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MEETING weekly

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 15 August 2008 - 07:00 PM

Meeting closed indefinitely, until further notice.

*Note: MFURI has changed its name. With the split of the ever growing Methuselah Foundation into two now, Methuselah Foundation, and SENS Foundation, the MFURI program has also changed its name. It has moved with SENS to the SENS Foundation and is now the SENS Foundation Academic Initiative - Undergraduate division, or SENSFAI-U.

Immortality Institute weekly Chat Room Meeting for:

21:00 - 2:00 gmt (5:00 - 10:00 pm est) Imminst sponsored, SENS Foundation Academic Initiative - Undergraduate division, SENSFAI-U meeting
-complete meeting schedule here

Open to all. Meeting to discuss SENSFAI-U, the SENS Foundation Academic Initiative - Undergraduate division. SENSFAI-U work supports the Immortality Institutes mission, Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans.

GMT Clock can be found in the meeting room linked to the banner. That link is imminst.org/meetings

Attached File  imminst_broadcast_and_chat_banner.gif   2.48KB   30 downloads

Meeting Heads: Mind, Kelsey Moody, Illuminatus, Brokenportal
Meeting Promoters: (now recruiting, 3 max)
Meeting Secretaries: (optional, now recruiting, 3 max)


Edited by brokenportal, 05 May 2010 - 03:59 PM.

#2 brokenportal

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Posted 18 August 2008 - 07:02 PM

Thats today at 4pm. If your going to be there then let us know here.

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 19 August 2008 - 02:34 AM

This meeting is held every monday. I should have specified that in the topic.

The people who have joined this project team are:


If you want to join then let us know and we will add you to the list. All you have to do is show up for 80 percent of the meetings in a 10 week cycle and you can take credit along with all of us for everything we accomplish as a team.

Today we discussed:

-the AMEX project. We are working to help get Methuselahs Undergraduate Research Initiative nominated for a chance to win part of a 2.5 million dollar prize. If we can get say, 30 people to pledge here to help with this mission to get enough nominations there, 2,000 by september 1rst, then we can acheive that abjective if each person gets around 4 people per day to sign up and nominate there. That is not a lot to ask for at all for a great chance at winning a lot of money for the MFURI cause, which is a major tool in the fight for our lives. So please sign up today. Our team here has reaffirmed our mission to push this nomination effort these next two weeks. We will be finding interested recruiters to direct to the meeting.

-the myspace "Imminst sponsored MFURI fund raiser" cause box. Please join it and donate and or sign on as a recruiter. We are signing people on at this cause box too. This should be put mostly on hold in the mean time though as we work on AMEX. We are signing our team members on to recruit for this box so that we may raise a minimum of $1,000 by the end of the year. Please sign on today. Meet with us mondays at 4pm cst time to ask any questions, give any comments, sign on etc...

-where best to post our team data including team members, updates, schedule and upcoming agenda. So far we have decided on replies in this imminst topic. It will probably stay here, although it may also move to, or also be here:
Myspace "Longevity Communities Network page" (under construction)

Next mondays agenda:

-Talking with all new AMEX recruiters and affirming the numbers we need to get to reach the deadline.
-signing any new interested people on to this weekly MFURI project team meeting.
-tweaking these meetings to work the best

#4 dnamechanic

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Posted 19 August 2008 - 02:56 AM

This meeting is held every monday. I should have specified that in the topic. ..

If you want to join then let us know and we will add you to the list. All you have to do is show up for 80 percent of the meetings in a 10 week cycle and you can take credit along with all of us for everything we accomplish as a team.

Thanks BP, for the notes on the meeting.

In a few week I could be available for ~80% of the meetings. Will show up when I can.

I think the AMEX signup issue is important. Will work on getting a few more friends/associates to sign up.

This seems quite do-able for an advocacy organization. (2,000 signatures by September 1st)

Maybe Mind can put up a notice on the front page requesting sign-up support.

This sign-up takes less than 5 minutes.

If life-extensionists cannot collectively accomplish this, it raises the question, what can be done?

