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Would this interactive bulleted projects list idea expedite projects?

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 05:02 AM

Do you think that this interactive bulleted list should be investigated as to how it can be created and then implemented here at imminst?

The formatting in imminst doesn’t allow for indentations on the bulleting and sub bulleting which will make the following link confusing if you don’t know what I mean. The link is an example of the bulleted list.


I think we should, if it can be made, have a page in imminst that members can add to and work with to plot out project ideas from beginning to conclusion. It would need to be a lot like an interactive Microsoft Word document. A lot of people tell me that that’s what a forum is, but it cant be done effectively in traditional forum format.

As one of a million possible examples, Im putting the following membership drive bullet list together on the spot, (cant use bullets here, have to use dashes) see how easy it is to put together an idea like this? Maybe Im just being naïve or obvious or something. To me it seems to make it ultra easy for anybody to step in and progress any given project, expand one, or make one.

Membership drive
--Get 100 imminst members to pledge to get 20 recruits by the end of the year
------get participants to add their name here
------get participants to add the name of each of their new recruits under their name
----------recruiter a
------------------recruit 1
------------------recruit 2 (etc, same for all, persons a, b, c, continued)
----------recruiter b
------------------recruit 1
------------------recruit 2
----------recruiter c (and so on)
------------------recruit 1
------------------recruit 2
----post a topic requesting recruiters, with a link to this member ship drive list in the forums,
----pm people who don’t respond to that topic, individually, to ask them if they want to sign up
----------get 3 people to help pm people until we reach 100
------------------pmer help 1
------------------pmer help 2
------------------pmer help 3
----poll members to consider adding an incentives system to this idea,
----------add suggestions for an incentives idea here
------------------put a top ten recruiters list in people profiles.
----------once 5 or more suggestions are reached then the following person will create the poll
------------------(sign up here to create the poll when 5 or more are reached, 1 person need only sign up)

Then you can examine any project list like this in your free time and contemplate ways of maybe adding in bulleted options that could help speed it up, you could add a part for maybe, getting each member to get at least one of them to become a paying member, you could sign up for any names like the last option that ask for somebody to take on that part of it, or whatever seems feasible .

#2 eldar

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 11:40 AM

Couldn't this be done easily with a wiki page, perhaps linked to from imminst frontpage?

#3 Matthias

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 09:02 PM


Yes, the Wiki is a good tool to support projects like this.
Now you need directors who like this idea.

Edited by Matthias, 24 May 2008 - 09:12 PM.

#4 Mind

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 10:13 PM

Members should be able to edit the Wiki.

#5 brokenportal

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Posted 26 May 2008 - 12:51 AM

Hmm, this is great, this wikipedia option for this.

Ill work with it and see what happens.

I think it would be a tremendously efficient way to recruit volunteers to get more projects worked through to conclusion.

Any ideas on this? It may be an big advantage to be able to embed parts of the list where you want, for exposure to them but maybe not.

#6 brokenportal

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Posted 04 June 2008 - 08:55 PM

Me and ceth have been investigating this. Zoho has document sharing that can be embeded but you have to hand bullet everything after the first sub bullet.

Google docs can be bulleted but theres no way we can see to embed it.

Ceth is saying wiki looks the best, you cant embed it, but you dont have to sign up to edit it either. The other draw back of wiki is that if you want to bullet something you have to put coding in to bullet it.

Any ideas? Comments? Does anybody know of a document share program that has bulleting and is embedable?

The point of the whole thing is to make it directly accessable for adding to the bulleting of the list or adding your name as the volunteer to execute a task for any of the outlined projects. Anything less than that would make it exponentially less productive. With the right recruiting, advertising, placing etc.. of a bullet list like that I think it would be extremely productive.

Ill be investigating wiki and document sharing all day today. Respond here, PM me or respond to me in the ustream chat box. I dont know the link here but the one on my page is myspace.com/uneed2balifeextensionist If you have a myspace page then let me know and I can help you get minds immortality update braodcast and chat box embeded on your page.

#7 thughes

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Posted 18 July 2008 - 03:04 PM

The other draw back of wiki is that if you want to bullet something you have to put coding in to bullet it.

"*" should be translated as a bullet, "**" as a sub-point, etc, so there isn't much in the way of coding.

I'd go with the wiki, we probably don't need yet another place for people to go. If this ever gets underway, I'd suggest putting the wiki in the top link bar.

Edited by thughes, 18 July 2008 - 03:05 PM.

#8 brokenportal

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 04:36 AM

To anybody who sees the promise in what a bulleted projects list like this could do, Im going to try starting a project team for us to find a program that works for this thats cost efficient. If your interested and or not quite sure what Im talking about but still want to get in on it then let me know and Ill explain it to you and get you going with it.

