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Choline and DMAE in a new energy drink

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#1 Leo

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 10:44 AM

From http://www.dallasnew...s.5916bcdd.html


A "think drink" (isn't the IQ at the end cute?) that has no caffeine or processed sugar. The beverage maker claims mental focus comes from the Russian roots Rhodiola and Eleuthero and two "brain nutrients" -- choline and DMAE. It's then sweetened with agave nectar and citrus extracts. The 8.4-ounce can has 80 calories and 20 grams of sugar.

THE DIETITIANS SAY: This drink does include a lot of natural ingredients. Agave nectar is basically "honey from a cactus." Choline is found in eggs and has been shown to benefit people with dementia, but there has been little research on whether it can help people whose memories are intact, she says. Rhodiola root and Eleuthero may help speed up the conversion of food to energy, but the studies are mixed.

THE TESTERS SAY: One said the somewhat grapefruit-juice-like Brain Toniq had an "absolutely dreadful taste," but another one found it "thirst-quenching." One suggested it could be good with vodka.

Ingredients: http://www.braintoni...ingredients.php

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#2 Rags847

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 12:00 PM

Danger! Lawsuits against the new generation of energy drinks -> End of over-the-counter supplements being legal -> Doctor's perscription for everything we now take.

#3 Leo

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 04:45 PM

Danger! Lawsuits against the new generation of energy drinks -> End of over-the-counter supplements being legal -> Doctor's perscription for everything we now take.

Yeah it seems that's about to happpen in Canada. Read this:

Vitamin C Is About To Be Made Illegal In Canada! Nutritional Supplements Banned In Canada! Bill C-51

By John Freeman Sr

Jun 7, 2008

So you want to take Vitamin C, how about if it was illegal to take that vitamin C, what if it was so illegal that you could be thrown in jail for up to 2 years and fined up to $5,000,000! Sounds like fiction doesn't it?

Well it's about to become reality unless people become aware of what is going on. The Canadian Government is trying to pass a bill known as Bill C51. This bill has already passed its second reading and it is flying under the radar, it is very close to becoming law and some powers that be DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW! This bill would give entire control of supplements over to drug companies by only allowing MDs to "Prescribe" them as they see fit. Of course we know here in this country the government controls the doctors and the pharmaceutical companies tell the government what laws they want inorder to make more profit. What this means is that if you want to take a multivitamin or some Omega-3, you have to book an appointment with your doctor, go in and try to convince your doctor that you are in need of these supplements. If you doctor doesn't approve or better yet decides a certain drug would be better off for you then you unfortunately won't have access to your supplements anymore.

On top of this the entire natural supplement industry will collapse on itself, thousands of jobs will be lost and even more stress will be placed on our already crumbing over-stressed medical system. Imagine waiting over a month to get in to see your MD just to request if you can take some oregano oil for a cold that has now come and past, only to have your request denied anyway.

The irony of all this is that MDs who are NOT trained in the use of herbs and supplements for the most part will have full control over what you can and CANNOT TAKE. To summarize:

- No More Supplement Stores!

- Supplements are made illegal unless obtained through a prescription and 70% of all current supplements on the market will be removed!

- Prices for obtainable supplements will be higher than they are currently due to the monopolization, and being made into prescriptions!

- Restrict research and development of safe natural alternatives in favor of high risk drugs!

- Punish Canadians with little or no opportunity for protection or recourse for simply speaking about or giving a natural product without the approval of government!

- Fines of up to $5,000,000.00 and/or seek 2 years in jail per incident of being caught breaking any of these newly implemented laws. This includes USING OR SELLING SUPPLEMENTS WITHOUT GOVERNMENT APPROVAL!


No More Vitamin C, No More Omega-3, No More Oregano Oil, No More Natural Multivitamins, No more natural sleep aids, NO MORE HERBS, VITAMINS, MINERALS. No more choice in what YOU want to do for YOUR HEALTH!

It has been said that these kinds of actions were the first things to happen before the NAZIs gained power. Even if you aren't interested in taking supplements yourself, you should realize that these kinds of actions are leading our society away from democracy and into some kind of dictatorship run government where people are losing their personal power and allowing the government to do anything they want.

Some rumors surrounding bill C-51 is that it is being pushed ahead by pharmaceutical company funding that want complete control of the supplement market by making them prescription only. It's ALL ABOUT THE MONEY! They're VERY interested in you taking supplements, because if you do odds are less likely you'll need THEIR DRUGS. On top of this rumor has it that the Canadian minister of health himself has very large investments in pharmaceutical companies, further backing Bill C-51 so he himself can profit from it! The worst part is he is going out and telling the ill informed that it is in their best interests. People out there need to know the truth!


#4 Mind

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 04:53 PM

The Pharmaceutical conspiracy angle is interesting, however, they don't make much money off of drugs in Canada (so say media reports) because of the nationalized health care system. If they were interested in more profits you would think they would be targeting legislation in the U.S. where they have more to gain.

In any case, C51 is a terrible precedent to be set (Canadian members please help us all out!). It is especially bad for longevity advocates because so many new supps and other treatments are "experimental". Going through government approval and prescriptions new treatments (or even for things as trivial as vitamin C) will add unnecessary delay and cost lives.

#5 Mind

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 04:54 PM

Neuro Fuel and Brain TonIQ will end up testing the regs here in the U.S. I have my fingers crossed in hopes they will pass. Otherwise bye-bye to all noos (except through prescription).

#6 mentatpsi

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 10:01 PM

Neuro Fuel and Brain TonIQ will end up testing the regs here in the U.S. I have my fingers crossed in hopes they will pass. Otherwise bye-bye to all noos (except through prescription).

Don't talk like that Mind :p. lol

Edited by mysticpsi, 24 June 2008 - 10:03 PM.

#7 protoject

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Posted 05 November 2009 - 03:21 AM

I know I'm bumping an old post here, but, can anybody direct me to any specific details in C-51 that make it so bad? [in the bill itself, not some article talking about the bill[. I didn't read the entire thing but read a few pages of it. Maybe the alarmist has reason to be freaking out and I just didn't read into the bill enough. From what I picked up from it it seemed more concerned about stuff like BZP and TFMPP and illegitimate chemical companies selling stuff to people on the internet.

#8 protoject

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Posted 05 November 2009 - 03:32 AM

[wait, i think it's now bill C-6...

#9 Leukippos

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Posted 04 December 2009 - 05:28 AM

From http://www.dallasnew...s.5916bcdd.html


A "think drink" (isn't the IQ at the end cute?) that has no caffeine or processed sugar. The beverage maker claims mental focus comes from the Russian roots Rhodiola and Eleuthero and two "brain nutrients" -- choline and DMAE. It's then sweetened with agave nectar and citrus extracts. The 8.4-ounce can has 80 calories and 20 grams of sugar.

I drink this whenever I find it! 8 ^ D

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