Edited by dnamechanic, 19 August 2008 - 02:57 AM.

#5 brokenportal

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Posted 25 August 2008 - 09:00 PM

Hello, meeting starting now. The link is above. Anybody interested at all in helping get the nominations for the amex project meet us there.

Anybody who has helped even a little come there, we need your insight, ideas, experience with what you may have done, input.

Anybody who thinks they can find some time to spare before september 1rst, to help get their lives a ton of money, then meet us in there.

#6 brokenportal

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Posted 25 August 2008 - 09:09 PM


I almost forgot, there is the new meeting schedule posted in the front page links.

Please make all the meetings you can. You are not getting younger. Death is right around the corner.

#7 brokenportal

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Posted 25 August 2008 - 11:24 PM

The meeting started off slow, not many people showing up, but picked up and went better than expected. We need people to show up. Please do.

I can get about 350 to 450 more recruits for the AMEX project to raise undergrad money. That means only 3 or 4 more people could help secure these nominations. We are not far off.

Pledge an amount today. Every 100 myspace comments yeilds roughly 30 nominations or more, because comments continue to recruit every day.

As for messaging people directly Ide estimate that you get about 30 nominations out of every 200.

So make a rough estimate and tell us how many you can pledge by september 1rst, it will help boost moral and move things a long, we are close, so very close.

#8 kismet

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Posted 25 August 2008 - 11:32 PM

Damn it I missed it, even though I really wanted to attend. I was literally dead tired after today's training and forgot.
I can get 50-150 people to sign BTW.

#9 brokenportal

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Posted 25 August 2008 - 11:46 PM

What do you train for? Are you like a drill seargent in the marines or something? Anyways, it was small, but worth it. Do make them, this is coming along well.

We are holding another meeting for AMEX tomorrow, its in addition to the regular MFURI meeting that was today. Tomorrow it will be at 4pm cst time in the ustream.

Alright, so your down for 50 to 150, thats great, now if we can get people to view this and take notice of how simple this will be we will have this in no time, with no problem. Well, it will be hard, but nothing thats worth it is easy.

#10 brokenportal

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 06:43 PM

Because of the nature and urgency of the AMEX project we are holding another special meeting today in the ustream for the Undergrad Initiative.

In order to inspire others and get an idea of how much fire power we have and are working on getting for this yet, lets get a list of "What Im doing in the next 3 days for this" kind of thing going for it.

Im finding that there are still plenty of people in the life extension community that havent heard about this yet. There is a lot of room left to work with. Bring your ideas to the meeting. Thanks a million, hopefully 1.5 million.

#11 brokenportal

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 08:59 PM

Special meeting on AMEX starting in a couple minutes.

#12 brokenportal

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 09:52 PM

The team working on it have drained their contact lists.

We need more ideas and more help if we are going to make it.

If you have any ideas or time, please jump on now, time is running out, we need you, the world needs you, your life needs you. We are so close.

#13 brokenportal

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 08:55 PM

There is another special meeting for the undergrad AMEX project today at 4pm cst time. Thats about 5 minutes from now. Please make it if you can. I have an idea that I think may work wonders for these next two days. Please bring your ideas.

#14 Ghostrider

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 05:24 AM

The team working on it have drained their contact lists.

We need more ideas and more help if we are going to make it.

If you have any ideas or time, please jump on now, time is running out, we need you, the world needs you, your life needs you. We are so close.

I think we will find the greatest returns by reaching out and getting other sites related to live extension to join us in advertising the AMEX longevity research. For example, although LongevityMeme and BetterHumans both advertise the initiative on the front page, RelentlessImprovement and www.kurzweilai.net do not. If we promoted this at kurzweilai.net, I imagine we would get at least as much traction as this site brings. Hey Bruce, how about Novamente.com? I know they are a SENS 1% for life donor, so I think they would be open to supporting. Also, for the next day, could we make the AMEX banner the only headline on the Imminst frontpage? I would be careful with your targetting through. I would NOT post flyers about this at the local library, for example, because the people there might go to the AMEX site and then find another project that they would rather support. We do need to be targetted in our recruiting. If I have any more ideas, I will post them here. Definitely on the Internet forums will give us the biggest returns.

