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Article: Hoping Two Drugs Carry a Side Effect: Longer Life

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#1 DaffyDuck

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 03:53 PM

Article from the New York Times

BOSTON, Mass. — One day last month, clad in white plastic garments from head to toe, Dr. David Sinclair showed a visitor around his germ-free mouse room here at Harvard Medical School.

The mice, subjects in studies of health and longevity, are kept in wire baskets under intensive nursing care. A mouse gym holds a miniature exercise machine that tests the rodents' ability to balance on a rotating bar. In a nearby water maze, mice must recall visual cues to swim to safety on a hidden platform, a test of their powers of memory. Those that forget their lessons are rescued as they start to submerge and humanely dried out under a heat lamp, Dr. Sinclair assured his visitor.

Dr. Sinclair is a co-founder of Sirtris, a company that itself has been swimming in uncharted waters as it works to develop drugs that may extend the human life span. But it seemed to have found a safe platform last month when it was bought last month by the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline for $720 million.

Sirtris has two drugs in clinical trials. One is being tested against Type 2 diabetes, one of the many diseases of aging that the company's scientists hope the drugs will avert. With success against just one such disease, the impact on health "could be possibly transformational," said Dr. Patrick Vallance, head of drug discovery at GlaxoSmithKline.

The new drugs are called sirtuin activators, meaning that they activate an enzyme called sirtuin. The basic theory is that all or most species have an ancient strategy for riding out famines: switch resources from reproduction to tissue maintenance. A healthy diet but with 30 percent fewer calories than usual triggers this reaction in mice and is the one intervention that reliably increases their life span. The mice seem to live longer because they are somehow protected from the usual diseases that kill them.

But most people cannot keep to a diet with a 30 percent cut in calories, so a drug that could activate the famine reflex might be highly desirable. Dr. Leonard Guarente, an M.I.T. biologist who founded the field of sirtuin biology, thinks the famine reflex is mediated through the sirtuin enzymes. Dr. Sinclair, his former student, discovered that sirtuins could be activated by drugs. The most potent activator that emerged from his screens was resveratrol, a natural substance found in red wine, though in amounts probably too low to be significant for health.

The Sirtris drug being tested in diabetic patients is a special formulation of resveratrol that delivers a bloodstream dose five times as high as the chemical alone. This drug, called SRT501, has passed safety tests and, at least in small-scale trials, has reduced the patients' glucose levels.

The other drug is a small synthetic chemical that is a thousand times as potent as resveratrol in activating sirtuin and can be given at a much smaller dose. Safety tests in people have just started, with no adverse effects so far.

The hope is that activating sirtuins in people would, like a calorically restricted diet in mice, avert degenerative diseases of aging like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's. There is no Food and Drug Administration category for longevity drugs, so if the company is to submit a drug for approval, it needs to be for a specific disease.

Nonetheless, longevity is what has motivated the researchers and what makes the drugs potentially so appealing.

Dr. Christoph Westphal, the chief executive of Sirtris, said of the potential of the drugs, "I think that if we are right, this could extend life span by 5 or 10 percent." He added that his goal was to develop drugs against specific diseases, with the extension of life being "almost a side effect of our medicine."

Sirtris was founded in 2004 after Dr. Westphal, then working at a Boston venture capital firm, approached Dr. Sinclair. Because of widespread interest in the sirtuin activation idea, Dr. Westphal had little difficulty raising money and recruiting distinguished scientists to Sirtris's advisory board.

He later decided to sell the company to GlaxoSmithKline, he said, because it was getting harder to raise money and clinical trials could proceed faster with the larger company's resources. Sirtris was acquired at an 84 percent premium, better than the 50 percent at which most companies are bought, Dr. Westphal said.

The impact of Sirtris's drugs, if successful, could extend beyond the drug industry. Dr. Guarente believes that many people might start taking them in middle age, though after having started a family because they may suppress fertility.

