Meeting closed indefinitely, until further notice.
*Note: MFURI has changed its name. With the split of the ever growing Methuselah Foundation into two now, Methuselah Foundation, and SENS Foundation, the MFURI program has also changed its name. It has moved with SENS to the SENS Foundation and is now the SENS Foundation Academic Initiative - Undergraduate division, or SENSFAI-U.
Immortality Institute weekly Chat Room Meeting for:
21:00 - 2:00 gmt (5:00 - 10:00 pm est) Imminst sponsored, SENS Foundation Academic Initiative - Undergraduate division, SENSFAI-U meeting
-complete meeting schedule here
Open to all. Meeting to discuss SENSFAI-U, the SENS Foundation Academic Initiative - Undergraduate division. SENSFAI-U work supports the Immortality Institutes mission, Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans.
GMT Clock can be found in the meeting room linked to the banner. That link is

Meeting Heads: Mind, Kelsey Moody, Illuminatus, Brokenportal
Meeting Promoters: (now recruiting, 3 max)
Meeting Secretaries: (optional, now recruiting, 3 max)
Edited by brokenportal, 05 May 2010 - 03:59 PM.