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Colostrinin vs Cognitex vs Ortho-Mind

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#1 samcortex

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Posted 13 June 2008 - 11:37 PM


I am a university student and need more energy, higher memory performance and more alertness. I am getting ready for the final exams and I need alertness and more energy plus concentration!
I read many many articles/reviews about nootropics but experience is what I am after here.
Colostrinin vs Cognitex vs Ortho-Mind? Please talk about your experiences! If you know a better product please let me know.
I know Modafinil works but I am after some products with long term effects and less side effects in general.
I read many good things about Colostrinin but never heard of someone had any experience with the product (CogniSure). I read Ortho-Mind has some side effects like sleepiness which is the worst side effect ever for me and Cognitex is the child of advertisement.

Please help me find the right product for me.

#2 Ben

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Posted 14 June 2008 - 04:24 AM

I've never taken any of them preferring to try a single chemical first before I decide to stack a whole lot of them together. This helps to narrow down what works for you and what doesn't.

If you want specific experiences for those products or their constituents I would suggest scrolling up and having a look at the buttons just below the imminst banner. Ok. Now press search and type the name of the chemical/product then press enter. There's a wealth of experiences that have already been shared.

#3 VampIyer

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Posted 14 June 2008 - 07:31 AM

I'm going to agree.

I made my own batch of something similar to ortho-mind. It took me a while to figure out that the bacopa content would make me more drowsy during the day (taken at night now). Other than that the formula was fine.

Unfortunately I've never tried any of those products.

I think the following are easy/common to use longterm with results: alpha-GPC + cdp choline, acetyl L-carnitine, vinpocetine, huperzine A, ginkgo, Sodium/potassium R-alpha-lipioc-acid

Maybe add Sulbutiamine and a 'racetam if you're feeling adventurous.

#4 Zoroaster

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Posted 14 June 2008 - 09:09 AM

I'm going to agree.

I made my own batch of something similar to ortho-mind. It took me a while to figure out that the bacopa content would make me more drowsy during the day (taken at night now). Other than that the formula was fine.

Unfortunately I've never tried any of those products.

I think the following are easy/common to use longterm with results: alpha-GPC + cdp choline, acetyl L-carnitine, vinpocetine, huperzine A, ginkgo, Sodium/potassium R-alpha-lipioc-acid

Maybe add Sulbutiamine and a 'racetam if you're feeling adventurous.

I would say a racetam should be part of the base of any stack since Piracetam is the original noot that started it all, plus its been shown in study after study to be effective. But you build up tolerance to both Sulbutiamine and Huperzine-A fairly quickly and neither should be taken every day. In fact both could have fairly deleterious effects if taken long-term on a daily basis. Be careful before giving recommendations like this. Also, all the new research shows pretty clearly that Ginkgo does nothing for a healthy young mind.

But I would agree that making your own stack is preferable (and cheaper) than using any combination product. Plus it gives you the flexibility to include only what you want. Just buy the bulk powders, multiply the amounts you want in a serving by 25 or 50, put it all in a ziplock bag, mix it up really well, and then use a Cap em quick to put them all in gel caps. It takes a little while but you only have to do it once a month.

#5 samcortex

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Posted 14 June 2008 - 10:16 AM

I read many of your articles/posts and it seems starting with ortho-core + Piracetam + alpha-GPC and acetyl L-carnitine which seems to be a good starting point. Just have some questions:
But what about Colostrinin? Did anyone try it? Is it possible to cimbine it with the above items?
Does Piracetam make the mind cloudy? I need to be extremely sharp all the time. Is it safe to use Piracetam? Are other the same or more potent or newer products like Aniracetam or Phenylpiracetam or Oxiracetam safer to be taken especially about the cloudy mind? Is there a way to prevent cludy mind?

#6 Zoroaster

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Posted 15 June 2008 - 01:10 AM

I read many of your articles/posts and it seems starting with ortho-core + Piracetam + alpha-GPC and acetyl L-carnitine which seems to be a good starting point. Just have some questions:
But what about Colostrinin? Did anyone try it? Is it possible to cimbine it with the above items?
Does Piracetam make the mind cloudy? I need to be extremely sharp all the time. Is it safe to use Piracetam? Are other the same or more potent or newer products like Aniracetam or Phenylpiracetam or Oxiracetam safer to be taken especially about the cloudy mind? Is there a way to prevent cludy mind?

Actually, I think the consensus from all of us who have posted so far is that ortho-core isn't worth it. There was a topic specifically about orth-core recently and most people seemed to agree that it really wasn't worth the cost. Same story with Cognitex. Its ingredients aren't terrible but you can buy a months worth of everything in it for half the price. And some of the ingredients aren't really top shelf noots anyway and probably aren't things you'd need to buy if you purchased your stuff individually.

And I don't know where you got the idea that Piracetam causes a cloudy mind. Of course there are some people for whom it doesn't seem to work, and there are others who experience intolerable side effects, one of which could be a cloudy mind in some people. But if the nootropic effects work for you then you shouldn't have a problem with a cloudy mind. Quite the opposite. And people seem to respond differently to the various racetams so its hard to know ahead of time which will work best for you. You'll just have to experiment. Most people start with Piracetam. If you're capping your own mixture you might want to consider Oxiracetam since the doses are far smaller and easier to cap.

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