Mice on the drugs generally remain healthy right until the end of their lives and then just drop dead."If they work in people that way, one would look to an extension of health span, with an extension of life as a possible side effect," Dr. Guarente said. "It would necessitate changing ideas about when people retire and when they stop paying into the system."

GlaxoSmithKline could put SRT501, its resveratrol formulation, on the market right away, selling it as a natural compound and nutritional pharmaceutical that does not require approval by the F.D.A. "We haven't made any decisions, but that clearly is an option," Dr. Vallance said.

If GlaxoSmithKline decides instead to seek F.D.A. approval, it will need to prove that resveratrol is safe in the large doses required for efficacy. Resveratrol seems to exert many influences on the body, some of which are not exerted through sirtuin. "None of us should be naïve enough to think resveratrol won't have multiple effects, including some you don't want," Dr. Vallance said.

GlaxoSmithKline's purchase of Sirtris has pushed the optimism of sirtuin researchers and others to new heights. "We are all holding our breath," said Dr. Huber Warner, editor of the Journals of Gerontology. But the success of the drugs is far from assured.

Most potential drugs fail to make it past clinical trials, and the same may prove true for Sirtris's candidates. The sirtuin-activating chemicals the company has designed could turn out to be toxic. Another uncertainty is that the underlying science is still in flux and debate rages among academic researchers over many details of how caloric restriction works.

Some biologists think that sirtuin is not the only mediator of the famine reflex, and that resveratrol may not work through sirtuin at all in exerting its beneficial effects on mice. "There are data both for and against that hypothesis, though that doesn't dissuade one from pursuing it as a potential benefit," said Dr. Thomas Rando, who studies aging in stem cells at Stanford University.

In initial tests in mice, resveratrol has doubled muscular endurance, lowered the bad form of cholesterol, protected against various bad effects of a high-fat diet and suppressed colon cancer. New reports are confirming some of these benefits, but others are ambiguous or puzzling.

According to a study published on July 3 in the journal Cell Metabolism by Dr. Sinclair and Dr. Rafael de Cabo of the National Institute on Aging, resveratrol given to aging mice reduced their cataracts, strengthened their bones, improved coordination and enhanced their health in several other ways. Yet despite their better health, the mice lived no longer than usual.

"Minimally this calls into question one pillar of the GSK investment," said Dr. Ronald Evans, a leading expert on hormonal responses at the Salk Institute. Dr. Evans said that sirtuin research was promising but unproved, and that he did not agree that sirtuin was the probable mediator of the famine reflex, a concern that "calls into question the second pillar of the GSK investment."

The frontiers of science are often turbulent, and it can take years for clarity to emerge from confusion. Dr. Westphal said the decision to ignore the academic debate about exactly how resveratrol may work was one of two principal reasons for Sirtris's quick success. The other was to focus the company's limited resources on developing just two drugs.

The researchers at Sirtris are no strangers to skepticism. Dr. Guarente and Dr. Sinclair were ridiculed when they first started looking for longevity genes more than 15 years ago, because aging was then considered to be an intractable problem. His colleagues, Dr. Guarente said, "thought I was nuts."

Dr. Sinclair, when he first arrived as a young postdoctoral student in Dr. Guarente's lab to work on longevity, was downcast to learn of the other students' severe doubts. "The view even in Lenny's lab was that this problem was going nowhere, it was a house of cards that would fall down any month now." He called his parents in Australia to tell them he may have made a big mistake. But the research led eventually to the discovery of the sirtuinlike proteins and their role in extending the life span of yeast, worms and flies.

He and Dr. Guarente developed the sirtuin field with the hope of increasing longevity. But because of Sirtris's focus on developing drugs that have the F.D.A.'s approval for specific diseases, both are being less explicit about their hopes of reversing aging. "There's a much greater chance of a drug that can treat disease than of extending life span," Dr. Sinclair said.

"I'm becoming more boring in my old age," he added apologetically.