#15 brokenportal

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 06:57 AM

I think we will find the greatest returns by reaching out and getting other sites related to live extension to join us in advertising the AMEX longevity research.

I think so too. Heres a great list of sites that Im working off of right now.

Longevity and betterhumans both have it on the front page? Thats awsome. Kurweils people sent it out in a newsletter, and cel said they would too.

Good point about the library thing. Go to the discussion boards in the members project site and tell other teams that since they wont make the top 25 that they should vote for us.

Also say stuff like, "I recomend getting undergrads to research your disease, thats what we are doing for aging." then it will stick out to them when they are perusing the top 25. Only say that to people that arent going to make the top 25 though.

Spread positive comments about methuselah and the project in the discussion boards at the amex project too because that is one of the things they say they are looking for in the description of the project. They are also looking for a group that they can trust to spend the money well, that is fiscally responsible and has shown competence in this kind of stuff.

I now have $200.00 to go toward an ad. I went to go gamble away 6 dollars I had, and on the way to the gambling machine, I swear to god, I found a ten dollar bill on the side walk, then I gambled that 16 bucks and won a hundred. An omen? No, but lets pretend it is.

Whats a good way to use that on advertising? If anybody is good with ebay, can you look for some clever ad space being sold on there and let us know? Also, Ide like to make a treasure chest $200.00 matching request. Do any directors want to invest in this?

#16 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 07:33 AM

Whats a good way to use that on advertising?

I still recommend garnering votes via direct micropayments such as through Mechanical Turk if possible. If that's not, there's always the Namepros incentive forum where people will do tasks in exchange for forum currency (which can be purchased on the exchange. If someone wants to take this route I'd be willing to donate some NP$ for them to use.

#17 brokenportal

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 05:44 PM

Ive never heard of that before. How does that work exactly?

Could these tasks they perform for money be considered "padding" of our votes?

How many votes could we get for between 2 and 6 hundred dollars?

#18 kevin

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 07:18 AM

Ive never heard of that before. How does that work exactly?

Could these tasks they perform for money be considered "padding" of our votes?

How many votes could we get for between 2 and 6 hundred dollars?

Hi Eric,

This would definitely not be something to be tried.


#19 kevin

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 07:40 AM

Hi all,

A superb effort!!!

Amazing really! I have to thank all of you especially, brokenportal and dnamechanic, for their tireless and unwavering effort. I am taken aback, encouraged, and humbled all at once. With this kind of enthusiasm we will be able to do great things.

I want to thank everyone but I also have a request. I would like to respectfully ask that we stand down a bit from our MFURI efforts here for the time being for two reasons. One is so that the Methuselah Foundation can catch up to events that are going on here which are seeming to move quite fast, and the second is that we have reason for concern that some of the efforts of our supporters in getting the message out are unappreciated. Now there is not significant threat or cause for concern, but the information it is from an organization we really respect and we need to take note from that POV.

In this light and in the fact that the situation is not likely to materially change in the next few hrs, I think we can call it a job well done. We are almost definitely in the Top 25 and have attained the goal we set for ourselves at this junction in the competition. We would likely not have made it here without the help of those of you here and you know who you are so please accept our humble thanks. In the future, we will have to carefully gauge how we approach the next level and create some communication and coordination between different as this becomes an even broader and hopefully effective. To that end, as the parent organization, the Methuselah Foundation will need to take the lead on any further Outreach Efforts for MFURI which I'm sure is already the case. Brokenportal and dnamechanic please contact Kelsey and we we can set up some lines of communication to prepare for the future that include all relevant parties.

Thanks again, we are making a tremendous impact.


Edited by kevin, 01 September 2008 - 07:41 AM.

#20 Mind

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 03:39 PM

Hello all. I will not be able to attend the regular 4pm (central) meeting time today. Not sure if Eric is available either. If a few of you are hanging around feel free to start-up a discussion and be sure to invite Kevin as he is formulating a strategy for the second round of the AMEX grant proposal.

