Click on any of them to find out more about your chosen topic.



Consider this the beginning of a web based Medical library without bias. One that endeavors to make available all levels of complexity of information from the most arcane to the most mundane, from historical analysis to cutting edge research. Let us create a "webplex nodal station" that can fast portal a reader to anywhere around the world's great libraries and Institutional data-banks that they desire to visit.

We should make this topic thread totally open, included as a resource available to all members free & full. Students, members visitors, and scientists should be encouraged to share all your favorite links and by this manner facilitate the crosschecking necessary to validate and explore the maximum number of possibilities in the least amount of time whether you are investigating an issue academically or as a desperate patient seeking to understand the condition that afflicts you.

After your links are posted we will take a bit of time to analyze the quality of those links and the leadership might take the time to "rate them" and I am open to discussing a multi-track rating system that establishes parameters for caliber, character, and category of information

Online Medical Dictionary

The New England Journal of Medicine

Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body

JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association

Web MD Medical Encyclopedia

#2 Bruce Klein

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Posted 07 November 2003 - 02:59 PM

we have one.. just not easily accessable.. i'm going to bring back the dropdown tabs on the main link.. and may add this again:


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#3 Lazarus Long

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Posted 07 November 2003 - 03:45 PM

That menu option is good but is too broad. I think the point of this particular thread is to stay on focused on medical aspects, definition of specific disease, what we know and suspect about them, the history of medicine, and what are all available treatment regimens from the most available "over the counter" and alternative approaches to Standard and Proven Methods, as well as cutting edge research programs underway seeking possible volunteers.

I think people that come to us should be able to educate themselves as efficiently as possible in order to more quickly find avenues in ways that meet their personal demands. The link you propose is very broad and covers many categories what I am seeking is something focus on medicine in general and treatments in particular but from an investigative perspective rather than a single site approach.

This again is an application of web technology to build a broader but focused library. It should link to other groups like the PLOS, online Medical Libraries and even University hospital networks but not specific articles. Let the investigator determine the level of depth, sophistication, and breadth of study they wish to commit to but let us provide links to as many sources as we can effectively present in as organized a manner as possible.

#4 ddhewitt

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Posted 07 November 2003 - 04:50 PM


Perhaps as a spin off of the references section of the book we can do something along these lines.


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#5 Lazarus Long

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Posted 07 November 2003 - 05:23 PM

Please do Duane.

I do see the efforts as complimentary not mutually exclusive. Yours references will be both more specific and cover a broader area of topics but you will also encounter many examples of the types of database access that I am suggesting for this specific focus.

The link BJ proposes up there is good in a different way for those that want to cover the broader set of categories covered by it with a similar "Hyper-library".

My goal is in some sense the opposite of what you are about to do in that you are to winnow it down to specific citations but I want this to be a place that in the future you would click to like Google to start your research.

What I want is to get past the overly broad aspect of electronic searches that produces thousands and millions of hits for a result and cull out the best for immediate access.

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