GlaxoSmithKline's press releases refer to the sirtuins as "enzymes that the company believes control the aging process." But Dr. Vallance is more guarded, saying aging is too hard to measure. The goal is not the extension of human life span; rather, "The prolongation of health is the aim," Dr. Vallance said.

Edited by DaffyDuck, 22 July 2008 - 04:03 PM.

#2 Mind

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 05:59 PM

Nice review of where Sirtris is at with it's 2 supplements. Of course, anxiously waiting for more results.

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#3 bdelfin

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Posted 04 August 2008 - 04:10 PM

So this article had me thinking... The human equivalent of the mouse endurance resveratrol study dosage (400 mg./kg./day, for 15 weeks) is "4,751 mg. for an 80-kg. person" according to the most cited figure (if mindlessly copying passes from Wikipedia counts as a "citation"). And we have some people here who have conducted plenty of interesting trials on themselves, some of them taking place over years. Yet we don't seem to have anyone who's tried this on themselves.

So is anyone out there looking into this? Anyone tempted enough by the thought of increased mitochondria counts to give this a go? Because I would love to see weekly reports of detailed observations, especially the ramp-up period if you do it in a month or less. Hell, I'd kick in a ten-spot for each long-time member willing to try. (What the cheapest source of 98%+ resveratrol in pill form, anyway? And how much cheaper is bulk form?) Why long-time? I'm not about to suggest throwing money at a newbie who might fake the reports :-). And if a lot of people here contributed just $10 to a "resveratrol and some blood tests" fund...

Am I going to hell (moderator or otherwise) for suggesting this? Because if I'm not, could someone who's trusted and respected around here start this up? Pretty please?

#4 maxwatt

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Posted 04 August 2008 - 04:27 PM

So this article had me thinking... The human equivalent of the mouse endurance resveratrol study dosage (400 mg./kg./day, for 15 weeks) is "4,751 mg. for an 80-kg. person" according to the most cited figure (if mindlessly copying passes from Wikipedia counts as a "citation"). And we have some people here who have conducted plenty of interesting trials on themselves, some of them taking place over years. Yet we don't seem to have anyone who's tried this on themselves.

So is anyone out there looking into this? Anyone tempted enough by the thought of increased mitochondria counts to give this a go? Because I would love to see weekly reports of detailed observations, especially the ramp-up period if you do it in a month or less. Hell, I'd kick in a ten-spot for each long-time member willing to try. (What the cheapest source of 98%+ resveratrol in pill form, anyway? And how much cheaper is bulk form?) Why long-time? I'm not about to suggest throwing money at a newbie who might fake the reports :-). And if a lot of people here contributed just $10 to a "resveratrol and some blood tests" fund...

Am I going to hell (moderator or otherwise) for suggesting this? Because if I'm not, could someone who's trusted and respected around here start this up? Pretty please?

Velopismo did something like this in the 500 mg thread. Claimed his cycling improved tremendously. For myself. I've always exercised a lot, but it does seem I am in better shape than I should be endurance-wise for the amount of training time I put in.

FWIW, metformin is also said to activate the same genes, for fat-burning and mitochondrial production as Aicar and resveratrol.

#5 TianZi

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Posted 04 August 2008 - 04:28 PM

So this article had me thinking... The human equivalent of the mouse endurance resveratrol study dosage (400 mg./kg./day, for 15 weeks) is "4,751 mg. for an 80-kg. person" according to the most cited figure (if mindlessly copying passes from Wikipedia counts as a "citation"). And we have some people here who have conducted plenty of interesting trials on themselves, some of them taking place over years. Yet we don't seem to have anyone who's tried this on themselves.

So is anyone out there looking into this? Anyone tempted enough by the thought of increased mitochondria counts to give this a go? Because I would love to see weekly reports of detailed observations, especially the ramp-up period if you do it in a month or less. Hell, I'd kick in a ten-spot for each long-time member willing to try. (What the cheapest source of 98%+ resveratrol in pill form, anyway? And how much cheaper is bulk form?) Why long-time? I'm not about to suggest throwing money at a newbie who might fake the reports :-). And if a lot of people here contributed just $10 to a "resveratrol and some blood tests" fund...