Im taking 3 volunteers, anybody who wants to join this project then pm me. The team will be us 4 people and we will schedule a time to meet in the ustream chat room, probably once a week to discuss this and figure out who wants to do what and then we'll meet to report on our findings and progress, and develop plans and all that. What do you say? Anybody? Lets give this a shot. I have a ton of confindence in this plan. I really think it would be worth your time.

The other draw back of wiki is that if you want to bullet something you have to put coding in to bullet it.

"*" should be translated as a bullet, "**" as a sub-point, etc, so there isn't much in the way of coding.

I'd go with the wiki, we probably don't need yet another place for people to go. If this ever gets underway, I'd suggest putting the wiki in the top link bar.

As far as the wiki goes, thats a good idea and it is workable and all, but one of the main inspirations for this list was me sitting there brainstorming for a long long time what exactly it would take to cut through all the strings and get straight to the simplest easiest most straightforward way to expedite life extension, and a little hitch like the wiki coding, even though it is simple, would take that element out of it I think. And the simplicity is the essence of the project. I know its just a little hitch, but think of how if a great concept is set up in a web site so that you have to go just two clicks away to get to where you need to go, it usually decreases the traffic of the web site dramaticly. I think wiki would do that to this and so Im going to try this team to find a good document sharing program that costs money and create a persuasive proposal to the board to go for it and or work out a plan to raise the funds for it.

#9 lightowl

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Posted 21 August 2008 - 05:13 PM

I think your bulletin idea is great. It would be quite simple to implement something basic like that. We could then extend it further as things progress.

I think it would be helpful if we could plug into the current members database to handle privileges, but I suspect it might also make it much harder to get something started quickly. Would you be willing to put together a list of previous topics about this idea and perhaps a mock-up screen? I can then put forward a proposal for a database structure. Then its just a matter of some coding to get it going.

Another idea. The forum software already have a topic tracing system. If that system could be advertised so a lot of people use it. We could use the statistics from that usage to identify suggestions and projects that people are interested in? We could modify the system slightly to allow for people to publish optionally what topics they are tracking. That way it would be possible for project organizers to identify potential volunteers and reach out to get them involved.

#10 brokenportal

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Posted 21 August 2008 - 08:32 PM

By mock up screen are you talking about creating a page with projects and key topics around imminst for people to go to? Thats an idea.

Your talking about a topic tracing system in the forums here right? That could work well in here if advertised.

As for a bulleted list though Im talking about a seperate document sharing program. It would be like a microsoft word document, the key things it needs are

-embed ability
-bullet indefinently,

It would also then need some things idiosyncratic to it. Those things would surface as the programming took shape.

Some things for instance may be that it needs to be open to anybody to add to it, but because of that it would need a security measure where if somebody erased everything on it that you could go to a back up that is automatically created every 4 hours or something. The list of projects would grow as anybody who wanted to went in there and added them. Then when you click on a project a bulleted list would drop down under neath it with things you can do to help progress it. You can then add to it or add your name as the person volunteering to do the task.

The programming would get pretty complicated to cover a host of issues with in it. Although once done, it would make organizing and getting projects growing and completed simple and as efficient as they could possibly be. It would from what I can see, truly be a magical bullet for cutting through to the heart of the problem and getting them done.

#11 brokenportal

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Posted 16 October 2008 - 12:31 AM

Im building a list of projects that Im working with in this bullet list format.

Im building it in google docs. Please check it out and try to get the hang of it, work with it, let me know what you think. If you want to work with it send me your email address and Ill add you as a collaborator to the document.

As this list develops, and I build and complete projects with in it, it will help to take enough shape for us to see what a general list of everything, that everybody would use would look like and need. This google doc is the general idea of it, although it will need things like possibily, an index with the bulleted points for it in a drop down list, it will need certain parts to be certain colors or something similar so it is easier to find exactly what your looking for with in.

Here is the link: http://docs.google.c...bppf5_5f2ncg3c7

participation, questions, comments, criticisms are needed

#12 brokenportal

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Posted 22 November 2008 - 10:52 PM

A bunch of us have been working with this and its turning into more and more of an action machine. If you can help evolve it and expand the projects and join in on teams that are working with it then let us know here and somebody will get a hold of you.

There have been concerns about how to find stuff in there so we have updated it a bit and will be updating it a bit more in that direction as we get more help in different areas. From here we need to start listing names next to who is interested in focusing in on what number, and then we will get small meetings centered around them going from there.

Its not ready for everybody to get involved yet, but a few more people are needed, probably between 7 and 15. Some of the projects are going to need to be merged and sorted a little bit.

So pm me and we'll meet on this.

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