#21 dnamechanic

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 04:53 PM

Hello all. ...be sure to invite Kevin as he is formulating a strategy for the second round of the AMEX grant proposal.

Thanks Mind.

I will be there.

Thanks Kevin for your informative posts regarding this topic.

Its a good bet that all supporters are interested in the strategy for the next challenge.

This could be interesting, Kevin you are certainly invited.

Hope ImmInst supporters and RRT guys can be there:

[url="http://"http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sunday-evening-update"] The Ustream channel - 4 PM CDT.[/url]

#22 kevin

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 05:01 PM

Hello all. ...be sure to invite Kevin as he is formulating a strategy for the second round of the AMEX grant proposal.

Thanks Mind.

I will be there.

Thanks Kevin for your informative posts regarding this topic.

Its a good bet that all supporters are interested in the strategy for the next challenge.

This could be interesting, Kevin you are certainly invited.

Hope ImmInst supporters and RRT guys can be there:

[url="http://"http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sunday-evening-update"] The Ustream channel - 4 PM CDT.[/url]

I will try to be there but have a family function that may preclude me attending. Definitely PM kmoody and invite him. He is the Director of MFURI and should likely be invited to any discussions as well. Our strategy was just to make it through the first round and we have two or three very savvy social networking gurus that we hope to tap for their opinion on an overall approach. I think we can afford to take a step back, reconnoiter and talk about how to best move forward.


#23 brokenportal

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 05:57 PM

Alright, thanks for stepping in Kevin. Im sure your busy all the time. We will help everybody working with this and do what we can to take this to the next level.

I cant wait to hear more about these social networking gurus. A little money and planning to that end should all but garauntee this project a spot in the top five.

The meeting will be today at 4pm cst time for anybody interested.

#24 kevin

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 06:13 PM

Alright, thanks for stepping in Kevin. Im sure your busy all the time. We will help everybody working with this and do what we can to take this to the next level.

I cant wait to hear more about these social networking gurus. A little money and planning to that end should all but garauntee this project a spot in the top five.

The meeting will be today at 4pm cst time for anybody interested.

Awesome.... I asked a question in the Projects 2.0 thread about you attending the chat that you've answered here.. perhaps we can close the old threads now and concentrate discussions in that thread and spawn others off and pin them for easy access so we don't start seeing info go sideways?


#25 brokenportal

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 05:32 PM

I forgot to specify that this is the topic for the weekly MFURI meeting.

I think it should probably be redone and put someplace else. Any ideas on that anybody? If you are free at 4pm cst time, please do go to the meeting in the ustream.

#26 brokenportal

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 09:01 PM

Meeting starting now, all are welcome, new members and people browsing imminst included. Hot topics today.

#27 Mind

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 08:20 PM

Meeting around 4pm Central, 21:00 GMT. Don't have anything special on the agenda. Will just discuss how to move forward now that AMEX took a hatchet to the Undergrads.

Promotion, funding, and Imminst collaboration with MFURI will be discussed.

#28 brokenportal

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 09:10 PM

Has started now, anybody interested please do bring your ideas. I want to get some discussion going on the MFURI fundraiser we are doing in myspace, and then see where else people may want to do them. Kelsey wants to coordinate more directly and we will discuss that too if he is there.

#29 brokenportal

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Posted 22 September 2008 - 08:55 PM

Meeting is starting soon, if you can make it please do. Bring your ideas and help us discuss the issues. Kelsey Moody will be there today talking about volunteer opportunities for MFURI.

Heres a link to it: http://profile.myspa...51-344205b692d2

Edited by brokenportal, 22 September 2008 - 08:56 PM.

#30 Mind

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Posted 29 September 2008 - 07:57 PM

This meeting will be coming up at 4pm Central, (21:00 GMT). Today. Monday. Please bring any ideas or questions. Sometimes there are defined topics, other times it is more open brainstorming.

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