Am I going to hell (moderator or otherwise) for suggesting this? Because if I'm not, could someone who's trusted and respected around here start this up? Pretty please?

I've been taking resveratrol in gradually increasing doses daily, starting about 6 months ago. For the first few months, I took 500 mg daily, then from about months 3-5 took 1 gram daily, and now I am up to 3 grams / 3,000 milligrams daily (morning and evening does of 1.5 grams), taken in a cocktail with milk protein and soy lecithin. (I also take a number of other supplements, all of which I'd been taking prior to starting on resveratrol).

I am 39 years 5 months of age.

For the past 9 months, I have resumed my intense exercise regimen after a 5 month break due to injury. I workout 6 days a week, 2-4 hours a day, with 30 minutes per day at the end of the session devoted to very intense cardio work (the rest is strength training with some stretching / agility / balance work as well). I stress that I work to the very limit of my endurance. I keep a daily log, and always try to improve on my prior performance.

There was no difference in the rate of improvement of my cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, or raw strength before and after beginning res supplementation at 500 mg /daily. I also noticed no difference in rate of improvement after increasing the dose to 1 gram daily.

*HOWEVER*, I started consistently making more rapid improvements in burst cardio performance (the fastest pace at which I could run a single mile, 1.61 km) after increasing the dosage to 3 grams a day (and the frequency of dosage--at the 500 mg and 1 gram levels, I'd only been taking it once daily). This could be attributable to something else, but I thought I'd mention it, especially since I've been exercising regularly for such a very long period of time that an abruptly improved rate of improvement like this is unusual (I'm also not getting any younger).

(By the way, my primary purpose in increasing dosage wasn't to improve my athletic performance, but to achieve the best anti-aging results. I have no intention of further increasing my dosage at present.)

Edited by TianZi, 04 August 2008 - 04:35 PM.

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#6 VP.

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Posted 04 August 2008 - 06:40 PM

So this article had me thinking... The human equivalent of the mouse endurance resveratrol study dosage (400 mg./kg./day, for 15 weeks) is "4,751 mg. for an 80-kg. person" according to the most cited figure (if mindlessly copying passes from Wikipedia counts as a "citation"). And we have some people here who have conducted plenty of interesting trials on themselves, some of them taking place over years. Yet we don't seem to have anyone who's tried this on themselves.

So is anyone out there looking into this? Anyone tempted enough by the thought of increased mitochondria counts to give this a go? Because I would love to see weekly reports of detailed observations, especially the ramp-up period if you do it in a month or less. Hell, I'd kick in a ten-spot for each long-time member willing to try. (What the cheapest source of 98%+ resveratrol in pill form, anyway? And how much cheaper is bulk form?) Why long-time? I'm not about to suggest throwing money at a newbie who might fake the reports :-). And if a lot of people here contributed just $10 to a "resveratrol and some blood tests" fund...

Am I going to hell (moderator or otherwise) for suggesting this? Because if I'm not, could someone who's trusted and respected around here start this up? Pretty please?

It's too late for weekly reports of the ramp up period. I believe Res has made a difference but it's so anecdotal as to be useless even as a data point. I'm stronger on my bike as measured by a power meter and racing with my friends. Is it due to placebo or working out more because I "think" I'm stronger? I'll be ramping up for a 62 mile race in a few weeks but how will I know if res made a difference or not? I'm not talking about Tour de France condition. 20% better than mediocre is still just OK. Just too many variables. I can say with certainty that it has not made me weaker. BTW I'm taking about 1.7 grams a day of 98% with HPMC and milk. Just before the race I'll be up to about 5 grams. I'll be measuring my power output so I'll report my results after I'm done.

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